
Oct 26, 2017
And it blessed us with "Dual of the Fates" and the dual saber which they still haven't used again???? Also, Darth Maul was rad. I want him back.
darth maul concept art.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I love the original version of Maul's "death". It would actually fit his real death even better since his refusal to learn would lead him to being defeated the same way twice.


Oct 27, 2017
Amidala/Padme having a "crush" on Obi-Wan also make a lot of sense. It's like Lucas went way out of his way to suck any and every bit of humanity from the film. Maul doesn't speak much, all of Obi-Wan's real role in the film is basically replaced by Qui-Gon (who's going to die at the end of the film anyway), Padme is basically just a walking Christmas ornament.

The original Star Wars films had personality and heart, characters felt emotions, TPM is completely devoid of that.


Nov 30, 2018
I'm weird and actually like, maybe love, episode 1..this feels.. Idk.. More generic somehow. I kinda like how their isn't a central protaganist in TPM. However older Anakin.. Yep.. He doesn't need to be a brat or angsty even.. Just older would have helped.
Lol yup me too, every time one of these threads pop up I always gotta defend episode 1...The other 2 prequels, not so much.
Episode 1 is also my favorite...well, my least dislike prequel. It still feels like Lucas was trying, the effects still hold up, and even the actors look like they're trying their hardest with the bad script they've been given.

I'm curious how old you all are cause I was 17 when it came out and was just confused right from the beginning of tpm. That confusion quickly led to disappointment and anger and I didn't bother going back to watch it in the theater. Felt the same way when they re-released the original trilogy and Jabba shows up with Han and they are doing a comedic bit. What the fuck is this horseshit? Jabba would have vaporized Han if he stepped on his tail and disrespected like that.
They were still playing ROJ at the drive in by my house in 1987 so as a kid I loved the ewoks (and I still do) but I wonder if yalls age factored into liking tpm cause we all thought it was shit. After the incredible hype train, all the books, and the cultural phenomenon that was star wars when the tpm finally came out it was a gut punch. I thought it was going to explore the clone wars in which the clones were infiltrating society and causing mayhem and palpatine was behind it. The jedi could sense who the clones were and were being eliminated for it especially after reading Timothy zahns depiction of clones.
George Lucas forgot the face of his father. Glad that you all like it but it was such a departure from the originals and just feel flat for my friends and I. The special effects especially the droid battle at the end look so bad and jarring compared to the practical effects in empire and was a major turn off too
El Bombastico

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
The Jedi robes were chosen because everyone accepted Obi-Wan's look in the first film as being the quintessential look of a Jedi Knight. It makes more sense to have a combat suit with no flowing robes but the robes did give them a distinctive and wise look, so it works, fits the idea of the warrior monk.

Then I guess Owen was a Jedi too?


Its the same damn clothes. Desert apparel. Lucas just got fucking lazy and went for the "Its like poetry" bullshit rather than expand some more effort and try to add something to his universe.
I'm curious how old you all are cause I was 17 when it came out and was just confused right from the beginning of tpm. That confusion quickly led to disappointment and anger and I didn't bother going back to watch it in the theater. Felt the same way when they re-released the original trilogy and Jabba shows up with Han and they are doing a comedic bit. What the fuck is this horseshit? Jabba would have vaporized Han if he stepped on his tail and disrespected like that.
They were still playing ROJ at the drive in by my house in 1987 so as a kid I loved the ewoks (and I still do) but I wonder if yalls age factored into liking tpm cause we all thought it was shit. After the incredible hype train, all the books, and the cultural phenomenon that was star wars when the tpm finally came out it was a gut punch. I thought it was going to explore the clone wars in which the clones were infiltrating society and causing mayhem and palpatine was behind it. The jedi could sense who the clones were and were being eliminated for it especially after reading Timothy zahns depiction of clones.
George Lucas forgot the face of his father. Glad that you all like it but it was such a departure from the originals and just feel flat for my friends and I. The special effects especially the droid battle at the end look so bad and jarring compared to the practical effects in empire and was a major turn off too

I was 9. I liked it well enough in theaters but by the time it came out on VHS I found myself simply fast forwarding to the Darth Maul duel. It was a couple years before I accepted that TPM was shit.


