Oct 25, 2017
Particularly in episodes 3 and 4: the Nahel Argama's attack on Palau, the atmosphere fight between Banagher and FF, all the antique Zeon vs. Feddie suits on the ground. So good. The first fight between Unicorn and Sinanju in ep 2 is a great one too.
I think some of the smaller stuff in Ep 7 is great too that goes on, on the ships. Ep 4 once the shit hits the fan is nothing but mecha porn, I love it. You even got Rick Doms skating along the ground making Scope Dog noises.


Oct 26, 2017
Also was going through some random ps2 games I have and it turns out I have a pair of Mobile suit Gundam ones, Encounters in space or Zeonic front any good?

Encounters in Space has some really awesome rail shooter segments, and Zeonic Front is a pretty unique strategy styled game.

EiS also has a level that features the characters from the MSG motion ride that used to be at FujiQ Highlands.

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Deleted member 5745

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Oct 25, 2017
More images of some upcoming stuff:

And another new HG RX-78-2. They're apparently labeling this the BEYOND GLOBAL version.



Oct 29, 2017
Half way through DiVERS and it has not grabbed me yet. Lack of interesting enemies and generic characters so far are not doing it for me. Same with the furries. I'll stick it out though.


The Fallen
Nov 17, 2017
Principality of Catalonia
Builders Re:Rise bored me until about the two last episodes with its low stakes and uninteresting antagonists.
I hope the second cour is better and expands on what happened during the end of the first.
I'm not calling it good but it gets slightly more interesting than its atrocious beginning suggests.
Oct 30, 2017
So there's my Wodom. This pleases me. Glad to see it happening. Even if it isn't the original Turn A version, a Wodom is something I thought I'd never see an official plastic kit of.

This slew of new kits is almost refreshing. It's like Bandai remembered that they sell to retail.


Oct 29, 2017
It's kind of weird that all of the new RX-78's have been either limited release or sold out extremely quick at the usual online shops. Thankfully I got a pre-order for Beyond Global version from Amazon.co.jp

Deleted member 5745

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Oct 25, 2017
Oh my. The next P-Bandai kit...



Oct 27, 2017
East coast
Question for the Gunpla modelers in this thread: how often do PG kits go out of print? I'm thinking about grabbing the PG Exia kit and the lighting kit, but I'd prefer to hold off until later this year ( after taxes and if I'm really lucky, a bonus at work).

On a thread related note: that RG Tallgeese is gorgeous.


Oct 27, 2017
East coast
Never. Only event exclusive releases become unavailable. Maybe P-Bandai ones as well. The regular PG models always get reprinted no matter how many years have passed.
Thanks xElk. I was worried since the original Exia lightning edition or whatever it was called with the LED kit included seems to have gone out of distribution in the US.


The Fallen
Nov 17, 2017
Principality of Catalonia
It is maybe possible that the lighting edition, as a way to get both as a single package, could be discontinued but the regular one won't go out of print and it's very unlikely they discontinue the separate led kit.
In any case, it is new enough that you don't need to worry about waiting for a year.

Deleted member 5745

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Lol wat. The absolute madmen.



I need the RG in those colors, I'll buy the shit out of it.
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Oct 29, 2017
They gave me two reasons to avoid that collab, thanks for having my back Bandai!

Also I put my Bylrant legs on backwards... well it was right before and seemed weird so I switched them and it seemed right, then I looked at the picture and its apparently supposed to be weird... Tried to salvage it but I messed with a few of the parts and basically made it impossible to reverse without cracking the plastic. Oh well, you can't really tell thanks to the knee cap cover lol.

Freaking nonstandard 80's design mobile suits...

Deleted member 5745

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Oct 25, 2017
So, this was shown off during the Gunpla 40th anniversary project presentation:



So the Gunpla Evolution Project was leading to what amounts to a Ver. 2.0 PG Gramps?


Oct 27, 2017
Watched Gundam NT last night. I mostly liked it. It was more of a sequel to Unicorn than I was expecting (good thing I rewatched it all this month), and hearing some of the Unicorn music reused here was really nice. Animation was mostly a big step down from Unicorn though. The mobile suit models themselves looked good, and the action did seem smooth a lot of the time, but overall the movie just looked uglier and cheaper than the OVA had, especially with the character models.

I didn't mind much of the Newtype magic, I thought Fukui actually did mostly a good job grounding it in all the NT phenomena we've seen before and building on Zeta, ZZ, and CCA. And some of it was cool, like the Narrative hacking the Neo Zeong II. Really the only thing about this that struck me as way off was the Neo Zeong II itself, which seemed insanely overpowered -- so much so that it made Full Frontal's version, which already felt over the top, look like a chump in comparison. Throwing around gas tanks and all the hand cannons and manipulating all the Feddie suits, on top of everything else it could do, just felt like way too much.

The story was ok, but never really did enough to make you care about the Miracle Children, individually or as a group dynamic. The movie mostly feels like filler to bridge Unicorn to a sequel, but the next thing to come along is going to be Hathaway's Flash so I don't know what this movie is meant to be leading toward? Unless they're going to rewrite HF to double as a Unicorn sequel, which I'd be fine with.


