
Oct 25, 2017
Either we all suffer due to the degradation of the environment or we cut back on eating meat ... But, hey, don't ask people to give up what they like. Fuck that selfish entitlement. We all have to do our part or suffer the grim alternatives.

I love meat - I'm a huge BBQ fan, love it. But, I love this planet, too ... I love nature, and we're destroying it because people can't control their urges. I've cut back my consumption a lot. I adore sushi. When I learned how bad tuna was being overfished, I stopped eating it completely -- not because I don't like it, but because it was the ethical thing to do. So, yeah, fuck them and anyone else who thinks they're more important than everyone else and the fragile balance of life on this planet.


Comics Council 2020 & Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like cutting down meat consumption is the least likely of the climate change options. People in the world don't have a lot of access to food alternatives and meal preparation/cooking/experimentation isn't something people are required to learn. Plus most of society has been taught meat is a required food group.


Oct 25, 2017
No interest in cutting down on meat. The only real way I would cut down on meat would be when the cow goes extinct.

Deleted member 5876

Big Seller
Oct 25, 2017
Yea. Exactly. Maybe try suggesting to people to have one less kid. See what kind of resistance you get. And that would be by far the more impactful change.


Oct 30, 2017
Are you new to humanity? The answer is yes.

(Put me in that group. I'm riding this train into the ground with a bacon cheeseburger in my hands)


Oct 27, 2017
People have been eating meat for thousands of years, cooking meat was literally like one of the "inventions" that moved humanity forward from cavemen, it's a crazy ingrained tradition that spans like every fucking culture on the planet and it will be a long, long time before people stop doing it.

Solution: make faux-meat from insect protein and have it taste and feel just like the real thing. Or synthetic ingredients from the lab. Make it cheaper than the real thing so developing countries (those most likely to be affected by climate change, surprise surprise) will switch over to it.

In the future real meat will be a luxury item

It boggles my mind that there are people on this forum that think the solution to climate change is getting people to cut meat. It took 20 years to get millions of people to stop using Internet Explorer. The grand realistic solution to climate change is getting over a billion people to change thousands year old eating habits in 10 years?

We should try to reduce for sure, but you have to be delusional to think it's going to be the actual solution.


Nov 9, 2017
I'm not gonna lie, I'm vegan, but with the recent report on climate change and the call for cutting meat consumption by 30%: why is there so much resistance on this?

If I can scrap use of animal products by 100% then surely others can cut their meat consumption by 30%?

A friend of mine just said "I don't want to" and this attitude frustrates me endlessly.

Are people really that selfish?
I agree with you


Oct 27, 2017
Northern VA
Yes. I am selfish. People are selfish.

Meat tastes good so I am going to eat it.

Life is shitty enough already and I'm not going to purposefully make myself more miserable during my blip of an existence.


Oct 31, 2017
Alliance, OH
I'm not gonna lie, I'm vegan, but with the recent report on climate change and the call for cutting meat consumption by 30%: why is there so much resistance on this?

If I can scrap use of animal products by 100% then surely others can cut their meat consumption by 30%?

A friend of mine just said "I don't want to" and this attitude frustrates me endlessly.

Are people really that selfish?
And people wonder why some hate vegans...


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Comparing the general tone of the replies in threads like this one vs threads about climate change on this forum is always fun.

Climate Change threads are generally centered around news and events or products.

This is the fourth or so vegan thread where it's basically OP going "Hey, anyone else thing people who like hamburgers are scumbags?"

So, the change in tone between the two is expected.


Oct 26, 2017
I wasn't gonna eat meat for dinner, but now I am.

If only this was an original reaction. Predictable.

Uhh, no, I do like including some fruits and veg in my diet and I've been making efforts to eat healthier recently. Becoming full vegan is a no bueno.

On a more light hearted note I have a Chie avatar right now so of course I like meat

Well, the thread is about just reducing meat consumption, so in that context, the answer "because I do not like anything else" is easy to be interpreted in a literal way. So basically, you agree with the OP and you are doing the right thing. Kudos to you.


Oct 27, 2017
Op, (disclaimer I'm Vegan too); I'm also a massive pig but fucking hell Vegan alternatives are tasty, heck I'm an admin in some of the biggest foodie groups on the Internet and I love food more than anything, I get Vegan pies delivered to my house and I probably eat more pizza with decent faux cheese than most. I don't get it, it's a piece of piss; I'm not actually Vegan for the environment but we all know people with kids or have kids so fuck them or change?


