Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
Most of them seemed to be playing up for the camera. The only one I saw that shocked me was the kid who knocked the phone out of their parents hand. If I'd have done something like that as a kid I wouldn't have a head on my shoulders.


Oct 25, 2017
We should do something similar where we turn the TV off when Jimmy Kimmel's show comes on.

Oh wait, nobody would care.


Oct 26, 2017
Dickhead tells assholes to mess up their kids. Assholes comply. I don't think Ofcom would even allow this kind of stuff on British television. If saying it's abusive is overreacting, I'm fine with that.

That I have no trouble believing...

Don't be said british haven't overeacted at something lately :P


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like the intention of the title of this was to pass some sort of judgement on either 1. The younger gaming population or 2. The Fortnite gaming population.

The fact of the matter is that any of us would be upset regardless of age, but especially a younger person who doesn't possess the amount of maturity and self-control as someone that is older. The older people in this video had reactions that I would have if someone came up and shut off my system in the middle of any game.

The main issue here (for me) is:
  • A parent willing to ruin the joy that their children are experiencing for 15 seconds of internet fame shouldn't be victimized, celebrated or laughed at.
I understand the picture that is trying to be painted is that "younger kids have an unhealthy obsession with games (or Fortnite)" but the real issue (IMO) is - How are we going to blame or criticize these kid's behavior when their parents are acting like children towards them? Respect is a two way street. If this is any indication for the level of respect that these parents regularly show these children, these reactions don't surprise me.

Just my two cents.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
The parent may own the television, but I don't see why that makes it okay to treat your child with such blatant disrespect.

I'm 62, by the way. Both of my children are grown-ups. I have never deliberately treat them with disrespect, and always treated accusations of disrespect seriously. To bring up a child you need to set an example. Immature antics like this are poor parenting practice.
The fact that the kid keeps playing the game even while the parents keeps saying to stop? The is just one. If you truly are 62 and have grown kids then you had ot have gone through this one at least once.

I completely disagree and think that is bad parenting. You are creating entitled brats not respectful adults.

You are making the act of turning off the TV into to big a thing while excusing the other disrespectful acts b y the children. At the end of the day they live under their parents roof and need to be respectful of them because they are underage kids.


Oct 26, 2017
I see Kimmel is continuing his "parents being assholes to their kids" series that started with the Halloween candy videos.

Isn't there a more creative prank you can think of? Yes, if you're a dick to someone then they'll get upset. Not sure what's funny about that.


Oct 25, 2017
Again, recording someone without their consent to show to millions of people, trying to humiliate them. Harmful or not, this is not cool, and would make me instantly lose respect for any parent that did this.

Meh we will have to agree to disagree. If something this small will make you lose respect for your parents you didn't have much respect for them to begin with.


Oct 25, 2017
The scariest part is some of the responses on here. It's a game of battle royale. It's fine to play a prank like that.

I'd get my ass beat if I cussed at or hit the camera of my parents like that when I was a kid. Hell, if I did it now as a grown man.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol I could only imagine what would have happened to me if I cursed at my mom in her house over a Vidya game when I was a kid.


Oct 30, 2017
The fact that the kid keeps playing the game even while the parents keeps saying to stop? The is just one. If you truly are 62 and have grown kids then you had ot have gone through this one at least once.

I completely disagree and think that is bad parenting. You are creating entitled brats not respectful adults.

You are making the act of turning off the TV into to big a thing while excusing the other disrespectful acts b y the children. At the end of the day they live under their parents roof and need to be respectful of them because they are underage kids.
If parents want respect they should set a respectable example for their children, not provoke a reaction and tyrannically admonish them for having a normal emotional response. That's an abusive dynamic, no way around it.

Playing nasty manipulative games with children doesn't teach them how to behave, it teaches them to resent authority and associate authority figures with inconsistent and unfair standards.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that the kid keeps playing the game even while the parents keeps saying to stop? The is just one. If you truly are 62 and have grown kids then you had ot have gone through this one at least once.

I completely disagree and think that is bad parenting. You are creating entitled brats not respectful adults.

You are making the act of turning off the TV into to big a thing while excusing the other disrespectful acts b y the children. At the end of the day they live under their parents roof and need to be respectful of them because they are underage kids.

