
Oct 25, 2017
Bears repeating, apparently.

Even in a pre-Watch Dogs age, where every dev was a little more loose with this kind of stuff, they were pretty faithful. At least, more faithful than the video you linked portrays it to be.

Regardless though, I don't think there has been a single first party title this generation that has thus far shown anything in the way of gameplay that looks (graphically speaking) much if at all better than what eventually releases, let alone gameplay that is completely and utterly different from what you'll eventually play. Uncharted, Horizon, Bloodborne and GoW have all come and gone, and they look and play exactly the way they were portrayed. So at this point, I think it's alright to give them the benefit of the doubt on this.

That being said, I can't wait for someone to post that Uncharted 3 Chloe Frazer comparison screenshot.

Here, quoted for you and others this page.
Mostly stuff regarding the AI

I don't own an Xbox, I've been a Sony and Nintendo user most of my life.
Watch the video and read Heckler's post.

And for Septic too.


Oct 28, 2017
Looks amazing visually and I will gladly play this for the story. But the gameplay aspect isn't mind blowing. Not really different from stealth in the first game. I was hoping they will make this more unique after talking about Ellie's style being much different.

Also, I love some enemy animations - like the gestures and signals while they are searching for her.


The Wise Ones
Oct 28, 2017
The AI was dumbed down quite a bit in the final version, and there were things you couldn't do like take the dude's shotgun and point it at him. I dunno, most of this gameplay is just so perfectly blended, animated, and structured that I don't believe it.
Sure, I don't disagree that the AI is weaker in the final game but its hardly fake. And considering that ND is a studio that is well known for animation blending, I think its a little unfair to call this demo "very fake".


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
4K Screenshots




Holy fuck @ that guy's face in the last one...


Oct 25, 2017
The only blatant blemish they have is the reuse of the bald guy, kinda like the bruiser type on Uncharted 3


Nov 23, 2017
Hard to ignore people who say things like "This scene feels agenda driven."

I don't tend to immediately attack people like that. I try to understand why they'd 'feel' it was agenda driven. I find that more enlightening and interesting. I knew a lot of people who you'd call homophobic but I managed to persuade quite a few it was OK to love someone of the same sex.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
ND spoke about the AI thing. They essentially stated that they tweaked AI in the final game not for technical reasons, but for better combat balancing and fun factor. Essentially if the AI was too aggressive or had too accurate a visibility cone, it just made the entire experience overly frustrating and too trial and error based.

Fun factor and quality combat engagement is ultimately more important than outright AI realism. The trick is finding the right balance, which I think TLOU did, and no doubt TLOU2 should improve on.
Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I don't see what's so unbelievable about the gameplay to some. It was obviously played in a very specific way, but this is how ND games look when you play them now. They're masters at it.

Don't like how Ellie was portrayed in the trailer though. I think highlighting her sexuality in the marketing is very misjudged and undermines how well the subject was handled in the original/DLC. As a scene in the game it would be fine, as something front and center in the marketing it doesn't work.

To be honest, a trailer will never do TLOU2 justice. It's not something that can wow in a few minutes. The whole game is one big package that needs to be experienced.


Oct 28, 2017
You watch too many movies. An arrow can kill you instantly. An arrow to the back can and will kill you instantly, or more specifically put your ass down. You don't know what you're talking about.

Ellie is not a kid anymore, she's a grown ass woman if you can't tell. The combat in this game is all weight.. you don't know what you're talking about lol.

First, learn to respect other opinions and don't dismiss them with things like "You watch too many movies".

We all watch many movies and neither you or i have ever seen someone hit with an arrow live.

Learn some fucking manners.


Oct 29, 2017
I wonder if ND will try to turn the Fireflies into a more hardcore cult group (Sort of like Gilead from the Handmaid's tale). That'd be a really good setting.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't see what's so unbelievable about the gameplay to some. It was obviously played in a very specific way, but this is how ND games look when you play them now. They're masters at it.

