
Oct 28, 2017
I'm not saying "Be civil at all times" but when someone is acting foolishly, we shouldn't be bending backwards to defend them just because they're on our side.

I'm not defending her because she is on my side. That's a reduction. I'm saying she is her own person entitled to speak on behalf of her self and that her behaviour doesn't color feminism. She isn't a feminism representative 24/7 where she must bare the cross at all times. Sometimes people just wanna be their own person and when you reduce the behaviour to, is this the way to show feminism all you are doing is putting ownership of a huge diverse and complex issue on one person. It's amoung a million other things, just plainly unfair.

She was rude and abrasive to someone who respected her, and in the end the only people who come out with a victory out of it are the GG crowd.

She was rude and abrasive sure. Apart from that I don't get where you are going with this. GG isn't an entity created from women being rude. It's an entity created by

1) Dudes
2) Gaming culture dominated by dudes
3) Misogyny from dudes

Are you getting why blaming her is missing the point?


Nov 12, 2017
She literally had a hate mob out for her since she first got the job my dude.

Doesn't really have anything to do with the benign comment she received and responded harshly too. Unless you're saying her frustration with other people being shitty to her is an excuse for her to be shitty to someone who's done nothing to her. It's like if you had a bad day at work, and go home and take it out on your family or friends as if it's their fault.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Just don't be surprised if your behavior on Social Media affects your real life, because it is real life. What do you think is going on when people out racists or nazis who say shit on social media and then get fired? Should that noth appen either?

Nazism is an abhorrent ideology and the whole comparisson to a mild twitter incident is not appropiate. Same with racism.

But as I said: Yes, I have reservations about how companies can pry outside of our working enviroment to bind us with more asinine restrictions at the cost of our own working rights. Work related stress can only gets worse when you have your own free time analyzed outside of your working capabilities.


Oct 31, 2017
Unfortunately, we can't know why Fries was fired. I think it's safe to assume that one reason was because he was involved -- but there's no way to know whether or not that was the only reason. He, unlike Price, has decided to take the professional (and career-triage) route of not talking about it.

More like at this stage the hate brigade is going to follow her no matter what which makes getting a new job extremely harder. The hate brigade followed her from her previous employer to gw2. The point being talking is the only thing she can do.

Anyone with a brain knows Peter Fries termination was idiotic, he has nothing to say and if he so choose probably has a better case to get some money for wrongful termination.

a stray cat

Nov 13, 2017
Bay Area
Since you're so concerned with what is good for feminism, what is firing a prominent female dev and throwing her to a hatemob doing to help the cause? Who are all these people you imagine Price was attempting to 'win over' until she uttered the sinful word asshat - is it the same men brigading her and attempting to get other women devs fired?
It wasn't "asshat" that hurts feminism, it was claiming that Deroir's reply was somehow related to her gender that hurts feminism.


User requested ban
Nov 11, 2017
Hate to break it to you, but they really don't.

She was an asshole to a customer on a public forum and got canned as a result. Hopefully she learns from her mistakes.

So the fact that ArenaNet chose to make her firing extremely public and announce it to said mob is justified?


Oct 27, 2017
MY god , this thread..It has snowballed into something so ugly.

I tried to read 16 pages , but i gave up really. SO i just went to read the MOD edits to see the new situation.

If she was harrassed before , why didn't she deal with the situation better ? When the Ceo of states that if she felt harrassed , all she had to do was to contact her team.
But instead , she herself made it a bigger issue.

And the dialog here is still on the critique of when they would have done something if she was under attack. Instead she went on the attack and met a serious backlash.
Like i've read so many things. How does this escuse this extremely poor handling of the situation after a follow-up to an AMA ?

Why do the internet rules of social interraction that exist for every company i know don't work in this case ??

I've worked in a dev team ( network software ), the 2/5 of the team were female. Clear rules about social media exist in so many companies.. like what is happenning in this thread.
Oct 27, 2017
That's really unfortunate.