100% agree.
The scariest part is some of the responses on here. It's a game of battle royale. It's fine to play a prank like that.

I'd get my ass beat if I cussed at or hit the camera of my parents like that when I was a kid. Hell, if I did it now as a grown man.

This! My mom will STILL hang up on me if I let a cuss word slip if I'm on the phone with her and if I'm with her she will STILL pop me in the mouth and I am grown as Hell. So to see so many people excuse this shitty behavior is pretty shocking.


Oct 25, 2017
Meh we will have to agree to disagree. If something this small will make you lose respect for your parents you didn't have much respect for them to begin with.
How is this small? Try going to random people and start recording them. Then post that video online. See what happens. Or is it because they're your kid, that you can do this?


Nov 1, 2017
The Moment my kid reacts like that is the Moment he can Start reading books.

Thats why the kids of my best Friends are only allowed to play some Minutes in weekend


Oct 25, 2017
Meh we will have to agree to disagree. If something this small will make you lose respect for your parents you didn't have much respect for them to begin with.

Humiliating your child nationally is not a small thing. That is a genuinely awful thing to do to a child. I don't see how you can't understand that. It is impossible to be a good parent and participate in this "prank". It takes a colossal level of disrespect.

Turning off the television is one thing, sending the video to a television show is something completely else.

The main issue here (for me) is:
  • A parent willing to ruin the joy that their children are experiencing for 15 seconds of internet fame shouldn't be victimized, celebrated or laughed at.
I understand the picture that is trying to be painted is that "younger kids have an unhealthy obsession with games (or Fortnite)" but the real issue (IMO) is - How are we going to blame or criticize these kid's behavior when their parents are acting like children towards them? Respect is a two way street. If this is any indication for the level of respect that these parents regularly show these children, these reactions don't surprise me.

This post is too level-headed... It isn't going to appeal to the sadists in here who feel entitled to upset their children for their own amusement and who feel like there is nothing wrong with sharing their children's unhappiness with the entire world. Because good parenting always involves humiliating your children on a national scale, right?
Last edited:


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
What a fun segment lol. I thought some kids would be worse than what was shown.
Meh we will have to agree to disagree. If something this small will make you lose respect for your parents you didn't have much respect for them to begin with.

People making this out to be some big thing are overreacting. It's not like those videos of parents shaving their kid's head; that's something the kid has to live with for a while and done as a punishment. Turning off the TV while playing Fortnite to elicit a funny reaction? That's comedy.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
The fact that the kid keeps playing the game even while the parents keeps saying to stop? The is just one. If you truly are 62 and have grown kids then you had ot have gone through this one at least once.

I completely disagree and think that is bad parenting. You are creating entitled brats not respectful adults.

You are making the act of turning off the TV into to big a thing while excusing the other disrespectful acts b y the children. At the end of the day they live under their parents roof and need to be respectful of them because they are underage kids.

I don't know which video you watched. In the video I watched, the television was switched off without warning.

Yes, there were times when I had to remind my kids to stop playing a game. It was never an issue, we respected one another. One of them is doing a PhD.


Oct 26, 2017
If my parents were the kind of shitty parents who record me without my consent for millions of people to watch me, trying to embarrass me, I wouldn't respect them either. You gotta earn it.

How do you know they sent that video without their consent? Also you're acting like kids these days wouldn't do anything to go viral.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Era has completley jumped the shark with this thread. Parents have been pulling harmless pranks on their kids for as long as people have been having kids. You need a serious reality check if you think this counts as bullying your kids like some are saying. Not everything needs to be cause for outrage.

Parents pulling pranks on kids and vice-verse does (probably) indicate a loving relationship and a level of mutual trust and respect. But when it is done for an audiences benefit - either for a video like this or amongst acquaintances, I think it has a lot more connotations. I think the kids do pick up on that it also erodes some of that trust and respect.


The Fallen
Nov 2, 2017
100% agree.

This! My mom will STILL hang up on me if I let a cuss word slip if I'm on the phone with her and if I'm with her she will STILL pop me in the mouth and I am grown as Hell. So to see so many people excuse this shitty behavior is pretty shocking.

what is it with people on here trying to make out that hitting your kids is alright?


Oct 30, 2017
100% agree.

