
Oct 27, 2017
So what's everybody else doing for haircuts over the next few months


Oct 27, 2017
Been thinking about a shaved head too... but I don't think it will look good. Would like to try growing it longer, but even at a moderate length I have to clay it all the time, or everyone says my hair looks "fluffy"... which is not the look I'm going for 🤣


Oct 28, 2017
I am somewhat concerned about my hair. I was already past-due for a cut.

Guess I'll just have to add 'not looking awful' to the list of things I have to look forward to.


Oct 27, 2017
Think I've won the battle with a coworker for her to work from home. She's at least moderately vulnerable.

I've been pushing for her to stay and work from home but she's still been wanting to come in even though she doesn't have to, mostly through guilt, professional pride and frankly boredom. She was off last week as it is because her condition was playing up, I dont want her taking any risks.

I've been polite and diplomatic about whilst being frank and honest and she's contacted the nurses she sees tonight and asked for advice. We work in home environments in close proximity to people, some of which aren't heeding gov advice, I imagine (and hope) they tell her to stay in, although she wont like it.


Oct 25, 2017
So what's everybody else doing for haircuts over the next few months

I was well overdue a haircut before this all started escalating.

Part of me thinks I should just grow it out seeing as I'm not going to see many people for a while - part of me thinks I should have a go at cutting it myself for the same reason.


Oct 25, 2017
I am lucky to live in a low risk household - and will make sure all of us behave how we should to minimise risk to others even though we should all have minor symptom. But seeing people be such ignorant fucking idiots is getting to me. If shit hits the fan and NHS can't cope, that will have knock-on effects for my family through the economy, and their ability to go to school etc. And my parents may be at risk if there isn't capacity if/when they need it.

I'd been semi-ignoring the day to day developments as I was already wfh for two weeks and our company is busy so I'm distracted. But this is turning into a deer in headlights thing for me - i can't look away

Deleted member 34788

User requested account closure
Nov 29, 2017
They already did. Clearly they're not happy with how it's gone.

Then it is even more bizarre, even in ground zero countries places like macondalds were open, at least in a delivery capacity. Heard no horror stories so far.

It sounds to me they just dont want to pick up the zero hour wage bill and calculate how much staff would get paid over the coming months. That or because the US will get turbofucked more then anyone else except Iran, they have to shut down and focus on the home country, America.

Oh well, uber eats and just eat about to make a LOT of money.

Jeff Albertson

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Not greggs but somewhere some may define as "cheeky". Seems like twitter already knows and is very upset about this "cheeky" restaurant closing.

Ah I expected as much, no cheekiness for a while for some

Apparently subway are due to announce the same

I popped into some shop's yesterday (which was silly And selfish I know) to get some bits for the kids home schooling as we are under prepared, wilko still had its pick and mix open, surely that is a breeding ground?


Nov 10, 2019
I cut my hair myself the other day. I reckon it's better than I've ever had it cut by a barber as I always want it medium length but they do short no matter who I've gone to and how explicit I've been with the request.

30 years of watching someone else do it, wasn't that hard. Pull some hair that's long with two fingers and cut. Don't even really need a mirror for most of it, you can feel it.

Just need to tidy it up a bit from the back from a relative...or set up my camera on a tripod with output to a screen.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, I've been growing mine longer as of late, but depending on how long this whole thing goes on for, it could be getting uncomfortably long before it gets cut.

I'm actually wondering if my beard trimmer would be up for it lol - probably a step too far.

Deleted member 34788

User requested account closure
Nov 29, 2017

I think those in the thread saying a midweek shutdown are on the ball.

Once the bill goes thru, and I reckon they will have to speed it through on Tuesday rather then Wed, the road is clear for the shutdown, if Bojo doesn't, then he forced to.

I think the legion of absolute twats today going out and about pushed those who didn't want a lockdown so soon over the edge.
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Oct 28, 2017
McDonald's are closing all of their stores by 7pm tomorrow. The government should enforce a lockdown for the next two weeks except for essential places.


Oct 27, 2017
Trying to sleep, worried out of my mind for my shift tommorow. My workplace has been absolutely mobbed since all of this, with people having no regards for others space, coughing over us, kids running around, crowding through aisles. Folk are treating it like a day out, and we haven't been provided with any antibacterial gel or anything, and half our staff are off. They've only just announced today of limiting opening hours, but I'm worried that's just gonna force more people in at one time. Bloody rich owners putting soaring profits before their staff. Wtf is essential about wallpaper and plants during a pandemic? /rant


Oct 26, 2017

I think those in the thread saying a midweek shutdown are on the ball.

Once the bill goes thru, and I reckon they will have to speed it through on Tuesday rather then Wed, the road is clear for the shutdown, if Bojo doesn't, then he forced to.

I think the legion of absolute twats today going out and about pushed those who didn't want a lockdown so soon over the edge.

I think propping up a scientific model about a completely new virus is foolish. You're basically testing an untested model on people and ignoring direct evidence from several other countries.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Need some advice:

I live in a house share with 5 other people. Two have temporarily gone to live elsewhere, but one wants to come back soon. Problem is, 1 of our housemates is in lockdown due to possibly coming into contact with an infected person a week ago, 2 others have coughs so they're in lockdown, and as I've been in contact with them I'm also in lockdown.

