
The GIFs of Us
Jun 25, 2020
the wilderness
I find her analysis of the psychology of the characters interesting, especially Joel and Ellie because I've been reading a lot about this idea that their relationship isn't being developed enough, which I find particularly weird because, with every episode, I'm watching their relationship, and themselves, evolve more and more.


Requoting this video for the new page. It's her best video about this show yet.

So many more people should watch it.




And Ellie has his gun.

Frank lives on.


Oct 30, 2017
To be fair, the complaint is that spending more time with Joel and Ellie would show their developing relationship and his naturally becoming a protector and father, but instead of focusing on their relationship for the first time in episode 3 of only 9, we spent it with other characters entirely and then got a "oh yeah Joel you should be a protector". The show certainly could have had Joel develop into this naturally over the course of their travels without receiving it as an instruction from a side character we never saw before and will never see again.

The story is about the father daughter relationship of Joel and Ellie but we're now 1/3 of the way through the series and in the first episode in which they would have been traveling and interacting just the two of them...we left them for a side story.

I understand the complaints.

The thing is, does it really make sense that Joel would "naturally" develop a father-daughter relationship with Ellie just by traveling with her and trading quips and shooting a couple of clickers along the way? He's been traumatized and closed off ever since Sarah's death, and even Tess (his constant companion and partner for over a decade) wasn't able to break his walls down, and not for lack of desire on her part.

Even if we took a plot-centric view of the series, Joel is unlikely to decide to take Ellie to Wyoming just because of a hike over a couple of days; at this point he has to be "nudged" / dragged kicking and screaming every step of the way. First, Marlene bargains with him to take Ellie on a simple escort mission with the promise of a battery and transport. Then Tess makes a dying wish for him to take Ellie to Bill and Frank's, telling him to "save whom he can save." And now Bill (whom he's also known for at least a decade) leaves him with some parting words about "men like him" protecting others - inadvertently twisting the knife about Joel's inability to save both Sarah and Tess, as well as planting the seed in Joel's mind of having a larger purpose beyond just surviving and scavenging day to day.

Could the episode have just glossed over Bill's backstory and have Joel decide to take Ellie to Wyoming because Tess told him to? Yes, but then you'd lose the thematic elements made overt by Bill's story, which serves as a kind of fun-house mirror version of Joel's. "I was never scared before you came along" - i.e. even he-men who present a stoic front become vulnerable and know fear when they find people they care about. The scene with the strawberries (and the luncheon with Joel and Tess) - in a devastated world, it is still possible for life to grow and to have moments of beauty and friendship and love; relationships are what make life worth living. Joel is portrayed as just as (if not more) capable and resourceful as Bill, but they lived completely different lives, because Bill eventually found someone he wanted to protect and build a home and life with, while Joel refused to let people like Tess in and basically went through the motions every day.

Sure, there are valid criticisms of the episode - like the manufactured tension and stupidity of Ellie exploring the basement of an abandoned gas station alone (kind of like the manufactured tension of having paths forward cut off by fallen rubble, or conveniently placed hordes of the infected, but I digress). So I'm glad the show broke free from the conventions of the genre and took a big ambitious swing (which landed, in my opinion) to explore what it actually means to keep on living in a world which will never return to normal, instead of how many clickers can be shot down in the span of an hour, or how it turns out other humans are the real monsters, actually. There have been plenty of shows and movies (and there will be plenty more) dealing with zombie apocalypses or pseudo father-daughter relationships between a strong protector figure and a young girl who brings out his vulnerable side; I'm glad this show took at least a little time and care to actually look at the characters who inhabit the world, whether they live on and become central to the plot or not.


Oct 28, 2017
Surprising absolutely no one, this masterful episode is getting review-bombed on IMDB (and I'm sure on other sites) with 20% (and climbing) of the scores being a 1 compared to 1% for the first two episodes. Gamers are so often the absolutely worst.

EDIT: Metacritic, too
The Venn diagram of these people and those who review-bombed TLoU pt. 2 because of Abby etc. is probably just a single circle.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Really trying not to be a dick but this latest episode feels absolutely like a litmus test for who has compassion and who doesn't. I just watched the episode finally and it's beautiful. It's a sweet love story, and if someone's framing it as an "LGBTQ love story" instead they're either immature or a homophobe. It's just so tiring. I don't know how gay people deal with this shit every fucking day lol.

