
Oct 29, 2017
A friend of mine is training to become a police officer at the moment in the West Midlands. On her first day of training the officer in charge told the class that he was 'very right wing' and bemoaned the BLM protests in the summer as well as listing the local areas 'you don't want to get assigned to because they're shitholes' so yeah, I don't have much faith in the system.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
Just bizarre. Genuinely don't understand why the Met / Home Office didn't just allow this to go ahead and watch from the sidelines. It's not even a political demo and lockdown is coming to an end soon anyway. What would they have to lose, really?

The perp is a cop. They can't allow a community to show solidarity in the face of violence by a cop, because the ability for cops to enact violence is sacrosanct.

The police don't see these vigils as being held for a woman, or the rights of women in general, they see them as being held against the police. Because ACAB.


Oct 27, 2017
The perp is a cop. They can't allow a community to show solidarity in the face of violence by a cop, because the ability for cops to enact violence is sacrosanct.

The police don't see these vigils as being held for a woman, or the rights of women in general, they see them as being held against the police. Because ACAB.

Exactly, only the state and by extension the police are allowed to use violence.

Challenging the state's monopoly on violence doesnt end well for the people challenging the states authority.


Oct 25, 2017
Said in the other thread, but completely tone deaf response. Could've been handled so much better on multiple levels.

The perp is a cop. They can't allow a community to show solidarity in the face of violence by a cop, because the ability for cops to enact violence is sacrosanct.

The police don't see these vigils as being held for a woman, or the rights of women in general, they see them as being held against the police. Because ACAB.

I don't know if I agree with ascribing that motive.

There was little mainstream discussion about police violence prior to the events tonight - now the Met's handling of this is the story and it's getting widespread attention across the political spectrum.


Oct 27, 2017
The front page of the Sunday papers pretty much show how right Meghan was. All but one front page that I counted show Kate Middleton secretly (after alerting the news beforehand) attending the vigil and making her look great, while ignoring the violence from later on. Fucking scum.


Nov 6, 2017
Sarah Everard: Met defends policing of London vigil as 'necessary'

The Metropolitan police have defended their policing of the London vigil in memory of Sarah Everard, after widespread criticism of the force's handling of the gathering.
In the early hours of Sunday, the Met's Assistant Commissioner Helen Ball said police were put into a position "where enforcement action was necessary", because of "the overriding need to protect people's safety."

"Hundreds of people were packed tightly together, posing a very real risk of easily transmitting Covid-19," she said.

"Police must act for people's safety, this is the only responsible thing to do. The pandemic is not over and gatherings of people from right across London and beyond, are still not safe."
Separately tomorrow, the House of Lords will vote on a proposal to force all police forces to log and monitor misogynistic crimes as hate crimes.

Nokes said: "I don't pretend making misogyny a hate crime would be legislatively easy, but we can't tolerate things the way they currently are.

"A quick trawl through my emails today let's me know I'm an idiot, a stupid woman, the reason why men hate women. All sent by men who simply don't accept or recognise they are part of the problem. So yes, making misogyny a hate crime seems a radical step, but not being radical hasn't worked."

Sarah Everard: Met defends policing of London vigil as 'necessary'

Amid cross-party anger, Assistant Commissioner Helen Ball says officers were put in a position where they had to take ‘enforcement action’


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Awful scenes.

I also don't doubt that the Police were explicitly told by ministers that these vigils can't take place under the current legislation, and inevitably the head of the Met, Cressida Dick, will take the blame and resign (she's 60 which is the pensionable age anyway). And then most of the MPs complaining about this will vote for the legislation on Monday because they don't care about people to having the right to protest, they just don't want the bad PR.

