
Oct 27, 2017
Baratunde Thurston is doing a pretty good recap in this Twitter thread. Original legalease even.

That's quite an insightful breakdown of all the stuff that the Russians did. Quite incredible how well organized and executed it was. Also breathtakingly foolish that one of the giveaways was the trolls themselves still writing e-mails back home explaining they were busy dismantling American democracy. That's another one of those, "No one would believe that in fiction because it's just not credible" plot points that can only happen in real life.

How About No

Oct 25, 2017
The Great Dairy State
I think just the fact that Trump won't enact the recent sanctions is proof enough that he is pretty much a Russian puppet. Dude is a traitor. He is addicted to sex and such a narcissist that he thinks he is successful, but he's just a dim-witted, con-man that got tied up in Russian mob money and in too deep to get out. I think 9/11 fucked him in the head. I imagine that even as his world crumbles around him he thinks he can still "bankruptcy" his ass out of this. He's going to either end up in prison, or die due to the stress.
Fucked his head so bad that he couldn't help but mention that his tower became the tallest building in Manhattan after the attacks


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Xenomnix is a an example of what I was talking about.

Seems to overlook that Trump hired a Russian agent (Manafort) as his Campaign Manager, had a campaign that took a meeting with a Russian agent, had a campaign staffer that had ties to Russia and was compromised by the Russians, overturned anti-Russian elements of the RNC platform. There's no public smoking gun yet, but you have to be willful to ignore the likelihood that those point to coordination.

He's not being ignorant. He's hoping we are.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump and his family collusion will be the last thing revealed. Its suicide to even hint they are gonna get it right now without delivering charges. When all those guys go its gonna be at once and the investigation basically done.


Oct 27, 2017
i dunno the indictment says that no american willingly participated in this so...trump seems to be getting off the hook here
and that russia was more about disrupting american voting given they staged 2 rallys in NYC on the same day, one opposing Trump, one in support of Trump. They just wanted to create chaos

Yung Coconut

Oct 31, 2017
i dunno the indictment says that no american willingly participated in this so...trump seems to be getting off the hook here
and that russia was more about disrupting american voting given they staged 2 rallys in NYC on the same day, one opposing Trump, one in support of Trump. They just wanted to create chaos

That is in reference to Richard Pinedo, the California resident who sold bank accounts to the Russians over the internet. His lawyer just released a statement saying that his client had no idea who he was doing business with and for what reasons. They aren't saying no Americans willingly participated. They are saying the one American in this specific indictment wasn't aware who and for what he committed his crimes for.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
i dunno the indictment says that no american willingly participated in this so...trump seems to be getting off the hook here
and that russia was more about disrupting american voting given they staged 2 rallys in NYC on the same day, one opposing Trump, one in support of Trump. They just wanted to create chaos

What happened after the election is no longer relevant to who they were trying to get elected. After Trump was elected, they went back to creating discord.

As for the first and more important point: It was just that indictment. The plea agreement that was revealed just after was with an American Citizen who directly took part in the plan.
I think Mueller allowed it to come out on purpose.
Yes, we're not talking about Americans being involved in this indictment, but they certainly were.


Oct 25, 2017
i dunno the indictment says that no american willingly participated in this so...trump seems to be getting off the hook here
and that russia was more about disrupting american voting given they staged 2 rallys in NYC on the same day, one opposing Trump, one in support of Trump. They just wanted to create chaos
They staged opposing rallies after the election. They were, per the indictment, pro-Trump and anti-Clinton before the election. So yes, they were trying to sow chaos and harm America, and they thought electing Trump would hurt the country.


Oct 27, 2017
That is in reference to Richard Pinedo, the California resident who sold bank accounts to the Russians over the internet. His lawyer just released a stateman saying that his client had no idea who he was doing business with and for what reasons. They aren't saying no American willingly participated. They are saying the one one American in this indictment wasn't aware who and for what he committed his crimes for.

i was saying this in reference to what the AG said in his press statement: around 5:20 where he says that the indictment was in no way an allegation of any american was a knowing participant (or that it affected the election)

Yung Coconut

Oct 31, 2017
i was saying this in reference to what the AG said in his press statement: around 5:20 where he says that the indictment was in no way an allegation of any american was a knowing participant (or that it affected the election)

Yes, in this very specific indictment. They didn't bring charges against any other Americans besides Mr. Pinedo. That doesn't mean they don't have evidence and won't at a later time. Rosenstein made this very clear with his wording.


Oct 27, 2017
What happened after the election is no longer relevant to who they were trying to get elected. After Trump was elected, they went back to creating discord.

As for the first and more important point: It was just that indictment. The plea agreement that was revealed just after was with an American Citizen who directly took part in the plan.
I think Mueller allowed it to come out on purpose.
Yes, we're not talking about Americans being involved in this indictment, but they certainly were.

ah ok, hopefully something comes out of this then. when the AG said no american was a willing participant I thought trump was let off the hook
Oct 27, 2017
i was saying this in reference to what the AG said in his press statement: around 5:20 where he says that the indictment was in no way an allegation of any american was a knowing participant (or that it affected the election)

Rosenstein was very clear, and he made a point to say it multiple times. THIS indictment did not say those things.
There will be other indictments that deal with that.
I'm not really impressed with this at all. I was expecting something a little more substantial when I saw the thread title. What we have here is social media trolling = interfering in our elections. That's pretty weaksauce.

