Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
well there you have it.


Oct 26, 2017
Everyone in this administration needs to be in a jail where they sleep on concrete floors for the rest of their life.

Deleted member 22649

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Ok but what do we do about it?

Like, we shouldn't wait for an election. So what do we do right now to stop it immediately?


To stop it? Legally? Nothing. You can donate to groups that are trying to make sure the affected asylum seekers get legal representation, and that's important, but you can't do anything to force this administration to treat asylum seekers like human beings.

Are there options that aren't legal? Maybe, but you can't discuss those on ResetERA.


Oct 25, 2017
Wonder when they will start arguing that expired food qualifies as nutrition and stars feeding that to them.


Oct 29, 2017
Playing right into Pelosi's hands i see.. hahaha...



The words I want to say about nancy and democrat leadership and their fucking cheerleaders on this center of right forum would definitely get me banned.

I'll just say this: hitching everything to Mueller and his narrow focus was a mistake from day -1. There's mountains of criminal shit that needed to be blasted to the public day after day. The human atrocities are increasing and going strong every day we treat this inhumane racism and fascism as simple political process that can just be "solved" on election day.

These old Democrat oligarchs are ill-equipped and lack the conviction needed to tackle the hatred and contempt coming out of the increasingly batshit right.


Oct 27, 2017
These fuckers need to be hanged in the Hague. They relinquished all claims to humanity the second they opened these concentration camps.

These fuckers need to be rounded up and go through the same hell.

They literally dont think of people of color - as people!!!

I cant believe this is the climate we live in.

Those motherfuckers who voted that Orange piece of shit in his cronies can go fuck themselves.

Deleted member 57378

User requested account closure
Jun 2, 2019
If those in the left weren't so scared of action they could use a play from conservatives and strap up, form a militia and step in. Works for the other side alot. They are doing it now to stand off against state police to protect what they feel is important. They've done it many times, untill you are willing to get violent to protect whats right you may as well shut up and sit down. Thats where we are, if you wany to admit it or not. It sucks but we are far past the point of civil discourse. Funny part is the government knows the opposition isnt willing to do more that be angry online. So we are where we are.


Nov 11, 2017
The words I want to say about nancy and democrat leadership and their fucking cheerleaders on this center of right forum would definitely get me banned.

I'll just say this: hitching everything to Mueller and his narrow focus was a mistake from day -1. There's mountains of criminal shit that needed to be blasted to the public day after day. The human atrocities are increasing and going strong every day we treat this inhumane racism and fascism as simple political process that can just be "solved" on election day.

These old Democrat oligarchs are ill-equipped and lack the conviction needed to tackle the hatred and contempt coming out of the increasingly batshit right.

I agree with everything you just said, and I can imagine the other feelings you haven't voiced. They are sitting here doing fuck all while textbook fascism is rising and they're worried about their own political future. Its like they can't comprehend that this man is dismantling government. Its impossible to them. No, they just have to keep sending letters, and wondering why they are ignoring all law.
Oct 25, 2017
If those in the left weren't so scared of action they could use a play from conservatives and strap up, form a militia and step in. Works for the other side alot. They are doing it now to stand off against state police to protect what they feel is important. They've done it many times, untill you are willing to get violent to protect whats right you may as well shut up and sit down. Thats where we are, if you wany to admit it or not. It sucks but we are far past the point of civil discourse. Funny part is the government knows the opposition isnt willing to do more that be angry online. So we are where we are.
No lies detected.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Allyson Chiu @_allysonchiu

Trump, questioned on child separation policy, insists 'I brought the families together' –– The president was on Telemundo, his first TV interview with a Spanish-language network https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/06/21/trump-telemundo-family-separation-policy-obama/?utm_term=.8a2f61591d4c …
8:13 AM - Jun 21, 2019

The Daily Beast @thedailybeast

In Trump's first interview with a Spanish-language television network, he claimed that he is bringing migrant families together. And it's all Obama's fault. https://trib.al/k8ovOPk

1:40 PM - Jun 21, 2019

Daniel Dale @ddale8

He falsely claimed he "inherited" family separation from Obama.

He falsely claimed Hispanics were losing wealth under Obama.

He falsely claimed he has 50% Hispanic approval.

My fact-check of Trump's dishonest first interview with Spanish-language TV: https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/21/politics/fact-check-trump-telemundo/index.html …

1:34 PM - Jun 21, 2019


Oct 27, 2017
Wonder when they will start arguing that expired food qualifies as nutrition and stars feeding that to them.

WaPo: Inspection finds ICE jail's conditions endanger detainees' health, safety
The review found:

• "mishandling of meats and storage of moldy bread" potentially contaminating food
• "meat, which was raw, spoiled, or expired"
• "open packages of raw chicken leaking blood all over refrigeration units"
• "slimy, foul-smelling lunch meat"
• "hamburgers that were foul smelling and unrecognizable."

Despite the potential for "salmonella, listeria, and E. coli, leading to serious foodborne illness, we observed facility staff serving this potentially spoiled meat to detainees," the inspectors reported after their surprise visit in July.


Serious troubles have been discovered at other ICE detention facilities. Consider these findings in inspector general reports from December 2017 to September 2018:

• Inspections at five detention facilities "identified problems that undermine the protection of detainees' rights, their humane treatment, and the provision of a safe and healthy environment."

• At Theo Lacy Facility in Orange, Calif., "we observed slimy, foul-smelling lunch meat that appeared to be spoiled."

• At an ICE processing center in California, "nooses made from braided bed sheets present ongoing safety and security risks … ICE has not taken seriously the recurring problem of detainees hanging bedsheet nooses at the Adelanto Center," where medical care is "delayed and inadequate" and "dental providers do not provide basic dental care."