"It's about representation." No You fucking moron, it's about telling a beautiful story and you're all so caught up in your 90s bigotry that you can't look past it to see something truly beautiful. Fuck. It's exhausting.

"Well the game did this—"
THEN GO PLAY THE FUCKING GAME! Christ. The show is based on it, not a live action remake of the game.

Ugh. Sorry. Hope that's not against the thread rules to vent about this stuff lol. If you couldn't tell, I thought this episode was one of the best episodes of TV I've ever had the pleasure to watch. (And I say that as a fairly center-left CIS white guy, which honestly makes me feel disgusted that I even have to somehow quantify that my liking it is irrespective of my predilection towards enjoying boobs lol.)

it is exhausting, to be honest.

If this was a cis heterosexual couple there would be 0 backlash. If we go to the core of this episode, this is a post apocalyptic version of pixar's Up prologue and we know that is universally praised by critics and the public.

It really is exhausting that people cannot look at a same sex story without complaining, it is exhausting having to always justify our existence and our representation. And gamers are some of the fucking worst with this.

But well, whatever. As long as we have the right wing agit prop media machine running, the religious braindead fanatics and the overall bigots, we will always have to fight and push back. I just sometimes wish there was a hell so all these fuckers could burn there forever.


Oct 25, 2017
You left them for a side story that enriches the journey Joel and Ellie are about to go on. Bill and Frank's experience is reflected on the development of the main character's relationship. Love is the main theme of the series and the last episode is a glimpse of the way it can give people purpose and a sense of belonging even in the face of the apocalypse, while leaving the threads for how the same feeling can morph into something more nefarious and self indulgent. We don't need 7 episodes of Joel and Ellie interacting for 50 minutes to develop their relationship directly.

in a way also I think Joel *needs* that push from Bill - and perhaps specifically Bill as he was such a defensive person before Frank his words may have more weight.

He's been disconnected from normal life since Sarah and now he's lost Tess too. He *might* have developed a better relationship with Ellie naturally, or he may go back to his ways and treat her like a cargo or at best a favour to Tess. Bill's words are useful in pushing him to a place he isn't comfortable - opening up to other people. That allows his relationship with Ellie to evolve IMO

edit: sorry missed jgwhiteus post - said it beautifully
Jun 24, 2019
Little surprised the show took a different route to Bill & Frank's story, but a welcoming one.

The episode was a mixture of wholesome, tragic and bittersweet.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Apart from the obvious CGI outdoors backgrounds in the beginning (the wood/forest shots were the most obvious)
this was a fantastic episode. Loved it.
Normal disaster and apocalypse stories had conditioned us to see traitors and grimdark in every corner, so I was thinking who was betraying who with Bill and Frank until the first timeskip.

Also, so sad that Ellie didn't troll Joel with the Tampex and asking what these were. She seems to be the character that would do that.


Feb 16, 2021
I've thought about this episode every single day since it aired. Humans and their ways of sharing love can be so beautiful.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
Finally got my wife to watch the first episode last night. I really wasn't sure how she would take to it as she's typically not into anything horror like, like zombies, and the show having a bleak looking theme to it just might not jive with her. She asked me what it was about and I told her a few times to just watch it and go into it blind, but then last night I thought maybe it was better to at least tell her it's about an apocalyptical event so that she would at least have some mental mindset for the type of show.

She absolutely loved it. In the beginning she just loved how the characters interacted with each other. When Sarah died she was completely caught off guard and in shock because she thought she was the main character. Watching that reaction and seeing someone else's reaction when they had no expectation was a joy to see. By the end she wanted to immediately watch the next episode thinking only two had aired, but when I told her there was two, she knew she wouldn't be able to stay up late enough to watch both but knew if she started another she'd have to watch both.

So tonight, we're watching Ep. 2 and 3 and I can't wait to see how she reacts to those since I've already seen them which will mean we can watch Ep 4 this weekend. I kind of expected her to like the first ep and say it was good, but also say not really for her but was not prepared for how much she loved the first ep. She was even surprised that it was based on a game and asked how the first ep compared. I know this is a show only thread so I won't say anything more about that. It's been really great to see how she takes to this as someone new to the story. Can't wait for tonight!


Oct 26, 2017
Finally got my wife to watch the first episode last night. I really wasn't sure how she would take to it as she's typically not into anything horror like, like zombies, and the show having a bleak looking theme to it just might not jive with her. She asked me what it was about and I told her a few times to just watch it and go into it blind, but then last night I thought maybe it was better to at least tell her it's about an apocalyptical event so that she would at least have some mental mindset for the type of show.

