
Oct 25, 2017
Studios really ought to stick to one competent director for an entire trilogy, a la Peter Jackson with The Lord of the Rings, Francis Ford Coppola with The Godfather, Spielberg with Indiana Jones, Christopher Nolan with Batman, George Lucas with the original Star Wars etc. The trick however is to never given any director a follow up to that trilogy lol.

Uh you might want to check IMDB.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I suggest that it was his exact job. Making the sequel and all.

By that logic, you could have made the sequel a movie about birds and said the only people that cared about a continuation of the plot were the fans, and he made the movie he wanted.
Except who Snoke was was NOT a plot point in TFA. Who in TFA asked who Snoke was? No one. No one in TFA talked about it or cared about it.
Oct 27, 2017
How the heck was it lame? Saying she was a Kenobi or Skywalker would been so safe and boring. Who wants a safe boring movie?

The real answer was brilliant. You don't have to be born special to be special. You are what you make of yourself. A fresh counter point to Kylo, born into royality and a legendary family.
Yeah, I was prepared to roll my eyes if she was a Skywalker/Kenobi/Jin/Erso/ That's always the absolute corniest thing fiction can do and why the Harry Potter epilogue was so universally ridiculed


Oct 25, 2017
The Rebels (if that's what they are now) are royally fucked if all the knights confront the leadership in a given battle.

They're already outnumbered with just Ben. Either on foot or in fighters, the knights would slaughter them as is.

There's gotta be something major that kept them from being involved.

To be honest the one-sidedness of the conflict doesn't fit at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Studios really ought to stick to one competent director for an entire trilogy, a la Peter Jackson with The Lord of the Rings, Francis Ford Coppola with The Godfather, Spielberg with Indiana Jones, Christopher Nolan with Batman, George Lucas with the original Star Wars etc. The trick however is to never given any director a follow up to that trilogy lol.
I'm pretty sure most studios would love to have one director helm an entire trilogy for them. The sticking point is usually less the studio and more the director wanting to do something else.

Really? Everyone I know thought the answer was lame. So certainly not everyone.

If only she were Obi-Wan's mystery granddaughter

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I was prepared to roll my eyes if she was a Skywalker/Kenobi/Jin/Erso/ That's always the absolute corniest thing fiction can do and why the Harry Potter epilogue was so universally ridiculed
The chosen one born special character type is soooo overplayed.

Harry Potter. Star Wars prequels and originals and so on. We don't need another.


Oct 27, 2017
Episode 9 starts with Rey looking battle worn

"What a fight! Me vs the 6 Knights of Ren! Too bad no else saw it. No one will believe how amazing it was. Anyways, back to the rebel base!"


Oct 27, 2017
Minneapolis, MN
For the record, he does answer the questions raised. And for the things that didn't have backstory (Snoke) it's not his job to provide that. Not everything needs backstory. The only question posed was from the fans, the movie didn't care at all who he was.

Much like the emperor in the OT
Was the emperor in the OT really not expanded upon? It's been a while since I've seen it.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
It's ok. Even if Rey is outnumbered by the Knights of the Ren, she can have ghost Yoda appear and Thor mode lightning strike them.

If that's a Jedi island power exclusive, she could just hide it out on the island waiting for them. Lol.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Fingers crossed they'll be in Ep 9. Would be a real waste of potential if they didn't use them at all after that tease in TFA.


Oct 28, 2017
Except who Snoke was was NOT a plot point in TFA.

This is such a clearly ridiculous statement that I'm done debating with you. Re-read that a few times in your head. Are you realizing how ridiculous of a thing that is to say? Surely. Maybe, just maybe, you're just blindly defending the movie.

Listen - I loved TFA. I loved Rogue One. I went in to TLJ completely blind. I left feeling horribly disappointed.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is such a clearly ridiculous statement that I'm done debating with you. Re-read that a few times in your head. Are you realizing how ridiculous of a thing that is to say? Surely. Maybe, just maybe, you're just blindly defending the movie.

Listen - I loved TFA. I loved Rogue One. I went in to TLJ completely blind. I left feeling horribly disappointed.
Seriously. Tell me. When was who Snoke was or Snokes origins a plot point in TFA left danging?

