
The Fallen
Feb 28, 2018
I know this has been talked about to death but i don't know if everyone appreciates Just how good TLOU2 gameplay was. I mean look at this

I mentioned this in the awards thread, but how many people remember how uncharted 2 was shitted on cause of gameplay? Reflecting back on that, and looking at there recent effort, i can't help but be amazed how far they have come in that department.

It feels more like metal gear games and to me specifically mgs3 and 4 in terms of how much variety there is with how you can play it. I mean i was looking at this video and there were so many things in there that i did not know you could do. There's one part where he/she shoots an arrow up in the air and then runs towards a hoard of enemies as the arrow comes rushing down. I'm about to fire it back up just to try it. What are everyone else's thought? I was not on here during it's launch but i don't think i've heard enough charter about how great the gameplay is more so the story.
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Oct 27, 2017
Right up there with MGS V in terms of gameplay for me. Amazing how far they went after the lackluster combat options of the first game


Oct 27, 2017
I'll buy a ps5 version if only to play in this aggressive style that I see in much's gifs. I played the game way too stealthy


Oct 27, 2017
It's the best TPS gameplay ever. Everything clicks so seamlessly into each other. Stealth, melee, shooting. Then there is a wide range of weapons and gadgets to use. And a good variety of enemies as well. It's just a joy to play.


Oct 4, 2020
The gameplay is what made me stick around, it was sooo good. Can't wait for factions to drop.


Oct 25, 2017
Setting up traps and luring infected into groups is just the best.

I've never enjoyed getting headshots and kills as much as the way I do in TLOU2.


Jul 27, 2018
grounded difficulty was so good

that said i think that the combat gameplay being fun somewhat negated the game's core themes of the horrors of cyclical violence


Oct 27, 2017
It's the culmination of Naughty Dog's steady improvement to action gameplay from Uncharted onwards. From passable to exceptional. Best third person action game ever made in my opinion. I'm excited to replay on Grounded once a PS5 upgrade appears.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm desperately waiting for the 60fps switch, you know i didn't use a single arrow bomb? I have so much more to do in this game. I love that it's so customizable, I'm going to make the enemies as aggressive as possible but also put resources and ammo as high as i can so i can be aggressive.


Nov 8, 2017
Started NG+ as soon as I finished so I could mess around with the systems and just enjoy the encounters. The gameplay is just fucking sublime. Need that 60fps so, so badly.


Oct 25, 2017
My favorite TPS gameplay of all time. Factions is gonna be hype. Animation work is just unreal.
Oct 29, 2017
I got halfway in and switched to the easier difficulty just because I was a bit bored of the gameplay itself but wanted to see where the story was going.
Oct 27, 2017
I do appreciate watching some of these aggressive runs on YouTube. There was much more trepidation in my playstyle, but when things got loud I always felt like I had a chance of salvaging it by being tactically superior.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Amazing how they made gameplay feel so good AND great, realistic animations. Usually it's one or the other.


Nov 24, 2017
pretty much best controlling tps on top of being best animated tps really,
loved how dynamically you can switch between stealth and combat too.
this would play like a dream at 60fps,
nd hear me!
Oct 25, 2017
I mentioned this in the awards thread, but how many people remember how uncharted 2 was shitted on cause of gameplay?
I do, and they were always wrong. Uncharted 2 has excellent gameplay. I adore the game's characters and cutscenes, but if that's all I wanted from it, I wouldn't be replaying it all the time even in 2021 (currently doing a Crushing playthrough on the PS4), I would just watch them on youtube.

It's one of the best playing TPS ever, up to this day, in my opinion. The gunplay itself is not the best, and shooting feels WAY better in Naughty Dog games since The Last of Us 1, but the combat as a whole is a blast, and I'll take its encounters and enemies over the ones in Uncharted 4 any day, even though the guns feel much better in that game.

The movement and level design in Uncharted are the things that make it stand out the most. It's a very vertical game, at its best when you're taking advantage of that and always on the move, always switching weapons, always meleeing and so on. I can't argue that it's not the game's fault that it was perfectly possible to beat it while sticking to covers 100% of the time and "playing in a boring way", but the same can be true of many other games that didn't get nearly as much shit for their gameplay.

Haven't played The Last of Us Part II, but I bet it has excellent gameplay, judging by the first game and Uncharted 4.


The Fallen
Feb 28, 2018
I do, and they were always wrong. Uncharted 2 has excellent gameplay. I adore the game's characters and cutscenes, but if that's all I wanted from it, I wouldn't be replaying it all the time even in 2021 (currently doing a Crushing playthrough on the PS4), I would just watch them on youtube.

