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Deleted member 17092

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Oct 27, 2017
Collins gets to play moderate darling again, media falls for it again, and she'll probably vote with the GOP again.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
At least she'll grimace when casting the deciding vote.

Looks like the house voted for restoring Obama Eras old net neutrality rules. Too bad McConnell will never bring it to a vote in the senate. At least the left realizes how important it is to not give big communication corporations free run of the internet.
I'm sure it'll be the Democrats' fault when this doesn't get a vote in the Senate, because part of Pelosi's job is also to force Republicans to be good people.

Post Reply

Aug 1, 2018
Collins gets to play moderate darling again, media falls for it plays their part again, and she'll probably vote with the GOP again.


At this point, I'm unwilling to believe the media is being tricked by anyone or that their falling for anything. They know exactly what they're doing. And they're trash for doing it.


Oct 25, 2017

Looks like the house voted for restoring Obama Eras old net neutrality rules. Too bad McConnell will never bring it to a vote in the senate. At least the left realizes how important it is to not give big communication corporations free run of the internet.
I find it absolutely laughable that one dickhead can just decide unilaterally to not bring anything passed by the House up. No one voted him to have this power over the country.


Dec 3, 2018
I'm sure it'll be the Democrats' fault when this doesn't get a vote in the Senate, because part of Pelosi's job is also to force Republicans to be good people.
I am sure that is how it will be spun by Fox News and the like. They might also go with "How dare the Democrats not want gigantic telecom companies with checkered pasts involving consumer right completely gate-keeping the internet? How else will they grow their multi-billion dollar business with these Net Neutrality rules in place?'

I am expecting the same level of right-wing bullshit defending this as they did the last time with the shady FCC comments and complaints they made up in support of their own argument. Which I think is still an issue that needs looked at.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017

Trump picked another winner to fill Rod Rosenstein's spot


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
I am sure that is how it will be spun by Fox News and the like. They might also go with "How dare the Democrats not want gigantic telecom companies with checkered pasts involving consumer right completely gate-keeping the internet? How else will they grow their multi-billion dollar business with these Net Neutrality rules in place?'

I am expecting the same level of right-wing bullshit defending this as they did the last time with the shady FCC comments and complaints they made up in support of their own argument. Which I think is still an issue that needs looked at.
I honestly want to make a thread once the House recesses or by the end of the year highlighting all the progressive legislation the House has passed that will never get a vote in the Senate (or wouldn't withstand Trump's veto if it even got that far).

But by that point I'm sure the excuse would be "well Pelosi knows that none of that will pass so she's okay with it now, but once there's a Democratic trifecta she won't support any of it"


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
Did someone seriously say that striking down the ACA would help Trump for 2020?

Because no. No it wouldn't.
If they did it right before the election? It would absolutely hurt Dem morale. Healthcare motivated us in 2018 because Trump failed to repeal the ACA. We knew that by getting at least the House they could not repeal it this year even with extra votes in the Senate for the GOP. If the Supreme Court does INSTEAD before Election Day 2020 then it absolutely would hurt morale on the Dem side as a decision against the ACA will defy the will of voters to protect a law that would in this scenario be declared unconstitutional.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If they did it right before the election? It would absolutely hurt Dem morale. Healthcare motivated us in 2018 because Trump failed to repeal the ACA. We knew that by getting at least the House they could not repeal it this year even with extra votes in the Senate for the GOP. If the Supreme Court does INSTEAD before Election Day 2020 then it absolutely would hurt morale on the Dem side as a decision against the ACA will defy the will of voters to protect a law that would in this scenario be declared unconstitutional.

This makes no sense at all.


Oct 25, 2017
I find it absolutely laughable that one dickhead can just decide unilaterally to not bring anything passed by the House up. No one voted him to have this power over the country.

McConnell is one of the most powerful people in Washington and one of the most destructive to the nation.

Not even hyperbole.


Oct 25, 2017
If they did it right before the election? It would absolutely hurt Dem morale. Healthcare motivated us in 2018 because Trump failed to repeal the ACA. We knew that by getting at least the House they could not repeal it this year even with extra votes in the Senate for the GOP. If the Supreme Court does INSTEAD before Election Day 2020 then it absolutely would hurt morale on the Dem side as a decision against the ACA will defy the will of voters to protect a law that would in this scenario be declared unconstitutional.

Lol no, it would do the exact opposite, you have no idea how livid Dems and even moderates would be if suddenly there healthcare was up ended due to the conservative court and in part because the executive office didn't even defend it.


Oct 27, 2017
If they did it right before the election? It would absolutely hurt Dem morale. Healthcare motivated us in 2018 because Trump failed to repeal the ACA. We knew that by getting at least the House they could not repeal it this year even with extra votes in the Senate for the GOP. If the Supreme Court does INSTEAD before Election Day 2020 then it absolutely would hurt morale on the Dem side as a decision against the ACA will defy the will of voters to protect a law that would in this scenario be declared unconstitutional.

I think you would see anger. I also disagree it's cause they failed to repeal, it's cause they failed to improve the health care system.


Apr 4, 2018
If they did it right before the election? It would absolutely hurt Dem morale. Healthcare motivated us in 2018 because Trump failed to repeal the ACA. We knew that by getting at least the House they could not repeal it this year even with extra votes in the Senate for the GOP. If the Supreme Court does INSTEAD before Election Day 2020 then it absolutely would hurt morale on the Dem side as a decision against the ACA will defy the will of voters to protect a law that would in this scenario be declared unconstitutional.

