The Appetizer

Apr 24, 2018
Looking forward to this! I kind of hope Joel's presence is minimal; his arc finished in TLoU 1 and I really don't see how they can extend it without ruining it.


Art Manager
Oct 27, 2017
I think it's fair to criticize ND for showing something that is very obviously highly massaged and not truly indicative of the game. Nothing about it looked like "natural" play to me. As you said, they did the same thing with the first game. That's not a good thing. I played TLOU1 four times from start to finish, never got that experience. Fair to say some people aren't gonna fall for it again.

What about this didn't strike you as natural to you? She pulled off some stealth kills, got caught, ran and hid the same as you could in Uncharted 4. There are now more ways to hide and more contextual animations but literally nothing about this screamed "Yeah, this won't play like this." It's a natural evolution of everything they've been building since TLOU 1.

Also, I'm going to need a refresher on an encounter they presented for TLOU that was impossible in the retail game. I'm calling Fake News on all of that chatter.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Amazing. Familiar gameplay with refinements here and there, plus new tools and means to get around the environment, precisely what I wanted in this sequel. The Last of Us is looking great!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Man, that gameplay sequence was TENSE. Game looks like it's going to be brutal & dark as hell - I wonder how much the zombies/clickers are going to figure into this one.


Oct 28, 2017
I feel compelled to tell you that ELLIE IS BLUSHING


I'm fucking dying here Naughty Dog !

She's adorable!


Oct 26, 2017
I wonder if they're upping the ante with the survival aspect and really limiting all the possible resources you can get in the game. Ellie ran out of her bullets and arrows fast in the demo.
Hopefully, playing on Survival difficulty in the 1st would put you in that situation fairly regularly and it was great. Best way to play imo.


Oct 26, 2017
So, don't know if it was brought up but at the beginning of the dance scene, the Asian guy talking to Ellie refers to "Your old man" reaming him out regarding patrol routes, which means that in this time period Joel is not only alive but he's achieved some sort of leadership position in whatever community they've found.


Oct 28, 2017
What about this didn't strike you as natural to you? She pulled off some stealth kills, got caught, ran and hid the same as you could in Uncharted 4. There are now more ways to hide and more contextual animations but literally nothing about this screamed "Yeah, this won't play like this." It's a natural evolution of everything they've been building since TLOU 1.

Also, I'm going to need a refresher on an encounter they presented for TLOU that was impossible in the retail game. I'm calling Fake News on all of that chatter.
Ellie took a hit, fell against a car, pushed herself off of the car, and then went into a melee animation with a guy. I mean if thats legitimate gameplay then bravo because that was a seamless transition of the like Ive never seen before, but I'm betting theres no way in hell thats actual gameplay.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
What about this didn't strike you as natural to you? She pulled off some stealth kills, got caught, ran and hid the same as you could in Uncharted 4. There are now more ways to hide and more contextual animations but literally nothing about this screamed "Yeah, this won't play like this." It's a natural evolution of everything they've been building since TLOU 1.

Also, I'm going to need a refresher on an encounter they presented for TLOU that was impossible in the retail game. I'm calling Fake News on all of that chatter.
It's not that one particular bit is impossible, it's the whole thing, one "cool" moment after another with perfect timing and gameplay editing, so to speak. It's like a highly controlled dance. Ah whatever.

Regarding the TLOU1 demo, I don't think I ever fired an empty gun at someone's temple, but that might've been just me.


Oct 27, 2017
Is some of that scripted? Probably. It looks pretty evident towards the end, when Ellie just happens to come face-to-face with what looks to be the primary antagonist in the scenario. However, if that's what we can expect from enemy AI and the melee combat then it's much to look forward to.

Definitely the best of Sony's presentation. I was annoyed with DS.


Jan 27, 2018
So, don't know if it was brought up but at the beginning of the dance scene, the Asian guy talking to Ellie refers to "Your old man" reaming him out regarding patrol routes, which means that in this time period Joel is not only alive but he's achieved some sort of leadership position in whatever community they've found.
& Tommy Joel's brother, they likely lead the place, but who knows what happens to them?


Mar 18, 2018
It's very obviously scripted. Should be evident by how infuriating it would actually be if the AI was actually like that.

But that stuff probbaly does happen, justs not as quickly conveniantly and one after the other as was shown here.


Oct 25, 2017
So, don't know if it was brought up but at the beginning of the dance scene, the Asian guy talking to Ellie refers to "Your old man" reaming him out regarding patrol routes, which means that in this time period Joel is not only alive but he's achieved some sort of leadership position in whatever community they've found.
I'm assuming this is Tommy's settlement, so makes sense.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Game looked incredible in all aspects really. No window or even year bums me out hard.


Oct 27, 2017
Best game of the show, but I expect nothing else from this studio. Well done ladies and gentleman.


Mar 18, 2018
It would be embarrassing as fuck if this game is LGBT positive as it looks to be then they go with the old shitty trope of killing off her potential lover.

As Progessive as Naughty Dog are they ain't entirely there yet. Both the two POC main characters in their last game were played by white women.

That said, it's the fungal apocalypse, and they held back too much with not killing main characters off last time. I'd be shocked if joel or anyone in that dance scene survive.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a bit disappointed that they got rid of the realistic bow gameplay. This one looks more in line with Tomb Raider/Horizon.


Oct 28, 2017
Hopefully, playing on Survival difficulty in the 1st would put you in that situation fairly regularly and it was great. Best way to play imo.

Never tried it actually. Isn't that the mode where they take away your 'detective vision'?

I played on Normal I think and it was still tense as hell at times for me. Some of the encounters in TLOU were butt-clenchingly nerve wrecking.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, just look at it as any old love story where the lover it is exactly like the common trope.
She most likely dead .
I mean it's a trope no matter the sexual orientation .

Nah, ruining gay relationships via death in fiction is exceptionally common in comparison to the number of gay relationships we get in media. Doing it yet again after being so forward about Ellie's sexuality for an AAA game would be dumb.

This is hand-wringing over a speculative post though so we'll see what happens.


Mar 18, 2018
Never tried it actually. Isn't that the mode where they take away your 'detective vision'?

I played on Normal I think and it was still tense as hell at times for me. Some of the encounters in TLOU were butt-clenchingly nerve wrecking.


It's very hard.

I had to stop after the first clicker encounter.


May 26, 2018
That looked intense. Love that Ellie's got herself a girlfriend (though it looks like she's going to die, maybe as part of the motivation for the whole revenge plot, which is annoying).

My main reaction though is WHERE'S JOEL? I love me some Ellie, but her and Joel's dynamic is what got me so invested in the last game and I'm going to be bummed if it's just me lone-wolfing it as Ellie the whole time with no one to interact with.

I don't know, honestly the first game is up there as one of my all-time favorites, and I've felt iffy about them continuing Joel and Ellie's story for the sequel since TLOU 1 ended it on such a powerful note. This game does look amazing, but I can't shake that feeling.


Oct 29, 2017
What is that youtube channel that breaks down trailers to show small details we might have missed? Cant wait for it.