She absolutely loved it. In the beginning she just loved how the characters interacted with each other. When Sarah died she was completely caught off guard and in shock because she thought she was the main character. Watching that reaction and seeing someone else's reaction when they had no expectation was a joy to see. By the end she wanted to immediately watch the next episode thinking only two had aired, but when I told her there was two, she knew she wouldn't be able to stay up late enough to watch both but knew if she started another she'd have to watch both.

So tonight, we're watching Ep. 2 and 3 and I can't wait to see how she reacts to those since I've already seen them which will mean we can watch Ep 4 this weekend. I kind of expected her to like the first ep and say it was good, but also say not really for her but was not prepared for how much she loved the first ep. She was even surprised that it was based on a game and asked how the first ep compared. I know this is a show only thread so I won't say anything more about that. It's been really great to see how she takes to this as someone new to the story. Can't wait for tonight!
That settles it. I need a new wife


Chicken Chaser
Feb 17, 2019
Wow episode 3 fucking killed me, tears from the piano scene on to the end, amazing episode. I kept constantly trying to figure out the guy playing Frank and then i was like oh yeah! the manager from White Lotus! On a dark note, it makes me furious this masterpiece episode is being review bombed, i fucking hate people

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Sure! Have you seen the movie Prospect (2018)? It's a great sci-fi movie with Pedro Pascal and Sophie Thatcher. It has such a great mood, and the soundtrack is so good. It's actually one of my favorite sci-fi movies ever. I love it more each time I watch it. Highly recommended.


I'm ashamed to admit I've had this on my wishlist for a while, but I always decide to watch something else. Love the gif. :p
The first episode still remains my favorite, it's the only one I've rewatched. This was the second best episode though, really loved this little story and how it was told. First episode gets points for the best action so far and that great opening. All three episodes have been top tier TV.

For more Murray you should absolutely watch White Lotus. Though considering it's his most famous work, you might have already seen it.

Narcos is great, even if Pedro isn't the lead in that one. Wagner Moura as Escobar is phenomenal, so it's worth seeing anyway. Though again you might already have. Unless for some reason you hate Nicholas Cage, Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is really fun. Pascal and Cage have great chemistry together.
Lots of people love that show(WL). Does Pascal get lots of on screen time on Narcos?
And I don't mind Cage. lol
For Murray:

Looking on HBO - that's his best work outside of White Lotus and TLOU.
His storyline on Tales of the City on Netflix is good, but anything without him is rather boring.
Physical on Apple TV.
Welcome to Chippendales

Nick: Devs is good, but it's a difficult show sometimes.
Had no idea he was in Physical. Definitely need to push it up my list now.

Curious about what makes Devs difficult.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm ashamed to admit I've had this on my wishlist for a while, but I always decide to watch something else. Love the gif. :p

Lots of people love that show(WL). Does Pascal get lots of on screen time on Narcos?
And I don't mind Cage. lol

Had no idea he was in Physical. Definitely need to push it up my list now.

Curious about what makes Devs difficult.
Pedro is in every episode, but he does get less screentime than Moura and Halbrook in the first two seasons.


Nov 13, 2017
Caught up on the latest and this episode hit me like nothing since the last two episodes of Station Eleven. Just an incredibly beautifully told story, and it fits so naturally into Joel and Ellie's journey.

Wow episode 3 fucking killed me, tears from the piano scene on to the end, amazing episode. I kept constantly trying to figure out the guy playing Frank and then i was like oh yeah! the manager from White Lotus! On a dark note, it makes me furious this masterpiece episode is being review bombed, i fucking hate people
Thank you! At the start it was killing me trying to remember where I knew him from, but forgot to care about it by the midway point lol


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know why, but living in Boston I appreciated the use of Cumberland Farms. The one they were at looks a LOT like one in a wooded part the area that would be roughly around where they were.

That being said, living in Boston it's also pretty obvious pretty quick that nothing was actually filmed in this area as the landscape and trees are all wrong for eastern Massachusetts.

This last episode got me nitpicking like crazy. Nobody calls it Cumberland Farms, it should be Cumbys! The gas pumps are Exxon branded for some reason. Also, Bill breaks into a power plant called "New Bedford" when it's nowhere near where they should be in the show!



Nov 13, 2017
This last episode got me nitpicking like crazy. Nobody calls it Cumberland Farms, it should be Cumbys! The gas pumps also aren't Exon branded. Also, Bill breaks into a power plant called "New Bedford" when it's nowhere near where they should be in the show!

