Deleted member 14459

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Fuck the people trying to pivot away from what is actually said in that tape. Jesus fuckin' Christ, that is straightup rape and sexual assault. Put this in the context of Anita Hill, Storm Thurmond and it makes a lot of sense.

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Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
Yeah let's allow the GOP to rule instead, destroying miions of lives and regressing society in uncountable ways.
Hopefully something better would arise from the ashes of the democratic party.

That said this thread is about serious allegations of sexual assault against an individual, irrespective of the surrounding political climate. Let's not detail it further than it already has.

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
This is fucking horrific, and I think it goes far beyond what people are aware of with Biden's sexual assault history.

Maybe FliXFantatier could directly add the soundcloud link? I think more people really need to hear this. I recognize that there's a link in the first reply, but I think many people may still miss it.

Tara Reade, Joe Biden's accuser, finally tells her full story (excerpt)

Hear the full interview Read Ryan Grim's article Support the show
Holy shit.
It wasn't "just touching", that's fucking RAPE.

Fuck Biden. Just fuck him. He's scum.

Abstaining is a default win for Trump. Unfortunately.
We're still in a primary friend, we still have the chance stop this monster. Even if we can't, we can vote downballot in other important races and not vote for either rapist.


Oct 29, 2017
I know we will never get Bernie even if DNC pushes Biden to drop out but FFS how about Klob or something. This Guy fucking sucks. I can deal with the staplers thing, this, ugh -- fucking ugh.
Mar 10, 2018
This is one of those situations in which all one can really do is hope that Biden has genuinely improved as a person. NOT excusing his behavior, but just suggesting that we at least attempt to look at who Biden is today, and base our vote for him on that. If not, then this will become the new "but her emails" (yes, I know what Biden did is MUCH worse), Trump will capitalize on it, and then the rest is history.


Oct 25, 2017
And welcome to what many minorities and black people have been doing since the beginning of the republic: choosing the least evil of the two politicians is a fact of life for us since we have been allowed to vote.
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Oct 25, 2017
The fucks wrong with even the Democrats? How did you guys choose this guy as your candidate?
I would go out on a limb and say most voters are not even aware of this, and will probably remain unaware of this, and are probably not particularly aware of anything surrounding pre-Obama Biden. Unfortunately based on how sexual assault is treated in this country, I would guess that a large portion of people are not going to care about an accusation from 30 years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
This is one of those situations in which all one can really do is hope that Biden has genuinely improved as a person. NOT excusing his behavior, but just suggesting that we at least attempt to look at who Biden is today, and base our vote for him on that. If not, then this will become the new "but her emails" (yes, I know what Biden did is MUCH worse), Trump will capitalize on it, and then the rest is history.
Trump will not. Even he recognizes that bringing this up will bring his own skeletons back out.

what might likely happen are republican operatives trying to spread this with the liberals and trying to depress our votes. Abstaining, basically.

Deleted member 4532

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wowie, after listening to the tape on soundcloud, I get to choose between two racist senile rapist....
And welcome to what many minorities and black people have been doing since the beginning of the republic to: choosing the least evil of the two politicians is a fact of life for us since we have been allowed to vote.


Oct 25, 2017
That won't be this year. And we can't afford it since Supreme Court justices have to be replaced.

we're talking gay marriage being overturned, abortion being made illegal, and Obamacare being rolled back.

That's something people should have been thinking about while pushing Biden hardcore. His inappropriate behavior towards women and girls was no secret but his continuation of the economic status quo was more important to the many wealthy people who have the ability to put their thumbs on the scales. If Biden is the nominee we will get 4 more years of Trump. Hopefully the country is still salvageable after that and the Democratic Party does proper introspection but I won't be holding my breath.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
And welcome to what many minorities and black people have been doing since the beginning of the republic to: choosing the least evil of the two politicians is a fact of life for us since we have been allowed to vote.

The primary isn't yet over; my state certainly hasn't voted yet. I hope people take these claims seriously.


Mar 18, 2018
Would be amazing if, after years of rightfully rippin on trump for being a creep, the Democrats go ahead and pick another creep as the opposing choice.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Democrats: I can't believe people voted for this pussy grabbing idiot

Also Democrats: I'm going with Biden

I wish I could move to another planet.


Oct 31, 2017
It is pretty wild that everyone let him off with a "my b" even when it was abundantly obvious the man is a creeper. There being a new accusation doesn't really surprise me.

This is one of those situations in which all one can really do is hope that Biden has genuinely improved as a person. NOT excusing his behavior, but just suggesting that we at least attempt to look at who Biden is today, and base our vote for him on that. If not, then this will become the new "but her emails" (yes, I know what Biden did is MUCH worse), Trump will capitalize on it, and then the rest is history.
Biden as of less than year ago brushed all his behavior off as "social norms changing" and didn't apologize to anyone.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
what a creep.. the part of the nation that had plenty of choice in the primary and still chose this creep over plenty of perfectly fine candidates don't have their priorities straight.
The rest pays for this by having to vote for him, for the good of the country, instead of being able to have an actually defendable candidate.
Americans aren't exactly known for their taste in political candidates.

And yet again, women are thrown to the side or trampled over in the whole thing. US politics as usual then.
As always. And several posts in this thread give us a clue as to why.


Oct 25, 2017
If this is truly as bad as it seems, shouldn't the party do something to nominate someone else? Just because Biden seems the de facto nominee doesn't mean anything until the convention right?

If this is actually confirmed and the Democrats care about what they allege they do then Biden should be immediately kicked out of the party and nominations regardless of how ahead he is. Gonna take a wild guess that that's not going to happen though.

