
Oct 25, 2017
I cannot muster any hate, nor dismissal for Lego Games. I just can't. I can stand here and maybe shurg at the worst of them, but i just cannot point at them and say those are bad games... they are usually not.

But at the same time, it's weird. They have this "samey" quality to them, that even though each series has it's own unique quirks and mechanics they still somewhat get lumped together in my mind's eye.

Also why i never felt bothered seeing Lego games get accolades or big sales numbers (as they often do), it always made sense that it would be so. They are all pretty consistent... i just never felt "wowed" by any of them.

Nobody's asking you for an endorsement of the LEGO franchise though. I burned out on it myself long ago.

Lego LOTR is genuinely great though and I'm still not quite sure if you've played it. If you're a LOTR fan, you're really missing out if you're not a least trying this one.


Oct 27, 2017
Have to go with the others and say Lego Lord of the Rings was my favorite. Played it on PS3 and the again on Vita. The Vita version is a port of the 3DS one I believe so it has less content but still good. The Logo Hobbit game, much like the movies and other Lego games, was bloated and boring.


Oct 27, 2017
Brooklyn, NY

One of the few MMO's I ever played. Really an incredible experience and was truly epic. I only got to Rivendale, but just that journey alone was seriously cool.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh man, there were some really solid games for LOTR.

Both Two Towers and ROTK were great hack and slash, especially with friends.

Battle for Middle-Earth 1 and 2 are legit the best LOTR games ever.

The Hobbit was pretty solid if I remember correctly.

The Fellowship of the Ring is weird. I wouldn't say it's good though. I remember having the hardest time getting out of the Shire with the Ringwraiths.

I remember being shit at The Third Age, but from my understanding it's not well regarded? I haven't played it in a decade or more.

I think my biggest disappointment was Lord of the Rings: Conquest though, since I loved the Star Wars: Battlefront games, I thought that, but Lord of the Rings, would be perfect, but it was terrible, unbalanced, and generally no fun to play at all.

Tried playing Shadow of Mordor, wasn't really impressed or felt any need to continue playing.
Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed the trilogy (even though the first one is not really related). I remember Fellowship of the Ring being pretty suspenseful to me back then when I was very young. Probably wouldn't consider it a good game if I played it nowadays so better not to touch it ever again haha. Two Towers and Return of the King were really fun to play.

I tried Third Age and played it for a few hours too but it wasn't my thing.


Nov 13, 2017
Copenhagen, Denmark
Man... I really hope the Amazon series will be the grounds for something new. I read a MMO was under development, but I don't have time for that.

I really had hopes for Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War, but damn... Shadow of Mordor was boring, and War was a stain on the universe... What the fuck was that whole Shelob ordeal.. Ugh!

The most exciting LotR game in recent years isn't even LotR, but the Middle-earth Minecraft server!

Otherwise yeah, LotR Online is really good.

An HD remaster of the old games on PS2/XB/GC would be nice - or ports of Battle for Middle-earth!
Oct 28, 2017
Battle for Middle Earth II was good, yeah. It captured the movies' atmosphere so well, especially with all that epic music.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
There were some great games, there were some awful games.

And then there was The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. A game so bizarre, so absurd, so stupid, that it's at once both awful and the most amazing piece of fanfiction ever committed to the video game medium.

What other LOTR game puts you in the shoes of a fellowship that follows after The Fellowship and ultimately ends with a boss battle against the literal Eye of Sauron? And also is a shameless cribbing of Final Fantasy X's gameplay?

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Loved the Two Towers and RotK games for the GBA. They might have been my first experience with Diablo style games.

Really cool how there were so many different characters to choose from and how they had their own levels too. Never really figured out how to Frodo very well. Using the ring eventually leads the Nazgul to you, but you're weak so combat didn't seem like a smart option.


Oct 1, 2018
The two towers came bundled in with my ps2 and I loved it!

The Third Age was a game I played late into the ps2 life cycle but it ended up being one of my favorites on the console and one of my favorite games of all time.


Nov 2, 2017
There were some great games, there were some awful games.

And then there was The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. A game so bizarre, so absurd, so stupid, that it's at once both awful and the most amazing piece of fanfiction ever committed to the video game medium.

What other LOTR game puts you in the shoes of a fellowship that follows after The Fellowship and ultimately ends with a boss battle against the literal Eye of Sauron? And also is a shameless cribbing of Final Fantasy X's gameplay?
The console versions cribbed their gameplay from FFX. The GBA version of 3rd Age cribbed from fire emblem and is the far superior game IMO.