Heh I had the same thought about Cumby's, but gave it a pass because they were from before Ellie's time

The New Beige power plant I also noticed and did not give a pass lol


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm ashamed to admit I've had this on my wishlist for a while, but I always decide to watch something else. Love the gif. :p

Lots of people love that show(WL). Does Pascal get lots of on screen time on Narcos?
And I don't mind Cage. lol

Had no idea he was in Physical. Definitely need to push it up my list now.

Curious about what makes Devs difficult.

It can be very slow and the characters sometimes act like robots, but it's rewarding.


Oct 27, 2017
Heh I had the same thought about Cumby's, but gave it a pass because they were from before Ellie's time

The New Beige power plant I also noticed and did not give a pass lol

Show is filmed in Alberta Canada so you're definitely going to get some mountainous terrain/foliage. Boston was Calgary, Fish Creek provincial park was their hiking spot this episode, an Esso stood in for Exxon, and they built an entire actual town in the middle of a rural area for the setting in Ep.3. The Canadian Rockies will be standing in for Wyoming soon too. Western Canadians will recognize Canmore.


Oct 25, 2017
Pedro episode of SNL just came on. There's a good chance that there will be some TLoU-inspired sketch since both promos were about it.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Keep any comparisons, and discussion or mentions of any similarities or differences to the game, out of this thread. Period.

I'm reposting the spoiler policy for anyone who hasn't read it yet before the new episode drops. If you haven't read the full thing or if you need a reminder, please read it before posting about the new episode.

Spoiler tags are not required when live-posting while watching the series on Sunday nights. However, as mentioned at the top of this post, spoilers from the games are not allowed in this thread whatsoever, tagged or not, and already adapted or not. This thread is intended to be a safe place for people who are only watching the show and have not played the games, or simply people wanting to experience it divorced from the source material, to discuss it amongst themselves and speculate about its future without worrying about being spoiled on any story content from the games. If you are caught "hinting" about what's to come based on your knowledge of the games, you will be reported. Furthermore, leaks for upcoming episodes of the television series are not permitted in this thread, so if an episode leaks in advance, please do not discuss it until it airs on HBO. If you want to freely discuss any content from the games that this series is based on, please click here to go to the game spoiler thread on the Gaming side.

Additionally, if you're watching on HBO Max rather than HBO, do not skip further into the episode and openly post spoilers for it before it has finished airing on HBO.
Spoilers or references of any sort from the games are not allowed in this thread, and that includes comparing different story beats from the show against ones from the games, or just generally talking about things that may have stayed the same as they were in the game or changed in the shift from game to television. This means no saying things like:
  • "I knew what was coming but I still enjoyed it"
  • "I liked [character or event] in the game more"
  • "Oh that [character or event] is new"
  • "That's different from how it was in the game"
  • "That hit just as hard as it did in the game"
  • "That was just like the game"
This thread is meant to be friendly towards anyone who hasn't played the games by way of being 100% spoiler free in regards to them, as those folks may be interested in playing the games after watching the show in order to find out what ways they are the same or different on their own.

If you want to discuss how the series is the same as the games or different than them, or talk about how a scene affected you similarly or differently than it did in the game, then please post in the game spoiler OT instead-- that thread is specifically made for you. In regards to this thread, please be mindful and keep your posts spoiler-free for people who are only watching the show.

I repeat:

Keep any comparisons, and discussion or mentions of any similarities or differences to the game, out of this thread. Period.

Episode 4: Please Hold to My Hand


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017

The fourth episode is now live!

Title: Please Hold to My Hand
Directed by: Jeremy Webb
Written by: Craig Mazin
Runtime: 51 minutes

Episode Synopsis said:
After abandoning their truck in Kansas City, Joel and Ellie attempt to escape without drawing the attention of a vindictive rebel leader.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
This is not related to the games or even a spoiler, but there is a weird amount of footage from this show that gives the impression that this or that thing will be in an episode, when it isn't.

I really think they should have considered condensing more content like they did in episode 1.


Nov 3, 2017
Great episode. Damn........Ellie and Ellie/Joel's relationship is growing on me the more I hear from her and slowly seeing her crack Joel's walls. That scene with the diarrhea joke seemed like the first time had a good laugh in a while.

Joel 56?

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Today's episode was great as usual. The chemistry between them is amazing. What a perfect casting for these two.

I lost it at the last joke.