Exactly. All of the stuff shown in the trailer can happen, but it probably won't happen nearly as often to most players depending on their play style.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't seen a single person in this thread who took issue with two women kissing.
I've seen you do it.

It's possible that you genuinely don't believe you do, but everything you have said thus far is a pattern that has played out pretty much any progressive idea has been presented in mainstream media.

"I'm not homophobic..." Or racist, or sexist, or transphobic, it changes depending on whatever the particular progressive idea being presented is. "...but..." because the previous sentence is always an effort to try to appear reasoned before going into the actual argument "...I don't know, I just don't feel this is natural. It's like they're pushing an agenda." And then you become hypercritical, trying to magnify minute or even imagined errors into something way bigger than it actually is, a standard that isn't really applied in otherwise typical critical analysis. It's all pretty rote.

I'd like to address the agenda thing in particular. Assuming you're being disingenous, it's just code. The false argument being presented here is that somehow a straight romance is agenda-less. The truth is, any form of narrative is a series of decisions made by a person, and the purpose of a narrative is to provoke some kind of reaction. The agenda of Harry Potter is to capitalize on people's desire to enter into a magical version of school. The agenda of Uncharted' Elena is to play on presumed male audience's desire to enter into a romance with a hot blonde woman. There's more to it than that, of course, but there is no narrative without an author trying to actually DO something that makes you react some way, and straight romances do that as well.

But no one ever goes "That author had such an agenda trying to push that Elena-Drake romance on me." Even if people don't like the romance or find it unbelievable or bad (twilight or 50 shades being easy targets that come to mind), nobody ever puts the criticism of the author having an agenda because of course they fucking did, they're storytellers. The agenda is to play on people's desires of seeing a romance come into fruition. But when, for instance, the subject matter is something like gay people, agenda's come up as if they are not the part and parcel of the concept of having something to say in a story. As if stories were real and not fictional, man made things that have real people making deliberate decisions of that universe. So yes, Ellie and Dina kissing is agenda driven. The agenda is playing to people's desire to see a relationship blossom to fruition, which is functionally identical to hundreds of thousands of stories before it, except this one's gay.

But lets give you the benefit of the doubt. Lets assume you're genuine and what you say are your best attempts to articulate how you actually feel. Assuming that is true, you're still giving off a homophobic vibe, just one in which you aren't willing to cop to the idea that you are in some way uncomfortable with the depiction. In a way, it's not unnatural that you would be. Part of benefit of experiencing new types of stories is that you see things that are truly new, if only in a slight way. For example, remember back in the second trailer, we had a thread where people discussed how they were uncomfortable with how the trailer showed the characters brutally killing the woman who was about to kill the new cast of characters? If that character had been male, that conversation wouldn't have happened because we are used to dehumanized male enemies, it's....kinda wierd seeing female enemies being treated with that kind of brutality and being so casual about it. It's only a slight change, a female evil bastard instead of a male, but it's genuinely new, or at least as far as mainstream stuff goes, and that means we process it differently, and that process can be sometimes uncomfortable. In that way, I wouldn't wholly blame you for being slightly uncomfortable at seeing a gay couple kissing, especially since it's being framed as not for male titillation as so much lesbianism is (and why it's more readily accepted than male gayness), but for gay women.

That's just gonna feel weird at first to most people, whether they're deliberate homophobes or not. And that's okay. We've lived our entire lives in a culture that has pushed more the more malicious agenda that being gay is a sickness for a very long time. It's gonna take a while before we work everything of that out through our cultural system. Progressive storytelling is to work to that purpose. It's goal is to make the idea of a gay relationship normal. There is always going to be an agenda to gay relationships in storytelling, but maybe in the future that agenda will be as invisible to people as the agenda behind straight relationships is now. But until we get there, we have to be honest to ourselves. It's not, and that's means it's gonna be new, and we all need adjustment to new things.

