
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
It's fine. Very "they were kids too once" vibes.

If you told me this rolled directly into Prime, I'd believe you.


Oct 25, 2017
this is really weird concept for Transformers... goofy action comedy?

ok, i guess -- but these are basically just not the same characters as far as i'm concerned. its also weird to make Megatron and Optimus buddies before they want to destroy each other.

the art style is fine.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Nothing terrible about it but I will say everything kind of...blends together visually? Or like there is too much going on?


Aug 3, 2021
Not a huge Transformers fan, outside of liking the Bayformers, I know😅, and Bumblebee.

I saw the designs on the poster and thought oh god this doesn't look good. But after seeing the full trailer I think this looks like a lot of fun. The action sequences especially look great and I pretty quickly adjusted to all of their designs and have no issues with any of them now.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a damn shame how Brian Tyree went from being so incredible on Atlanta to being the most unbearable performer in the industry since Rob Schneider
Sep 29, 2020
I don't know, I grew up with and loved Transformers and this is obviously not aimed at me. But maybe my kids will like it:)


Oct 27, 2017
I like it, my kids will love this. Some of you are looking for something this isn't..


Nov 27, 2017
I have severe mixed feelings on this, lol.

They Dreamworks/Pixar'd this shit, haha.

I am an older fan, it's obviously not aimed at me, it seems. Goofy comedy vibes. Which I am not against on principle, but the jokes/humor weren't landing for me.

The bot designs? I am undecided yet. My first gut reaction was, eh. Especially the faces. Maybe the designs will grow on me.

I am not feeling Megatron's voice direction.

I will watch this day 1 of course. Hopefully it will turn out good. This isn't what I was expecting or wanting though. My dream transformer animated movie will come one day!


Nov 6, 2017
hell, TFTM has that "bah weep granna ninny bong" stuff and a "Dare To Be Stupid" dance number

What TF media are yall comparing this to


Nov 27, 2017
hell, TFTM has that "bah weep granna ninny bong" stuff and a "Dare To Be Stupid" dance number

What TF media are yall comparing this to

The fan base is broad, even among the older fans. I think the part of the fandom who want more of the serious slant are the old fans (even if they became fans because of the goofy G1 cartoon), that latched on the less goofy (relatively, there's goofy stuff everywhere) stuff from the comics and how Beast Wars/beast Machines was presented. But even the G1 stuff, that type of goofy hit different. even if Optimus was dunking basketballs, all the S3 stuff after the 84 movie got super buck rogers sci-fi with all the space adventures. It was dope, haha.

For me, been a fan since G1 cartoon days. I like the goofy, lighter stuff, but some of my favorite TF media is the comics (Marvel/DreamWave/IDW) and the Beast Wars/Beast Machines/Prime/War for Cybertron (games and show). That kinda vibe.

Besides the lore and stories, I just love the character/bot designs and seeing what they come up with. I appreciate all these shows through the years on that level as well.


Nov 6, 2017
The fan base is broad, even among the older fans. I think the part of the fandom who want more of the serious slant are the old fans (even if they became fans because of the goofy G1 cartoon), that latched on the less goofy (relatively, there's goofy stuff everywhere) stuff from the comics and how Beast Wars/beast Machines was presented. But even the G1 stuff, that type of goofy hit different. even if Optimus was dunking basketballs, all the S3 stuff after the 84 movie got super buck rogers sci-fi with all the space adventures. It was dope, haha.

For me, been a fan since G1 cartoon days. I like the goofy, lighter stuff, but some of my favorite TF media is the comics (Marvel/DreamWave/IDW) and the Beast Wars/Beast Machines/Prime/War for Cybertron (games and show). That kinda vibe.

Besides the lore and stories, I just love the character/bot designs and seeing what they come up with. I appreciate all these shows through the years on that level as well.

You mention IDW; IDW MTMTE is full of Whedon-esque, quippy humor. It still feels like a double standard.


Nov 27, 2017
You mention IDW; IDW MTMTE is full of Whedon-esque, quippy humor. It still feels like a double standard.

Not for me, maybe others. I said there is goofy stuff everywhere, even in the "serious" stuff. And goofy can be good. When we all see the movie in Sept, we can judge if this movie is actually good for what is trying to be. All the "serious" stuff in the Bay movies is terrible, along with it's suspect goofy stuff, action's great though, haha.

I am personally judging this trailer on what is presented to me. The humor isn't landing for me, these quips ain't hitting. Maybe the final movie will within the context of the whole story and the balance of the serious and light hearted. This trailer isn't that good to me. Serious, goofy, whatever. A goofy transformer movie isn't bad just because it is goofy. We shall see.


Oct 27, 2017
Much prefer a more serious tone over the comedy/humor stuff.
We'll see how this will actually turn out...


