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Oct 25, 2017
New poll: Virginians support much of Democratic agenda in General Assembly

Fun stuff.

Voters support:

84-10 (+74) universal background checks for gun purchases
76-14 (+62) "red flag" laws
57-30 (+27) an assault weapons ban
73-10 (+63) the Equal Rights Amendment
68-15 (+53) regulations designed to slow down climate change
66-24 (+42) raising the minimum wage to $15/hr over several years
59-16 (+43) reducing prison population and prison racial disparities
53-30 (+23) making it easier for a woman to obtain an abortion

And then, just as if to remind you that nobody's perfect, only 38% support reversing right-to-work laws, compared to 43% who are against it. Bastards.

Oh and Trump has a 32-51 approval rating lololol. "Virginia's a blue state anyway," I can already hear them crying.
People getting mad at Northam over RTW didn't seem to understand the politics here- it's unlikely to even reach his desk. (It's at 38% and the only thing underwater on that list.) It's a very hard sell here when the economy of the state has been doing absurdly well for so long.


Oct 29, 2017
At least in NYC, as an electrician that works on non-union construction sites where a young apprentice makes minimum wage, $15/hour is far too fucking low for anyone. There should be a push to pair minimum wage with inflation rates. It's ridiculous that candidates are still platforming on a $15/hour minimum wage four fucking years after it was a major part of the Clinton campaign.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
People getting mad at Northam over RTW didn't seem to understand the politics here- it's unlikely to even reach his desk. (It's at 38% and the only thing underwater on that list.) It's a very hard sell here when the economy of the state has been doing absurdly well for so long.
Yeah, I totally get it, just sucks is all.


Oct 25, 2017
At least in NYC, as an electrician that works on non-union construction sites where a young apprentice makes minimum wage, $15/hour is far too fucking low for anyone. There should be a push to pair minimum wage with inflation rates. It's ridiculous that candidates are still platforming on a $15/hour minimum wage four fucking years after it was a major part of the Clinton campaign.
You need to get those changes made at the state level, not national. One of the benefits of our governmental structure is the ability to micromanage stuff like this, and the baseline rate you want for NYC is not the rate you want for Alabama.
Oct 25, 2017
I've been reading for the past 3 months. I don't need to read today's crocodile tears when she's finally pushed out. This is what PoliERA and Twitter wanted. And now they got it.
I initially supported her before her collapse under the stress and pressure of the campaign. Royalan notoriously supported her to a fervent degree. Others in this thread supported her at times as well. You don't need to paint with a broad brush.

and yeah, it sucks that the people of color gained little to no traction.


Oct 29, 2017
You need to get those changes made at the state level, not national. One of the benefits of our governmental structure is the ability to micromanage stuff like this, and the baseline rate you want for NYC is not the rate you want for Alabama.

You're totally right, I'm just in one of those moods.

I guess the reason behind my frustration is that we're still having to fight for this at both the state and national level. Like it's great that NY has a $15 minimum wage law in place, but we're just going to have to go through this fight again in 10 years time. We need to start pushing for local inflation based minimum wage, with a federal minimum wage at $15/hour.

I'm sick and tired of having to debate and fight with people over basic fucking facts and rights.

Oct 25, 2017
So Harris finally dropped out. PoliERA and Twitter should be happy.

And now we just need to get Booker and Castro to drop out, so we can completely eradicate people of color from the Democratic race before Iowa. Yaay! And people wonder why black turnout is down...

But yeah there was no way after Politico, NYT, and Wapo all dunking on her in a single week that she was going to survive. It's a shame she got pushed out of the race when far inferior candidates are still in, allowed to just exist without the media forcing them to drop out.
Black people weren't turning out for Booker or Kamala. Hence their numbers sucking. lol.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Candidates who have no shot shouldn't be in the race at this point. This applies to far more candidates than just Harris.

It's not a specific thing targeted at Harris but rather the over crowded field. People are yearning for a culling.

Though nothing is as bad as Bloomberg buying his way into the primary.

Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The entire point of the Economist model is that it's not as jumpy as RCP and isn't so responsive to one single poll. And also the last CNN/SSRS poll had her at 20% and that's probably more heavily weighted in the sample. That was 3 polls ago lol.

That's the 4-way poll anyway :P I just don't see The Economist PoP as a accurate snapshot of where things are at now. They give too much weight to their own polls.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
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Oct 27, 2017
So Harris finally dropped out. PoliERA and Twitter should be happy.