Police told they cannot waive Covid rules for Sarah Everard vigils

Police chiefs’ organisation tells forces they must not ignore guidance banning gatherings


Nov 17, 2017
Can't wait for this to be the norm for ANY peaceful protest soon thanks to Priti Patel and her Tory friends.
Oct 28, 2017
I love how some peoples' only response to this on Twitter is "they're committing a crime, lock them up". If we used that logic, the US, France, Ireland, and so many countries wouldn't even exist... people are really stupid. The right to peacefully protest is one of the most important fundamental rights in a western democratic society.
Oct 28, 2017
I love how some peoples' only response to this on Twitter is "they're committing a crime, lock them up". If we used that logic, the US, France, Ireland, and so many countries wouldn't even exist... people are really stupid. The right to peacefully protest is one of the most important fundamental rights in a western democratic society.

Exactly how it should be dammit!!!!


Oct 27, 2017
The perp is a cop. They can't allow a community to show solidarity in the face of violence by a cop, because the ability for cops to enact violence is sacrosanct.

The police don't see these vigils as being held for a woman, or the rights of women in general, they see them as being held against the police. Because ACAB.
Yeah it's this.


Oct 27, 2017
I suspect Pritel will just come out and say something along the lines of "well they shouldn't have been out there anyway under current covid restrictions".

Absolutely disastrous scenes. ACAB.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
Just bizarre. Genuinely don't understand why the Met / Home Office didn't just allow this to go ahead and watch from the sidelines. It's not even a political demo and lockdown is coming to an end soon anyway. What would they have to lose, really?
Because the government is right wing (Thus "law and order") and the Home Secretary is the most vile death penalty supporting bigot in generations.

That and the police look like they had a chance to stop this murderer but of course failed at the chance so are butthurt about being called out for their failings.

They should have let it go ahead, and should have contained it in one area and not ended up perpetrating the violence the vigil was protesting against.

As always, women are told what's best for them by men and the establishment and if they go against it they feel the baton of the law. Yet men seem very able to get all the way to murder without police noticing.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
I suspect Pritel will just come out and say something along the lines of "well they shouldn't have been out there anyway under current covid restrictions".

Absolutely disastrous scenes. ACAB.

Nah, she'll say that the Police have discretion and blame Cressida Dick entirely, then ram through her legislation on Monday regardless (though she may just be smart enough to delay it for a few months.) They want to crush protests, they just don't want the bad PR it brings.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, she'll say that the Police have discretion and blame Cressida Dick entirely, then ram through her legislation on Monday regardless (though she may just be smart enough to delay it for a few months.) They want to crush protests, they just don't want the bad PR it brings.
Yep, the Met are just doing what the government want, only the government don't really want people to realise this.


Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
The police knew and know how this'll make them look, and they don't care. THAT is the most terrifying thing of all here. The only solution is a ground up reform. You cannot have a force of law and order which serves to make political statements and have a culture of no culpability.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017

Labour has incompetent leadership

It was a fucking vigil not a protest.

Like he can't even get the easy messaging right.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
The police knew and know how this'll make them look, and they don't care. THAT is the most terrifying thing of all here. The only solution is a ground up reform. You cannot have a force of law and order which serves to make political statements and have a culture of no culpability.
They don't care because they know that Patel wants this.

Patel given the chance would make any protest against government policy or strike action involving direct picketing illegal.

They're an authoritarian loving monster of a Home sec and don't believe for a second that they weren't behind this vigil being disallowed and backed the measures taken against the people there.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Can't be accused of just being racist if you attack women too.



Oct 28, 2017
And yet the only two women in London I'm happy to see led out in handcuffs are sitting comfortably in the home office and scotland yard. But then Priti and Cresida's evil doings tend to be rewarded if anything.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely dreadful show of unnecessary force by the Met. The whole system's a fucking joke and doesn't show any sign of changing for the better, in fact it seems intent on changing for the worst. It's getting harder and harder to like my country these days.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, she'll say that the Police have discretion and blame Cressida Dick entirely, then ram through her legislation on Monday regardless (though she may just be smart enough to delay it for a few months.) They want to crush protests, they just don't want the bad PR it brings.

Already happening



Alt account
Nov 1, 2019
My god this picture after the murder of a woman by a serving police officer at the murdered womans vigil no less with a man with his knee on her back.

