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Oct 25, 2017
So can we unemploy Bevin this year or
I think so.

Andy Beshear has declared so I'm like 99% sure he will win the primary and then the general.

My sister in law lives in Louisville so I hope they can oust him for her sake and the sake of the rest of the state. Bevin along with Yertle and Rand is just a ghastly combo.


Oct 27, 2017
I light of the Mueller Investigation wrapping up I thought it prudent to post this:

It serves as a reminder that while the Trump Administration is a dumpster fire, so is Putin's Russia. We are so fortunate that that is what we are dealing with, and not the Soviets of the mid Twentieth Century.
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Oct 26, 2017
Fox News dishing out opinion pieces disregarding the report these last couple hours is hilarious.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I love how people who talk about how sacred the flag is and how you have to respect it are the first to wear flag shirts, pants, boxer shorts, etc.

Modern conservatism can be summed up as "rules for thee and not for me." It's also how they come into their current "ownage" culture. They like to own people in arguments but scoff when you turn those arguments around to try to own them because their guiding philosophy is that rules are very important... for other people. Whether that's the twisted "reason" of Youtube shitlords or making sure that immigrant detainee has to carry that baby to term while you pay hush money to your mistress above and beyond the cost of her abortion.


Oct 25, 2017
If Trump demanded his phone they'd have to give it back to him, right?
Technically he could fire them, and I bet he would win a writ of mandamus if he really wanted to take it to courts, but this is Trump. He doesn't knowledge or courage to do that sort of thing.

I don't think there's any insubordination punishments on the books, so I guess there's not that much risk beyond being fired. Maybe there should be if only because of asshole Gietner disobeying Obama's order to breakup and nationalize Citigroup.
Oct 25, 2017
I light of the Mueller Investigation wrapping up I thought it prudent to post this:

It serves as a reminder that while the Trump Administration is a dumpster fire, so is Putin's Russia. We are so fortunate that that is what we are dealing with, and not the Soviets of the mid Twentieth Century.

This is how Obama tried to portray Russia in his last days. He dunked on Putin real good in that one speech about election meddling.
Oct 26, 2017
Guys it's pretty remarkable Trump has gone silent for what, 30+ hours at this point? Dude is shook.

Yeah it's now over 36 hours since the last Trump tweet. It's in such stark contrast to last weekend.

I think it's a combination of his aides finally being able to keep him busy with golf and Mara Logo events and hiding his phone. On one hand Trump is probably happy to hear the GOP is trying to spin "no further indictments" as a win. But on the other hand, Trump knows all the bad shit he's done and he's worried what the Mueller Report might actually reveal. Also just because there's no further indictments, that doesn't absolve Trump from a scathing recitation on his obstruction of justice/witness tampering behavior. Trump is acutely aware of this, so I don't think he'll be eager to claim victory until he has an idea of what's in it.


Oct 30, 2017
I light of the Mueller Investigation wrapping up I thought it prudent to post this:

It serves as a reminder that while the Trump Administration is a dumpster fire, so is Putin's Russia. We are so fortunate that that is what we are dealing with, and not the Soviets of the mid Twentieth Century.

Okay I have a problem with this

The president, speaking in the Kremlin in December,declared that prosecuting people for their religious affiliations was "a total nonsense" and had to stop.

But instead of curbing a campaign across Russia against Jehovah's Witnesses, Mr. Putin's remark has been followed by more arrests; a conviction and six-year prison sentence for Mr. Christensen; and, in a new low, reports late last month of the torture of believers detained in Siberia.

The gulf between what Mr. Putin says and what happens in Russia raises a fundamental question about the nature of his rule after more than 18 years at the pinnacle of an authoritarian system: Is Mr. Putin really the omnipotent leader whom his critics attack and his own propagandists promote?

Is it so hard to believe Putin says one thing and does another? We're not going to believe the military in Myanmar when they say they're not committing a genocide now are we?
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