I'll wait to see what else this investigation turns up. It better be more substantive than this.
Oct 30, 2017
ah ok, hopefully something comes out of this then. when the AG said no american was a willing participant I thought trump was let off the hook

A lot of people are making this same mistake. This indictment doesn't even touch the hacking efforts, the Don Jr meeting, or any other operation. It is strictly the social media influence campaign.

I'm not really impressed with this at all. I was expecting something a little more substantial when I saw the thread title. What we have here is social media trolling = interfering in our elections. That's pretty weaksauce.

I'll wait to see what else this investigation turns up. It better be more substantive than this.

That's a pretty ridiculous reading of what was alleged in this indictment alone. There were legitimate crimes brought up. Unless you think social media trolling is a crime.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not really impressed with this at all. I was expecting something a little more substantial when I saw the thread title. What we have here is social media trolling = interfering in our elections. That's pretty weaksauce.

I'll wait to see what else this investigation turns up. It better be more substantive than this.

We're all right there with you Kaep!


Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone in the media ever tried to entrap Dear Leader about suspicious verbiage in his tweets? Like asking him to explain the meaning of the word rancor shortly after it shows up in his Twitter ramblings.
Didn't he once totally flub the meaning of apoplectic in a tweet a day after a headline used it correctly in reference to him?


Oct 25, 2017
These guys already learned their lessons, lets drop all sanctions. I hear Putins a cool dude as well. Mueller's just being a bully trying to save face with nonsense charges to keep the deep state happy.

right wing propaganda too easy

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if this was posted, Politico went more in depth with how deep the efforts were in Florida.

The scathing indictment unsealed Friday by special counsel Robert Mueller outlines a multi-state scheme to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. But the document makes clear that the operation in Florida, the nation's largest swing state, was in a class by itself.

The indictment is packed with details of how Russian nationals duped Donald Trump campaign volunteers and grass-roots organizations in Florida into holding rallies they organized and helped fund with foreign cash. And Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio himself was a target of an effort to "denigrate" him and several other presidential candidates.

In total, Mueller indicted 13 Russian nationals and a trio of Russian entities for meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign, an operation that focused on hyping Trump, but also on sowing discord and undermining Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz and Rubio.

In the charging documents, Mueller noted specific instances when Russian nationals interacted directly with Trump campaign staff, who were oblivious to the fact they were being hoodwinked by Russian agents.

"In or around August 2016, defendants and their co-conspirators used false U.S. personas to communicate with Trump campaign staff involved in local community outreach," read the indictment.

The interactions were part of planning events that were collectively called "Florida Goes Trump" rallies, and held throughout the state. Russians also helped organize some of the most recognizable anti-Hillary Clinton displays of the election cycle in Florida.

"For example, defendants and their co-conspirators asked one U.S. person to build a cage on on a flatbed truck … and another U.S. person to wear a costume portraying Clinton in a prison uniform," the indictment read.

The Florida Goes Trump rallies were held in more than 20 cities across the state on Aug. 20, 2016. News releases touting the event were rife with grammatical errors and used language ripped from a traditional Trump stump speech.

"We want to support our candidate and show the whole country that we must unite and make America great again!" read a posting about the rallies. "On August 20, we want to gather patriots on the start of Floridian towns and cities and march to unite America and support Donald Trump!"

Russian-linked Facebook group "Being Patriotic" sent messages to its followers as it was planning the rallies, stressing the importance of winning Florida.

"Florida is still a purple state and we need to appoint it red," read the message, according to the indictment. "If we lose Florida, we lose America."

Beyond the rallies, the Russian scheme also used its social media reach to falsely tie Clinton to voter fraud in South Florida, a region with a long history of voting abnormalities.

Russian-linked Twitter accounts on Nov. 2, well into the state's early-voting period, blasted out a tweet saying voter fraud was occurring because "tens of thousands of ineligible mail in Hillary voters are being reported in Broward County, Florida."

Broward County is home to the biggest concentration of registered Democrats in the state.

More at the link
I just wish they'd be as serious about investigating all the lobby
i.e. bribery
money flowing to Congress from the NRA and other special interest groups, corporations, foreign entities (be it not only Russia, but also Saudi Arabia or Israel). Corruption like this is only taken seriously when it's a country they don't like and that's bullshit. There needs to be consistency here.

If also like an investigation on voter suppression. That's way more substantial in swaying elections.than some internet troll.
Jan 10, 2018
I just wish they'd be as serious about investigating all the lobby
i.e. bribery
money flowing to Congress from the NRA and other special interest groups, corporations, foreign entities (be it not only Russia, but also Saudi Arabia or Israel). Corruption like this is only taken seriously when it's a country they don't like and that's bullshit. There needs to be consistency here.

