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Oct 27, 2017
so if a cop tries to arrest me for a crime i didn't commit, i can fist-fight the cop and resist arrest since i'm not guilty of the underlying crime? awesome!
Oct 27, 2017

Also saying Beto is near the bottom when the entire middle is in a three point range is ridiculous.

I think Klobbercharizard's numbers are the only ones that surprise me.

I would merely describe that as a divisiveness metric. I would be interested to see AOC's net favorability which I think is also underwater. People like pete and Biden are rarely attacked and thus the public doesn't have to choose a side.

Net favorability can be lowered simply by putting a spotlight on a person and forcing people to culturally form an opinion. The more you know a person, the more flaws you have the opportunity to uncover and ponder. Nobody is perfect.

If the Republicans went hard at Biden, his net favorables would be underwater like all the rest.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Look, here is the thing. After Trump leaves office, we need to pass an omnibus package called the Trump Act (or MAGA Act) filled with new laws making illegal all the things Trump and his cronies got away with. This way the Trump name will forever be associated with these crimes.

Agreed, but realistically it would look spiteful(or be spun as such) rather than serving the purpose. The conversation would end up being about hurt feelings on the right than the core intent, because that is conservatism and media headlines in 2019.

But yes, a constant reminder/warning shot to future generations of this total shit administration via those means should be ideal.


Oct 27, 2017

Really going all in for it a year after house dems wiped the floor with the GOP over the same issue.

I would not be surprised if Trump didn't actually know that healthcare was the driving message behind Democrats' House win. Hell, with the Senate pickups, he's probably never registered 2018 as anything more than another victory for him.


Oct 29, 2017
Sticking with Warren. I love how in the weeds she gets. Butt is on my mind though. I'd love to see him in a Sec of State position.
Oct 26, 2017

Also saying Beto is near the bottom when the entire middle is in a three point range is ridiculous.

I think Klobbercharizard's numbers are the only ones that surprise me.

Good for Buttigieg, hard to say anything bad about the guy. Honestly was expecting Beto to be near the 'bottom' because he seems to be a pretty controversial candidate among the left (and not for no reason). I mean look how much heat he gets on here, they don't want him to gain the momentum he's capable of achieving because it could be very threatening.


Oct 25, 2017
Capitalism ho!

Also America: we should be allowed to flood the Canadian market with cheap dairy products


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Good for Buttigieg, hard to say anything bad about the guy. Honestly was expecting Beto to be near the 'bottom' because he seems to be a pretty controversial candidate among the left (and not for no reason). I mean look how much heat he gets on here, they don't want him to gain the momentum he's capable of achieving because it could be very threatening.
Beto already has momentum though, just not reflected in certain circles online because Bernie fans are continually attacking him. Just look at fundraising and turnout when he's been making stops and speaking.


Oct 25, 2017
The "what about black nationalist groups" response to Facebook is hilarious. Can they give an example of the last time any other nationalist group killed someone?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My lovely state government here in Idaho is doing everything it can to effectively kill voter backed ballot initiatives, partly in response to the Medicaid expansion that passed, and partly to head off attempts to legalize medical marijuana. These fuckers don't care about democracy.

The thing with voter initiatives is that they let voters be irresponsible. "I want to vote Republican for identity reasons but these progressive policies sound nifty." These folks get what they get for voting Republican.


Oct 28, 2017

Reality, again:

What is this poll number 4 that shows that the memo changed nothing?

Yeah, the average American isn't smart but they also aren't complete idiots. Basic suspicion is within the main stream's grasp. All the hot air Trump blew up the asses of the rust belt bringing jobs back and coal mining is going to backfire. They still don't have those jobs. They aren't idiots and they will resent not having their jobs back as promised. Bye by Ohio and Pennsylvania.


Oct 25, 2017
Stephen Moore is completely unqualified for the position he is nominated for. Meaning he'll have 51 votes in the senate for confirmation.

Yep yep.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the average American isn't smart but they also aren't complete idiots. Basic suspicion is within the main stream's grasp. All the hot air Trump blew up the asses of the rust belt bringing jobs back and coal mining is going to backfire. They still don't have those jobs. They aren't idiots and they will resent not having their jobs back as promised. Bye by Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Losing Lordstown and its supply chain after he promised they'd stay forever didn't go unnoticed. It fucked a lot of folks in an already impoverished part of the state.

As a side note: it won't happen but if FCA shuts down Toledo North and blames Trump's tariffs and economic policies for it, you might see a full scale revolt in Ohio. Doubly so if he goes after foreign automakers and hurts Honda's US operations in Marysville.

Ford Avon Lake Assembly builds trucks so they're not in immediate danger.
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Oct 26, 2017
Beto already has momentum though, just not reflected in certain circles online because Bernie fans are continually attacking him. Just look at fundraising and turnout when he's been making stops and speaking.
Yeah I'm aware, but there were a lot of attacks on him to try to strangle his campaign in the cradle and those will continue to prevent the possibility of him being able to contend with Bernie or possibly Biden. He's been painted as unfavorable among the left, hence his -4 net favorability. It's still very early though, so that could change in time.


Oct 26, 2017

Really going all in for it a year after house dems wiped the floor with the GOP over the same issue.

White House press aides did not immediately respond to a request for comment. And one official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the meetings, insisted that Mr. Mulvaney had simply been convening people with various views so that the president could make his own decision. But Mr. Mulvaney was described as leading the charge to back it, in an account of the two meetings that was described by a half-dozen people with knowledge of what took place.
But Republicans in Congress have no obvious road forward on legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act that could pass the Democrat-controlled House. And House leaders have little political incentive to bow to Republican wishes on health care, an issue that they believe delivered their House majority and that they are eager to campaign on in 2020.
"I'm not a puppet!"
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