Dec 10, 2017
Then I guess Owen was a Jedi too?


Its the same damn clothes. Desert apparel. Lucas just got fucking lazy and went for the "Its like poetry" bullshit rather than expand some more effort and try to add something to his universe.

Yeah, they were desert clothes chosen originally for Ben, they never thought they'd carry those over to the Jedi. They did at least differentiate by giving them an overtunic similar to what Owen is wearing here but in various shades of brown... and black as Anakin wore. Supposedly many people would only identify a Jedi by the hilt hanging from their hips so maybe that kind of clothing is popular throughout the galaxy? I don't know. It's stupid but it did give the Jedi a distinct look, even if the overtunic would be hilariously unwieldy in any kind of fight (as Liam Neeson discovered in Phantom Menace).


Oct 25, 2017
Some of the concept art I like:

Alec Guinness-style Obi-Wan:

Jar Jar with clothes:

Jar Jar with badass clothes:

Padmé looking straight out of a Moebius-designed world:


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I would be down for a remake based on this script.
And I say this as someone who immensely enjoyed the movie as a 13 years old.
(We may be few but we exist :( )
Oct 25, 2017
It certainly wouldn't have helped the direction, seeing as Lucas would never not be at the helm, but at least the idea would've been better. Maybe?

A lot of this just comes across as fixing dents and scratches when the engine is about the fail.

Yep. The biggest problems with the prequels aren't the scripts but the direction. All those good actors turning in what felt like the first take for each scene.

Unproduced stories are always going to seem better for bad films because you've removed the actual craft out of the equation and substituted 'what ifs.'
Oct 28, 2017
You are so…beautiful.

It's only because I'm so in love.

NO. No, it's because I'm so in love with YOU.

Then love has blinded you?

Well…that's not exactly what I meant.

But it's probably true.



Oct 29, 2017
Honestly I liked Episode 1 as is, it's a fun Star Wars movie and has political elements to it which I really enjoyed. Great characters, amazing set pieces and just an all out fun Star Wars. Much, much better than the current crop.


Jan 10, 2018
The '94 script sounds much improved. Playing "How Could It Have Been Better" with the Prequel Trilogy is always fun.
Anakin should have been older, and they should have had a better inciting force than the whole Trade Federation garbage. Padme shouldn't have been a Queen either, too limiting for her character, at least as portrayed.


Apr 29, 2018
I'm curious how old you all are cause I was 17 when it came out and was just confused right from the beginning of tpm. That confusion quickly led to disappointment and anger and I didn't bother going back to watch it in the theater. Felt the same way when they re-released the original trilogy and Jabba shows up with Han and they are doing a comedic bit. What the fuck is this horseshit? Jabba would have vaporized Han if he stepped on his tail and disrespected like that.
They were still playing ROJ at the drive in by my house in 1987 so as a kid I loved the ewoks (and I still do) but I wonder if yalls age factored into liking tpm cause we all thought it was shit. After the incredible hype train, all the books, and the cultural phenomenon that was star wars when the tpm finally came out it was a gut punch. I thought it was going to explore the clone wars in which the clones were infiltrating society and causing mayhem and palpatine was behind it. The jedi could sense who the clones were and were being eliminated for it especially after reading Timothy zahns depiction of clones.
George Lucas forgot the face of his father. Glad that you all like it but it was such a departure from the originals and just feel flat for my friends and I. The special effects especially the droid battle at the end look so bad and jarring compared to the practical effects in empire and was a major turn off too
I was 10, brother was 17 and my dad was 40s and a big star wars fan of the OT. I still liked empire more as a kid. My brother went into the hype train of "preinterenet" theorizing about how we would get from 1 to 4 because he like it more than the others.

My dad on the other hand liked it but did not like Obi-Wan, and never really did in the PT. He always felt that Qui-gon was a lot more similar to Obi-Wan with how he didn't obey the rules, and in the OT Obi-Wan was lieing/twisting things. So he liked that his master shared qualities, but never felt like PT matched OT. So maybe he would like this version better?