Oct 25, 2017
I managed to finally finish Iron Blooded Orphans. Below are my takes. Overall, I'm not the biggest fan; Definitely prefer 00 over it as far as "Turn your brain off Gundam" AU shows.

Season 1 is very edgy, stupid, and overall somewhat solid. Robot designs are cool enough, and I enjoy that the setup isn't another bootleg Universal Century type thing. The show is fucking trashy though. Why is there a michael jackson cosplayer who has a space harem of a bunch of wives that work for him? There are definitely some cool moments, and overall it tells a fairly solid story.

Season 2 starts okay enough but man it grinds to a hault really fast. It gets to a point where there a million characters I don't care about and its hard to recommend it even to people who just want cool robot stuff. Partway through, they decide to make Evangelion for like 3 episodes? Then its back to normal, and the show starts to improve a bit. The show seriously relies on edge and shock value. So much so that Orga's death becomes the most predictable and boring scene in the episode it happens in. Season 2's writing is just absurd, and not really in a good way. I was mostly following along, but the resolution just kind of made me shrug. "Ok, this show is over now". I just couldn't care.


This Gundam show depicts a lot of types of relationships that aren't otherwise depicted in any other Gundam media as far as I know, at least at the time. We have a pair of explicitly gay characters, a dude with a bunch of wives, and similarly a sort of poly amorous relationship with Mika, Atra, and Kudelia. But there's something that just makes me uncomfortable, and I'm not sure if it's part of IBO's effort to be shocking and upsetting, or if it's a misguided attempt by the writers to try and depict a relationship that might be viewed as taboo.

In Season 1, we find that McGillis is engaged to a small child. This is pretty gross, but given the messed up society of IBO where human trafficking is normal and expected, I thought it might be an attempt at painting IBO's world as cutthroat, and McGillis doesn't really speak to Almiria in a way that seems romantic, and given McGillis's deceptive tenancies, I was led to believe he didn't care for her and found his marriage to her to be one of the many symptoms of the failures of Gjallarhorn. In Season 2, we even find out that McGillis was a victim of sex trafficking as a young boy. But Season 2's depiction goes beyond McGillis possibly just telling Almiria what she wants to hear to make her happy. There are more moments where he seems to care for her in a way that is more romantically coded. But then, McGillis might also be attracted to Gaelio at the end? I'm so fucking confused and I'm not sure what the intention is, but given the industry, it certainly feels like the show is trying to tell me McGillis does romantically love Almiria, and that's fuckin gross.


Jan 10, 2020
Does anyone here have the PG RX-178? I love the suit and I'm thinking about grabbing it, but I'm curious about the quality of it since it's one of the older ones. Like I have the PG RX-78 and it's definitely a product of its time with giant pieces and lack of detail. I don't expect PG Unicorn levels of intricacy, but somewhere in-between would be fine.

a glitch

Dec 12, 2018
This Gundam show depicts a lot of types of relationships that aren't otherwise depicted in any other Gundam media as far as I know, at least at the time. We have a pair of explicitly gay characters, a dude with a bunch of wives, and similarly a sort of poly amorous relationship with Mika, Atra, and Kudelia. But there's something that just makes me uncomfortable, and I'm not sure if it's part of IBO's effort to be shocking and upsetting, or if it's a misguided attempt by the writers to try and depict a relationship that might be viewed as taboo.

In Season 1, we find that McGillis is engaged to a small child. This is pretty gross, but given the messed up society of IBO where human trafficking is normal and expected, I thought it might be an attempt at painting IBO's world as cutthroat, and McGillis doesn't really speak to Almiria in a way that seems romantic, and given McGillis's deceptive tenancies, I was led to believe he didn't care for her and found his marriage to her to be one of the many symptoms of the failures of Gjallarhorn. In Season 2, we even find out that McGillis was a victim of sex trafficking as a young boy. But Season 2's depiction goes beyond McGillis possibly just telling Almiria what she wants to hear to make her happy. There are more moments where he seems to care for her in a way that is more romantically coded. But then, McGillis might also be attracted to Gaelio at the end? I'm so fucking confused and I'm not sure what the intention is, but given the industry, it certainly feels like the show is trying to tell me McGillis does romantically love Almiria, and that's fuckin gross.

It's been a while since I finished IBO, but the impression I got was that McGillis was nice to her and cared about her only because not doing the former would screw up his plans and the latter because he knew that his attempted coup would really mess her up and felt bad about it. I get where you're coming from though, especially considering how other women in non-conventional relationships are portrayed in IBO. Also the way she was willing to be loyal to him at the end after attempting to stab herself was pretty messed up, intentional or otherwise.

On a totally different note: I'm up to the second volume in Crossbone Gundam and I think it's referencing F91 more than I was expecting and I'm getting the impression that I should watch it before continuing. Should I just keep going with Crossbone or am I better off watching F91 first?


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Crossbone is basically a sequel to F-91 with a couple of important characters originated F-91 like Kincade Nau.