It's one of the best playing TPS ever, up to this day, in my opinion. The gunplay itself is not the best, and shooting feels WAY better in Naughty Dog games since The Last of Us 1, but the combat as a whole is a blast, and I'll take its encounters and enemies over the ones in Uncharted 4 any day, even though the guns feel much better in that game.

The movement and level design in Uncharted are the things that make it stand out the most. It's a very vertical game, at its best when you're taking advantage of that and always on the move, always switching weapons, always meleeing and so on. I can't argue that it's not the game's fault that it was perfectly possible to beat it while sticking to covers 100% of the time and "playing in a boring way", but the same can be true of many other games that didn't get nearly as much shit for their gameplay.

Haven't played The Last of Us Part II, but I bet it has excellent gameplay, judging by the first game and Uncharted 4.

Oh man. You're in for a treat gameplay wise.
Oct 27, 2017
The mechanics, level design, and AI combine to create the most thrilling third person stealth action game I've played. Every encounter feels handcrafted and unique.


Oct 26, 2017
It's really good, and it honestly surprised me after TLoU was kinda bland in that aspect. My only real issues from what I remember were not really liking the sort of either unlockable/upgradable individual skill trees, and the fact you only get to use that badass SMG at the epilogue.
I can't see myself ever replaying it, but I'd like to play more of something like that, be it DLC or Factions.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sad that the gameplay often gets overlooked in conversations surrounding TLOU2, when the gameplay is honestly more interesting and better than the story. The game was simply sublime to play, and I had a blast the entire time. The gameplay shines whether you choose to go guns blazing, or stealth it. Playing on harder difficulties was especially thrilling. Incredible game.
Oct 27, 2017
It's perfection to play. It makes every other third person game feel lumpen and inconsequential. I played Shadow of the Tomb Raider after this and it felt hilariously stilted and lightweight and arcade.


Apr 29, 2020
Absolutely best in class, simply mind-blowing. Literally ruined other 3rd person action-adventure games for me in terms of animation, all I see now is jank


Oct 27, 2017
I'm desperately waiting for the 60fps switch, you know i didn't use a single arrow bomb? I have so much more to do in this game. I love that it's so customizable, I'm going to make the enemies as aggressive as possible but also put resources and ammo as high as i can so i can be aggressive.

I want this setup in 60fps sooo bad

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It looks so amazing and is right up my alley but I'm still waiting to play it at 60fps and I'll keep on waiting if ND gives it the remaster treatment (instead of a patch) and it debuts for more than $40


Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely best in class, simply mind-blowing. Literally ruined other 3rd person action-adventure games for me in terms of animation, all I see now is jank
True. There isn't anything on that level. It's not only 3rd person, but first-person games as well. The closest we have is God of War and even that is a good step behind TLOU2. I hope developers focus more on animations this generation. It really makes a night and day difference. But it's probably also the hardest thing to nail in the graphics department.

s y

Nov 8, 2017
now imagine it at 60fps :O

Also, it's wild how different the game plays as whole on anything less than Survivor difficulty. On Survivor and up, scavenging for supplies is essential as you're empty after every fight, on hard or below, it's tedious.

I'd love some MGS esque VR missions


Oct 26, 2017
What's great is that everything they do to better the gameplay will be things they can build upon in future titles. Good AI does not need to be scrapped. That's why its so important to make some kind of stride as developers.


Nov 16, 2017
Gameplay was great just wish there were more infected types introduced throughout rather than reusing clickers & bloaters and runners. Shamblers are a pseudo Bloater and it was cool to finally combat against stalkers after they were hinted throughout TLOU 1's story. Wish it was more battles against the infected than human drama. It's what? 5 years after the outbreak, could there not have been more mutations in the span of that?


Oct 26, 2017
Gameplay was great just wish there were more infected types introduced throughout rather than reusing clickers & bloaters and runners. Shamblers are a pseudo Bloater and it was cool to finally combat against stalkers after they were hinted throughout TLOU 1's story. Wish it was more battles against the infected than human drama. It's what? 5 years after the outbreak, could there not have been more mutations in the span of that?

You fight Stalkers in TLOU1 as well
Oct 25, 2017
Does anybody know what the custom difficulty setup is to get the highest possible difficulty while still keeping the hit markers that are disabled on Grounded? I think they do far too much for feedback to be worth the trade off in slightly increased challenge for having to confirm your hits through enemy movement. I'd rather have guns feeling better to shoot than hit confirms being slightly harder.