Of course, this is all my own conjecture. I'm not accusing you of anything or even telling you you necessarily did anything wrong. I just think this "It's about ethics in games journalism the art" line you've got going is horseshit. Intentionally, unintentionally, who knows, but it plays into the exact pattern I've seen a thousand times at this point.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
It's 'scripted' in the sense that every encountered is choreographed in a specific way but everything there is, I assume, is possible via gameplay. It's like looking at those perfect combat scenario from DMC4. It shows how good ND is when it comes to gameplay 'feel' and animation

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
I'm interested to see how many instances of context sensitive animations there are in the game. The bit where Ellie gets thrown through the glass looked great but I'm assuming that will only play out if you and the enemy character are near that area. I love how good ND are at putting in these touches that you don't really think about but add a lot to the game.

Personally, still can't wait. TLoU is one of my top 5 games of the last generation, maybe even top 3 so I'm extremely optimistic that ND will work their magic again.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen you do it.

It's possible that you genuinely don't believe you do, but everything you have said thus far is a pattern that has played out pretty much any progressive idea has been presented in mainstream media.

"I'm not homophobic..." Or racist, or sexist, or transphobic, it changes depending on whatever the particular progressive idea being presented is. "...but..." because the previous sentence is always an effort to try to appear reasoned before going into the actual argument "...I don't know, I just don't feel this is natural. It's like they're pushing an agenda." And then you become hypercritical, trying to magnify minute or even imagined errors into something way bigger than it actually is, a standard that isn't really applied in otherwise typical critical analysis. It's all pretty rote.

I'd like to address the agenda thing in particular. Assuming you're being disingenous, it's just code. The false argument being presented here is that somehow a straight romance is agenda-less. The truth is, any form of narrative is a series of decisions made by a person, and the purpose of a narrative is to provoke some kind of reaction. The agenda of Harry Potter is to capitalize on people's desire to enter into a magical version of school. The agenda of Uncharted' Elena is to play on presumed male audience's desire to enter into a romance with a hot blonde woman. There's more to it than that, of course, but there is no narrative without an author trying to actually DO something that makes you react some way, and straight romances do that as well.

But no one ever goes "That author had such an agenda trying to push that Elena-Drake romance on me." Even if people don't like the romance or find it unbelievable or bad (twilight or 50 shades being easy targets that come to mind), nobody ever puts the criticism of the author having an agenda because of course they fucking did, they're storytellers. The agenda is to play on people's desires of seeing a romance come into fruition. But when, for instance, the subject matter is something like gay people, agenda's come up as if they are not the part and parcel of the concept of having something to say in a story. As if stories were real and not fictional, man made things that have real people making deliberate decisions of that universe. So yes, Ellie and Dina kissing is agenda driven. The agenda is playing to people's desire to see a gay relationship blossom to fruition.

But lets give you the benefit of the doubt. Lets assume you're genuine and what you say are your best attempts to articulate how you actually feel. Assuming that is true, you're still giving off a homophobic vibe, just one in which you aren't willing to cop to the idea that you are in some way uncomfortable with the depiction. In a way, it's not unnatural that you would be. Part of benefit of experiencing new types of stories is that you see things that are truly new, if only in a slight way. For example, remember back in the second trailer, we had a thread where people discussed how they were uncomfortable with how the trailer showed the characters brutally killing the woman who was about to kill the new cast of characters? If that character had been male, that conversation wouldn't have happened because we are used to dehumanized male enemies, it's....kinda wierd seeing female enemies being treated with that kind of brutality and being so casual about it. It's only a slight change, a female evil bastard instead of a male, but it's genuinely new, or at least as far as mainstream stuff goes, and that means we process it differently, and that process can be sometimes uncomfortable. In that way, I wouldn't wholly blame you for being slightly uncomfortable at seeing a gay couple kissing, especially since it's being framed as not for male titillation as so much lesbianism is (and why it's more readily accepted than male gayness), but for gay women.