Rey's parents and who she was waiting for was an actual plot point in TFA. On screen. In dialouge.

NO ONE in TFA was wondering where Snoke came from.


The Moyes are Back in Town
Oct 25, 2017
Because revealing something that was a passing mention in a movie isn't in the sequel is hardly a spoiler. Would it be any more egregious if it was "Star Wars: The Last Jedi what happened to midichlorians?"?
Of course not. Midichlorians was a (bad) idea introduced in the prequel trilogy.

Whatever, dude. The internet and this franchise, match made in heaven.


Oct 27, 2017
If Snoke's backstory or the Knights of Ren in action or Phasma doing something interesting were so precious to JJ, he could've done something with them in the Star Wars movie he already made. He sidelined them because they're not that important. Unsurprisingly, Rian also understood this.


Oct 25, 2017
If Snoke's backstory or the Knights of Ren in action or Phasma doing something interesting were so precious to JJ, he could've done something with them in the Star Wars movie he already made. He sidelined them because they're not that important. Unsurprisingly, Rian also understood this.
They made for cool action figures.

Actually I don't know if Knights of Ren toys were even made lol


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
If Snoke's backstory or the Knights of Ren in action or Phasma doing something interesting were so precious to JJ, he could've done something with them in the Star Wars movie he already made. He sidelined them because they're not that important. Unsurprisingly, Rian also understood this.

He didn't sideline them so much as save them for the next film(s) (aside from Phasma who was terribly implemented and underutilised). There's only so much time you can dedicate to so many characters, especially in the first part of a trilogy which is more about establishing the key characters and protagonists. I think major secondary villains are better saved for the middle or final acts of a trilogy. It's all part of the build up.


Oct 27, 2017
Metro Detriot
Meh, I am okay with them not being in TLJ. Not every bread crumb need to be answer ASAP. It makes perfect sense that Kylo doesnt have them around Snoke. Rule of two would eliminate them or get in Kylo's way of being Snoke's student.

Now that Kylo has successfully pulled off a coup, he has his own loyal followers to install. Or there are 6 wild cards out there. Seeing Kylo and Rey are about to redefine how people are going to use the Force in the near future, having more semi trained Force users out there opens up more stories with the a Force beyond the chosen blood line of the Skywalkers. Balance was brought to the Force through the Skywalker line. For the Force to remain balanced and grow, such a powerful bloodline needs to go away. Ridged ideas of Jedi and Sith need to die or evolve.

They can still have Sith and Jedi, but they can also make new orders that don't follow the ridge structure of Using the Force doesn't require Sith or Jedi- it just needs one to understand what the Force is and practice.

That is what both Luke, Yoda, and Kylo realized- the path of the Jedi and Sith are just social constructs. They are not the only way to the Force.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
He didn't sideline them so much as save them for the next film(s) (aside from Phasma who was terribly implemented and underutilised). There's only so much time you can dedicate to so many characters, especially in the first part of a trilogy which is more about establishing the key characters and protagonists. I think major secondary villains are better saved for the middle or final acts of a trilogy. It's all part of the build up.
JJ could've dropped a few lines of exposition about who Snoke was and where he came from, or filmed a longer bit with the Knights of Ren in Rey's vision sequence. He didn't because either: a) he hadn't figured them out yet and wanted to give the next director freedom to do whatever they wanted with them, or b) just didn't consider that stuff important enough in the grand scheme of TFA's story. Rian came to a similar conclusion on TLJ.

And as it turns out, Snoke WAS saved for the middle act of the trilogy, it's just that his role in this story wasn't to play Emperor 2.0 like we all assumed he would.

Deleted member 9330

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I suggest that it was his exact job. Making the sequel and all.

By that logic, you could have made the sequel a movie about birds and said the only people that cared about a continuation of the plot were the fans, and he made the movie he wanted.

I disagree. JJ left some explicit questions (Rey's parents, answered) and some things that fans wanted but was nevertheless not promised (Snoke backstory). Rian is under no obligation to answer all the unspoken questions that people want answered. Why not go over Poe's backstory? Where did he come from, how did he get with the resistance? Just as legitimate as Snoke's

Was the emperor in the OT really not expanded upon? It's been a while since I've seen it.

