
Dec 19, 2022
Like others have said it would be insane for such secrets to have been kept under wraps successfully for decades.

Also why is it that alien conspiracies to such an extent America focused. Sure I know they are a superpower but come on. The purported aliens can't be just into America right?

Do we know if there be more hearings of this?


Oct 28, 2017
Something that's been mentioned a few times was that you could always tell America was hiding technology because all of a sudden they'd get really quiet about it.

Other countries suspected we had atomic bombs because we suddenly stopped releasing scientific papers about them. Supposedly it happened multiple times afterwards where we suddenly got really quiet about high altitude supersonic planes and stealth technology among other things.

I've always wondered why we poured so many resources and so much energy into the space race, got to the moon, and then just STOPPED.
Like yeah, we won, and the Soviet Union fell apart, but that didn't mean that we had to let our space program atrophy for 30-60 years.

I've always wondered if there were other reasons why we stopped prioritizing space, at least publicly.


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntilda’s Lair
Like others have said it would be insane for such secrets to have been kept under wraps successfully for decades.

Also why is it that alien conspiracies to such an extent America focused. Sure I know they are a superpower but come on. The purported aliens can't be just into America right?

Do we know if there be more hearings of this?

But it's not just America focused. There's reported sightings all over the world. Brazil in particular has had a couple of compelling and interesting cases.

And it's hard to definitively say whether it has all been kept under wraps or not. Many, many people have been talking for decades, but nothing has ever been super verified that we're aware of. It's just listening to people talk, engaging with their stories of experiences and allegedly working on craft and seeing bodies, etc. etc.

But with everything happening in the past few weeks, it just feels different. Like we may finally be on the verge of getting some cold hard truths or learning it's all been lies. Or a little bit of both. It's a very compelling and interesting time and all we can really do is wait and see what happens in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

On another note… this has been on mind lately. The private companies and so forth that allegedly have the UAPs and potential NHIs in their possession were given a 6 month (I believe it was 6 months?) to come forward with what they have/know but… what exactly happens at the end of the 6 months if they haven't done so? Grusch has given names, locations, etc., so would the government then go knocking on doors and demand to turn everything they allegedly have over if they don't comply?


Nov 3, 2020
That keeps being said over and over again… it's evidence that, as far as we know, hasn't been verified. It's evidence that was found credible enough to Chuck Schumer and the IG during 23 hours of interrogation (two separate 11 1/2 hour sessions) that allowed congress have the hearings and to have amendments about UAPs and NHIs written.

We just have to wait and see what happens next.
Just because chuck Schumer is interested doesn't mean its credible.

I agree, it hasn't been verified but we'll see.
I doubt it will be though


Nov 3, 2020
That's certainly interesting. Do you remember anything else odd about them aside from what you mentioned? You said their clothing was transparent, I remember some late 90s fringe fashion that was similar to this. I'm inclined to believe it's just an old memory that seems odd because they looked out of place and years and years of memories repeating themselves can end up becoming fantastical in our imagination, I've had several from childhood like this.

I do think some of his claims like fiber optics being alien in origin do seem ridiculous, it's probably a case of some misinformation getting mixed with some truths. But the Reddit thing, it's fun to speculate the possible interpretations or the implications of alien visitation being commonplace. But them somehow being our saviors and relieving us of our sufferings seems way too far-fetched to me. I think a malevolent or a "zookeeper" ET scenario is more likely simply based on their lack of intervention, I think.

That's interesting that you think it could be a psyop, would be more plausible than aliens I suppose. Which of our adversaries do you think might primarily be responsible if that was the case?

Indeed. I hope this evidence becomes available to the public soon. I'm really curious just how much we really know about 'them' in that case.
China or Russia. The latter have already done damage to our trust in the government and medicine so this looks to be next. For people to openly want to kill government members based on decades old hearsay is wild.
But this is what happens when we don't teach skepticism or science.

Now the only things folks are skeptical about are things that confirm biases.

Milky Way

Oct 29, 2017
Just because chuck Schumer is interested doesn't mean its credible.

I agree, it hasn't been verified but we'll see.
I doubt it will be though

I mean the IG has seen his evidence and also interviewed witnesses in the program that verify what Grusch said. That's why the IG deemed it "urgent & credible". Not to mention, McCullough, who is a former IG, is Grusch's personal lawyer.
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Mr Swine

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017


2 years back someone supposedly captured 2 moving objects hovering around one of the moons craters with a camera. They show up 19 seconds into the video. Looks like 2 tic tacs or round objects approaching the moon.

