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Oct 25, 2017
The point is the Iraqi government is actively working against the benefit of their people just to please Iran, this is a war between 2 countries and they should have known well choosing a side would have consequences.
Is there another choice? Kicking the US out and hoping to satiate Iran is the least messy path out this for Iraq.


Alt account
Oct 18, 2019
The point is the Iraqi government is actively working against the benefit of their people just to please Iran, this is a war between 2 countries and they should have known well choosing a side would have consequences.

Wait so are you saying that its the will of the Iraqi people to have the US occupy Iraq or that the people just don't want to be sanctioned? Because those are two very different stances. If the Iraqi PMs story about Soleimani being there to orchestrate peace talks is true at all then Iraq has every reason in the world to be furious at the US for implicating Iraq in this plot that lead to his death. And they have every right to end the US presence there.

I definitely understand not wanting to have your economy ravaged like the US did Iran but you have to stand up for yourselves at some point or this will just inform western leaders how they can handle your people with kid gloves for generations to come.


Oct 26, 2017
The point is the Iraqi government is actively working against the benefit of their people just to please Iran, this is a war between 2 countries and they should have known well choosing a side would have consequences.
Who decide if the government work for or against the benefit of the people?
The US government?
Uh...that was definitely not the message of Charlie Wilson's War.
What do you think the message then?
That they didn't support the Taliban enough?
It's a bit of a revisionist history too by the way, the US was arming Jihadists there before the Soviet invasion, Charlie Wilson and the Reagan administration just ramped up that support



Oct 27, 2017
I think even the more liberal elements of Iranian society hate Trump too, and I would too if he was gleefully wanting to destroy my cultural relics and history. Just wanting to get a read on the situation over there since I know a lot of Iranian women skirt the boundaries of the law by showing as much hair as is legally possible. But present someone a common enemy, and they will unite around the leadership even if they hate them in normal times.
Trump learned nothing from his attempted coup in Venezuela last year, where the same thing more-or-less happened.

Rocket Man

Oct 25, 2017
I think even the more liberal elements of Iranian society hate Trump too, and I would too if he was gleefully wanting to destroy my cultural relics and history. Just wanting to get a read on the situation over there since I know a lot of Iranian women skirt the boundaries of the law by showing as much hair as is legally possible. But present someone a common enemy, and they will unite around the leadership even if they hate them in normal times.

This has united the entire country. I don't think the regime could have ever dreamed of a bigger propaganda win.


Nov 2, 2017
Logically you choose the side that you share a huge border with an have a lot in common with culturally. You don't side with imperialists on the other side of the world who will eventually tire of supporting you and leave (the Kurds know this well). Iraq is making the smart decision by siding with Iran.
Imagine thinking siding with Iran is the smart position for the Iraqi people, the same Iran that it's militia have been killing the Iraqi people.
Who decide if the government work for or against the benefit of the people?
The US government?
The Iraqi people decide and have decided that the government isn't working for their benefit, that's why they have protesting since October, or do you have an objection on that?


Oct 26, 2017
The Iraqi people decide and have decided that the government isn't working for their benefit, that's why they have been protesting since October's, or do you have an objection on that?
Protesting is part of a democracy and elections is how the people let the government knows it doesn't work for them.
This idea that the government is against the people is how the US always justify regime change, and I think to pull that shit in a democracy is extra crazy.
Oct 27, 2017
The regime can now go, "all your suffering is the USA's fault, totally not us". Trump has given them years of propaganda material. No chance of the mandatory hijab laws and the "no women in stadiums" law getting repealed now for decades.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Imagine thinking siding with Iran is the smart position for the Iraqi people, the same Iran that it's militia have been killing the Iraqi people.

I don't have to imagine it because it's the right decision.

Why don't you imagine China invading and occupying Canada while the US uses asymmetric warfare in an effort to avoid nuclear war while still working to expel the occupying forces. Would Canada be wise to side with China in that scenario? Hell no they wouldn't, they'd just be creating a permanent hostile neighbor and guaranteeing long-lasting conflict and instability. Which is exactly what has been happening in both Iraq and Afghanistan.


Nov 2, 2017
Protesting is part of a democracy and elections is how the people let the government knows it doesn't work for them.
This idea that the government is against the people is how the US always justify regime change, and I think to pull that shit in a democracy is extra crazy.
The last elections had the lowest participants to date, there is no one to vote for when every new candidate is no more than a new face, they have the same policy set for them by one bigger, I'm honestly tired of this being labeled as a US propaganda or being anti US is the only/better option without even thinking how bad the situation would be for Iraqis.