What's that have to do with this specific comment and her ridiculous response?


You're not being cute here, by the way. People see right through you. An internet hate mob gathered for the sole purpose of trying to get women fired from their positions (see: Video games, movies, comics) has been going after her and jumped at the first chance they got. They swarmed and put pressure on the company. They folded because they're cowards. They labeled her as someone who attacked the community and treated her like an enemy.

Something Jeff Gertstmann said on the Bombcast yesterday, just imagine how unstable GW2 must be if this is how easily they are willing to bend for rabid fans, even the illusion of rabid fans.


Oct 27, 2017
So the fact that ArenaNet chose to make her firing extremely public and announce it to said mob is justified?
She didn't leave them a whole lot of choice.

Generally that's going to be the response. An employee of your company treats a customer like shit, the company makes a statement making it clear that they don't condone that behaviour and they've taken action representative of that.


Oct 25, 2017
If she was harrassed before , why didn't she deal with the situation better ? When the Ceo of states that if she felt harrassed , all she had to do was to contact her team.
But instead , she herself made it a bigger issue.

like what is happenning in this thread.
Victim blaming
Victim blaming is what is happening in this thread.


Oct 25, 2017
Clear rules about social media exist in so many companies.. like what is happenning in this thread.

it makes no sense to me. either people are being purposefully disingenuous or have never held a position at a company with any social media expectations... but even people in retail get fired for being rude to customers publicly on social media ffs

Why didn't they have a lot of choice? Could it be that they were at the mercy of a hate mob and folded instead of stand by their employee?

this is EXACTLY how companies handle firing employees in regards to largely public and media heavy instances. be it starbucks, target, anyone. what planet do you live on? did i miss the drug cookies at the door?


User requested ban
Nov 11, 2017
She didn't leave them a whole lot of choice.

Generally that's going to be the response. An employee of your company treats a customer like shit, the company makes a statement making it clear that they don't condone that behaviour and they've taken action representative of that.

Why didn't they have a lot of choice? Could it be that they were at the mercy of a hate mob and folded instead of stand by their employee?


Oct 26, 2017
How are we still trying to vilify Deroir as condescending or in anyway at fault for what followed?

Seriously? Out of everything surrounding this, the effigial destruction of his character is somehow the most shocking in a shit show where disgusting needs are once again mob harassing a woman?

The ahistorical nonsense that's surrounding the original exchange in order to fit a pre-conceived narrative is transparent as fuck.


Senior Concept Artist
Oct 27, 2017
Telling someone how to do their job when you have no experience doing their job is condescending. How is this so hard?
I am reading the tweets and in no way is he TELLING her how to do her job. He disagrees "slightly" then proceeds to give his own opinion, referring to what he believes is a valid solution, stating that "perhaps" the actions he proposes would improve things, but makes sure to not come across like he explain her her job by ending it with "nonetheless, I appropriates the insightful thread!"

Maybe its because English isn't my primary language but I fail to read at any point where he tells her how to do her job. Could his sentences be better constructed, sure, but I also doubt he was expected to be outed as being condescending and having to be met with open hostility.


Oct 25, 2017
Nazism is an abhorrent ideology and the whole comparisson to a mild twitter incident is not appropiate. Same with racism.

But as I said: Yes, I have reservations about how companies can pry outside of our working enviroment to bind us with more asinine restrictions at the cost of our own working rights. Work related stress can only gets worse when you have your own free time analyzed outside of your working capabilities.

You call it a mild twitter incident, I call it insulting a respected member of the community for a very small perceived slight.

But what matters is she did so while representing her company on social media. And to a ton of companies out there, her behavior would be immediate grounds for dismissal.


Oct 28, 2017
it's fucked up how many people seem to think that this status quo is okay and that ArenaNet has done no wrong because of this, though

Entirely different thread of discussion my dude. I agree with you but some of the shit people are saying om this thread is like, you have to live in another country if you think this cause that's exactly how the fuck things work in the US. You don't even have to have social media, you get caught doing some shit and if it's a big enough deal your work will fire you.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
How are we still trying to vilify Deroir as condescending or in anyway at fault for what followed?