That's just gonna feel weird at first to most people, homophobes or not. And that's okay. The entire point of progressive storytelling is that things like realistic depictions of gay relationships are not normal. And the goal of progressive storytelling is to make it normal. There is always going to be an agenda to gay relationships in storytelling, but maybe in the future that agenda will be as invisible to people as the agenda behind straight relationships is now. But until we get there, we have to be honest to ourselves.

Of course, this is all my own conjecture. I'm not accusing you of anything or even telling you you necessarily did anything wrong. I just think this "It's about ethics in games journalism the art" line you've got going is horseshit. Intentionally, unintentionally, who knows, but it plays into the exact pattern I've seen a thousand times at this point.
That's why he quoted this earlier
I'm not allowed to say what I think ...
Which I replied that of course he can as long as it's not a hateful comment like bigotry, then he didn't reply after that


Oct 27, 2017
You watch too many movies. An arrow can kill you instantly. An arrow to the back can and will kill you instantly, or more specifically put your ass down. You don't know what you're talking about.

Ellie is not a kid anymore, she's a grown ass woman if you can't tell. The combat in this game is all weight.. you don't know what you're talking about lol.
It really depend if the arrow strike a vital spot or not (why do you think you need to aim ?!) and how advanced is the bow. So far as I know a crossbow would've been more deadly than a bow, that's how technology evolved.
So from the bow we got crossbow and now guns. So yeah a bow isn't that easy to make a kill.


Oct 27, 2017
The only thing school of Ubisoft gameplay tells me is to wait for the final game for any accurate judgement.


Oct 28, 2017
That was incredible. Might as well start saving up for that inevitable TV upgrade I need to buy to enjoy this and some other fantastic looking games to the fullest


Oct 25, 2017
That's why he quoted this earlier

Which I replied that of course he can as long as it's not a hateful comment like bigotry, then he didn't reply after that
Well, it's not like he posted hateful bigotry. He just posted the typical pattern of code that is designed to hide bigotry behind more legitimate objections. My post is that even if he is posting that innocently, he needs to be honest about why he's really doing it to himself.

And, yeah, if he's doing it intentionally, then kindly delete his account.

Edit: oh fuck, he got banned? I hate it when I write longform posts only for the mods to decide then and there that the show has gone on too long. Bah.

Granted, I didn't write it just for him, but still, annoying.


Oct 27, 2017
ND spoke about the AI thing. They essentially stated that they tweaked AI in the final game not for technical reasons, but for better combat balancing and fun factor. Essentially if the AI was too aggressive or had too accurate a visibility cone, it just made the entire experience overly frustrating and too trial and error based.

Fun factor and quality combat engagement is ultimately more important than outright AI realism. The trick is finding the right balance, which I think TLOU did, and no doubt TLOU2 should improve on.
i am literally having a convo about ai hardness in the other thread haha


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see what's so unbelievable about the gameplay to some. It was obviously played in a very specific way, but this is how ND games look when you play them now. They're masters at it.

Don't like how Ellie was portrayed in the trailer though. I think highlighting her sexuality in the marketing is very misjudged and undermines how well the subject was handled in the original/DLC. As a scene in the game it would be fine, as something front and center in the marketing it doesn't work.

To be honest, a trailer will never do TLOU2 justice. It's not something that can wow in a few minutes. The whole game is one big package that needs to be experienced.
why? shes a lesbian . big deal who cares either way. To me its a non issue either way (Im not in the camp this is somehow an empowerment of the lgbt community and sending a message. Neither am I in the camp this is some sort of agenda being shoved down my throat. To me Ellli and her homosexual nature is just like any friend ive had and his/her homosexual nature. It is what is it. thats their life. nothing to think much about ...


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see what's so unbelievable about the gameplay to some. It was obviously played in a very specific way, but this is how ND games look when you play them now. They're masters at it.

Don't like how Ellie was portrayed in the trailer though. I think highlighting her sexuality in the marketing is very misjudged and undermines how well the subject was handled in the original/DLC. As a scene in the game it would be fine, as something front and center in the marketing it doesn't work.