The person who wants to come back is a student nurse and we're strongly advising her not to come back unless she sticks to lockdown procedure. She wants to complete her placement and her colleagues are telling her she doesn't need to adhere to lockdown and can just wipe down the shared kitchen when she uses it. We think her colleagues are advising her incorrectly because for all intents and purposes the layout of our shared house is similar to a family unit (shared communal spaces, though we do admittedly have our own bathrooms).

It's frustrating as we can't tell her not to come back but managing a shared kitchen timetable with 4 locked down people is difficult enough, and she usually spends 2-3 hours cooking dinner at night :\
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Oct 27, 2017

I think those in the thread saying a midweek shutdown are on the ball.

I think so too. A big part of why so many people were out and about was because after months of rain and storms today has had the nicest weather of the year. Looking at the weather forecast, Tuesday and Wednesday are apparently going to be 15° and sunny where I am, after which it goes back to sub-10° and cloud and rain for the foreseeable future. Either the lockdown will come before then, or (more likely) the widespread flouting will force Johnson to respond.


Oct 25, 2017
The likelihood is that Costa will finally shut down tommorow.
All I've been told is that there is a management conference call tomorrow at 730 am.
It will either don't open or last close is tommorow night.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I've been growing mine longer as of late, but depending on how long this whole thing goes on for, it could be getting uncomfortably long before it gets cut.

I'm actually wondering if my beard trimmer would be up for it lol - probably a step too far.

Mine says it can cut hair, but it also seems to clog up quite quickly with my facial hair - not sure if I want to risk it haha

Popped to a local shop tonight to get some supplies and just to have a walk. Was nice.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
Mine says it can cut hair, but it also seems to clog up quite quickly with my facial hair - not sure if I want to risk it haha

Popped to a local shop tonight to get some supplies and just to have a walk. Was nice.
If it has a removable guard, you can take that off and it'll give you a skinhead pretty effectively, though it may take a while.

If you just want to trim your hair down a bit, don't bother trying a beard trimmer.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
Trying to sleep, worried out of my mind for my shift tommorow. My workplace has been absolutely mobbed since all of this, with people having no regards for others space, coughing over us, kids running around, crowding through aisles. Folk are treating it like a day out, and we haven't been provided with any antibacterial gel or anything, and half our staff are off. They've only just announced today of limiting opening hours, but I'm worried that's just gonna force more people in at one time. Bloody rich owners putting soaring profits before their staff. Wtf is essential about wallpaper and plants during a pandemic? /rant

My mum works in Asda and she is having a really tough time. She is worried about her health (she had breast cancer a few years ago and quite rightly is still mentally scarred from the whole ordeal) she has been verbally abused by customers when enforcing the three items allowed rule, they haven't been provided hand sanitizer even though they're handling money and now there's a huge influx of holidaymakers. Feel awful for her.


May 22, 2018
Don't know if this has been discussed but with the talk of a possible enforced lockdown happening this week, do you think it is likely be announced with immediate effect or will it start say 24 hours from the announcement?

Ion Stream

Oct 31, 2017
So I live an hour away from the beach, and would like to go for a walk (on my own) Tuesday afternoon..

Would that be frowned upon? I've been self isolating but I'd just like to get out and possibly go for a quick surf.

Might be locked down by then anyway, I'm going to be away from people but I guess Im hesitant as it's not "essential travel."

Kinda wish they just enforced it now so these kind of questions are answered straight up.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Don't know if this has been discussed but with the talk of a possible enforced lockdown happening this week, do you think it is likely be announced with immediate effect or will it start say 24 hours from the announcement?

It's tough to say. I think the government would ideally want it to be immediate to prevent more people leaving locked down areas but practically, it's difficult to enforce something like that without some kind of buildup.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't know if this has been discussed but with the talk of a possible enforced lockdown happening this week, do you think it is likely be announced with immediate effect or will it start say 24 hours from the announcement?

Since it shouldn't really affect too many people who are already following the guidelines*, I'd rather they just go straight into it.

Announcing it too far ahead would just lead to even more panic buying.

*under the presumption that we'd still be able to travel to shops/go out for walks, but they'd crack down on morons congregating or flouting the advice.

So I live an hour away from the beach, and would like to go for a walk (on my own) Tuesday afternoon..

Would that be frowned upon? I've been self isolating but I'd just like to get out and possibly go for a quick surf.

Might be locked down by then anyway, I'm going to be away from people but I guess Im hesitant as it's not "essential travel."

Kinda wish they just enforced it now so these kind of questions are answered straight up.

As long as you're not exhibiting symptoms, then absolutely no problem with that. The briefing today mentioned how getting outside (responsibly) would help mental health.

Even my brief walk today helped me.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
So I live an hour away from the beach, and would like to go for a walk (on my own) Tuesday afternoon..

Would that be frowned upon? I've been self isolating but I'd just like to get out and possibly go for a quick surf.

Might be locked down by then anyway, I'm going to be away from people but I guess Im hesitant as it's not "essential travel."

Kinda wish they just enforced it now so these kind of questions are answered straight up.

The beach is practically on my doorstep, but chose against it as I knew it would be busy today, Sundays always are and the sun was shining. I did go for a nice walk in the woods though, it was good for my little boy. Unless you have symptoms and keep away from others I'd say go for it.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Wild times when takeaway isn't even on the cards.

Sad thing is, I think people are just going to riot and smash shit up eventually.