Seriously? Out of everything surrounding this, the effigial destruction of his character is somehow the most shocking in a shit show where disgusting needs are once again mob harassing a woman?

The ahistorical nonsense that's surrounding the original exchange in order to fit a pre-conceived narrative is transparent as fuck.

Saying he did something wrong is not vilifying someone.


Nov 2, 2017
She didn't leave them a whole lot of choice.

Generally that's going to be the response. An employee of your company treats a customer like shit, the company makes a statement making it clear that they don't condone that behaviour and they've taken action representative of that.
Oct 27, 2017
it makes no sense to me. either people are being purposefully disingenuous or have never held a position at a company with any social media expectations... but even people in retail get fired for being rude to customers publicly on social media ffs

"Bad thing happens over here so therefore it's ok for bad thing to happen over there"

Also, it's been stated that Arenanet absolutely did not have any kind of social media policy or direction. Please don't try to push a false narrative. There's was no assumption that the company was going to help her in the face of harassment. She was very clearly on her own.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You call it a mild twitter incident, I call it insulting a respected member of the community for a very small perceived slight.

But what matters is she did so while representing her company on social media. And to a ton of companies out there, her behavior would be immediate grounds for dismissal.

You can't put nazism and this at the same scale at all...

What matters is not that "is what tons of companies out there does" (which, in this case it wasn't even specified to her), what matters is that is fucking wrong specially in this case and even more in the Fries case.

Responding politely and with deference to a public twitter thread is in no way doing something wrong for fucks sake

What happened after is terrible, but this dude had nothing to do with it keep his names out your damn mouth

Politeness don't change the significance of what's inside of it. If an opinion is hurtful, inconsiderate or in this case, condescending and patrionizing, it dosn't fucking matter it was done politely. It was fucking condescending and patrionizing.

And dosn't matter there was no malicious intent.
Oct 27, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland
How are we still trying to vilify Deroir as condescending or in anyway at fault for what followed?

Seriously? Out of everything surrounding this, the effigial destruction of his character is somehow the most shocking in a shit show where disgusting needs are once again mob harassing a woman?

The ahistorical nonsense that's surrounding the original exchange in order to fit a pre-conceived narrative is transparent as fuck.
his comments were condescending. it's not a malicious takedown of his very person to say so, when seen in context and given literally any amount of empathy they just straight up were. i know little about the guy so i'm not gonna ascribe much to his character but what he said was kinda fucking insulting no matter how politely it was dressed up


User requested ban
Nov 11, 2017
How are we still trying to vilify Deroir as condescending or in anyway at fault for what followed?

Seriously? Out of everything surrounding this, the effigial destruction of his character is somehow the most shocking in a shit show where disgusting needs are once again mob harassing a woman?

The ahistorical nonsense that's surrounding the original exchange in order to fit a pre-conceived narrative is transparent as fuck.

Hint: No one is. The fact that "polite nice boy" is accidentally a product of a society that values men more than women is really not the biggest issue here. What kicked this off is emblematic of how female devs are treated. Believe me when I say that some mild pushback on Price's part is not an attack on Deroir and instead what the exchange represents.

What happened after is terrible, but this dude had nothing to do with it keep his names out your damn mouth

uhh... do you wanna date this guy or something?


Oct 27, 2017
I am reading the tweets and in no way is he TELLING her how to do her job. He disagrees "slightly" then proceeds to give his own opinion, referring to what he believes is a valid solution, stating that "perhaps" the actions he proposes would improve things, but makes sure to not come across like he explain her her job by ending it with "nonetheless, I appropriates the insightful thread!"

Maybe its because English isn't my primary language but I fail to read at any point where he tells her how to do her job. Could his sentences be better constructed, sure, but I also doubt he was expected to be outed as being condescending and having to be met with open hostility.