The top comment said something I found to be interesting. Here is the quote.

"The crater is called Endymion and is 78 miles in diameter. That would make those objects about 10 miles long. The starship USS Enterprise is about a half a mile long and an Imperial Star Destroyer a mile long. So, ten times bigger than an Imperial Star Destroyer. Hmmm, pretty large"

Those objects are 10 times bigger then a star destroyer. That is pretty scary. These things could cast a shadow over a chunk of New York if they are real. You do not fight against something like that. You run. Military jets would be little annoying flies at best I would imagine.

I doubt the video is fake. It is the only video like this at all on their channel. Completely different from their other content, and despite being their best performing video, they never made another video after this. 2 years ago.

JFC those are large if this is real footage and not doctored in any way. But I see 3 Tic Tacs in the video not 2?


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
That's not the sort of camera that would have been used. The photo is from a survey commissioned by National Geographic to study the effects on the surrounding land and water of a hydroelectric dam project.

Not sure what it is, but it's not from someone taking photos through a window with a 60's style camera lol. Just one thing to rule out.

Makes sense it wasn't a typical camera. Closely looking at the photo, it still looks like a reflection to me. There seem to be other things "reflecting" around it with less light hitting them.

Deleted member 149904

Jun 12, 2023


2 years back someone supposedly captured 2 moving objects hovering around one of the moons craters with a camera. They show up 19 seconds into the video. Looks like 2 tic tacs or round objects approaching the moon.

The top comment said something I found to be interesting. Here is the quote.

"The crater is called Endymion and is 78 miles in diameter. That would make those objects about 10 miles long. The starship USS Enterprise is about a half a mile long and an Imperial Star Destroyer a mile long. So, ten times bigger than an Imperial Star Destroyer. Hmmm, pretty large"

Those objects are 10 times bigger then a star destroyer. That is pretty scary. These things could cast a shadow over a chunk of New York if they are real. You do not fight against something like that. You run. Military jets would be little annoying flies at best I would imagine.

I doubt the video is fake. It is the only video like this at all on their channel. Completely different from their other content, and despite being their best performing video, they never made another video after this. 2 years ago.

In our day and age, any video not released by official/recognized sources can be fake and even if real, be dismissed as fake. This could be an extremely well done fake video (really impressive!).

It's also fun to speculate on the chance of it being actually real. Those things are absolutely massive. There are no crafts or even buildings the size of those things. Their shape seems synonymous with the tictacs. Their movement/speed is also similar to what is described and shown on officially released footage. If those things are real, humanity is done for.


Jan 1, 2021
I posted this in another thread, but the "built like insect" line had me thinking, maybe they're evolved insects?
I mean, this story I found had this guy getting abducted and visited by Praying Mantis aliens who told them that golbal warming is a problem and that we are violent. Take all this with a grain of salt, but maybe global warming is the reason there is more activity.


Sep 13, 2018


2 years back someone supposedly captured 2 moving objects hovering around one of the moons craters with a camera. They show up 19 seconds into the video. Looks like 2 tic tacs or round objects approaching the moon.

The top comment said something I found to be interesting. Here is the quote.

"The crater is called Endymion and is 78 miles in diameter. That would make those objects about 10 miles long. The starship USS Enterprise is about a half a mile long and an Imperial Star Destroyer a mile long. So, ten times bigger than an Imperial Star Destroyer. Hmmm, pretty large"

Those objects are 10 times bigger then a star destroyer. That is pretty scary. These things could cast a shadow over a chunk of New York if they are real. You do not fight against something like that. You run. Military jets would be little annoying flies at best I would imagine.

I doubt the video is fake. It is the only video like this at all on their channel. Completely different from their other content, and despite being their best performing video, they never made another video after this. 2 years ago.



Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
This thread caused me to discover Bob Lazar. Was super interesting when he was sketching the power source as well as gravity manipulation for the news crew.

One of the many people I do not trust is Bob Lazar. Another name you will probably run into is Steven Greer who I also would avoid. But, that is just my personal opinion.


