
Oct 31, 2017
Streaming future is looking like it will be far worse than cable at this rate. There's going to be 20 different subscribers in 10 years at this rate all with exclusive series.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish we can just go back to Hulu & Netflix to cover most shows. Now every studios have their own specific streaming service.

Also, just wait until the Office revival news when this NBCU streaming service comes out.


Oct 27, 2017
Competition is good. With more strong services out there, it pushes the market to evolve and get better. It will be interesting to see how the market plays going into the next decade as streaming is the present and future. Yes it can suck when there is great content spread out across several services but I would rater have the ability to pick a few services for a given month rather then pay a lump sum for 99% content that I will never watch. (Ironically I say this as a PS Vue subscriber, but hey that is the cheapest was to get my local sports teams)
"Competition is good" Seriously?

How is having a multitude of stream subscriptions better for us? Because I can think of a whole bunch of ways it's worse. Namely,

1. Security
2. Much higher cost
3. Harder to keep track of said costs, and many people will be fucked over for it as they inevitably lose track of some trial they signed up for. (And don't give me any caveat emptor bs)
4. Having to manage multiple accounts

Every company wants to be a service now, and until this shit is reigned in and regulated we will all lose because of it.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
"Competition is good" Seriously?

How is having a multitude of stream subscriptions better for us? Because I can think of a whole bunch of ways it's worse. Namely,

1. Security
2. Much higher cost
3. Harder to keep track of said costs, and millions of people will be fucked over for it as they inevitably lose track of some trial they signed up for. (And don't give me any caveat emptor bs)
4. Having to manage multiple accounts

Every company wants to be a service now, and until this shit is reigned in and regulated we will all lose because of it.

1. Security- Are you taking about credit card/personal information? Because that is something that is hardly exclusive to media providers.
2. Much higher cost- Again, that depends on how many services you subscribe to. Yes, I could subscribe to a dozen different services a month, but am I going to really maximize their worth every month? On any given month I likely won't spend more that $30 on streaming services, and that might be pushing it.
3. Harder to keep track of said costs, and millions of people will be fucked over for it as they inevitably lose track of some trial they signed up for. (And don't give me any caveat emptor bs)- I mean, is it the company's fault if you sign up for something and forget the terms?
4. Having to manage multiple accounts- How is that any different then managing your utility bills/mortgage/car ect that you pay every month?

Yes competition is good for any industry. Do you want to see a monopoly in the industry or see companies push to get new subscribers by offering a better service.


Oct 25, 2017
Apple TV, I'm guessing DC universe is going to be rolled into WB.

Also -

Criterion Channel
YouTube TV thing
A whole host of niche services

"Competition is good" Seriously?

How is having a multitude of stream subscriptions better for us? Because I can think of a whole bunch of ways it's worse. Namely,

1. Security
2. Much higher cost
3. Harder to keep track of said costs, and many people will be fucked over for it as they inevitably lose track of some trial they signed up for. (And don't give me any caveat emptor bs)
4. Having to manage multiple accounts

Every company wants to be a service now, and until this shit is reigned in and regulated we will all lose because of it.

Fair point to 1, 3, and 4 though I think sensible consumption practices take care of 3 and 4. Not that people are necessarily good at that, mind you.

But as for 2, I'll quote myself -

He beauty of this system is being able to subscribe to one or two services constantly, with a rotation of relatively cheap, instantly cancelled options beyond that.

Like, right now I'm going with a system of Hulu/Netflix/Spotify. Hulu gets my girlfriend and I constant Bob's Burgers and episodes of network sitcoms during the airing season; Netflix gets us their ecosystem; Spotify gets me all my music. Combined it's roughly $35 a month.

In the past with cable and buying music (which I did a lot) I was probably spending $150 per month.

I'm saving a good $100 a month compared to, say, 6 years ago with multiple streaming services.

In the following year my plan is such - keep Spotify ad-free year-round ($11/month). I'm going to add The Criterion Channel when it has a PS4 client ($100/year, meaning roughly $8.35/month). I'll also be doing Disney+ for Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, and Simpsons ($7/month).