No, the issue is that people are trying to twist Deroir's tweet and character into something else entirely. There was nothing hostile about what he said. He's a content creator for the game, and furthermore a fan that simply wanted to respond to a public post on the game's writing. If Price really believed she was being harassed by him she could have gone to Arenanet and probably get Deroir removed from the partner program. Instead she blew up on him for nothing. Being followed by a hate mob doesn't justify that behavior.


Oct 25, 2017
Price was the target of a misogynistic hate campaign. The @s towards here and other female devs is 99% GamerGaters and about 1% Guild Wars players. This is their standard mode of operation, they suddenly show up no matter the size of the community when they finally corner a target they've been chasing.

Anyone claiming GamerGate has no involvement here is either hopeless naive, or a GamerGater runniing the ol' "wasn't me" script. It'd be great if the administration here didn't allow the second one to be done, but for a forum founded around the concept of believing woman that have been harassed, it sure seems to have turned it's back on them already and now you have to carefully manage what you say along the lines of the ol "Republicans buy shoes too" shlock. Interesting how in women's issues threads, the women here have to fucking do everything themselves with a bunch of men telling them something isn't happening, with no help from the administration, and the result is Era is losing multiple long time women posters every week because they are fucking tired of having to "careful" with their honesty and viewpoints so that it doesn't hurt the feelings of Era's ad clickers.

And save me the ol' "the team here has ____ on it and we care". Words don't mean fuck all. Actions do. It's been tracked for a while now that this forum cares more about throwing out warnings for console wars posts, but does weird shit like only ban misogynistic for 3 days. You can be more transparent without also allowing people to metagame you like Kasparov playing a 5 year old in Tic Tac Toe.

That people even offering the idea that her firing occuring in a vacuum not only receives oxygen here on Era, let alone results in honest call outs of that resulting in decent posters getting warned for it, speaks to how much this forum has failed those it supposedly cared about when founded. I am in the thick of this in twitter right now; male devs going hard against these people do not get a mob on us, even when we're VERY blunt, but female devs that literally just have their company in their bio are getting DMs, mail and email and voice mails sent to their employers at them, hoping to get lucky and another spineless CEO will toss them. Women like Hazel were under the radar, and GamerGate didn't lock onto her until they started keyword searching for tweets supporting Price

So, let's review:

- There is an active, prolonged campaign against women in the games industry.
- This campaign is actively managed and participated in by GamerGate, and can be confirmed by simply searching their subreddit.
- ERA has done a really, REALLY poor job of not giving GamerGate a free megaphone here, proved by facts and community feedback in the relevant community threads, because your "process" is so easily metagamed that I've almost wanted to become a troll account just to prove how broken it is because your moderators hands are so fucking tied not even Houdini could ban an obvious troll account
- Developers are not your property, are not on the clock 24/7, do not owe you a smile, and do not owe you the response you think you deserve
- The things people are claiming these devs on twitter owe them can all be obtained through the company's official support methods, you don't need to go after devs personally
- Critiquing games is okay, constructive critcism is great. Asking for someone to be fired because your feelings got hurt is bullshit, especially when male devs do it all the time and don't get a peep, and a bunch of people actually praise or like smartass male devs (see how many people brag about being blocked by Kamiya) while female devs doing the same are "misrepresenting their company" makes you immediately suspect as to your actual reasons for supporting Price's firing. As it should.

Thanksfully, the industry is about 90% on Price's side on this matter. O'Brian has done more damage to the industry as a whole than the mob could have ever done to his company. It's so fucking ironic that people want devs to be more open and "honest", and when they are, they want them to go back to being PR-laden call center script interactions because some people can't seem to remember that gaming is a hobby, not a goddamn identity and lifestyle.

So much this.


Oct 26, 2017
his comments were condescending. it's not a malicious takedown of his very person to say so, when seen in context and given literally any amount of empathy they just straight up were
No they weren't full fucking stop, we cannot just change what the word condescension means in order to make ourselves feel better about this


Jun 14, 2018
referring to what he believes is a valid solution, stating that "perhaps" the actions he proposes would improve things, but makes sure to not come across like he explain her her job by ending it with "nonetheless, I appropriates the insightful thread!"