Oct 25, 2017
It's been a while since I finished IBO, but the impression I got was that McGillis was nice to her and cared about her only because not doing the former would screw up his plans and the latter because he knew that his attempted coup would really mess her up and felt bad about it. I get where you're coming from though, especially considering how other women in non-conventional relationships are portrayed in IBO. Also the way she was willing to be loyal to him at the end after attempting to stab herself was pretty messed up, intentional or otherwise.

On a totally different note: I'm up to the second volume in Crossbone Gundam and I think it's referencing F91 more than I was expecting and I'm getting the impression that I should watch it before continuing. Should I just keep going with Crossbone or am I better off watching F91 first?

I haven't read Crossbone but I can tell you that F91 is mainly worth watching for the visuals and not much else. But the time investment is pretty short, so i say give it a shot if you have the 2 hours or so to spare


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't read Crossbone but I can tell you that F91 is mainly worth watching for the visuals and not much else. But the time investment is pretty short, so i say give it a shot if you have the 2 hours or so to spare

F91 gives a good foundational background for what's going on in Crossbone as things have changed significantly from the Universal Century we know.


Oct 29, 2017
I managed to finally finish Iron Blooded Orphans. Below are my takes. Overall, I'm not the biggest fan; Definitely prefer 00 over it as far as "Turn your brain off Gundam" AU shows.

Personally love IBO for it's overall story and world. It's got some typical anime issues of not really explaining enough for the viewers in the moment.

I never got the feeling that McGils was a pedo. It was a clear that he was using her and just that family as a whole to increase his status. You get that feeling right from when its introduced imo considering their whole "noble" organization style. We had a ton of cases like this IRL back in the monarchy days so it kinda instantly made me think of this. It seems like he cared for her but not romantically, just as a person... who he ultimately was using just like everyone he interacted with.

The unconventional relationships throughout the show were handled really bad in general though I will say that. They are kinda just dropped on the table with no real message or insight in them. Which... is fine? but the harem is just there, Atra and Kudellia's possible lesbian relationship at the end, so on and so forth. I did not need them to spell it out that "any kind of love is ok! smiles and kittens for everyone!" but they just are not addressed in any satisfying way.

Season 2 definitely had a ton of issues. But I loved the political tone that the entire series had. A group rising up from the lowest caste, the monarchy fighting to assert control, and so on. The ending being a "well, no, this small group with limited resources went against the government who has weapons of mass destruction and is willing to use them." was a really interesting take for Gundam. I can see why people would not like it but I loved how different it was. Tekkadan surviving, Kudellia and McGils(though he would obviously die) being the leaders etc at the end would have been way too typical. Also loved Rustal being a "just doing my job, sorry" type was better than some grand master plan.

I liked IBO for all the reasons other than the characters and what they were doing haha. It's kinda like the FF12 of Gundam for me where the political situation in the world is more interesting that the nonsense the main characters are talking about 90% of the time.

Though I do like Gallio. He became my favorite character because of his one line out of nowhere "sorry" to Mika. Was sooooooo good haha.

Deleted member 5745

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Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
On a totally different note: I'm up to the second volume in Crossbone Gundam and I think it's referencing F91 more than I was expecting and I'm getting the impression that I should watch it before continuing. Should I just keep going with Crossbone or am I better off watching F91 first?

As others said Crossbone is simply a direct sequel to F91.
Crossbone's main story beats do not rely that much on F91 but by skipping it you'd miss out on the backstory for all the older cast, which plays a significant part in the drama that unfolds.

It's only two hours ;)
Pay attention however, the movie is a heavily condensed version of what was supposed to be the beginning of a full-size TV show. A LOT happens and you will absolutely get confused at times.

Deleted member 5745

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Oct 25, 2017
Nozomi posted a snippet of the SEED redub

I'm...shocked at how it doesn't sound that bad. But Athrun's new VA will take some getting used to for me.


The Fallen
Nov 17, 2017
Principality of Catalonia
For those who haven't had the chance to watch it yet, Gundam.info's YouTube channel has put the two available parts of Gundam Thunderbolt on rotation for March.

Narrative is coming later, as well.

Deleted member 5745

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Another clip of the new Seed dub.

Edit: Taken down, that's weird. It had Andrew Waltfeld's new VA, he didn't sound too bad.

Edit2: Okay, they posted a completely different clip. Guess that other one was meant for later or something.

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Oct 25, 2017
I'm watching Narrative on YouTube...I think...I think it's going a bit too hard on Newtype bullshit. I don't exactly hate it but it's making the plot kind of hard to decipher.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I like it more when the newtype stuff isn't so front and center.
Finished it. The last half made more sense than the first half and explained some Newtype nonsense, but it's not as good as Unicorn, especially on the action field. Unicorn did the non Gundam fights too good and Narrative just double downed on Gundam stuff. Also Gundam really needs to stop killing off all the women, this shit was laughable.


Nov 27, 2017
I think I'm going to finally start Turn A this week, because I have the time plus I have the MG Turn A in the mail