This! My mom will STILL hang up on me if I let a cuss word slip if I'm on the phone with her and if I'm with her she will STILL pop me in the mouth and I am grown as Hell. So to see so many people excuse this shitty behavior is pretty shocking.
Your mom's abusive behavior has warped your standards. Normal well-adjusted parents don't "pop their kids in the mouth," ever.

Imagine trying to raise a kid into a civilized, respectful, emotionally healthy adult by smacking them around like an animal. That might make sense in a society where physical assault is an everyday element of socializing.


Oct 25, 2017
How do you know they sent that video without their consent? Also you're acting like kids these days wouldn't do anything to go viral.
Because most of them are clearly playing intently, if not then ok, some of them gamed Kimmel but nobody but them know that. Also, your last statement makes no sense whatsoever. "Some kids are attention-whores, therefore ALL kids are attention-whores."
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine pressing a button to make all equipment necessary for a basketball game disappear, the basket, the ball, etc. and all that energy the players have from running an actual play at the moment everything stopped.

Now this is less intense but still very much difficult for anyone to deal with. It's an adrenaline rush that the parents shouldn't be surprised by.

Animus Vox

Oct 30, 2017
what is it with people on here trying to make out that hitting your kids is alright?
How parents choose to raise their kids is their business. Child services isn't exactly going out for parents who smack their kids for being out of line or disobeying.

Could be a cultural thing but a lot of my cousins/relatives were raised being spanked/etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Your mom's abusive behavior has warped your standards. Normal well-adjusted parents don't "pop their kids in the mouth," ever.

Um my standard is being respectful to my parents. It's a great standard that they gave me I can't say the same of some of these kids, so I'm completely cool with that whether you are or not. Additionally, I did not advocate other parents doing this I said some of these kids are asshole and disrespectful, and I'll stick with that.


Nov 12, 2017
If my parents were the kind of shitty parents who record me without my consent for millions of people to watch me, trying to embarrass me, I wouldn't respect them either. You gotta earn it.

It's not enough that you take care of them, and do nice things like buy them a game console or PC so they can play Fortnite. The minute you turn off the TV that you paid for, and film them humiliating themselves by their gross overreaction, they lose all respect for you and you have to earn it back.


Oct 25, 2017
100% agree.

This! My mom will STILL hang up on me if I let a cuss word slip if I'm on the phone with her and if I'm with her she will STILL pop me in the mouth and I am grown as Hell. So to see so many people excuse this shitty behavior is pretty shocking.
Shit, no wonder you see national embarrassment as a small thing, your mom broke you. It's a good thing most parents aren't like your mom.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not enough that you take care of them, and do nice things like buy them a game console or PC so they can play Fortnite. The minute you turn off the TV that you paid for, and film them humiliating themselves by their gross overreaction, they lose all respect for you and you have to earn it back.
Oh joy, they bought me a fucking games console, so obviously I should let them do shit like record me without my consent, which is by itself punishable in some states. If my parent did that, my first reaction would be "What the hell is wrong with you?" No normal parent does this.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the intention of the title of this was to pass some sort of judgement on either 1. The younger gaming population or 2. The Fortnite gaming population.

The fact of the matter is that any of us would be upset regardless of age, but especially a younger person who doesn't possess the amount of maturity and self-control as someone that is older. The older people in this video had reactions that I would have if someone came up and shut off my system in the middle of any game.

The main issue here (for me) is:
  • A parent willing to ruin the joy that their children are experiencing for 15 seconds of internet fame shouldn't be victimized, celebrated or laughed at.
I understand the picture that is trying to be painted is that "younger kids have an unhealthy obsession with games (or Fortnite)" but the real issue (IMO) is - How are we going to blame or criticize these kid's behavior when their parents are acting like children towards them? Respect is a two way street. If this is any indication for the level of respect that these parents regularly show these children, these reactions don't surprise me.

Just my two cents.
If parents want respect they should set a respectable example for their children, not provoke a reaction and tyrannically admonish them for having a normal emotional response. That's an abusive dynamic, no way around it.

Playing nasty manipulative games with children doesn't teach them how to behave, it teaches them to resent authority and associate authority figures with inconsistent and unfair standards.
Parents pulling pranks on kids and vice-verse does (probably) indicate a loving relationship and a level of mutual trust and respect. But when it is done for an audiences benefit - either for a video like this or amongst acquaintances, I think it has a lot more connotations. I think the kids do pick up on that it also erodes some of that trust and respect.