Apr 23, 2019
One of the many people I do not trust is Bob Lazar. Another name you will probably run into is Steven Greer who I also would avoid. But, that is just my personal opinion.

There a couple of threads dedicated on exposing Greer in Reddit that are absolutely worth a read. The UFO/UAP "scene" is marred by some names looking for attention/money/both.

It's always good to bear in mind not to get caught up in confirmation bias, this is coming from someone who belivies *tm


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
Steven Greer is such an obvious grifter he is almost a walking parody at this point. Might as well believe Marshall Applewhite.

There a couple of threads dedicated on exposing Greer in Reddit that are absolutely worth a read. The UFO/UAP "scene" is marred by some names looking for attention/money/both.

It's always good to bear in mind not to get caught up in confirmation bias, this is coming from someone who belivies *tm

Yep. There are A LOT of people in the UFO/UAP scene that I simply do not trust. I used to go down that rabbit hole bad when I was in High School until I spent a lot of time researching and came to the conclusion most people in that scene are BS.


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntilda’s Lair
Has the Magè incident been discussed in here yet. Watched this video last night and found it pretty interesting.


If you just want footage without all the commentary there's this, but its not in chronological order


Yep! Was covered a couple pages back. Very interesting stuff. That was a heck of a lot of fire power it seemed like to take them down, plus all of the other stuff that came afterwards.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
In our day and age, any video not released by official/recognized sources can be fake and even if real, be dismissed as fake. This could be an extremely well done fake video (really impressive!).

It's also fun to speculate on the chance of it being actually real. Those things are absolutely massive. There are no crafts or even buildings the size of those things. Their shape seems synonymous with the tictacs. Their movement/speed is also similar to what is described and shown on officially released footage. If those things are real, humanity is done for.

This is fake and has been debunked
Nov 7, 2017
Yep! Was covered a couple pages back. Very interesting stuff. That was a heck of a lot of fire power it seemed like to take them down, plus all of the other stuff that came afterwards.

On reddit, they said the artillery footage was from Israel. Pretty disappointing that Youtuber didn't do a better job of sourcing and verifying the footage.


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntilda’s Lair
On reddit, they said the artillery footage was from Israel. Pretty disappointing that Youtuber didn't do a better job of sourcing and verifying the footage.

Well if that's the case, then that's disappointing. Hopefully the non-footage stuff is still good though as it's quite the compelling story. But who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️

And for everyone talking about Bob Lazar and Greer, is this a matter of the stuff they claim being confirmed as legitimately fake, or just stuff that sounds "outlandish" and people choosing not to believe them?

Milky Way

Oct 29, 2017
Well if that's the case, then that's disappointing. Hopefully the non-footage stuff is still good though as it's quite the compelling story. But who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️

And for everyone talking about Bob Lazar and Greer, is this a matter of the stuff they claim being confirmed as legitimately fake, or just stuff that sounds "outlandish" and people choosing not to believe them?

Lots of issues with Lazar, mainly his education records. Greer is a grifter because you have to pay thousands of dollars for his fake CE5 bs.


Nov 3, 2020
I mean the IG has seen his evidence and also interviewed witnesses in the program that verify what Grusch said. That's why the IG deemed it "urgent & credible". Not to mention, McCullough, who is a former IG, is Grusch's personal lawyer.
That doesn't mean aliens. Additionally with the missing funds totalling 400B, I can see many non alien outcomes that are urgent and credible.


Sep 19, 2020
Supposed tapes and data on Varinha that were promised to be coming soon have all proved to be fake.

This is fake and has been debunked

On reddit, they said the artillery footage was from Israel. Pretty disappointing that Youtuber didn't do a better job of sourcing and verifying the footage.


Three of the most discussed UAP events debunked within a few posts - color me shocked. Hopefully we can also debunk the "mantis people" and "aliens harvesting humans to repopulate earth" stories which were mentioned earlier. Totally not conspiracies, by the way.


Oct 25, 2017
What. Vhargina isn't debunked because that Brazilian journalist who received videos recently found them out to be a fake. That's literally part of the process. Probably many more fakes will be made and sent.

Milky Way

Oct 29, 2017

Three of the most discussed UAP events debunked within a few posts - color me shocked. Hopefully we can also debunk the "mantis people" and "aliens harvesting humans to repopulate earth" stories which were mentioned earlier. Totally not conspiracies, by the way.

