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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What's this "sex is real!" shit she keeps banging on about?

Has there actually been anyone claiming it isn't?

edit: Oh wait, I see now from the above posts. So it's basically just a transphobe variation on "I'm not a Nazi, I'm 'alt-right'"?
It's the gender equivalent of "race realism"


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
JKR really wrote a series including a species (metamorphagi) who can change any aspect of their body at will but hates trans people... the brain worms...

Anyway a not entirely comprehensive list of the absolute rancid garbage in the Harry Potter series that means "haha it came from Hatsune Miku/space" doesn't work because her shitty viewpoints permeate the writing (note: I'm not saying you can't enjoy HP! But you have to think critically about it ESPECIALLY knowing that JKR is TERF garbage):
  • Hook-nosed greedy goblin bankers
  • The one Irish character is named Seamus Finnegan and is constantly blowing shit up
  • The one important east Asian character is called Cho Chang which is really the most "generic Asian name because they're all the same right?" ever
  • Cho is treated like a crazy hysterical lunatic for the horrible crime of...being a 16 year old girl who is grieving for her murdered boyfriend
  • House-elves are a species that exist to be enslaved and they LOVE being enslaved. Being freed from enslavement makes them extremely depressed (see Winky in GoF)
  • Hermione's campaign to end aforementioned slavery is treated as a joke with Harry and Ron, our other two "heroes", doing nothing but rolling their eyes at her and talking about how annoying she is
  • Werewolves = HIV. Fenrir Greyback is a werewolf who loves infecting as many children as he can
  • Dumbledore and Grindelwald (aka proto-Wizard Hitler) were boyfriends??? Don't expect to see this in the actual books though, because JKR wants Woke Points without risk of backlash
  • The treatment of Slytherin house in general. "Don't judge people by the groups they belong to! Unless they're Slytherins in which case they're guaranteed to be evil" aka demonisation of literal children
  • Similarly Slytherin as indoctrination to the Death Eaters is never addressed and is just allowed to foster even by supposed "heroic" characters
  • Voldmort is evil because he was born of rape. Okay.
  • Snape, the man who terrorised children, including the son of his supposed "true love" (because HUEGHHGHEG he looks like his dad who was MEAN TO MEEEEE anyway I'm a wizard Nazi who insulted her with racial slurs but let's not talk about that) gets a redemption arc. "Albus Severus Potter, you were named for two of the bravest men I ever knew" BARF!!! What the fuck!!!
  • Umbridge, while thoroughly evil, is implied to be raped as "punishment" for her crimes. Feminism!
  • Harry dreams of nothing more than becoming a Wizard Cop and his becoming one is treated like a happy ending despite it being a) bootlicking nonsense and b) a complete contradiction to the themes set up in the series
  • In general Harry remains a passive observer and is totally cool with the status quo of isolationism, racism, blood purity and LITERAL CHATTEL SLAVERY and never does anything to change it
I probably missed stuff, feel free to add more. But yeah these books aren't like Minecraft which is devoid of its creator's shitty views. HP is STEEPED in JKR's bullshit.

Good lord I hadn't caught so much of this - great work


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017

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Mar 14, 2020
So, she's finally come out openly as a hateful sack of shit. Now I'm just curious to know if she's being just being ignorant or dishonest with those shitty attempts at arguments of hers.

What is it with the British isles and transphobia these days anyway? Glinner, Rowling, Gervais and whoever else. Fuck's wrong with them?
Not sure why Britain is being singled out here, there's going to be plenty of transphobic people all over the world, especially in certain other countries compared to Britain.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure why Britain is being singled out here, there's going to be plenty of transphobic people all over the world, especially in certain other countries compared to Britain.
Because it's hella mainstream in the liberal/left there. the Guardian was publishing hit pieces on trans people long after most respectable news groups got a grasp on trans rights.


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Have a friend defending Rowling and doubling down even when other women are trying to correct her. That'll be the second person I'm cutting off this year for this kind of bullshit.

White bourgeois feminism needs to die.
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May 9, 2018
Not sure why Britain is being singled out here, there's going to be plenty of transphobic people all over the world, especially in certain other countries compared to Britain.

The UK has a special problem with transphobia, particularly of the TERF variety, because of a website called Mumsnet that shifted the conversation there to make it seem like trans women existing is the MOST PRESSING ISSUE OF OUR TIMES, and a bunch of cis people fell for it. Here's an article that explains a bit about how the national conversation in the UK got so transphobic.

Also, trans people to JKR:


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure why Britain is being singled out here, there's going to be plenty of transphobic people all over the world, especially in certain other countries compared to Britain.