Keep speaking truth. Unfortunately, I doubt they listen.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
None of these reactions are 'scary'. Only a few actually lashed out, and from the video you can tell that in those cases it was a sibling who did it and not a parent. Otherwise it was just cursing, and I guarantee you that the kids who cursed live in a household where their parents curse in front of them, thus that's just part of their normal household dynamic (as evidenced by the fact that the cursing illicits no reaction other than laughter from the parents). Yes, kids are going to overreact if you turn the TV off on shit. It's not scary, it's normal behavior.

That said, I don't think a parent doing this, in the privacy of their own home, is that big of a deal. Parents sometimes play pranks on their kids, as long as it isn't all the time and isn't causing physical harm or emotionally manipulative, it's fine. There is a huge problem, imo, with filming a kid's reaction and sending it into a late night show to humiliate them. Kids are going to see this video and share it at school, the kid is going to be made fun of, that's really not fair and parents need to be cognizant of what they are putting out there about their child.


Dec 15, 2017
White kids...always be screaming and hitting their parents.

Only the black kid has proper manner and attitude in this video.
He respects his Dad, and even jokingly telling him to go back to the kitchen and cook.
Now that is a 10/10 relationship between son and Dad.


Oct 25, 2017
If thinking kids shouldn't yell at and cuss at their parents is "broken", I'm cool with this.
Your mom isn't the standard for parenting(and thank GOD for that, whew). Some parents don't mind that kids "yell and cuss" at them(as if most of the kids in this video even do that). And some will actually *gasp* do their jobs as parents and figure out why they're doing that and work with them to fix it. Not pop em in the mouth.


Oct 26, 2017
Your mom isn't the standard for parenting(and thank GOD for that, whew). Some parents don't mind that kids "yell and cuss" at them(as if most of the kids in this video even do that). And some will actually *gasp* do their jobs as parents and figure out why they're doing that and work with them to fix it. Not pop em in the mouth.

I'd say going for someone's mum in a public forum is pretty shitty, even if the other poster brought her up firts.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
I watched a bunch of these with my daughter last night after this popped up in my feed. We were cracking up. She was a big fan of the one where Kimmel had kids make a nice breakfast in bed for father's day and then dump it on Dad. Something for me to look forward to now, I guess. -_-

The video that comes the closest to scary is the "turn off the super bowl during an intense moment" challenge, but even that one isn't so bad. Rewatching it this morning, I realized that my trepidation came more from my expectation of what was going to happen than what was actually happening. I dunno, I don't really find any of them to be a big deal, but we do a lot of teasing in my family. I mean you have to keep in mind that the kids in this fortnite video all seem to pick up on the fact that they are being fucked with pretty quickly, and it's probably not the first time. Kids know they're allowed to let loose a bit when they're being messed with for laughs


Oct 25, 2017
"Dad why did you turn off the tv?"
"Well you see son." Gets on one knee.
"I wanted to get an extreme reaction for the sole purpose of embarrassing you on national tv segment. The reason for this segment on tv is to showcase the undisciplined behavior of kids these days, connect it to a popular thing, and present it as a problem. Rather than address my own inaquity of being able to manage proper discipline while keeping up with ever changing social norms and make the feasible step to properly deal with the problem within my social circle, I will instead contribute to humorist escapism and make it appear as a problem outside my control."

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
That's such an asshole thing to do. Like imagine if somebody was reading a book and you just took it away and closed it. If somebody is watching and enjoying something you don't just take it away for no reason. But no Fortnite is a kids game so it's ok because damn the millenials™.


Oct 25, 2017
The only thing "scary" here is the kids that would hit their parent for this.

I would like to think my reaction as a kid would've been closer to the black kid's but it probably wouldn't have been :/


Oct 25, 2017
I'd say going for someone's mum in a public forum is pretty shitty, even if the other poster brought her up firts.
I'm certainly not trying to goad them by going after their mom, it's just that when someone condones child abuse, it tends to be from a bad childhood. And as you said they brought up the fact that their mom loved to punch them in the mouth first.