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Oct 25, 2017
Thing I overheard today that I'm not sure was sincere or in jest: "They should come up with a way to ban people who don't eat pork. It'd be legal on its face, but it'd achieve the same results". Poe's Law invading real life sometimes.


Oct 27, 2017
If I'm Mueller or the FBI, I take everything I get from Michael Cohen with a grain of salt. Who knows what pretenses he's operating under, maybe Trump already promised him a pardon and told him to send investigators on wild good chases.


Oct 27, 2017
Pruit's resignation letter is disturbing. I wouldn't want this man anywhere near bagging my fries, let alone running a government agency.
Oct 25, 2017
So Trump just told his rally they've basically eliminated ObamaCare and two weeks ago announced they have "great healthcare coming."

It seems like you'd want to wait until after midterms to take credit for the coming rate hikes, but Trump's gonna Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm trying to make "at least the kid is alive and back with his family" my take away reaction, but I just keep coming back to rage.
What I would hope for: The kid was never separated in the first place
What I expect: Either takes forever for the kid to get reunited and in poor condition, or never reunited at all


Oct 27, 2017
Hey, remember when our idea of fascism was "service guarantees citizenship?"

Yeah, turns out reality is worse.
Oct 25, 2017
"Guy says he was born in Scotland, turns out he was born in Puerto Rico. Guy says he was born in Germany, turns out he wasn't born in Germany."

This is Trump describing what you can learn from genetic testing kits as he describes forcibly DNA testing Elizabeth Warren in a hypothetical presidential debate. He's going out of his way to be stupid now.

And just took a crack at needing to be gentle because we're in the "MeToo Generation"; crowd reaction to that was fairly small.

I feel like he's gotten worse since the campaign; he's going full alternate universe narrative where he's fixed everything already and his crowd buys it up.


Oct 26, 2017
Experience being a more important part of why creative industries inevitably centralize than raw skills makes sense to me.
That's not how people hire in the tech industry, especially not in startups. Also, most tech workers in SV are not originally from the area, in fact, majority of them are not even US born, so it's not like companies only recruit locally.


Oct 27, 2017
If I'm Mueller or the FBI, I take everything I get from Michael Cohen with a grain of salt. Who knows what pretenses he's operating under, maybe Trump already promised him a pardon and told him to send investigators on wild good chases.

this post kinda rubs me wrong and i can't quite put my finger on it. anyone?


Oct 26, 2017
Please don't screw up in November Dems. Also yeah, trump already dreaming up ways to go after warren.


Oct 25, 2017
"Guy says he was born in Scotland, turns out he was born in Puerto Rico. Guy says he was born in Germany, turns out he wasn't born in Germany."

This is Trump describing what you can learn from genetic testing kits as he describes forcibly DNA testing Elizabeth Warren in a hypothetical presidential debate. He's going out of his way to be stupid now.

And just took a crack at needing to be gentle because we're in the "MeToo Generation"; crowd reaction to that was fairly small.

I feel like he's gotten worse since the campaign; he's going full alternate universe narrative where he's fixed everything already and his crowd buys it up.
Wait, DNA testing kits now tell you where you were born now


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
Considering one of the most effective rhetorical arguments to gun nuts n' patriots n' rural conservatives (WINK!) in support of immigration is around their contributions to our armed forces in defense of our freedom. Seeing the Trump admin forcing their explusion (surely at their guidance) is 1) fucking frightening and 2) disgusting but probably 3) effective. 4) It's a bad idea and will backfire!
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