
Oct 29, 2017
lol people acting like getting they're getting medicine or food in a zombie apocalypse!
Also wondering if I can sell my 2070 super for more than its worth
Of course you can. Because in contrast to the 3000 series which you can technically get if you pay a ridiculous sum of money, the 2070 Super doesn't seem to exist anymore in new condition. There's not retailer in Germany here selling it, it doesn't even have an entry on some price comparison sites here anymore, like it never existed.

I bought my 2070 Super brand new for 550 EUR when it's gotten released. I see them in used condition starting around 400-500EUR on ebay, going well over 600 EUR.


Jun 17, 2018
I think what needs to be focused on in this video is what is happening at the store itself. Why is the procedure to have everyone waiting huddle up on a sidewalk 50 feet from the doors in a disorderly fashion to create a line at a specified time? What's wrong with simply allowing the line to form naturally at the doors, usually along the wall of the building, from the first extreme camper to the person who rolls up at opening. What was wrong with that system?

This seems like some dumbass idea of corporate or a manager somewhere "we can't have them line up due to our COVID policy, so prevent a line from forming until opening"


Nov 10, 2017
I can't find a good gif of the PS4 launch in Germany scene... The rising shutters bit, especially...


Oct 27, 2017
This is not because of crypto.

Of course it is.

Even if this particular GPU is not the best for mining, it was mining that created the massive shortages in Q1. Prior to that, stock situations for GPUs had been gradually improving and street prices were slowly dropping. Without crypto, it probably would have been possible to buy a GPU normally by March or April of 2021. In a market where a person could buy a 3080 for MSRP, there would be substantially less demand for the 3080 Ti, since it is not priced competitively (based on MSRP).


Apr 24, 2018
I never thought I'd see the day people go crazy over graphics cards.


Oct 26, 2017
FOMO really drives people insane.

This is kind of an evolved case, because there's almost no viable alternative (new consoles are tough to get, leaving maybe gaming laptops as the last bastion here), and just waiting has proven so far to be a fruitless venture because instead of going after a low price bracket and trying to fill the need, nvidia (at least) made the shrewd business move of seeking higher margins at the top end of the stack.


Oct 26, 2017

Chaotic Scenes At Nvidia GPU Restock

A combination of pandemic-driven shortages and the planet’s increasingly gruesome fascination with crypto-mining means it’s hard getting your hands on a new graphics card at the moment. And if you were wondering just how hard, look at this line-up—and resulting crush of humanity—outside a Micro...


Oct 26, 2017
It's essentially a race for $500-1,000 instant profit. The lucky folks who get to buy one can turn it around on the secondary market the same day.

Yep. The allure would be tempting.
Some folks in my local Micro Center discord camped out at one of the two Best Buys in GA that got physical stock, and after some sleuthing, found that a good chunk of people in line at that particular store were part of a kind of notorious reseller/scalper group in Atlanta (they migrated from designer/limited release clothing). Micro Center's recent rules on purchasing per household has kept them somewhat at bay, but Best Buy has no such scruples.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone should have bought one and smashed it on the ground just to watch the pure chaos that would have followed.
Oct 28, 2017
These shouldn't be sold in brick and mortar stores. Sell them online and be done with it. Or, create some kind of online reservation system for instore pickup.


Jan 8, 2018
after they recoup their upfront cost by mining on it for 60 days, even at half hash rate...then selling it used

this damn shortage is crazy, makes my 2070 used purchase for 350 seem like the deal of a century every damn day

I got a used 2070 for 325 last summer. We got lucky man.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Literally free money? How much is your time and effort worth?

Unless you make like $400k per year, standing in line for a couple hours for a free $1k isn't a waste of time for anyone.

That being said, fuck scalpers, but also fuck the people who buy them to mine crypto in the first place. I've accepted that I won't be buying a new GPU for at least a couple years - perhaps longer.


Oct 27, 2017
They're trying to make instant cash. Of course people are gonna mob for free money. You can flip these in seconds for 150+% of the price. Just look at eBay.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Depressing to think about how many of those people are probably only in it for scalping and not to actually play video games with the fucking card.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing new, people fight over toilet paper as well. Or just go take a look at any Black Friday video.



Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
No GPU is worth fighting off a mob for. I hope things go back to normal asap.

Fully agree. If I saw anything like this I would be 100% out of there.

Admittedly I am still rocking a 2060 Super which is holding up for me nicely so I suppose I am lucky to have purchased before things became this crazy.


Oct 25, 2017
If my 2080 died right now I'd be so pissed. Just really got back into PC gaming after a bit of a break.

Stuff like this makes me anxious, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a weird time because misinformation and greed have led to people not normally even into computers or gaming wanting these things. I know a guy who mistakenly believes he can make a fortune off of crypto mining with these cards. I tried to tell him that's not the case, but he "has a friend who does it." And I know a couple of others who just want to flip them on eBay or whatever. Under any other circumstances they wouldn't even care about GPUs at all, and I can't imagine they're alone.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
It's a easy buck if you flip it on eBay. I'm sure there are people in that crowd who could give two shits about the product, just for its market value.

I would go so far to say it is like 90 percent of the crowd. Those people ain't acting crazy because they want to see some 4k ray tracing goodness. They have dollar signs in their eyes as they think about the profit they are about to make.


Oct 28, 2017
lol that's lame af

I've camped out for COUNTLESS things - from the Gamecube to the PS5 and pretty much every console in between. The first iPhone. Watches. Etc.

But it's never ever once looked like that. If I saw that I'd nope out so fast. My dignity isn't worth that nonsense.

The problem, IMO? THAT isn't fun. Camping and lining up and getting Day Zero is supposed to be a good time with friends and making memories. That looks fucking miserable and honestly a decent way to get shot. Nah, I ain't about doing it.


Side note, I've managed to snag both a 3080 and a 3090 for retail from Best Buy (along with several PS5s) and have sold at exact cost to friends and co-workers. The greed amongst people is sickening - I guarantee at least half of those didn't know what a GPU was a year ago. This is the definition of "get a real job." #crankyoldman


Jun 7, 2019
If my 2080 died right now I'd be so pissed. Just really got back into PC gaming after a bit of a break.

Stuff like this makes me anxious, lol.

Everyone should increase the fan speed and airflow in his pc to keep your cards cooler than the usual settings. I got a 3080Fe and with the stock settings it goes up to 75c, with my custom settings it's now up to 63c with stable undervolt which goes up to 1903mhz.

Who knows when this market really gonna calm down, they're just not able to satisfy demand any times soon and can't (and probably won't) increase the production. My honest guess is 2024...


Oct 25, 2017
This is not because of crypto.

Yep. It's price gouging full stop. Crypto mining sucks objectively but lets stop acting like people haven't been bum rushing for retail products because of crypto. This is not a new development. Shitty behavior for low stock in demand retail items is as old as time itself.

God I hate Scalpers.

Why the hell have they become so prevalent lately?

Because bot tech has outstripped retail bot protection tech and people are willing to pay ridiculous prices for things for reasons I do not understand.