And now we just need to get Booker and Castro to drop out, so we can completely eradicate people of color from the Democratic race before Iowa. Yaay! And people wonder why black turnout is down...

But yeah there was no way after Politico, NYT, and Wapo all dunking on her in a single week that she was going to survive. It's a shame she got pushed out of the race when far inferior candidates are still in, allowed to just exist without the media forcing them to drop out.
She wasn't pushed out by the media, her campaign was untenable because of the problems that those outlets were reporting on. The NYT didn't invent her dysfunctional campaign organization, Maya Harris, et al. did. When you have dozens of campaign staffers and aides constantly shit talking your campaign to the press on background, that's a big actual problem, not a media invention.

I think it sucks that Kamala's campaign faded after a promising beginning and first debate appearance, and I think it sucks that Booker (a candidate I was much more not interested in initially) hasn't really taken off either. It would be great if the debate stage better reflected the demography of the party. At the same time, black and latino voters have made clear their preference for Biden, and to a much much lesser extent Bernie and Warren. Kamala and Booker and Castro being mired in single-digit polling for months is partly because of their relative weak standing among voters of color too.


Oct 25, 2017
So Harris finally dropped out. PoliERA and Twitter should be happy.

And now we just need to get Booker and Castro to drop out, so we can completely eradicate people of color from the Democratic race before Iowa. Yaay! And people wonder why black turnout is down...

But yeah there was no way after Politico, NYT, and Wapo all dunking on her in a single week that she was going to survive. It's a shame she got pushed out of the race when far inferior candidates are still in, allowed to just exist without the media forcing them to drop out.

While there should be more and more viable people of color in politics in general, the idea that black voter turnout is down seems mistaken.




Oct 26, 2017
She wasn't pushed out by the media, her campaign was untenable because of the problems that those outlets were reporting on. The NYT didn't invent her dysfunctional campaign organization, Maya Harris, et al. did. When you have dozens of campaign staffers and aides constantly shit talking your campaign to the press on background, that's a big actual problem, not a media invention.

I think it sucks that Kamala's campaign faded after a promising beginning and first debate appearance, and I think it sucks that Booker (a candidate I was much more not interested in initially) hasn't really taken off either. It would be great if the debate stage better reflected the demography of the party. At the same time, black and latino voters have made clear their preference for Biden, and to a much much lesser extent Bernie and Warren. Kamala and Booker and Castro being mired in single-digit polling for months is partly because of their relative weak standing among voters of color too.
Yup, all of this.
Oct 26, 2017
Black people weren't turning out for Booker or Kamala. Hence their numbers sucking. lol.

Yes, Biden as of now has sucked up a plurality of the black support.

That said, there's going to be a lot of black people who aren't going to like that Kamala essentially got pushed out of the race early by the press and social media when inferior candidates are left alone. I mean you got a candidate who throws staplers at her staff but you don't see a hit piece in Politico every week. But it's the black woman who got done dirty and forced to get out of the race. Yeah that's going to bother a segment of black people even if they were supporting someone else.

I mean Kamala already qualified for the next debate and had enough money to chug along in eco mode to Iowa. But it was the media articles that was doing real damage and threatening long-term damage. So that's why she had to hit the eject button now compared to other lower tier candidates who also have dysfunctional/sputtering campaigns but don't have a microscope on them.

Tiger Priest

Oct 24, 2017
New York, NY
So Harris finally dropped out. PoliERA and Twitter should be happy.

And now we just need to get Booker and Castro to drop out, so we can completely eradicate people of color from the Democratic race before Iowa. Yaay! And people wonder why black turnout is down...

But yeah there was no way after Politico, NYT, and Wapo all dunking on her in a single week that she was going to survive. It's a shame she got pushed out of the race when far inferior candidates are still in, allowed to just exist without the media forcing them to drop out.

She dropped out because she ran an awful campaign. No one here wants people of color out of the Democratic race - in fact, I think most of us here would vote for Obama again in the primary if given the chance (I certainly would!). Kamala was my top choice at first, but her messaging was muddled and undisciplined, her debate style was completely erratic, and the utter dysfunction of her campaign organization does not indicate to me that she would have been an effective president.


Oct 30, 2017
Yes, Biden as of now has sucked up a plurality of the black support.

That said, there's going to be a lot of black people who aren't going to like that Kamala essentially got pushed out of the race early by the press and social media when inferior candidates are left alone. I mean you got a candidate who throws staplers at her staff but you don't see a hit piece in Politico every week. But it's the black woman who got done dirty and forced to get out of the race. Yeah that's going to bother a segment of black people even if they were supporting someone else.