If also like an investigation on voter suppression. That's way more substantial in swaying elections.than some internet troll.

Not sure if this was posted, Politico went more in depth with how deep the efforts were in Florida.

More at the link

Just a Internet troll tho


Oct 25, 2017
I just wish they'd be as serious about investigating all the lobby
i.e. bribery
money flowing to Congress from the NRA and other special interest groups, corporations, foreign entities (be it not only Russia, but also Saudi Arabia or Israel). Corruption like this is only taken seriously when it's a country they don't like and that's bullshit. There needs to be consistency here.

If also like an investigation on voter suppression. That's way more substantial in swaying elections.than some internet troll.
There is voter suppression, gerrymandering, and please please don't start to discount what has happened on the internet as some "internet troll". The document released today showed some of these "internet troll" efforts had a 1.3 million dollar a month budget. Thats nontrivial, and it reaped rewards.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone in the media ever tried to entrap Dear Leader about suspicious verbiage in his tweets? Like asking him to explain the meaning of the word rancor shortly after it shows up in his Twitter ramblings.

Didn't he once totally flub the meaning of apoplectic in a tweet a day after a headline used it correctly in reference to him?

These are not big words, and they're not that important. If the President is a criminal (and I find it difficult to imagine how such a corrupt property speculator cannot be described as a criminal) it doesn't matter whether or not his vocabulary is weak. Get him out of power as quickly as lawfully possible.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I appreciate that CNN has been running a solid 90 minutes of Cooper 360° with Cooper properly spelling out what this all means and what is doesn't (obstruction of justice is still very much a possibility, Trump Tower meeting still happened and is not negated by any of this). And they haven't had any of the shitty talking heads on the program either.
There is voter suppression, gerrymandering, and please please don't start to discount what has happened on the internet as some "internet troll". The document released today showed some of these efforts had a 1.3 million dollar a month budget. Thats nontrivial, and it reaped rewards.
Yeah l left out gerrymandering which is also a problem. As for the trolls, yes, I give US voters a little more credit than just reading random tweets and voting for Trump because of it. You cannot even begin to prove direct causation from reading a troll's tweet to influencing a vote. Shit, their budget couldve been a trillion dollars. Then you have to get into how many people saw the tweet or ad to begin with. I like to think Americans are a little more rationale and a lot less impressionable and malleable than some of us are giving them credit for. That's why this indictment is weak af. But there is more coming, so we'll see what happens.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah l left out gerrymandering which is also a problem. As for the trolls, yes, I give US voters a little more credit than just reading random tweets and voting for Trump because of it. You cannot even begin to prove direct causation from reading a troll's tweet to influencing a vote. Shit, their budget couldve been a trillion dollars. Then you have to get into how many people saw the tweet or ad to begin with. I like to think Americans are a little more rationale and a lot less impressionable and malleable than some of us are giving them credit for. That's why this indictment is weak af. But there is more coming, so we'll see what happens.

I can hardly believe what I am even reading. Were you awake last year? You can prove direct causation. People are doing it now. A trillion dollars doctor evil? What in the world am I even responding to? Americans are rational and not impressionable? giggle. Indictment is weak AF?

are you undercover faux news?

hilarity ensues with Benny Hill theme song playing as your cover is broken.
I can hardly believe what I am even reading. Were you awake last year? You can prove direct causation. People are doing it now. A trillion dollars doctor evil? What in the world am I even responding to? Americans are rational and not impressionable? giggle. Indictment is weak AF?

are you undercover faux news?

hilarity ensues with Benny Hill theme song playing as your cover is broken.
How would you even begin to prove someone saw a tweet and then voted for Trump because they saw that tweet? What are you talking about? And now I'm faux news because I'm pointing that out? Come on man. Let's be adults here.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah l left out gerrymandering which is also a problem. As for the trolls, yes, I give US voters a little more credit than just reading random tweets and voting for Trump because of it. You cannot even begin to prove direct causation from reading a troll's tweet to influencing a vote. Shit, their budget couldve been a trillion dollars. Then you have to get into how many people saw the tweet or ad to begin with. I like to think Americans are a little more rationale and a lot less impressionable and malleable than some of us are giving them credit for. That's why this indictment is weak af. But there is more coming, so we'll see what happens.
We literally wouldn't be in this situation at all if this were true. Just this very week people are buying wholesale into the idea that the Florida Shooting was a liberal politician false flag operation because famous conspiracy theorist Alex Jones told them so. Americans, especially ones with power and privilege, are as malleable and impressionable as they need to be to buy into shit that ends up oppressing themselves and other populations of people in the first place.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
I like to think Americans are a little more rationale and a lot less impressionable and malleable than some of us are giving them credit for.



Oct 25, 2017
It's called statistics, same way we can prove a ton of other things that are correlated.

Been around for awhile. Well understood, studied, respected.

It's not a single tweet, it's an army of tweets that are targeted specifically and tactically with specific, realizable, timely goals in mind. It was and continues to be a technical operation.