I find it very odd to hang out in a UFO OT and then complain about conspiracies when the whole subject of UFOs are inherently a conspiracy theory. Surely you have better things to do.
Jun 25, 2022
China or Russia. The latter have already done damage to our trust in the government and medicine so this looks to be next. For people to openly want to kill government members based on decades old hearsay is wild.
But this is what happens when we don't teach skepticism or science.

Now the only things folks are skeptical about are things that confirm biases.
This is a 80+ year old psyop, you reckon? Even if that were the case, it doesn't explain what the UFOs/UAPs actually are. Do you think China or Russia currently possess this technology?


Oct 27, 2017
On reddit, they said the artillery footage was from Israel. Pretty disappointing that Youtuber didn't do a better job of sourcing and verifying the footage.

If you're referring to the footage with white smoke and gun noises, it's very much in Brazil, as people are speaking Brazilian Portuguese on the background.

Btw it's spelled "Varginha", "nh" for us has the same sound as "ñ" in Spanish. And yes, it sounds just as funny for us and it was extensively joked about during the time the events happened.
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The Fallen
Jul 26, 2018
Michio Kaku always has my interest, and this interview is no exception. There's audio in case you want to listen instead.

The truth about UFOs with Michio Kaku

Aliens could theoretically "boil space and hop right through" in order to visit Earth from faraway stars.

Michio Kaku: Well, first of all, I think that there's been a game changer. In the old days, the burden of proof was on the true believers to prove that what they saw last night was a flying saucer of some sort. Now the burden of proof has shifted. Now it's the military, the military has to prove that these aren't extraterrestrial objects.

Let's say they are extraterrestrial. Then what does it mean for a physicist? Well, you talk to a physicist about these objects, and most physicists would roll their eyes, look up in the sky, raise their hands and say "impossible" because of the fact it takes centuries, centuries for a rocket to go from one planet to another planet in another solar system, impractical. But you see, there's a mistake there. The mistake there is to assume that the aliens are a few hundred years more advanced than us, that's the mistake that a majority of scientists make. That's why they say "bah-humbug, no way these objects can reach us. They're too far away." But you see, let's now assume that they are millions of years more advanced than us. And of course, the universe is over 13 billion years old.

Michio goes into how Planck Energy works and how it could be conceivable for a species that is millions of year more advanced than Humanity.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Well if that's the case, then that's disappointing. Hopefully the non-footage stuff is still good though as it's quite the compelling story. But who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️

And for everyone talking about Bob Lazar and Greer, is this a matter of the stuff they claim being confirmed as legitimately fake, or just stuff that sounds "outlandish" and people choosing not to believe them?
I'm not sure about Greer and things being proven to be false, but I can't take someone seriously who claims Marilyn Monroe was murdered because she found out about aliens.


Nov 3, 2020
This is a 80+ year old psyop, you reckon? Even if that were the case, it doesn't explain what the UFOs/UAPs actually are. Do you think China or Russia currently possess this technology?
I do not think "this" is an 80 year psy-op.
"This" is just a series or events "yall" are trying to lump into a continuous history.

No, I do not think Russia or China possess anything at all. I think they're interested in figuring out our tech and the masses (ufo-believers) are being socially engineered to cause our government to expose our defense secrets under the guise of finding E.T.

When the Titan imploded it came out that the us military knew it happened but chose to delay saying anything so as not to reveal how/where/why they knew. Even giving the time they found out could alert enemies to the medium or technology used.

It is highly likely that this UAP stuff is a similar case. It's best that they don't confirm anything with anyone and let "yall" think its E.T.
Problem is, our country's trust in the government has been so eroded that we now have people asking for the death penalty for hiding ufos.

So here we are getting ready to publish information about flights and ships and locations and potentially exposing different surveillance systems.


Nov 3, 2020
I find it very odd to hang out in a UFO OT and then complain about conspiracies when the whole subject of UFOs are inherently a conspiracy theory. Surely you have better things to do.
I feel that this is unfair and unhelpful and a tad disingenuous.
Talking about UFOs does not automatically mean we must talk about conspiracy.

We could postulate almost every theory about the entities and their methods of travel and communication and not mention a single cover-up or the dubious "they don't want you to know".