Jul 30, 2018
I don't know if The Third Age is really an amazing game or i'm just wearing nostalgic lens, but i've played it a lot and really enjoyed, the Balrog fight was really cool and intense.

The Return of the King was really good as well, i still need to play the Shadows duology and the Battle for Middle Earth games though.


Jan 2, 2018
I don't know about the one in the OP, but Two Towers (by EA, based on the film) for GBA was a pretty great Diablo clone given the platform, it obviously was dumbed down compared to Diablo games but I had a lot of fun playing it. It basically retold the story from the perspective of several characters, each of which represented a different class with different abilities and skill progression and there was quite a lot of collectibles to facilitate replays.

E: For what it's worth, it was made by Griptonite Games, the company behind the equally surprisingly good Harry Potter GBC games (full-blown RPGs, curiously enough probably the best video game adaptations of the Harry Potter series)

TT and ROTK on GBA were excellent, I played them alot back in the day and still occasionally fire them up on my phone. Great little truncated loot grinds with campaigns that vary per character + unlockables. ROTK improved on TT by adding some more elements to loot and combat I believe. In retrospect it's impressive how untouched this genre was on dedicated handhelds until recently.

Griptonite has an extensive catalogue that's pretty respectable on handheld platforms. They made the Spiderman Metroidvania's on DS for example, as well as the hit Sims titles on GBA.


Oct 25, 2017
TT and ROTK were fantastic hack and slashes. I remember having a great time with them with friends.


Oct 25, 2017
Played and loved all of them except two which I haven't played, the GBA game and the latest Shadow of Mordor.

The RTS and turn-based game (The Third Age) are my favourite, although I haven't played both for a very long time. Oddly I am not a fan of JRPG-style combat, but I still landed up enjoying The Third Age.
Oct 25, 2017


Jul 25, 2018
Yeah, some really good games there, and TC needs to add the missing ones to the OP.

Today I bought Shadow of War Definitive Edition on Steam for $24. It supports glorious ultrawide too, nice.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Return of the King was damn fun.

I was destroying fools with my dude Gandalf. The attack on the Two Towers was great. I also liked the Hobbit parts, with Frodo and Sam stabbing all kinds of things.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Has no one mentioned Lord Of The Rings Tactics yet?



Oct 27, 2017
LoTR games were real fun when I was younger. I haven't gotten into the new Middle Earth series yet, but it seems like a lot of people like them.


Oct 27, 2017
Also, absolutely need a PROPER open world LOTR rpg

Not talking about the MMORPG that came out after WoW but something similar to Skyrim.

Shadow of Mordor has honestly taken the least interesting locations/storylines of Middle Earth. Not to mention it's an action game and not a true RPG


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
Is the Third Age the RPG? I really liked that game when I played it, I never hear about it from anybody else so I'm guessing nobody really liked it.


Oct 25, 2017
I kinda doubt that The Two Towers and Return of the King would really seem all that good if you went back to them today.

At the time it had been years since anyone made a really competent hack-n-slash character action game in 3D, so just having something good felt like heaven. For almost the entire PSX/Dreamcast generation almost nobody made any good melee combat games.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I recall liking the third age on ps2 but I don't think I finished it. Played the hobbit and was bored, and with fellowship

I remember really liking the two towers. The graphics blew me away.

Then shadow of mordor. Didn't like it.

I think that's it


Nov 26, 2017
I am playing The Third Age on Gamecube right now. It gets tedious seeing the same long animations over and over again, but that is helped by continuously gaining new powers, some of which look pretty cool. My other big gripe is the cast of characters being completely made up for the game, although there are times where you can control Gandalf, etc for a few battles, which definitely helps make the game more exciting. It also looks pretty good for a Gamecube game technically, with lots of lighting effects in battles, and a fully controllable camera in walking segments. Sadly the color palette combined with the lack of 480P support on GC make it one of the harder games to come back to as opposed to say the Prince of Persia series which had progressive scan support. I'm well into the second disk and the game has been telling me I'm 38% complete for a while. I think it's a glitch.

And I also had a BLAST playing TT and ROTK on Gamecube back in the day. I remember the parts where you are fending off endless hoards of enemies being really thrilling. They did a good job at the time at making you really feel like you were the last best hope to survive the onslaught.