I mean Kamala already qualified for the next debate and had enough money to chug along in eco mode to Iowa. But it was the media articles that was doing real damage and threatening long-term damage. So that's why she had to hit the eject button now compared to other lower tier candidates who also have dysfunctional/sputtering campaigns but don't have a microscope on them.

If they really thought that, perhaps they should have donated more to her campaign.
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, Biden as of now has sucked up a plurality of the black support.

That said, there's going to be a lot of black people who aren't going to like that Kamala essentially got pushed out of the race early by the press and social media when inferior candidates are left alone. I mean you got a candidate who throws staplers at her staff but you don't see a hit piece in Politico every week. But it's the black woman who got done dirty and forced to get out of the race. Yeah that's going to bother a segment of black people even if they were supporting someone else.

I mean Kamala already qualified for the next debate and had enough money to chug along in eco mode to Iowa. But it was the media articles that was doing real damage and threatening long-term damage. So that's why she had to hit the eject button now compared to other lower tier candidates who also have dysfunctional/sputtering campaigns but don't have a microscope on them.
I don't think black people really care much about Kamala! Or else she wouldn't be polling at 6%. It's just the way the cookie crumbled.

A lot of pundit brainers assumes Kamala would be getting 30-40% of the black vote by now and it never really panned out. The young activists wanted her out from day 1 and older black voters never heard anything good about her.


Jun 28, 2018
In other Devin Nunes is a Complete Tool news:
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) filed a defamation suit against CNN on Tuesday over a story reporting that the Republican congressman had traveled to Vienna to meet with foreign officials and discuss finding dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden.

The Washington Times first reported Tuesday that Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, had filed a $435 million lawsuit arguing that the network had defamed him by falsely reporting he had traveled to Vienna and met with a former Ukrainian prosecutor.

A review of the November story in question revealed that the CNN report stated that an attorney for an indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, Lev Parnas, said at the time that his client would testify under oath that Nunes had made such a trip, with the attorney claiming that the former prosecutor himself had revealed Nunes's efforts. CNN's article did not independently verify or disprove the claims made by Parnas's attorney.
Sue me for $435M if old.

EDIT - Lol, my CTRL+F didn't find the screenshot of this story a few posts up.


Oct 29, 2017
The hot takes about Kamala are just an appetizer to the kicking and screaming we will have when either Biden takes the nom; or when Bernie begins to falter, or drops out.

Kamala was my second choice until today, and was my first choice prior to the quiet primary starting nearly a year ago.

It sucks that narcissists, idiots, billionaires, and crystal queens are still in the race when Harris is out, but she just didn't get any long lasting momentum after the first debate. I will gladly take another look at her if she decides to run again.

Edit: Also her mental health plan that she released last week, was absolutely atrocious. I really hope she learns from this campaign and comes back wiser and stronger in the next primary.
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Oct 27, 2017
But it was the media articles that was doing real damage and threatening long-term damage. So that's why she had to hit the eject button now compared to other lower tier candidates who also have dysfunctional/sputtering campaigns but don't have a microscope on them.
There is zero proof of this. It's not like Kamala's polling was skyrocketing and then suddenly the campaign hit pieces started coming and that suddenly brought her down to 4 percent.

The sporadic articles about her campaign's problems weren't damaging her nearly as much as the actual problems themselves -- the weak fundraising, the lack of communication and confusing hierarchy, the staff and budget cuts. And those problems were apparently frequent enough and bad enough to prompt 50 different people to talk to the Times about them. The only other candidate who has had this same issue is Joe Biden, although that seems to have trailed off lately. If Amy Klobuchar and Andrew Yang and Tom Steyer are also running dysfunctional sputtering campaigns, they apparently aren't bad enough yet for staffers to begin leaking about it to the press.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
That's the 4-way poll anyway :P I just don't see The Economist PoP as a accurate snapshot of where things are at now. They give too much weight to their own polls.
Okay, but then by your own rules of "last seven", if you remove that, the next poll to include would have her well over 18%.

You don't see it as an accurate snapshot because it doesn't show movement for your candidate! That's fine, just drop the pretext!
Oct 26, 2017
Btw, don't get me wrong. I think Kamala was ultimately a flawed candidate and had a flawed campaign staff, which she is responsible for. She is ultimately responsible fo the demise of her Presidential campaign. So I'm not saying, "Kamala was perfect! But the media destroyed her!"