Oct 31, 2017
When they announced Chris Hemsworth as Optimus I could see it, but then they got him to do a generic American voice that could be anybody? Alright

Bummed that they're going down the generic superhero-style origin movie route instead of all the cool IDW-inspired stuff they could have done instead, but I figured that would be the case


Oct 27, 2017
looks alright, wasn't expecting a fully "animated" movie (only had peripheral knowledge) but I guess if they want to keep the cinematic franchise as a continuing thing it's not a horrible idea. and the CGI looks pretty good for what the movie ultimately is


Oct 26, 2017
did they… did they just makeshift a defunct power rangers script into a transformers movie?

Honestly, this looks about as trash as Garfield does. Does transformers even pull in much of an audience anymore? Beyond the bayformers dudebro demographic, i mean?
Oct 27, 2017
You mention IDW; IDW MTMTE is full of Whedon-esque, quippy humor. It still feels like a double standard.

What are you talking about? The Rod Pod, Swearth, my first blaster, and Cyclonus proudly singing "The Power of Love" are all super serious. /s

Personally I think the goofy moments help make the darker moments mean more. It's boring if the franchise is dark and broading all the time. Sure it has the ability to go more serious, but I don't want it to ever forget that when it comes down to it, it's just a dumb commercial for robot toys.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
I was not prepared for the tone and level of comedy that was being presented for this. I even thought of it as a negative aspect. But I also watched the trailer without context and thought it was for a new TV series and it was only from this thread that I found out it's for a theatrical movie. Now with that in mind, I'm okay with the tone and humor shown. Feels weird to me how my view on the humor changes depending on if its a TV show or a movie.


Oct 25, 2017
"We got these powers for a reason!"
Screenwriters, even for kids' movies, PLEASE find new ways to write this line. I'm begging you.


Oct 29, 2017
This looks fine to bring in newer fans. People who wanted something gritty, there is the Netflix War for Cybertron, Earthrise, and Kingdom trilogy series. Sucks that we probably won't reach the peak of the first five minutes of Bumblebee though...


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I think it looks really fun!

I'll absolutely give it a watch, though I don't really go the movies much these days, so it'll probably be when it hits video on demand
I'm at an age where I understand that not every piece of consumer entertainment in an IP I grew up with as a kid or teen is meant for me, but I'll still give it a go to see if it's entertaining at least!


Oct 30, 2017
Thanks, I hate it.

If Transformers wants to do a comedy thing, go the Teen Titans Go route where it just kind of wears the spoofery on its sleeve, like a Mad magazine send-up of the franchise. Trying to do the tightrope walk where it's treating the universe itself as a serious canon origin story but also has Young Optimus and Young Megatron as an odd couple getting into zAnY HiJiNkS is just tonal whiplash.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Honestly that looked great. Me and my kid are gonna have a blast with this.

I remember me and my best friend looking at the Sonic the Hedgehog trailers and being like, "Oh lord, this is going to be awful," and my job ended up treating us all to a free viewing of the theater, so I brought my bud and his kids along, and we all ended up loving it. And I'm specifically referring to the original trailers

I grew up with Sonic in the late 80's and remember his Genesis debut vividly and fondly, but by the time this movie came out, I wasn't really a Sonic fan anymore (outside of the Genesis games).

I just don't really judge these things by trailers anymore, especially when it's clear that it's not being marketed toward my 40 year old ass.

I had "my" Transformers, and it was wonderful. Now some younger generations get to have "their" Transformers, and I think that's really cool.

In general, it makes me really happy to see many of these IPs I love enduring and reaching new fans.

My nephew, for example, who's in his 20's now, is a huuuuge fan of Star Wars, Transformers, and TMNT, for example. We talk about all the different toys and video games and movies that come out featuring them, and it's great, and I love that we can bond over this stuff. He watches it all. The old stuff, the new stuff, and he likes the stuff he likes, and dislikes the stuff he dislikes.

I hope you and your kids absolutely have a blast seeing this!

Knowing my friend group, we might all end up going to the theater and checking it out ourselves when it releases as it's been a while since we've all been able to go see a movie together


May 23, 2018
Not a huge Transformers fan, outside of liking the Bayformers, I know😅



Oct 26, 2017
Not a huge Transformers fan, outside of liking the Bayformers, I know😅, and Bumblebee.

I saw the designs on the poster and thought oh god this doesn't look good. But after seeing the full trailer I think this looks like a lot of fun. The action sequences especially look great and I pretty quickly adjusted to all of their designs and have no issues with any of them now.
I love the first 2 Bay movies. Perfect summer blockbusters. Leave your brain out and enjoy.


Oct 27, 2017
This looks surprisingly… alright?

But I am so over using the big Hollywood names as voice actors. And I absolutely adore what Hemsworth did in What If. Especially in Transformers it feels even more wrong to me.

Oh well


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
getting the ninja turtle treatment? itll probably be safe/fun enough

also starscream and soundwave



Oct 25, 2017
Are folks forgetting that Spiderverse and TMNT proved that it's possible that make excellent family-friendly films without dumbing down the material?

This could have been that film for the TF franchise