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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The tone of the conversation has definitely shifted from "this investigation is useless and a waste of time and money" to "this investigation has a partisan lean and is anti-Trump" to "okay, so a few bad guys committed crimes but they're unrelated to Trump" to "the link between those bad guys and Trump is clear now", even in the right-wing echo chamber.
It's pretty much what people expected to see happen.


Oct 25, 2017
Maddow had a democrat on her show who said hes trying to pass a law that freezes the statute of limitations while the president is in office to prevent running the clock out, so i dont think that tweet about it being on hold is correct.


Oct 25, 2017
New NYTimes piece on Beto says he wants to differentiate himself from the other 2020 candidates by having a "perpetual social media live-stream" to have a personal connection with all potential voters and has told advisors outloud that he wants it to be a "near-constant video feed".

He is really going to double down on that strategy from his senate race where he would live-stream him eating breakfast with his kids or taking his kids to school while talking policy.
This is going to work. Hello President O'Rourke.


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
Republicans Promise Investigations After President O'Rourke Livestreams Classified Meeting

I bring you this future NYT headline. :P


Oct 25, 2017
Logan Paul! USA! PewDiePie! USA!

The Paul/Pie ticket is the most progressive ever on spicy Memes and listening to racist voices.

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
So Beto is going full Will Conway? Doesn't really appeal to me, as others have noted, but it's smart in terms of controlling the narrative and eating Trump's media time. He doesn't have to wait for rallies and interviews to give standard media outlets a soundbite or a video clip.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, because many of them do not run on policy and U.S has terrible turnout in both primaries and the general. Seems like a self perpetuating problem honestly.
They dont run on policy becauss it doesnt work. They understand the game they're playing. As someone said on The 100, "The problem is people."
Oct 25, 2017
New NYTimes piece on Beto says he wants to differentiate himself from the other 2020 candidates by having a "perpetual social media live-stream" to have a personal connection with all potential voters and has told advisors outloud that he wants it to be a "near-constant video feed".

He is really going to double down on that strategy from his senate race where he would live-stream him eating breakfast with his kids or taking his kids to school while talking policy.

Can't wait to have a PiP "Beto Cam" for all of 2020 on every channel


Oct 25, 2017
They dont run on policy becauss it doesnt work. They understand the game they're playing. As someone said on The 100, "The problem is people."
If we elected people based on well researched policy proposals Hillary would've eclipsed Obama 08 numbers. But we don't. That's why I'm all for Beto, dude clearly understands how to cultivate a cult of personality around himself and that's what we need to bring out our voters.


Feb 28, 2018
The cult of personality thing can be used for both good and evil.

I'm generally against such a thing, but it's clear that the American people will only turn out in significant numbers for someone with a cult of personality, so...

End justifies the means I suppose.


Oct 27, 2017
I do like Beto a lot right now. He's not hostile to the left flank and appears willing to listen to them while also being popular with moderates. He doesn't seem to piss anyone off very much, has a pretty good policy agenda, and seems malleable to pressure from the left.

He also seems to be the best shot at eating away at Trump's media advantage and, I think, the most likely to win right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Anecdotal of course, but some of the conservatives i've seen that usually argue in bad faith completely dropped all pretenses of this being a witch hunt and have admitted that they just don't care if he worked with Russia because "it was worth seeing the liberal meltdowns when he won".

I don't know why Rand is even bothering, the charade is over, american's know what happened and now its just a matter of how many of them care that the president is a traitor.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Anecdotal of course, but some of the conservatives i've seen that usually argue in bad faith completely dropped all pretenses of this being a witch hunt and have admitted that they just don't care if he worked with Russia because "it was worth seeing the liberal meltdowns when he won".

I don't know why Rand is even bothering, the charade is over, american's know what happened and now its just a matter of how many of them care that the president is a traitor.

Basically. The "I did it and it was awesome" phase of this is going to land before Valentine's Day, I feel.

Box of Kittens

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Everybody likes it when Beto livestreams but Mark Zuckerberg eats Earth toast and visits a hu-mon truck stop and no one gives him any praise. We are going to throw away the greatest candidate of all time just like that.


Oct 25, 2017
Anecdotal of course, but some of the conservatives i've seen that usually argue in bad faith completely dropped all pretenses of this being a witch hunt and have admitted that they just don't care if he worked with Russia because "it was worth seeing the liberal meltdowns when he won".

I don't know why Rand is even bothering, the charade is over, american's know what happened and now its just a matter of how many of them care that the president is a traitor.
Live in the south, and this has been pretty obvious.


Feb 28, 2018
Tiffany will have the last laugh when Trump, Ivanka, Eric, Junior, and Kush are all neighbors in the same cell block.
Midnight Jon

Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
random aside:

someone on my tumblr feed just shared a meta-analysis of income inequality studies ostensibly covering 1979-present (specifically, findings on real median incomes, the top 10%'s share of income growth, and the top 1%'s share) done by Stephen Rose for the Urban Institute, in which he throws shade at methodological issues in Piketty and Saez (2003)'s famously-cited study

...immediately before half his conclusions rely on studies with starting points 10 years after the rest of the analysis

Outdoor Miner

Oct 26, 2017
Broward County FL, USA
What Chuck Todd is doing is deliberate. He knows there is no Democratic equivalent which is why he couldn't be arsed to cite a single example. He is 100% a Republican propagandist at this point. Ignore him and all NBC Politics output.


Oct 25, 2017

Maybe because Democrats only cry voter fraud when they're is actual fucking voter fraud and not the fear too many black people are voting.

God I hate these fuckers.
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