A lot of left wing circles actively practice TERFy transphobia, across several left wing politics in both Labour and the SNP, and the left wing media (like The Guardian mentioned above, and The Independent).
It's absolutely rancid and disgusting, but it's mainstream.

That's why it stands out, because it often feels like the people who are meant to be on your side are fighting you with alt-right assholes.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Ben Shapiro.... Yikes

Great... Blair White bootlicking coming in 3.....2.......1


Oct 27, 2017
today I learned that Stephen Fry improvised the entire franchise whilst recording the audio book

Deleted member 3812

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Oct 25, 2017
I just blocked a person because she told me this regarding Rowling:

I don't really see that as transphobic I guess I see that at as like I can respect my trans female friend as female but is it a fair thing to put her in competitive sports with cannot simply deny the biology and the struggle of the women...imagine if an all white person told a black person that because they identify as black and so they are black's not transphobic it's more selfish


Oct 28, 2017

Thought this was awesome of Katie Leung to do.

Using the negative attention going around to make a thread linking agencies and organizations that could use donations and petitions for Black trans women and men.


Oct 25, 2017

The fuck happened to her? I really thought she was different. Damn, that's horrible. Gonna X this bitch out my "good person" list forreal.


Oct 27, 2017
It's amazing how people lack the ability to shut the fuck up.

There's literally no reason for anyone to be out there saying this things like this. And yet they do.


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
Really sucks to see how much of a piece of shit she is. Would be nice to see the HP actors speak out against her trash comments.

Edit: just saw Katie Leung's tweets and I love it.
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Oct 25, 2017
Will ya'll stop saying TERFs support trans men? If they think we're just confused women that's not fucking support.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Really sucks to see how much of a piece of shit she is. Would be nice to see the HP actors speak out against her trash comments.

Edit: just saw Katie Leung's tweets and I love it.

The litmus test would be when WB decide to turn The Cursed Child into a movie. However that probably won't happen for another 5 to 8 years.


Oct 25, 2017
How does this even come up? Gotta be a special kind of shitty to go and put this out there when asked, much less out of the fucking blue.
Oct 30, 2017
I remember being a conservative in this vein.
You live under incredible pressure to 'legalistically and philosophically' justify your visceral dislikes. You twist yourself through staggering hoops to get there, and call it mental sophistication.
Then you pull a Rowling or Jordan Peterson when criticized, and dismiss your opponents as lacking nuance and 'not having done the reading'.
Oct 25, 2017
It's really cute in that hashtag the amount of white women who feel under attack when a bigot who happens to be a woman is being shouted down by the rest of twitter.


Oct 27, 2017
Will ya'll stop saying TERFs support trans men? If they think we're just confused women that's not fucking support.
I think it's mainly been me bringing up the difference in her behavior towards trans men vs trans women in this thread.
Looking over my posts, it may not always have been clear but my intent was to point out that she seems to tolerate trans men and claims it to be "support for trans people".
That is obviously not support for anyone, and I'm sorry if this upset you.
I have edited two of my posts to make this more clear. I didn't mean to make this only about trans women, as I know that trans men often don't get the same support that trans women do in many online spaces.


Oct 27, 2017
Really fucking gross how often shitty people try to claim they're totally supportive and love a marginalized group of people while doing absolutely fucking nothing but constantly dragging them down. Unfortunately it's incredibly effective at convincing people who aren't actually following the issues, aren't actually following the speaker's history, that they simply trust thos empty words, those lies of support.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's mainly been me bringing up the difference in her behavior towards trans men vs trans women in this thread.
Looking over my posts, it may not always have been clear but my intent was to point out that she seems to tolerate trans men and claims it to be "support for trans people".
That is obviously not support for anyone, and I'm sorry if this upset you.
I have edited two of my posts to make this more clear. I didn't mean to make this only about trans women, as I know that trans men often don't get the same support that trans women do in many online spaces.

It hasn't just been your posts but I hate singling people out. And I usually chicken out of replying in LGBT+ threads (and ended up not replying in this thread earlier) because it's pretty emotionally exhausting. But I very much appreciate your reply/correction.

I don't think she's ever explictly mentioned trans men but it's true TERFs have way more fearmongering about trans women (and non-binaries if they ever acknowledge their existence) than trans men. Her tweet throwing a fit over the phrase "people who menstruate" seems like more of an attack on trans men inclusion... but then with TERF logic she's probably hyperventilating at the idea of some organization showing support for trans women (respecting them as women even though they don't menstruate) when, like, so many cis women also don't then her shitty logic is also insulting cis women who don't menstruate by implying they aren't real women, lol. TERF logic so gud


Apr 26, 2019
Well tv personality Jonathan Ross has just come out in support of the awful terf and transphobic j k Rolling.

Fuck him.

so, that's rowling, linehan and now Ross.... who's next?
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