Favorite newcomer?

  • Azucena

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • Victor

    Votes: 123 16.1%
  • Reina

    Votes: 488 64.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 26, 2017
Well I guess for the time being, Asuka's my main cause she's a lot of fun to play. Dabbled with Law and just not really feeling it. Lee on the other hand, getting his just frames in is just good feels.

Starting to get the rhythm of wave dashing but still got a long way to go. Once I get comfortable wit Asuka and Lee, I'll work on Victor next and get my muscle memory back with Ling.


Oct 27, 2017
No other fighting game gets my thumbs sizzling like Tekken.

I gotta get used to it and build up some callouses.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah that one is great, the guy did the 4 chars of the demo i think so far. But here is what i was talking about :


A list of the best moves for every char (Devil Jin here for instance), explaining why they are good. It helped me a lot to learn characters in T7, and to apply a basic gameplan
Yea this looks great but sadly I havent seen an equivalent of this for 8 yet, bear in mind the game and its full roster is still fresh so it'l take a second.

What's the source for this? Are they made for all characters? And why are those notations X-ed out?
I saw it passed on twitter a while back but there's also a reddit thread. So far he only did 4 characters.


Oct 25, 2017
i only saw max reaction yesterday in his stream. are there other youtubers that did a full story react?
Yeah so far Rip and K-Wiss do theirs.

Saint Seiya fans when THAT thing happened: Wait a minute!
The mode in general really surprised me. They took all that feedback from T7 and said "aight, we know what we gotta do."


Oct 25, 2017
The main menu character should change to Jin once you complete the story. Feels weird seeing Kazuya's face.

I'd definitely want it to be selectable. Kind of surprised they didn't think about that as an option. I'd love to see some of the other characters with that glow up.

Speaking of, I'm loving my theory that this could be the first Tekken with a heavy narrative update to go along with the typical "[x]R" update. Reina absolutely deserves front cover status and a story mode update to solidify some of the story elements would be quite neat. Maybe some chapters following her time before, during and after the main story events as well as some (all?) of the season pass characters as a taste for folks who havent purchased it.

I was thinking the same thing. The end reveal for Reina in the story (haven't done her episode yet) was a weird tease for what seems like will be the new main villain. But doing an additional story arc with the level of budget they had for the main story might be too costly.


Nov 14, 2021
I've been playing Tekken since Tekken 2 and been playing every single entry in the series. Yet, I haven't purchased Tekken 8 and I dunno if I should. I've realized I'm never getting good at these games as I button mash and the closest I've gotten to any progress was Tekken 7 with Josie and memorizing one of her combos. I don't know if Arcade Quest can push me a little further.

In the Fighting Lounge, is it possible to watch others fight in their matches?
If you've played every single Tekken since 2: sounds like there is plenty of fun for you, besides "getting good".

That said, it helps to have motivation to "get good". Try showing up to a local Tekken event. There's one in my town, Monday night.

And spend more time in training mode, actually learning a character. Rather than messing around with story modes or trying to be as flashy as possible, as easily as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
The lore, callbacks, music changes, moments, like this story mode felt like it was made with the real fans in mind. Playing it I was like "nah, you wouldn't get this if you don't know what that song's from" and I was geeking out all the way through. Even the part with them making a joke about Asuka and Jin being related and then later on them talking about the Kazama Family Tree. That's stuff that fans love.


Oct 27, 2017
Xiaoyu is as sick as ever. I love her. Did all her combo challenges. I'm happy those are in the game. I love to look at combo trials and try to find more optimal and damaging combos using what they give you as a base. She's still kind of overwhelming with all her back turn and Phoenix stance stuff but I had fun just practicing.

Impractical baby combo/setup thing.

View: https://x.com/swoledadguyy/status/1751335787981881597?s=46&t=wUje6P2uj2BaCZRBHRVcKQ

Not sure if this is exactly what you mean but there's this:


Jin "quick" guide. Fucking fighting games lol.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Alright so character guides are being written right now, just found this :


TEKKEN 8 - Character Guides

HOME PAGE TEKKEN 8 CHARACTER GUIDES,WHAT IS ALL THIS "1+2,1,F+2~F" STUFF??,CONTRIBUTORS,MORE USEFUL RESOURCES FOR LEARNING,FUTURE PLANS (feel free to suggest any more resources),guide completion progress: 12/33 These guides were made to help guide players who are learning new characters, organi...

Bryan / Jin / Jun / Kazuya / Lili / Paul are already done.


Oct 27, 2017
I came across an early tutorial arcade challenge first Tornado combo with Asuka where the combo instructions on the screen had one move I feel didn't match?