Additionally, the hot topic has been about the government conference where non NHI alternative theories were offered(private military contracts gone awry). It is entirely reasonable to discuss that tangent as much as the more "exotic" ones given that it not only would undo them but is also the most probable.


Oct 26, 2017
I find it very odd to hang out in a UFO OT and then complain about conspiracies when the whole subject of UFOs are inherently a conspiracy theory. Surely you have better things to do.
I mean there is a disclaimer in the OP which has been usefull for maybe at best a day or two before things went back to something it wasn't supposed to.
Staff post - thread guidelines


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
So, I am going to say this again:

Enough with the hoaxes, enough with the random youtube channels, enough with the blogs by internet randos.

If you don't have an actual source, one that does actual reporting, don't post it.

If you guys can't keep to this we're going to be forced to lock the thread.

Consider this the final warning. Threadbans have been issued in the last two pages to give you guys an idea of what is and what is not acceptable sourcing. Random blogs and YouTube channels are not it.


Nov 3, 2020
Michio Kaku always has my interest, and this interview is no exception.

Michio Kaku: Well, first of all, I think that there's been a game changer. In the old days, the burden of proof was on the true believers to prove that what they saw last night was a flying saucer of some sort. Now the burden of proof has shifted. Now it's the military, the military has to prove that these aren't extraterrestrial objects.

That is NOT how the burden of proof works. Even if the military saw these objects they are under no responsibility to suddenly have to explain them.
Additionally, how do we know these things are extraterrestrial and not "super"-terrestrial? How do we know its not some as of yet unknown sentient species that has eluded us but is also and earthling?
We have tribes of uncontacted people on this planet alone so what if we are that but to some more advanced earthling that never left this planet?

How do we jump across the universe for UAP when we can't even finish exploring the ocean, which is vastly larger than our land we walk on?

How do we know there isn't some advanced Atlantis with all of this stuff?

I don't believe anything I said is "true" but even without leaving this earth we already have a wealth of unknown unknowns before we should even think about Skrulls and Reapers.
Aug 15, 2022
Michio Kaku always has my interest, and this interview is no exception. There's audio in case you want to listen instead.

The truth about UFOs with Michio Kaku

Aliens could theoretically "boil space and hop right through" in order to visit Earth from faraway stars.

Michio goes into how Planck Energy works and how it could be conceivable for a species that is millions of year more advanced than Humanity.

thanks for this. he shares my opinion as far as immediate dismissal of "aliens visiting" as i do. some people lump that notion in with alien reptile skin walkers amongst us and things like that. imo, it's more high level and almost philosophical, where a better question would be: why would a species stop exploring or expanding? humans wouldn't. the age of the universe alone opens infinite possibilities as far as what technological level a species would get to without mass interruption/regression or extinction.

a morgan freeman narrated special ala his space/universe stuff would be great.
Jun 25, 2022
I do not think "this" is an 80 year psy-op.
"This" is just a series or events "yall" are trying to lump into a continuous history.

No, I do not think Russia or China possess anything at all. I think they're interested in figuring out our tech and the masses (ufo-believers) are being socially engineered to cause our government to expose our defense secrets under the guise of finding E.T.

When the Titan imploded it came out that the us military knew it happened but chose to delay saying anything so as not to reveal how/where/why they knew. Even giving the time they found out could alert enemies to the medium or technology used.

It is highly likely that this UAP stuff is a similar case. It's best that they don't confirm anything with anyone and let "yall" think its E.T.
Problem is, our country's trust in the government has been so eroded that we now have people asking for the death penalty for hiding ufos.

So here we are getting ready to publish information about flights and ships and locations and potentially exposing different surveillance systems.
Alright. Even if that is the case, it doesn't explain sightings observed in the rest of the world, including China and Russia?


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
I've been following this topic for over 40y, I was a full believer growing up and I wish Aliens were real, that would be amazing.

But the longer you follow the stuff without concrete proof showing up, and as you grow up and develop critical thinking skills the more skeptic you become.

Also the longer you go back and then revisit those early sources you can see they were all grifters with absurd theories, the 80's and 90"s specially, and also would mix it with the supernatural, astrology, crystals, ghosts, whatever. It was all a pack and people will believe (or grifter) in all of that

Now we've got (somewhat) better at filtering the crazy out, specially here, but in the UFO community many will believe anything and everything without a second thought still now.

Honestly, this is exactly me. To a T.