I'm saying she had a sputtering campaign but was still capable of going to Iowa for a Hail Mary play. But the onslaught of negative press coverage of the past month and a half made it almost impossible for her to regain any momentum and it was threatening to cause long-term damage to her reputation. And I do think it was unfair the media had such a hyper focus on her when there were inferior campaigns out there. As a result, one of the few PoC candidates is pushed out prematurely while other candidates are left alone to run their "no chance" campaigns. So yeah that bothers me. It seems like black women always have to do things 3x better than anyone else just to have a place at the table. Harris did better than 70-75% of the field, but she was told to "please leave now".


Oct 31, 2017
People getting mad at Northam over RTW didn't seem to understand the politics here- it's unlikely to even reach his desk. (It's at 38% and the only thing underwater on that list.) It's a very hard sell here when the economy of the state has been doing absurdly well for so long.

Yeah, Democrat's have the majority in Virginia because of socially liberal, economically moderate defense contractor employees in NoVA, not union workers.


Oct 27, 2017
And I do think it was unfair the media had such a hyper focus on her when there were inferior campaigns out there.
again, if the media had a hyper focus on Kamala's campaign problems, it's because there were so many people currently or formerly on her payroll that felt the need to talk to the press about it. If Michael Bennet's three staffers feel such a burning desire to shit talk his campaign too, you could expect to see a few more "Inside the tumultuous Bennet campaign" articles. Kamala and Biden get the most inside-the-campaign stories because their campaigns are either the worst run, contain the most amount of people who feel the least loyal to their candidate, or both.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait, Nunes filed the lawsuit the same day the phone records came out proving CNN was right?

Am I understanding this correctly?


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
pretty sure with a 32-51 approval for Trump you can do whatever the fuck you want, including repealing RTW.

Something can be underwater but if no one is voting on that particular policy, then who cares.


Oct 27, 2017
Warren sinking like a rock and Biden looking like he all but has this nom locked up has been seriously depressing me and making me feel pretty hopeless.

Like I've been saying, if Warren has dropped out/isn't viable by May I'll vote Bernie. But goddamn, I have no fucking clue how Biden has such a loyal plurality that he seems to have an iron grip on. What the fuck do people see in this guy? How do people see the level of mental decline, to the degree that I seriously think he's in early dementia, and think "yeah, this 80 year old man is presidential material." I'd be more comfortable electing almost anybody in this thread.

With the double standards the press holds for Ds and Rs, I just cannot picture Biden being able to bumble his way through the general without completely collapsing just on the basis of his age/mental health. Not to mention the sexual harassment, Hunter's fuckery, and a long history of scandal and shitty votes.

I'm kinda resigned to a second term of Trump at this point and it terrifies me what that could entail. I've long maintained that Trump still hasn't been as bad as Dubya yet, but I'm almost certain an emboldened Trump in a second term could finally surpass him.
Oct 26, 2017
Lol, Al Sharpton just now on MSNBC made literally the exact same points I just made here. You can hand-wave me away, but don't be surprised when you find out other black people feel the same way.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck this guy.

My MIL has a green card and paid into Medicare taxes for decades. She gets Medicare. He going to strip her of her benefits unless she buys in?
I'd imagine green card residents would be eligible. Pete might be a *Venomous Snake* but I would find it hard to believe he's advocating stripping away healthcare benefits from legal residents who already have them.


Jun 28, 2018
Warren sinking like a rock and Biden looking like he all but has this nom locked up has been seriously depressing me and making me feel pretty hopeless.

Like I've been saying, if Warren has dropped out/isn't viable by May I'll vote Bernie. But goddamn, I have no fucking clue how Biden has such a loyal plurality that he seems to have an iron grip on. What the fuck do people see in this guy? How do people see the level of mental decline, to the degree that I seriously think he's in early dementia, and think "yeah, this 80 year old man is presidential material." I'd be more comfortable electing almost anybody in this thread.

With the double standards the press holds for Ds and Rs, I just cannot picture Biden being able to bumble his way through the general without completely collapsing just on the basis of his age/mental health. Not to mention the sexual harassment, Hunter's fuckery, and a long history of scandal and shitty votes.

I'm kinda resigned to a second term of Trump at this point and it terrifies me what that could entail. I've long maintained that Trump still hasn't been as bad as Dubya yet, but I'm almost certain an emboldened Trump in a second term could finally surpass him.
I wonder how many poll respondents are (still) just picking Biden on name recognition alone, who haven't seen him on a debate stage since 2012. I know it's not all of his base or anything, but still curious...
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