From there, I'll rotate Netflix, Hulu, and HBO every couple months - Netflix is $12/month, Hulu ad-free is $13/month, and HBO is $15/month.

So in any given month I'll have $11 + $7 + $8.35 + $12-15 for a grand total of $38.35-41.35.

That's still so much cheaper than I ever had it before.
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"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
"Competition is good" Seriously?

How is having a multitude of stream subscriptions better for us? Because I can think of a whole bunch of ways it's worse. Namely,

1. Security
2. Much higher cost
3. Harder to keep track of said costs, and many people will be fucked over for it as they inevitably lose track of some trial they signed up for. (And don't give me any caveat emptor bs)
4. Having to manage multiple accounts

Every company wants to be a service now, and until this shit is reigned in and regulated we will all lose because of it.
It's better for us because it'll keep the subscription costs competitive and it'll drive content providers to create exclusive content that might not exist otherwise.
Oct 27, 2017
"Competition is good" Seriously?

How is having a multitude of stream subscriptions better for us? Because I can think of a whole bunch of ways it's worse. Namely,

1. Security
2. Much higher cost
3. Harder to keep track of said costs, and many people will be fucked over for it as they inevitably lose track of some trial they signed up for. (And don't give me any caveat emptor bs)
4. Having to manage multiple accounts

Every company wants to be a service now, and until this shit is reigned in and regulated we will all lose because of it.

There is this strange notion that you have to have all the content services, if you want all the content, then it might just be cheaper to get cable.

This is for people who wanted to have the choice of the content you want, Might not be a good idea to add a monthly Sub to NBC universal, if you only watch 1-2 shows, would be just cheaper in getting season downloads.

I mean heck if you are already paying 15$ a month for HBO, for 2-3 dollars more a month you get that and the rest of the Warner library? Seems like a slam dunk.

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
Streaming future is looking like it will be far worse than cable at this rate. There's going to be 20 different subscribers in 10 years at this rate all with exclusive series.

Until I start to see it become difficult to cancel these streaming services, and/or their bills automatically go up after 1 year or sooner, with mysterious charges here and there, and/or I have to call every year and haggle and threaten just to fight to get pricing that's still not even close to what 'new' subscribers get, streaming services for me will still be way better than old cable contracts.


Jun 15, 2018
United Kingdom
All of my friends laugh when I still keep buying music CD's and DVDs/BluRay for TV and films. But this stuff is precisely why I'll keep buying this sort of thing on physical media for as long as possible.

Kitten Mittens

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 11, 2018
I worried about something like this happening to 30 Rock and Parks and Rec so I just bought them when they were on sale from iTunes.


Oct 25, 2017
Wonder who's gonna come out as a winner in this everything-was-a-streaming-service future. Shit's gonna blow up sooner than later.

Optimus Lime

Oct 27, 2017
This is why I feel pretty comfortable about my last few years of buying movies and TV shows when they are cheap on iTunes.

I had a feeling that the Netflix party would ultimately end - and I'm in Australia, where we get crippled and compromised versions of basically everything, so it seemed even more important to just own copies of things.

Which is what I'll be doing with games, too. Subscriptions are a trap.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
The Office has been pulled from Netflix in the Netherlands for as long as I can remember. It's on Prime Videos now.


Oct 26, 2017
We just need a service that ties all these services together and charges one monthly fee, I dunno call it 'The Cord' or something.
Eventually there will be a collapse in streaming services and everything will be consolidated back into the same 2-3 ones that are already popular.
Much like TV couldn't support more than 2-3 channels?

I don't know why anybody is surprised or outraged by this. With theatrical distribution for non-blockbusters and traditional TV audiences withering in favour of streaming, of course the major media companies are all going to move toward that model. It would make no economic sense for them to accept just a fraction of the revenue by putting everything on Netflix or Hulu.

The widespread availability of many companies' products on only one service was only possible when it was a supplement to regular TV revenue, not when it started to actively replace those revenue streams.