Deleted member 4532

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
That's something people should have been thinking about while pushing Biden hardcore. His inappropriate behavior towards women and girls was no secret but his continuation of the economic status quo was more important to the many wealthy people who have the ability to put their thumbs on the scales. If Biden is the nominee we will get 4 more years of Trump. Hopefully the country is still salvageable after that and the Democratic Party does proper introspection but I won't be holding my breath.
Doubt. It seems the Democrats learned nothing in the last four years except "we gotta push our own rapist as the candidate!"
I mean, look at Trump, he still won despite numerous allegations against him and the fact that he is a rapist and pedophile. A majority of Americans do not care and the Democrats know that.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Is this getting any traction in the mainstream media? Because Coronavirus or not, it should be.

Bernie may not win the primary but there's still time to keep Biden from getting the needed amount of delegates to win and if this shit blows up, we can hopefully get somebody better in a contested convention.

I love Bernie and Warren but at this point pretty much anyone outside of Bloomberg would be an improvement.

Also, thanks to Deep Water for posting that audio.


Oct 28, 2017
If this is truly as bad as it seems, shouldn't the party do something to nominate someone else? Just because Biden seems the de facto nominee doesn't mean anything until the convention right?
Its not like this stuff wasn't known way ahead of this point. They knew, and they still decided to coalesce around him.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Is this getting any traction in the mainstream media? Because Coronavirus or not, it should be.

Bernie may not win the primary but there's still time to keep Biden from getting the needed amount of delegates to win and if this shit blows up, we can hopefully get somebody better in a contested convention.

I love Bernie and Warren but at this point pretty much anyone outside of Bloomberg would be an improvement.

Also, thanks to Deep Water for posting that audio.
I would assume it needs to be thoroughly vetted before it will get picked up by the media. Even Fox News hasn't reported it.


Oct 25, 2017
Anita Hill didn't accuse Clarence Thomas of sexual assault -- she accused him of running a hostile workplace with rampant sexual harassment (from him) and unwanted advances (also from him)

I'm not downplaying that, and I'm only motivated to correct it because you lumped him together with Kavanaugh who was accused of raping multiple women. It gives the impression that Kavanaugh's appointment is just business as usual when it is actually a huge (yet natural) escalation

Completely fair. It was sustained and repeated and egregious harassment - followed by a published and false character assassination he even admitted to - but it was not directly physical.


Oct 27, 2017
Is this getting any traction in the mainstream media? Because Coronavirus or not, it should be.

Bernie may not win the primary but there's still time to keep Biden from getting the needed amount of delegates to win and if this shit blows up, we can hopefully get somebody better in a contested convention.

I love Bernie and Warren but at this point pretty much anyone outside of Bloomberg would be an improvement.

Also, thanks to Deep Water for posting that audio.
Unfortunately, many people will attempt to sweep this under the rug in some kind of effort to defeat Trump.

It's only a matter of time until the victim is smeared. It's already happened with people accusing her of being a Russian bot or some nonsense.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This will never happen since that would mean a Bernie win and the establishment can't stand to pay what they owe.
Biden dropping out would not mean Bernie gets to be the nominee. Bernie got crushed in the primaries. Democratic voters overwhelmingly rejected Bernie. Biden's delegates would align with someone moderate like Biden.
Oct 26, 2017
Just another man who thinks he can treat people however he wants to because he's in a position of power

Sad that this is the guy we're going to be stuck with


Oct 26, 2017
That won't be this year. And we can't afford it since Supreme Court justices have to be replaced.

we're talking gay marriage being overturned, abortion being made illegal, and Obamacare being rolled back.
Maybe now people will understand why attacking Trump on him being a rapist was not terribly effective.

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
Hey, you know, you don't HAVE to vote for Biden. Like at all. Primary wise, it's still feasible if difficult to stonewall him and either get Bernie the nomination or go to a contested convention where we can get someone other than Bernie who ISN'T a sex pest if you're so opposed to him, there are more than enough states left. And general wise, you can abstain from the Presidential election with good conscience as certain states allow voting for a VP candidate without voting for the presidential candidate, and still go in November 3 to vote in important downballot elections, such as US Congress and more local races. But we're not at the general yet, people, we can still stop Biden!

But I guess for some, when it comes to supporting victims, it's more important to go the easy route and play team games. "Nah, we can't fight against this monster, it's too haaaaaard. Let's just consign ourselves to this fate because at least he's OUR monster. :("

Like fucking hell, I'm sure we could set up some sort of text banking operation to let people who aren't paying attention in the remaining states know they shouldn't vote for Biden in the primary, a lot of us are stuck at home with nothing else to do. I'd do it myself but I lack the technical and legal knowhow, the former for setting up text banking apps and such, the latter is important to ensure people's private info wouldn't get into random hands, and I don't know if individuals not a part of a campaign can actually do such a thing; and I'm very much a follower and advisor type, not a leader type, so to speak. But we can do something. Like, c'mon guys. Just something, anything.


Dec 14, 2017
well, the objective is to beat Trump... we live in a time where being a sexual harasser does not make you a bad candidate (specially against Trump!) so the Dems will just keep going with Biden as their candidate. And hope that he can finish his sentences more often than not.
May 26, 2018
Edit: sorry, an old post was made i decided was wrong to bring up in that way but forgot to erase it before replying to someone else. My bad. Argh I feel like a doofus.

anyway, political situation is feeling pretty bad right now. Don't know what's going to happen.

Deleted member 4532

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
well, the objective is to beat Trump... we live in a time where being a sexual harasser does not make you a bad candidate (specially against Trump!) so the Dems will just keep going with Biden as their candidate. And hope that he can finish his sentences more often than not.
Biden will get destroyed by Trump when debate time comes up. Their only hope is to swap out Biden at the convention