You are absolutely out of your mind.


Oct 25, 2017
If they did it right before the election? It would absolutely hurt Dem morale. Healthcare motivated us in 2018 because Trump failed to repeal the ACA. We knew that by getting at least the House they could not repeal it this year even with extra votes in the Senate for the GOP. If the Supreme Court does INSTEAD before Election Day 2020 then it absolutely would hurt morale on the Dem side as a decision against the ACA will defy the will of voters to protect a law that would in this scenario be declared unconstitutional.

Are you really trying to say that the ACA being repealed would suddenly kill the morale of Democrats? Really? This isn't 2016.

The fact it was an electoral bloodbath for the GOP in 2018 for just trying and failing to repeal it was already a sign that poking the hornet's nest was gonna cost them. Imagine if they actually were successful. The midterm results would've been the desired outcome in comparison. Especially since the ACA is popular. Especially since Democrats are trusted on healthcare by a large margin.

But yeah, Dems and other voters are gonna suddenly sit it out and not be completely and utterly pissed enough to vote. Come on...


Oct 26, 2017
I'm finding the media discussion, constant comparisons, of democrats fundraising to be nauseating.


Oct 27, 2017
One thing I didn't really think about, Trump has been slowly firing his way through the FBI/DOJ... how likely is this going to result in a coverup of Russian meddling in 2020?


Oct 25, 2017

They've got hoodies on...these are not good guys," one Trump supporter at this Texas roundtable says of people illegally crossing into the US. Then says they have a "mi casa es su casa" attitude..."
Everytime I wear a hoodie it's a political statement.


Oct 25, 2017

Everytime I wear a hoodie it's a political statement.



Nov 7, 2017

This is such a classic Barr move. He did the same with his 4 page "summary". After making a claim or suggestion he'll back off when challenged claiming he poorly worded his claim or the intent was misinterpreted. The problem is in both scenarios what's he's done or said puts Trump in a good light (initially) and first impressions go a long way. I think he's worse than Sessions who was an obvious racist while Barr seems to have zero moral compass and is quite smug and comfortable in that role.


Oct 28, 2017
Barr made those false claims in that hearing so that they can push it to the Fox News zombies. They will keep playing his "I believe there was illegal spying" over and over again, but they will not play the "I am basing that off of absolutely no evidence whatsoever".

It's propaganda .


Oct 26, 2017
Barr made those false claims in that hearing so that they can push it to the Fox News zombies. They will keep playing his "I believe there was illegal spying" over and over again, but they will not play the "I am basing that off of absolutely no evidence whatsoever".

It's propaganda .



Oct 27, 2017
This is such a classic Barr move. He did the same with his 4 page "summary". After making a claim or suggestion he'll back off when challenged claiming he poorly worded his claim or the intent was misinterpreted. The problem is in both scenarios what's he's done or said puts Trump in a good light (initially) and first impressions go a long way. I think he's worse than Sessions who was an obvious racist while Barr seems to have zero moral compass and is quite smug and comfortable in that role.
Like I said, Trump with a competent cabinet is the scariest thing in the world.
Oct 30, 2017
Stephen Miller getting his dream Gestapo, I mean DHS, team.
This reminds me, NPR tried to run a piece humanizing the reincarnation of Goebbels this morning. I couldn't even get passed the opening which described him as a "young conservative trying to find his voice in liberal Santa Monica." What the hell kind of shit is this, NPR? The man is, at best a white nationalist. Why would you run a puff piece about him? Disgusting.


Apr 4, 2018
Like I said, Trump with a competent cabinet is the scariest thing in the world.

He currently has the least competent cabinet he's ever had. Everyone who actually knew what they were doing is gone. If Barr seems to be doing an ok job for now it's only a matter of time until he joins the clown show and the cycle continue.


Oct 27, 2017
You mean by the voting public? I'd imagine they would still be of the party that has the majority. Who is the most popular Republican senator right now?
It'd be the most popular Senator from the most populous states in the country that ran. Probably a Kamala or a Rubio. It'd probably turn into the minor leagues for President.


Oct 27, 2017
I present to you the official PoliEra hymn

We're on a bigger team
Than left or right
We have a flickering history
As a guiding light
Don't wanna see the American dream
Die in the night

Round the world in bars and parks
People commiserate
Complex feelings around this flag of ours but
Don't wanna see it fade
They still want their
American friend

As you walk through the Statuary Hall
D'you see the marble moving?
All these statues are starting to walk
Where do you think that they're going?

To find the man
Who would be king
Doesn't seem to care
About anything

Now's the time to do something
(Do we dare look away?
Shut our eyes as we slide into the dark?)
Now's the time to do something
(When we're all looking back
We will cry when we see what we have done)
Now's the time to say something
(Families split up
The world heating up)
Now's the time to say something
(We are letting hate
Lead us away)

*wipes away tear*


Oct 30, 2017
This reminds me, NPR tried to run a piece humanizing the reincarnation of Goebbels this morning. I couldn't even get passed the opening which described him as a "young conservative trying to find his voice in liberal Santa Monica." What the hell kind of shit is this, NPR? The man is, at best a white nationalist. Why would you run a puff piece about him? Disgusting.

I don't know what the problem is at NPR, but they've just totally shit the bed since Nov 2016.

The more extreme and crazy Trump and the GOP get, the softer NPR goes on them. I can't even tell you how many soft-pedaled interviews I've heard with GOP congressmen the last two years.

I finally had to give up the station- it was making me too angry on my drive home from work, which is exactly when I need to be calming down.
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