That is exactly telling her how to do her job. He proposes a very obvious solution. A solution that is so obvious that you have to assume has been tried, thought of, talked about unless you think they're stupid (even unconsciously!) (maybe because they're a woman?)

The fact that he was polite about it does not change anything.


Oct 25, 2017
You can't put nazism and this at the same scale at all...

What matters is not that "is what tons of companies out there does" (which, in this case it wasn't even specified to her), what matters is that is fucking wrong specially in this case and even more in the Fries case.

Of course Nazism isn't even fucking close to being the same. But both can be described as "Looking bad while representing your company on a public social media account."

And I guess we'll just have to disagree with companies being able to fire you for that. I think companies get away with way too much , but being able to fire someone for causing PR fallout due to representing your company in a bad way is not one of them.


Oct 25, 2017
his comments were condescending. it's not a malicious takedown of his very person to say so, when seen in context and given literally any amount of empathy they just straight up were

I'm sorry I cannot see how his comments were condescending unless any layman criticism is automatically condescending. How should he have done it differently? What should he have said instead to communicate what he wanted to communicate?


Oct 25, 2017
Why didn't they have a lot of choice? Could it be that they were at the mercy of a hate mob and folded instead of stand by their employee?
They were at the mercy of a bad CEO. With all else being the same, better labor protection and a thoughtful CEO wouldn't have "folded", and this another failed attempt.
Oct 27, 2017
Why would they stand by an employee who goes out of their way to attack their customers? Makes no sense.

Instead of handling it like a professional company and dealing with your shit internally, they decided to make it point to throw these employees under the bus - publicly, going as far as treating them like they attacked the community as a whole (including the other guy who just defending a co-worker). That is completely out of line. They created a controversy where they wasn't. They handled it in the worst way possible.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia

Well, bring it up to platinum then. For one example of Kamiya being shown here, there are plenty more examples of people being fired because they were rude or unbecoming in Social Media.

Not that I necessarily agree that firing is the appropriate solution--I would personally leave it to just a reprimand--but it's not like there are no examples of people being fired due to misbehavior in social media, plenty of them, in fact.


Oct 27, 2017
Victim blaming
Victim blaming is what is happening in this thread.
Wait , wait , don't go too far with me.

Few post above , the claim is that she was harrassed and still was harrassed by GG activist.
This give me a new insight to her behavior.
So i ask , ok if this harrassement was going on , but she still was active on social media after this time. Then she should have been able to do something about it.
That's my logical assumption.

But instead she made a bigger mess.
This go back to the end of my post , clear rules for social media exist and are in place in many companies for protection of the employes, so that the company can act switfly to deal with harrassement and mob campaigns.
I just don't get it.

Either those rules are no in place , or something didn't work in this case.
That's all i'm saying here.

a stray cat

Nov 13, 2017
Bay Area
None of this hurts feminism
If you think none of this hurts feminism, then you need to think about what feminism is about to you.

To me feminism is about equality, and to me equality means equal treatment.

How are you supposed to convince people that women are to be treated equally to men when you argue that women can respond differently to very same criticism that men would receive just because they are women? Who are you going to convince with your argument? Surely not people who already think that women should be treated differently.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Of course Nazism isn't even fucking close to being the same. But both can be described as "Looking bad while representing your company on a public social media account."

And I guess we'll just have to disagree with companies being able to fire you for that. I think companies get away with way too much , but being able to fire someone for causing PR fallout due to representing your company in a bad way is not one of them.

What a PR fallout? The GG army on reddit/twitter asking for her head on a plate? C'mon....

Is not like it had gaming press coverage. Probably the fact of firing both for this pitiful incident is causing even a bigger PR fallout....

Yeah, we'll just have to agree on disagree.