Nov 3, 2017
For one no I myself am not cutting. And no you can't tell people all of a sudden to stop and that something like insect protein will be better. People will not just start a mass movement to eating them. Plus that shit is crazy expensive. You aren't gonna sell people on that.

Plus selfish? Don't you think that's a bit far? You can tell people to get electric cars, cut water consumption, carpool more, etc. and for the most part they'll do it, so people are definitely willing to change, but just constantly coming to people and telling them with what i've usually seen as a snarky or better than thou attitude (no i'm not saying skmenof you guys here have that attitude) but let's not kid ourselves and say it doesn't exist.

So I say it's a combination of many things. Plus this post could be all over the place since i've been moving around, so feel free to pick at it.
Feb 1, 2018
It boggles my mind that there are people on this forum that think the solution to climate change is getting people to cut meat. It took 20 years to get millions of people to stop using Internet Explorer. The grand realistic solution to climate change is getting over a billion people to change thousands year old eating habits in 10 years?

We should try to reduce for sure, but you have to be delusional to think it's going to be the actual solution.

Internet Explorer wasn't a threat to human survival- climate change is. Guess I'm delusional for embracing the science tho right

Mr. Shakedown

Oct 27, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
I'm beginning to treat red meat as more of a luxury, only consuming burgers and steaks a handful of times per year. My understanding is that chicken and turkey are magnitudes smaller in terms of carbon footprint, so those are better choices when looking to reduce.

Reducing your carbon footprint isn't an all-or-nothing venture, everyone. Too much red meat is bad for the heart anyway, you're simultaneously doing your body AND the planet a favor by eating less of it. Take it from this non-vegetarian omnivore.


Oct 27, 2017
I won't have kids and it's the best you can do for the planet. But I wouldnt Go telling Everyone to do the same.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly? My digestive tract reacts poorly to most vegetables. Spinach and stuff is great, but going beyond that I my stomach has issues.

Meanwhile, I thrive on meat and since going almost entirely meat/fish, all of my digestive issues have disappeared.

I just don't feel good on a plant-heavy diet.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
for every vegan 3 meat eaters can stay at 100% and we still go down more than 30% as a whole so I don't see the issue here.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh look. People hatred of vegans overpowers their ability to read. What a surprise. Just eating one meal a day without meat is pretty close to cutting 30 percent but this thread is filled with dumb ducks saying, "well I'm gonna have extra meat tonight now you dumb vegan."


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Lab grown meat just needs to get better then it'll be easier for ppl. Atleast to get people to become lab meat and pescatarian or something. Most people aren't gonna be vegan though


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Meat tastes too good and a single person not eating meat won't change anything overall.

I think that sometimes, but not every time. I'm always quarreling with the thought of going back to being a vegetarian...meat is just too good and too easy to cook. Good vegetarian recipes are way more involved than than just putting a piece of lettuce on a frying pan.
Yeah I'm lazy.


Oct 31, 2017
I'd like to, I gotta drive like 45 min to the nearest place that has one according to their website though. I'd love if I could just go get an impossible burger at Wendy's or something
The Beyond Burgers and Sausages are really good as well. The burgers are available to buy in several Targets and Whole Foods, which might closer to you versus a 45 minute drive.


Oct 27, 2017
Plus selfish? Don't you think that's a bit far? You can tell people to get electric cars, cut water consumption, carpool more, etc. and for the most part they'll do it, so people are definitely willing to change, but just constantly coming to people and telling them with what i've usually seen as a snarky or better than thou attitude (no i'm not saying skmenof you guys here have that attitude) but let's not kid ourselves and say it doesn't exist..

That sort of attitude does exist. But the vast, vast majority of vegatarians / vegans don't have or express it. I have plenty of vegetarian and vegan friends, and I've never seen one try to convert someone, let alone do it aggressively.

It's a false stereotype used by people as a defense mechanism. "Ugh, why would I even consider cutting back on meat consumption when vegans are so annoying! I'll eat more meat to teach them a lesson!"

If you want examples of that defensive behavior, just read through this thread. It's certainly more prevalent in here than the purported "better-than-thou veganism".

See also: GLHFGodBless' posts. ^