
Nov 27, 2017
And yet the court may still have the last laugh. Remember that the constitutionality of the ACA will probably be decided in 4-5 months (and probably the lower court ruling will be upheld.)

And while there's no abortion cases on the docket for this session, ACB's presence might get them on next year. Probably nothing as big as Alabama, but it wouldn't be a surprise to see South Carolina, and maybe Ohio's heartbeat bill.
Unlike congress, the court could care less about Trump, they got what they wanted, they can't be removed in practicality, and the only way they lose power is if he... well overthrows democracy(or the courts get expanded). So they're happy to throw him under the bus

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Unlike congress, the court could care less about Trump, they got what they wanted, they can't be removed in practicality, and the only way they lose power is if he... well overthrows democracy(or the courts get expanded). So they're happy to throw him under the bus

I wouldn't entirely say that. I do think guys like Thomas and Alito are 100% for the same shit Trump was, and since Trump was able to energize the base, he was a means to an end.


Oct 27, 2017
And yet the court may still have the last laugh. Remember that the constitutionality of the ACA will probably be decided in 4-5 months (and probably the lower court ruling will be upheld.)

And while there's no abortion cases on the docket for this session, ACB's presence might get them on next year. Probably nothing as big as Alabama, but it wouldn't be a surprise to see South Carolina, and maybe Ohio's heartbeat bill.

This is still the stupidest thing that the scotus could do in relation to healthcare, nothing would push forward the idea of a universal healthcare system being needed more than ever than the fact that the only middle ground system that's been put in place was destroyed by the GOP courts with 0 alternative in place. It would cause so much chaos that the push for a better more inclusive system would skyrocket. Especially after a fuck load of americans caught covid and may see issues down the road from lasting effects.

Also I still don't understand how the idea that "because the tax is gone the aca isn't legal anymore" because I thought the tax was still there, wasn't it just lowered to $0? In which case it's still tax in the law and on the books, a future congress could just raise it again if that's the case, which is why I don't understand that argument being a thing. But I don't trust the GOP to think through plans at all for the long term.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
This is still the stupidest thing that the scotus could do in relation to healthcare, nothing would push forward the idea of a universal healthcare system being needed more than ever than the fact that the only middle ground system that's been put in place was destroyed by the GOP courts with 0 alternative in place. It would cause so much chaos that the push for a better more inclusive system would skyrocket. Especially after a fuck load of americans caught covid and may see issues down the road from lasting effects.

Also I still don't understand how the idea that "because the tax is gone the aca isn't legal anymore" because I thought the tax was still there, wasn't it just lowered to $0? In which case it's still tax in the law and on the books, a future congress could just raise it again if that's the case, which is why I don't understand that argument being a thing. But I don't trust the GOP to think through plans at all for the long term.

And welcome to the biggest problem with American culture, this ideal of survival of the fittest, pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, mortgaging your present to have a better future despite the risks, and sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice. And if you didn't succeed, then you didn't want it hard enough. Or pray hard enough.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully this puts the end to the question of whether or not he is still in the triple comma club.


Oct 27, 2017
And welcome to the biggest problem with American culture, this ideal of survival of the fittest, pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, mortgaging your present to have a better future despite the risks, and sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice. And if you didn't succeed, then you didn't want it hard enough. Or pray hard enough.

Yeah I've seen that more than enough when visiting my wife's family there, but the idea of that is not going to go well when people are having mass lung issues and shit due to side effects of covid in the future and the GOP are turning around saying "awww well sorry". There's a reason they lost the 2018 midterms and healthcate was a big part of it. The GOP always want to stop more rights and such for one reason, once someone has access to something they didn't before, it's hard to take that away without them realising how fucked they are. They can claim they don't like it right now, but the moment they realise they need it things will hit the fan.

Honestly if the GOP run scotus want to cut off millions from healthcare while the senate, house and white house is in the democrats hands then they're idiots. The only thing stopping a bunch of changes that are needed in the usa, including to the scotus, is the filibuster and certain dems who ate against dropping it. It's hard to keep demanding it stay after millions are made to suffer because some court stacked to fuck with political agents decided to cause more pain to the people.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I remember reading that. It's why rich people aren't audited as much, right?

Yep. Not only are the tax returns simpler to audit, but they don't have to deal with teams of accountants and lawyers. So the IRS goes after small fry, because they can clear more cases quickly, even if the total volume of the fraud is a fraction of what more complicated cases are worth.


Oct 25, 2017
release to the secret grand jury, not the public

not really surprising either since they threw out Trumps argument last year


Aug 1, 2018
This is dumb, like people in the government don't already know whats in these taxes

The IRS having access to something is not the same thing as the Manhattan DA's office having access to something. They still need to get permission to access and comb through them.

Wasn't this a story last year?

And will SCOTUS have to allow it again in a different case?

SCOTUS sent it back to the lower court because they said Trump couldn't use the argument that he was President so he doesn't have to. The lower court ruled he had to cough them up. Trump's lawyers wanted a stay, an injunction, on the tax records. It was denied by SCOTUS.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
How likely is this going to leak to public?