A kitchen sign tells staff there is "NO THROWING OUT ANY BREAD."

Kitchen workers place old bread in trash bags and cans "to be used for making bread pudding once every 2-3 weeks," the report said.

It's no surprise that detainees complain of diarrhea and vomiting — symptoms of food poisoning.

The inmates filed about 200 food-related complaints from January through June last year. One quoted comment in the report said: "For dinner, we were served meatballs that smell like fecal matter. The food was rotten." Another complained: "The food that we received has been complete garbage, it's becoming impossible to eat it. It gets worse every day. It literally looks like it came from the garbage dumpster; I have a stomach infection because of it and the nurse herself told me it was caused by the food."

Don't just take the inmates' word for it. Here is what the federal inspectors said: "Although ICE standards require the protection of detainees from illness through adequate food service, the Essex Facility has risked the spread of foodborne illness by knowingly serving detainees potentially contaminated meat and bread. As a result, ICE must more closely scrutinize and oversee the facility's management."


Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It really disgust me to no end that fucking pedantic nerds who love sniffing their own farts are using the term "never again" against people pointing out all the fucking clear as day Nazi shit happening... AGAIN. THIS IS THE ACTUAL POINT OF "NEVER AGAIN" YOU FUCKS!

It's a continuum. The Holocaust didn't happen in one day. The Nazis didn't decide immediately to kill minorities and Jews on day fucking one.

"Never again" doesn't mean "Hold up, these guys seem like fascists, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt and let's see how it all plays out. Maybe they won't be exactly like the Nazis."

Morons, morons, surrounded by morons in the media.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
If those in the left weren't so scared of action they could use a play from conservatives and strap up, form a militia and step in. Works for the other side alot. They are doing it now to stand off against state police to protect what they feel is important. They've done it many times, untill you are willing to get violent to protect whats right you may as well shut up and sit down. Thats where we are, if you wany to admit it or not. It sucks but we are far past the point of civil discourse. Funny part is the government knows the opposition isnt willing to do more that be angry online. So we are where we are.
It doesn't affect the majority of the people on the left, simple as that. Sad but true. If this were their families it'd be different


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Next will be torture is okay, they are not Americans.

This is torture. Sleep deprivation. Sleeping on concrete under bright lights. Weeks without bathing or change of clothes. No toothbrushes = destroying their oral health = a slow poisoning. Incidents of physical and sexual abuse. The U.S. is torturing children.


Oct 25, 2017
Next will be torture is okay, they are not Americans.
What? We already did this step during GWB, this is the step BEYOND that... where torturing children is being justified because someone didn't specifcally say "Don't put children to sleep on stone floors without blankets" and "Don't forget to allow the children to wash with soap and water."


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
This makes me sick. How can someone even try the mental gymnastics to justify this?


Oct 29, 2017
What does it take for the general public to show any real measure of empathy to children with brown skin? People that look like me are literally being held in subhuman conditions and the fact that they are children doesn't even seem to register.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017

I know this is about a different issue but this kind of shit needs to stop in a broader sense as well.


Oct 27, 2017
cold all night long, lights on all night long, sleeping on concrete and you've got an aluminum foil blanket

Wow,this is how they treat migrant children in their concentration camps. I still don't get why there's no massive protests or riots to get his ass out of the white house.


Oct 26, 2017
Best country in the world.
Fuck this administration.
Worst part is none of the spineless Republicans rise against it and will never be held accountable for it.

Sumio Mondo

Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
The exact number of children who had died under the care of the federal government is unknown because of a law that does not require various agencies to report deaths.

This week, the ACLU found a migrant teenager in the care of Texas border control nursing her prematurely-born baby without any proper medical care.

Fucking hell. This makes me so sad and hollow. America, you really need to get rid of your pure evil government. You all need to protest this.


Oct 25, 2017
The most comment "argument" from the rural south I see when these articles is to blame the parents for dragging their children cross country to break the law instead of staying home and caring for their children.

It's the typical upturned nose response from people too heartless to care about human suffering, until they also bring in the "But what about OUR homeless, and OUR veterans, and OUR children


Oct 26, 2017
These are concentration camps. Plain and simple.

You rip children away from their parents and feed them old moldy food. You shove them in cages and make them sleep on concrete. There is no soap. You force the children to take care of other children. AND SOME OF THESE KIDS ALREADY DIED.
Dec 23, 2017
It's hard not to get depressed watching these people. Pure evil! We have to stand up and fight against it. Those that claim to be about humanity and equality need to stand up. What do you do in the face of evil?
Oct 27, 2017
Complementary article:

Sounds super-sanitary to me! Think how long Trump would last in one of those camps with his germophobia.

How fucked is it that toddlers are being dumped on fucking tweens to raise and look after? The amount of trauma and PTSD being inflicted will last for decades.

This is heartbreaking. The people responsible for this deserve the same fucking treatment. I just hope karma is real, or failing that Hell is real and they're all going straight there.


Oct 29, 2017
Am I wrong to assume that the words members dont dare to write are: The responsible need to be skinned alive.?


Feb 3, 2019
Yet the people from the middle east are considered less human by these people. Monsters. Thay are the evil that they claim to fight.
Oct 27, 2017
If Trump wins in 2020 while having actual children in concentration camps I don't even know what the fuck to say about Americans. Sociopaths and enablers in that administration, top to bottom, that lawyer lady is literal subhuman scum and I'd like to make her sleep on a concrete floor with a fucking aluminum blanket for several months. All of these people should be in jail.


Oct 27, 2017
Who'd like to bet that, once again, this has Stephen Miller's grubby hands all over it?


Oct 25, 2017
So, how do we hold these fuckers accountable?

And the answer isn't just "vote", that part's a given. Even when we vote them out, the perpetrators of these crimes usually skate.