Don't know if I'm wrong? The combo demonstration look like she had to do a dragon wheel kick as part of step two, but the onscreen instructions button presses didn't match that, had something entirely different.

Anyone else come across this in the tutorial? Not sure if I'm doing something wrong.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, i dont blame you for getting confused by that wall of text. So much for a quick guide.
I liked the layout with the separation of tornados and launchers and such. "Quick" is apt as I can easily find what I'd be looking for. I'd prefer it on a full sheet (RIP strategy guides) as opposed to a phone screen in a forum post but I'd gladly take a peek at and use a Yoshi version. I've only messed around with muscle memory and blindly learned his new moves and notations so far. Haven't opened up and deep dived into the moves list yet.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else finding that the combo damage display in Practice Mode seems inconsistent? Seems like it gets confused if there's too much delay between moves.


Dec 23, 2018
Alright so character guides are being written right now, just found this :


TEKKEN 8 - Character Guides

HOME PAGE TEKKEN 8 CHARACTER GUIDES,WHAT IS ALL THIS "1+2,1,F+2~F" STUFF??,CONTRIBUTORS,MORE USEFUL RESOURCES FOR LEARNING,FUTURE PLANS (feel free to suggest any more resources),guide completion progress: 12/33 These guides were made to help guide players who are learning new characters, organi...

Bryan / Jin / Jun / Kazuya / Lili / Paul are already done.
I only looked at the quick description for Lili and read that she is a technical character who requires practice and patience. Maybe I made a mistake choosing her as my first character!


Oct 27, 2017
I liked the layout with the separation of tornados and launchers and such. "Quick" is apt as I can easily find what I'd be looking for. I'd prefer it on a full sheet (RIP strategy guides) as opposed to a phone screen in a forum post but I'd gladly take a peek at and use a Yoshi version. I've only messed around with muscle memory and blindly learned his new moves and notations so far. Haven't opened up and deep dived into the moves list yet.
I was commenting more on the absurdity of it being "quick" with that size, like Astral did here, than criticising the guide itself, which is perfectly fine.

I'm gonna need to create something like it for the characters i use, because this game is making me feel old lmao.


Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, that's probably as "quick" as it gets for something like Tekken.

Also can someone confirm that it's Antares and Snow Castle that play in the Jin vs Devil Jin fight in Story Mode? I'm trying to replace some stage music and that moment was awesome for the music alone.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, that's probably as "quick" as it gets for something like Tekken.

Also can someone confirm that it's Antares and Snow Castle that play in the Jin vs Devil Jin fight in Story Mode? I'm trying to replace some stage music and that moment was awesome for the music alone.


Avatar Artisan
Oct 1, 2018
I should buy an arcade stick or a fightpad... my thumb is literally bleeding right now because of the d-pad of my controller, shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish battle HUD was more customizable... everything is goddamn huge and distracting. I played SF6 without healthbars at all and it was mostly fine for my low level play, it also had nice audio cues for when your or enemy health is low and stuff like that. At newbie level i think just extra mental load without much benefit...

Option to at least scale everything and make it semi-transparent would be nice🙏

Love the game so far. Barely played anything yet, but this seems like a perfect game to try and learn 3D fighter for the first time.


Oct 27, 2017
Cool. Honestly I keep thinking about the story mode. The story itself is nothing special. Been there done that. But the presentation is so damn good. And I won't say Jin is totally 100% redeemed but I'm pretty satisfied with his character arc overall. He became cool again.


Nov 18, 2017
Finished the story in the last hour or so and had a really good time with it. I've played every mainline game (and the first Tag) but only recently played the Tekken 7 scenario mode.

I mention it, because it's a huge step up when played, essentially, back-to-back.

A few random story mode thoughts, major spoilers obviously -

I think their treatment of Jin is solid. The wider cast do treat him as a saviour - which makes sense to some degree, even if his actions in 6 are tough to swallow. But at least Jin is self-aware of his past throughout and genuinely doesn't feel like he deserves to live. He says, on multiple occasions, he's happy to die to finish things once and for all. His actions aren't swept under the rug - though I can understand why some would say they aren't directly tackled in a satisfying way. Whether you think he deserves the ending he got or not, I think they do a good job bringing him back as a character after doing their best to ruin him in recent instalments.

It's a bit muddled, but I think they stick the landing for Jin, even if awkwardly.

Reina is brilliant. I said it a few pages back but - she's a sinister schemer who masquerades as the group cheerleader. From her overexuberant interactions with Jin and the wider cast, to her more calculated inner monologue, she's someone you can't take your eyes off. When she head-butted Devil Kazuya and gave him a smirk, I thought yep, this is the good stuff. Great design, great voice work and used perfectly - she's always around, has some badass moments but never overpowers the main story.