The future of media is in a sense like the old integrated film distribution model, where every conglomerate has its own service.


Oct 28, 2017
Someone get me my Pirate hat and eye patch!!

These big companies just never seem to learn - nothing about these multi platforms is good for customers.
That's right.

I wonder what happens to Hulu. Will it eventually just be Disney content.
Disney has already made deals to take full control of Hulu. I expect it's going to be the mature counterpart to Disney+.

These big companies just never seem to learn - nothing about these multi platforms is good for customers.
By the same token, these big companies cannot afford to lose so much revenue as streaming takes over. Netflix as an all-encompassing low-cost platform was only viable as long as TV and theatrical revenues continued on as before.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if they are overestimating how much people would want to watch the office if it's not just on Netflix? I can see this just pissing more people off and not subscribing.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Disney has already made deals to take full control of Hulu. I expect it's going to be the mature counterpart to Disney+.

By the same token, these big companies cannot afford to lose so much revenue as streaming takes over. Netflix as an all-encompassing low-cost platform was only viable as long as TV and theatrical revenues continued on as before.

I'm not sure they're losing that much money, feels more like they're getting greedy. If they have a succesfull show like Friends or The Office, they hold all the cards since they own the content. That's multi millions of revenue through licensing. Add to that the worldwide deal that they could get and all of that with minimal effort since it's mostly legacy content and I don't see how they would be losing money.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017

Amazon Prime
CBS All Access
Disney Plus
Apple TV

plus networks like Showtime and HBO.


Oct 29, 2017
I feel like companies are over-reaching and this will only end up hurting them in the end.


Oct 25, 2017
There's just gonna be too many streaming sites for all of them to be viable. What one household really wants more than a couple?
It'll be interesting to see which ones survive, which don't, why and the fallout afterwards.


Oct 27, 2017
Good, take that expensive baggage away. These rerun shows old people use for background noise and nostalgia are fucking expensive. It's poison to streaming services wanting to provide new content, much like sports network bundles on cable.
I don't think Netflix is exactly hurting for original content.

Seinfeld (not wholly owned, but they'll pony up for it)

I thought Hulu had the Seinfeld streaming rights locked up for a long time but it's apparently for "at least" five years, which would mean 2021 at the earliest. That'd be a huge bummer for me if Hulu lost Seinfeld, it's one of that service's biggest values for me.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
well damn. There goes our go-to "it's Tuesday night and nobody wants to make a decision..." choice

I also don't plan on getting the NBC/COmcast streaming service.


Oct 26, 2017
It would be amazing if there was 1 hub where you could feed in the content from all the different services and combine it all together into seperate constant streams of content.

You could have a stream for comedy, drama, movies, cartoons, sitcoms whatever all coming through on different channels. But thats kind of a pipedream I guess.
Lol. You mean cable?


Mar 28, 2018
Isn't it done with 9 seasons (watched till season 8 so far)? how long can people watch it on repeat?


Oct 26, 2017
Welp, good thing I binged on Parks in Recreation the previous winter and have no interest in The Office or Friends.

...wait. Aw shit. I'll need to hurry up and catch up on Superstore.
Yeah same, I really like Superstore and The Good Place, both NBC on Hulu. Never got into The Office, but might rewatch Parks and Rec again before it's gone.

Astra Planeta

Jan 26, 2018
This is why I feel pretty comfortable about my last few years of buying movies and TV shows when they are cheap on iTunes.

I had a feeling that the Netflix party would ultimately end - and I'm in Australia, where we get crippled and compromised versions of basically everything, so it seemed even more important to just own copies of things.

Which is what I'll be doing with games, too. Subscriptions are a trap.

You didn't think having every show under the sun for $10 a month was a sustainable model? You are smarter than the average bear. I am kind of surprised anyone thought that would last - it was clear once it caught on that studios weren't going to give up all that revenue.


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully it'll start of trend from being removed from Tinder profiles as well.


Oct 27, 2017
With all these streaming services popping up left and right I'm just going to be watching tv less and less