Like someone else mentioned, we didn't even get an actual name, just the title. He was a non-character. No backstory until the prequels, he just kind of showed up as the true big bad and we all rolled with it


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
OP is silly. They are mentioned in TFA, which means they are around but not actively involved in what's going on. Maybe they are questing. Maybe they are looking for Luke. Maybe they are out pillaging. Maybe they are in charge of training other Sith. Pretty easy to figure they'd be doing something not that interesting. TLJ takes place moments after TFA. Why would Kylo have called back his merry friends for any reason during TLJ except at the very end when he decided to go after the Resistance. Oh, maybe because he was already caught in a chase and didn't have time to call up his buddies when his enemies were in a hopeless corner.

Edit: Quite obvious now that he's supreme leader and he killed the supreme leader guards that he will need to bring them back to serve him. It'll be quite formidable for Rey to have to fight not 1 but like 8 Sith.


Oct 25, 2017
"He destroyed the temple and took some of my students with him.."
Yeah... pretty much.

There's also no flashback in TFA, there's a vision, shit doesn't need to be exact.

Ive said it before, but I'll say it again, thank god there was no internet for the OT. I'd have to sit through people wining about the fucking clone wars being 'retconned' for 20 years.


Oct 25, 2017
They will come back in the next episode upon hearing about Snoke's death, only to see Kylo sitting on the throne.

They're the Knights of Ren, not the Knights of Snoke. They're loyal to the true Supreme Leader Ren.


Oct 25, 2017
Abrams is the guy who did Lost, where they straight up admitted they didn't have answers to questions. Along with his Trek films that could not break away from the Original Saga and into something of it's own.

The dude just threw in a lot of shit to see what sticks.

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
Abrams is the guy who did Lost, where they straight up admitted they didn't have answers to questions. Along with his Trek films that could not break away from the Original Saga and into something of it's own.

The dude just threw in a lot of shit to see what sticks.

I see people keep saying this or a variation of it, is there some news story related to this? Did JJ or Kennedy or someone at Disney make mention of TFA not having things planned out? Just curious what the story is there.


Oct 25, 2017
20 years from now they will make a trilogy in between RotJ and TFA explaining the knights of Ren and 18 year olds will rage out saying it ruined thier childhood.

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
Star Wars got mystery box'd so hard it's actually amazing to see.

Hope y'all ready for "It's was always about the journey, not the answers" excuses when ep 9 ends.

Abrams is a fucking hack.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
JJ could've dropped a few lines of exposition about who Snoke was and where he came from, or filmed a longer bit with the Knights of Ren in Rey's vision sequence. He didn't because either: a) he hadn't figured them out yet and wanted to give the next director freedom to do whatever they wanted with them, or b) just didn't consider that stuff important enough in the grand scheme of TFA's story. Rian came to a similar conclusion on TLJ.

And as it turns out, Snoke WAS saved for the middle act of the trilogy, it's just that his role in this story wasn't to play Emperor 2.0 like we all assumed he would.

I think Snoke was set up just right for the first part in the trilogy. It's good he was left with a complete air of mystery and intrigue.

I also think Rians depiction of Snoke ultimately did end up being pretty much exactly Emperor 2.0, only he moved the death and set up forward one movie.

I have a feeling JJ would have used Snoke far more interestingly, with Khan Star Trek esque grey motivations and history. Why else would he have decided Snoke wasn't a Sith, and why else would he have designed him the way he did? Ancient, older than the original trilogy, with a completely disfigured face, key to so many plots throughout the movies etc? I think JJ probably invisaged Snoke having a far more prominent role with much more back story.


Oct 28, 2017
TLJ takes place minutes after TFA ended. That alone caused more issues than just the Knights of Ren.

But, y'know, it had messages and subversive, unexpected stuff, so some don't care about the holes.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm pretty sure most studios would love to have one director helm an entire trilogy for them. The sticking point is usually less the studio and more the director wanting to do something else.
Yeah I bet it's tough to find a person that's dedicated their lives to making movies that would be interested in creating a trilogy to the most influential series of all time.