As a 7 or 8 year when I first saw rotj... I always hated those stupid ewoks. I thought it was the dumbest thing that the empire couldn't handle them. My dad thought it was fine though, and symbolic.


Oct 27, 2017
I really wish they had made Maul the only apprentice in the prequels and had Vader replace him. His design is one of the only things I liked about the prequels, and Dooku and Grievous as villains were so...awful.

This draft sounds bad, but it sounds like a vast improvement over what we got.
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Apr 29, 2018
I really wish they had made Maui the only apprentice in the prequels and had Vader replace him. His design is one of the only things I liked about the prequels, and Dooku and Grievous as villains were so...awful.

This draft sounds bad, but it sounds like a vast improvement over what we got.
They both ooze with potential.. They just never touch on it. Which makes the Era very interesting I think.. Movies are hurt by it though.


Oct 27, 2017
sounds like they just had to streamline stuff into a shootable script, like how every first draft pans out

though it does seem more tonally on-point and lucas got carried away with his "it's a movie for 12 year olds" mindset


Oct 27, 2017
George never knew how to reign himself in.

If it wasn't for Marcia Lucas amongst others we probably would have had A New Hope being a mess too.
El Bombastico

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm. You answer it yourself in the title thread. It is first draft

It funny how sometimes your first attempt at something is decent enough and attempts to make it better just make things worse. I almost sympathize with Lucas because similar things happened to me when I wrote essays and research papers. Difference is I had people helping me out and when they gave advice, I listened to them.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Writing screenplays (or anything for that matter, I just specify screenplays as that's my area of work as well) is just the craziest process. What you start with very rarely ever resembles what you finish with. That all said, this evolution was a case of Lucas having "yes men" at his beck and call and once he saw the opportunity to further expand the Star Wars franchise to more demographics by making it more "cartoon-like" family fair, he went as far out to that island as he could swim and nobody ever tried to reign him back in until it was too late.

I've always considered the infamous "Jar Jar is the key to all of this..." bit to be in reference to this incarnation of the character, Jar Jar was really originally designed as a means to deliver a message of racial unity and strength amidst oppression, easily the most poignant material in the franchise if it had actually materialized. Instead though, yeah, he's a racist caricature reduced to slapstick comedy, baby talk and "comedic" relief in a story that doesn't warrant that kind of material whatsoever. Lucas saw the commercial potential in watering down everything to appeal to the lowest common denominator and, as the still insanely lucrative Star Wars merchandise line shows, he succeeded even at the expense of not only this film but the trilogy as a whole.

It's all a tragedy, really. It's not a story Lucas would tell you...
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Oct 27, 2017
I always felt an Older anakin with Obi-wan around Qui-Gon's age would fit the timeline and the Obi-Wan's appearance much better.
You can start off having established they were already 'good friends'. Cut out all the kid stuff.

Have Qui-Gon be Obi-Wan's FORMER master who believes Anakin is the chosen one, while Obi-wan believes Anakin to be not ready, impulsive (all the same stuff in the PT) but still considers him a great friend. The dynamic between Qui Gon/Obi-Wan would be the central focus of the 1st movie with Qui Gon dying like in TPM and Obi-Wan feeling obliged to go through with Qui Gon's wishes despite his misgivings.

This would give Obi-wan's sense of regret of losing a great friend weight in the OT, and would retcon Vader's creation as having been kickstarted by the Jedi themselves, which is sort of already inplace in the PT anyways, but handled poorly.