This is just barbaric and the metropolitan police already facing a PR-NIGHTMARE some officers probably said hmm how can we make the public hate us even more.



Oct 27, 2017
I suspect Pritel will just come out and say something along the lines of "well they shouldn't have been out there anyway under current covid restrictions".

Absolutely disastrous scenes. ACAB.
From The Guardian:
Priti Patel, the home secretary, and Sadiq Khan, the London mayor, both said they had demanded an explanation from the Met, amid accusations that officers had grabbed women during clashes with the crowd and mismanaged the largely peaceful vigil in Clapham, south London.
Believe me, I'm as surprised as you are she even hinted at unacceptable behaviour. Not that I expect it to amount to anything.


Oct 31, 2017
If only the women had been men celebrating a football win... Then the police could have just kicked back and watched them... What a classic mistake by those women...


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
What the fuck were the press doing? From the pictures and videos I've seen of the cops pushing people around there were more press than people who attended for the vigal.

The police and press involved are all cunts.


Oct 25, 2017
And there it is. Priti Patel gets to look concerned about civil liberties for once, get rid of an officer already at retirement age, and install her own head of the MET. Knowing her, the shortlist will be Judge Death or ED-209.

She's just worried her bill that's getting read int he Commons this week about giving the police more powers to crack down on protests now looks even more ill-judged.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
She's just worried her bill that's getting read int he Commons this week about giving the police more powers to crack down on protests now looks even more ill-judged.

Very likely yeah. I would be unsurprised to hear about that being delayed for six months, give all the Tory MPs saying 'It's awful the police have these powers to break up protests' space to forget about their own statements.


Oct 27, 2017
There really isn't any words for it I mean come.on it's a fucking vigil for a women that has been murdered not a sodding riot


Oct 27, 2017
We have a fascist police force because we have a fascist government.

The only way this government goes is when it kills itself, which is what happens with all fascist movements.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
There really isn't any words for it I mean come.on it's a fucking vigil for a women that has been murdered not a sodding riot

Unfortunately, that doesn't matter one bit under the current Coronavirus legislation, as any gathering of more than 2 people is banned throughout England. The Police were reminded of their responsibilities under the legislation by the Policing Minister Kit Malthouse on Friday.

Police told they cannot waive Covid rules for Sarah Everard vigils

Police chiefs’ organisation tells forces they must not ignore guidance banning gatherings


Nov 1, 2017
Jess Phillips was really good on Marr, Labour has to oppose tomorrows Cop Bill, call out the bill as an attack on free speech and freedom of expression. Tories care more about statues than women would be a good attack line imo.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Completely unsurprising Labour is fucking up responding to this.

All cops are bastards means all cops.

I love how some peoples' only response to this on Twitter is "they're committing a crime, lock them up". If we used that logic, the US, France, Ireland, and so many countries wouldn't even exist... people are really stupid. The right to peacefully protest is one of the most important fundamental rights in a western democratic society.



Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
Unfortunately, that doesn't matter one bit under the current Coronavirus legislation, as any gathering of more than 2 people is banned throughout England. The Police were reminded of their responsibilities under the legislation by the Policing Minister Kit Malthouse on Friday.

Police told they cannot waive Covid rules for Sarah Everard vigils

Police chiefs’ organisation tells forces they must not ignore guidance banning gatherings

Except even if the police had "allowed" the vigil, they'd still have violently arrested women at said vigil. The police don't give a shit about the law.


Oct 27, 2017
Labour wont oppose the cop bill because their current gameplan is to attract Tory voters.

They also have previous form on the spycops and overseas torture bills.


Nov 1, 2017
Labour wont oppose the cop bill because their current gameplan is to attract Tory voters.

They also have previous form on the spycops and overseas torture bills.

From the way Jess on Marr was talking about the Bill, the fact that it doesn't mention women at all, I think there's a chance that Labour will now oppose the bill. Defo think the OG plan was to abstain on the bill, hopefully Starmer doesn't fuck up here.