Oct 27, 2017
And I'm glad. Who's gonna care what Trump thinks or says? Bitch, you're not even the president anymore! Both the Manhattan DA & Congress have every right to Trump's taxes now (& I don't even know why the SCOTUS even has them, anyway).

Why did he move to Florida anyway? Was there any legal/financial reason for it, or did he just make the decision because he felt people in NYC no longer liked him, and he wanted to be surrounded by adoring fans?


Oct 28, 2017
I still don't believe anything actually bad will ever happen to people like him but I'm looking forward to being surprised.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
They shot that down today too

Clarence Thomas is easily the worst SCOTUS judge in the history of this country. I have never seen a man so regularly vote against the interests of his country and its people, and to make matters worse his decisions often have severely negative effects against his own race. Motherfucker is still bitter from 20 years ago, Goddamn. At least Kavanaugh has sided against Trump more than a few times, and Trump GOT HIM THE JOB.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
It's better than nothing but I wish it wasn't just a slice of his fraud, it's been going on for decades but whatever holds him to account and makes him miserable and bankrupt. Now go after the rest of the family too.


Oct 27, 2017
Clarence Thomas is easily the worst SCOTUS judge in the history of this country. I have never seen a man so regularly vote against the interests of his country and its people, and to make matters worse his decisions often have severely negative effects against his own race. Motherfucker is still bitter from 20 years ago, Goddamn. At least Kavanaugh has sided against Trump more than a few times, and Trump GOT HIM THE JOB.

Thomas is one hundred percent a Q-Anon believer. There's no way his wife's beliefs are different from his own.


Oct 25, 2017
Clarence Thomas is easily the worst SCOTUS judge in the history of this country. I have never seen a man so regularly vote against the interests of his country and its people, and to make matters worse his decisions often have severely negative effects against his own race. Motherfucker is still bitter from 20 years ago, Goddamn. At least Kavanaugh has sided against Trump more than a few times, and Trump GOT HIM THE JOB.

He replaced Thurgood Marshall.........
Oct 25, 2017
ELI5 is this the time he actually goes down?

In and of themselves, the tax returns are not much. They'll probably establish he's not as rich as he claims and might show some seedy dealings. They are, however, a piece of the puzzle to establish fraud which may actually bring him down.

They shot that down today too

I haven't been following this case too closely, but I actually kind of agree with Thomas. These types of cases are going to continue to be filed during elections and the courts are going to continue to not rule on them so as to not interfere with an election in progress. Might be better to rule on a "moot" case in order to establish precedence.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe a stupid question but why did this have to wait until he was no longer president? Are US presidents immune to legal accountability?


Apr 1, 2019
I still don't believe anything actually bad will ever happen to people like him but I'm looking forward to being surprised.

Even if Trump doesn't see any prison time, he's going to end up flat broke from all lawsuits plus loans owed in a couple of years from now, along with his properties, his assets, & his secret banking accounts being seized. That'll be something at least.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe a stupid question but why did this have to wait until he was no longer president? Are US presidents immune to legal accountability?

It didn't. The Supreme Court did him a favor be delaying their ruling so that this didn't happen while he was president and/or pending re-election, but this decision was cut and dry whether he was president or not.

Your point? Marshall was pretty dang left for the court at the time. Much like Trump replaced RBG with her mirror universe duplicate, Bush did the same with him.

My point is that the worst Justice in the history of the United States replaced Thurgood Fucking Marshall.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
I'm ready for all the lawsuits and seizures to begin. I don't care about Trump and the horrible daily things he did to this country anymore, but seeing him dragged for being a trash person is something I enjoy updates on. He's a horrible person that will never change, ever, in any way. Make his life miserable.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn

In and of themselves, the tax returns are not much. They'll probably establish he's not as rich as he claims and might show some seedy dealings. They are, however, a piece of the puzzle to establish fraud which may actually bring him down.

I haven't been following this case too closely, but I actually kind of agree with Thomas. These types of cases are going to continue to be filed during elections and the courts are going to continue to not rule on them so as to not interfere with an election in progress. Might be better to rule on a "moot" case in order to establish precedence.

Yup. Not sure if it was posted here, but the Nytimes had an article on the shitshow unfolding in Virginia as far as state/local politics are concerned where GOP infighting isn't on policy, but 'I just don't accept the results'

The Virginia G.O.P. Voted on Its Future. The Losers Reject the Results. (Published 2021)

In a sign of the Trump era’s lingering alternate realities, Republicans in the struggling state party are refusing to move forward with a new system for choosing nominees.

Until there's a 0% chance of these cases going forward (and like you pointed out, a case getting decided by the supreme court it's bullshit would help), it's gonna be a conga line of disputed election and stalled government until shits gets decided in courts. That said, considering his wife is one of the 'stolen election!' people, who knows if Thomas is even being honest here.


Nov 27, 2017
Even if Trump doesn't see any prison time, he's going to end up flat broke from all lawsuits plus loans owed in a couple of years from now, along with his properties, his assets, & his secret banking accounts being seized. That'll be something at least.
Not to mention all the unknown foreign entities after the money he owes them.
Plus his above board debtors are going to get more than they bargained for if this results in his assets getting reevaluated at a much lower value which means they get to seize even more