Deleted member 35011

User requested account closure
Dec 1, 2017
I still enjoy the prequels. They swung and missed a lot, but they are still endearing to me. I love a lot of things about it, especially the whole "there's a shit ton of Jedi" stuff. The "last jedi in space" setting from the originals worked well, but the sequel doubling down on "no last jedi in space again" didn't super work for me. Plus I liked some dumb shit like Yoda being Kingdom Hearts Mickey Mouse. It was fucking hilarious and I loved it 10/10

The prequels had issues and I'm ready to admit anytime that any of the sequels are technically better made movies than any of the prequels. Yet end of the day I have zero interest in rewatching the sequels but I'm down for rewatching Episode 3 once in a while and I couldn't even tell you why the fuck that is lol

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
would retcon Vader's creation as having been kickstarted by the Jedi themselves, which is sort of already inplace in the PT anyways, but handled poorly.

It's handled fantastically in Clone Wars. Anakin is this possessive, shor-tempered wildcard that rarely ever listens to the Council and is in turn distrusted by them. Yoda knew what Anakin needed to learn, to let go of the things he fears losing, and entrusted a padawan to him.

It even seemed to work. Ahsoka gave him focus, gave him purpose. They worked together, learned together and grew together. Kinda backfired horribly, though, because the Jedi threw her under a bus and she chose to leave the Order because of it. If they couldn't trust her, how could she trust them? So because the Jedi pushed her away, Anakin once again felt what it meant to lose someone he cares deeply about.
El Bombastico

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Qui-Gon's personality always made more sense for Obi-Wan. You could tell there was some weird shifting that happened with that.

Lucas literally just transferred Obi-wan's personality over to Qui-gon for TPM, without even bothering to give Obi-wan a new one. Its why Obi-wan seems to barely say or do anything for most of the movie until the climax. Hell, him MEETING Anakin should've been the most important, groundbreaking scene in the whole movie.

Instead, Anakin just gives him a fucking handshake while Obi-wan looks bored as ever.


Oct 26, 2017
The 90s were a really interesting time for blockbusters...then Episode 1 came along.


Feb 27, 2018
Jar Jar's "penis" was also his tongue.

But yeah, after ESB George became more concerened with little kids, including his own which is why the Ewoks came about and selling toys and that's probably where most of his modivation for changes came from and nothing says appealing to kids or well anyone than "trade wars". Changing Anakin from a teenager who would've been more appropriately near Portman's age to a nine/ten year old was part of that and chose Lloyd for further ridiculous reasons, including his near total lack of experience.
I think this is spot on! Lucas got greedy with Star Wars and pretty much wreck the franchise in an attempt to wring as much money out of it as possible. Yet, he still seems to be a bit bitter about people's opinion of the prequels, and the changes Disney made.


Nov 21, 2017
It funny how sometimes your first attempt at something is decent enough and attempts to make it better just make things worse. I almost sympathize with Lucas because similar things happened to me when I wrote essays and research papers. Difference is I had people helping me out and when they gave advice, I listened to them.
I think we are talking about different thing here. My point is it is hard to judge material based on first draft, because it is expected to be bad. The real result is usually seen after first or second revision
Dec 22, 2017
The coming out of lightspeed right before the planet's surface is exactly what Han i ms somehow capable of doing in VII. The one part of the movie I laught at every time I watch it.
El Bombastico

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
I think we are talking about different thing here. My point is it is hard to judge material based on first draft, because it is expected to be bad. The real result is usually seen after first or second revision

But in this case the opposite seems to have happened: Lucas had a solid foundation to built on with this first draft, but threw it out for...what? Merchendising? Dumbing down the movie for the kids?


Nov 11, 2017
They wanted to appeal to adult fans, kids and sell toys. Adults get the "serious" but political neutral plot (taxes and councils) while kids get the rest (insert c3po and r2d2 to make merchandising great again). A too political movie could have been unpopular to soccer moms. They wanted their cake and eat it too.


Oct 25, 2017
I bet they will recycle a bunch of these old designs in The Mandalorian and the Cassian and Obi-Wan TV shows.
Oct 26, 2017
At least the Jar Jar changes probably had a lot to do with CG animation not being advanced enough to convincingly realise a complex and subtle character. Hell it may not be advanced enough today.

Making Jar Jar a Buster Keaton type with large exaggerated slapstick movement is much less demanding on animators.
At the time ILM was quoted saying the subtle movements were by far the most difficult for them to get right.