To be honest, a trailer will never do TLOU2 justice. It's not something that can wow in a few minutes. The whole game is one big package that needs to be experienced.

That type of animation blending and transitioning is not normal. Shouldn't downplay how extraordinary that was.
Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
why? shes a lesbian . big deal who cares either way. To me its a non issue either way (Im not in the camp this is somehow an empowerment of the lgbt community and sending a message. Neither am I in the camp this is some sort of agenda being shoved down my throat. To me Ellli and her homosexual nature is just like any friend ive had and his/her homosexual nature. It is what is it. thats their life. nothing to think much about ...
I don't think there's anything wrong with Ellie being a lesbian. The DLC is one of the most heartwarming stories in gaming.

The problem is the way it's being used for marketing purposes. Feels like 'hey look geeks two girls kissing!' when Ellie was very much a real, fleshed out character in the first game.

I also think it strays dangerously close to playing up the 'butch lesbian' stereotype, where you have to be gay as a woman to survive in a brutal world with men.

Like I said, I think in the main game this scene will be fine. I just think it's been misused in the marketing.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
No matter how I change my settings, my piece of shit phone won't let me watch any age restricted content.

It's been like this for a long time now. Pathetic.

Really fucking annoying.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Quick question. Why are you and everyone else who has said this immediately jumping to TLOU when they've since release two games that have wholly made right on the promises they made in the trailers?
Uh....no. The e3 demo of Uncharted 4 clearly had stuff not present in the final game for the sake of the presentation of the demo:


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think there's anything wrong with Ellie being a lesbian. The DLC is one of the most heartwarming stories in gaming.

The problem is the way it's being used for marketing purposes. Feels like 'hey look geeks two girls kissing!' when Ellie was very much a real, fleshed out character in the first game.

I also think it strays dangerously close to playing up the 'butch lesbian' stereotype, where you have to be gay as a woman to survive in a brutal world with men.

Like I said, I think in the main game this scene will be fine. I just think it's been misused in the marketing.
I didn't get this vibe at all, she was just at a dance dancing and kissing with her girlfriend when it switches to the dark stuff and back again.


One Winged Slayer
May 15, 2018
Toulouse, France
In the beggining I founded it meh. Sneaky sneaky in the most uninteresting kind of level design for infiltration.
But then when they decided to show us the guns, oh boy it looks like it feels good.
BUT I have a lot of question. Like, maybe even more than for Death Stranding.
Why does it feels like it's so damn scripted ? What if I decided to go somewhere else ? Do the ennemies actually talk like that in function of what I do ?
A lot of this seemed fake af. So if all of those promises delivers... Then it's going to be a hell of a game.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm not sure I like it that TLOU 2 has become such a violence porn. Need to think about it a bit more, but it can be off-putting for me. I don't believe you need to be so naturalistic to be mature. If anything, it strikes as rather immature in a Manhunt kind of way.


Oct 26, 2017
Graphics are amazing. As well as animations. It will probably be a really great game BUT can someone tell me why enemies were looking the same? She killed 3 women (if I counted it right) and they had exactly the same hairstyle as well as faces etc.

Yeah I ntocied that the first moment I watched the trailer live. We got the same old women that got killed around 3 same models and maybe more male goons too (but you can't see them that well since they have hooded cloaks).


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think there's anything wrong with Ellie being a lesbian. The DLC is one of the most heartwarming stories in gaming.

The problem is the way it's being used for marketing purposes. Feels like 'hey look geeks two girls kissing!' when Ellie was very much a real, fleshed out character in the first game.

I also think it strays dangerously close to playing up the 'butch lesbian' stereotype, where you have to be gay as a woman to survive in a brutal world with men.

Like I said, I think in the main game this scene will be fine. I just think it's been misused in the marketing.
You're right, gay girls shouldn't ever see themselves in marketing. I don't even understand how their gayness is being used as "marketing" when its about Ellie having a small romantic moment juxtaposed with all the violence.