The idea of her having the devil gene and the questions that poses are cool, but I do think it took away from the ending a bit. Jin finally succeeding in destroying the devil gene was really powerful and opened the doorway to a new era of Tekken. He'd been trying to do it for decades. Kill Kaz off, let Jin live a quiet life with his girlfriend and move the franchise forward. As it stands, it's presumably Jin and Kaz squaring off against a devil Reina soon… it's not bad. I just think this was their chance to massively shake things up.

In some ways, they could have had Reina help Jin defeat Kazuya, allowing Jin to ride off into the sunset and promoting Reina to series protagonist. But I do like sinister Reina so…

I've not played the post story unlockables, but Jun's return feels like a big missed opportunity and I felt like her involvement could have been expanded upon.

Overall the pacing and construction of the story was a lot better than 7. The story dialogue is campy and utilitarian in equal measure, but it's churned through quickly enough that nothing overstays its welcome. Good fun, just wished they made some bolder decisions for the future. So many cool callbacks too. If you're a big Jin fan - like me - you can't not love the last 10% of the campaign. Angel Jin, T3 Jin, Kazama-style Jin…

… whatever you say about it all, a major part of the story was Jin accepting all aspects of himself, so to see that actually play out in gameplay is wicked - and something even more accomplished story games get wrong all the time.
Oct 25, 2017
This is my first Tekken game, I don't know what I'm doing but I like Leo and Asuka, are there any basic guides for them? So far I'm enjoying the game a lot but it's very different from the stuff I usually play(SF/GG/Melty) so I feel like a beginner even when I have experience in fighting games. I also recently got a Hitbox so this is the first game I'm trying to learn while using that, it's not that bad so far.

I'm on PC and the game is so beautiful as well, maybe I'll do that Arcade story thing because it seems like a cool thing to learn more about the game.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The lore, callbacks, music changes, moments, like this story mode felt like it was made with the real fans in mind. Playing it I was like "nah, you wouldn't get this if you don't know what that song's from" and I was geeking out all the way through. Even the part with them making a joke about Asuka and Jin being related and then later on them talking about the Kazama Family Tree. That's stuff that fans love.

Exactly! Murray and Harada both were pleading players to play the Story Mode. Now we know why.


Nov 7, 2017
I was turning on/off Special Style having no idea what it was... and then getting mad when I was 100% positive I did the button prompts the way it told me...

I hate myself.

Uncle Sensei

Oct 25, 2017
Sorry if this got already asked but how can I rotate the camera in Arcade Quest (and the character customization / editor) on stick? SF6 has a button combination that helps with that, I couldn't find one in Tekken 8 sadly.
For arcade quest, if you hold the top far right button (l1 I think?) and then pressing square and triangle will move the camera


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
As a 'I haven't played for 20 years' SF alumni this video someone previously posted has helped in describing the basics in a general fgc way(and how it differs from other fighting games).



Like our first video on this channel in 2009, in this video we cover the FULL SYSTEM MECHANICS of TEKKEN 8. This full TEKKEN 8 guide is a learning resource f...

This is good so far, was wondering how to do low parries when they were happening to me last night.


Oct 25, 2017
Cool. Honestly I keep thinking about the story mode. The story itself is nothing special. Been there done that. But the presentation is so damn good. And I won't say Jin is totally 100% redeemed but I'm pretty satisfied with his character arc overall. He became cool again.
Yeah the story isn't anything we haven't seen but it's just done so well and it's done in the ways that make Tekken amazing. Like everything we really love about Tekken's story, lore and just the essence of Tekken is in this story mode. I don't even know what they'll do for future story modes but I have complete faith in them.

And yeah, this Jin might be my favorite Jin tied with T3 Jin.
Exactly! Murray and Harada both were pleading players to play the Story Mode. Now we know why.
Yep! Since I played T2 I've cared the story. While gameplay and being online is dope a lot of us really care about the lore and characters and hell even some of us play Tekken mostly for that. This story mode's giving us that while also giving something to the people that play Tekken but don't care too much about that. It's so cool.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Just copped, I haven't played taken since 5 and man where do I even start? What mode teaches the basics? How the fuck am I supposed to know good bnbs and all that.

Must interested in Steve and Hworang

Bizkit Krueger

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Sep 8, 2022
Just copped, I haven't played taken since 5 and man where do I even start? What mode teaches the basics? How the fuck am I supposed to know good bnbs and all that.

Must interested in Steve and Hworang

arcade quest teaches the basics pretty well, and training mode has combo trials in there if you want to mess around and get a feel for the characters


Dec 23, 2018
Playing Arcade Quest I got an objective to deal 70+ damage with one combo with Lili and I'm not sure I'll pull that off anytime soon…