Nov 11, 2017
America has this idea that it can get countries to like them more and be more liberal by being extra aggressive with them, and I don't know how any time we need to see that the exact opposite happen.

The point is supplyoing the military with a bigger budget and more money to lose / pad congress's wallets. It makes 100% sense when you know this.


Oct 26, 2017
The last elections had the lowest participants to date, there is no one to vote for when every new candidate is no more than a new face, they have the same policy set for them by one bigger, I'm honestly tired of this being labeled as a US propaganda or being anti US is the only/better option without even thinking how bad the situation would be for Iraqis.
Low turnout doesn't turn a government illegitimate either.
And I didn't label you as anything.


Oct 29, 2017
The last elections had the lowest participants to date, there is no one to vote for when every new candidate is no more than a new face, they have the same policy set for them by one bigger, I'm honestly tired of this being labeled as a US propaganda or being anti US is the only/better option without even thinking how bad the situation would be for Iraqis.

This entire situation was Trump's doing. He's going to keep making everything worse for Iraq, until he's removed from power.


Oct 28, 2017
Imagine saying siding with the united states is the best option for the people there.

Thanks for the coup d'etat in Iran in 1953, thanks for Saddam, thanks for the Iraq war thanks for taliban, thanks for osama and so on and so on.

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Oct 22, 2018
spreading democracy in the middle east like


Oct 26, 2017
Do you really believe another president would be fine with them being kicked out and giving Iran free reign in the region?
The US was kicked out under Obama and generally left.
They obviously came back because it's hard to really get rid of American troops for good, but the US generally just packed up and leave, so it is possible to imagine a US president that when a sovereign country ask them to remove their troops from their country they don't just say "make me".


Mar 17, 2018
The US was kicked out under Obama and generally left.
They obviously came back because it's hard to really get rid of American troops for good, but the US generally just packed up and leave, so it is possible to imagine a US president that when a sovereign country ask them to remove their troops from their country they don't just say "make me".

Yep, and we could have stayed away had the Iraqi Security Forces took that job seriously but no amount of training can fix that corruption and incompetence. I was there in 2003, 2005 and 2007. We all said it's futile to try and stand up a capable force. There is one small unit of about 1-2 thousand fighters that's not Kurds worth their weight in ability.

Everyone I've discussed this with who were either on MTT teams or details that specifically focused on training have said the same thing and their tours were much more recent.

It's one of the points of the SFABs the Army is pushing to give them (Americans in those BDEs) much more training more specifically tailored to their (Iraqis) requirements.

I personally think we should just have a really strong embassy with QRF Forces in Qatar or Kuwait and leave both Iraq and Afghanistan.

We've tried the conventional approach, Nation building approach, Counter Insurgency, and now advisory approach and nothing works with that region.

I'm not a fan of Iran at all. But the gentleman's earlier comments about China invading Canada is straight to the point.


Oct 27, 2017
I reckon this is why Bolton's come out of the woodwork again, but not for the reasons some have stated.

Trumps move has strengthened Iran, united it internally and pushed Iraq even further towards Iranian influence.

Israel knows this, everyone else other than the Trump admin know this, Bolton knows this, and is fuming.

All just MHO, obviously.

Rocket Man

Oct 25, 2017
Both Israel and Saudis are backing away from this. It's been known for years that hitting Suleimani was a huge no go, the shit stain in the whitehouse and his neocons have no idea wtf they're doing.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty sure Trump is going to just formally declare war on Twitter and both Congress and Jack Dorsey will be like, "Well... what do we do now?"


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Haven't seen this posted yet, but in response to Trump's threat of 52 targets Hassan Rouhani (Iran's President) seems to have implied they have 290 possible targets. 290 is the amount of people killed when the US shot down Iran Air Flight 655 on 3 July 1988


Oct 27, 2017
Who decide if the government work for or against the benefit of the people?
The US government?

What do you think the message then?
That they didn't support the Taliban enough?
It's a bit of a revisionist history too by the way, the US was arming Jihadists there before the Soviet invasion, Charlie Wilson and the Reagan administration just ramped up that support

Yeah it's idealized, it's a movie. And from what I remember of how it ends, and more importantly when it came out, it was about not jumping into another nation's conflicts with only an entry point and no notion of what will happen after. Seems relevant given recent events too.
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