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Oct 25, 2017
I forgot to mention that I had a meeting early this afternoon with a coworker in regards to HR policies. Quid pro quo in the workplace was brought up and we both had a nice little chuckle before moving on. She was a Hillary supporter so I know that we were both laughing at the same thing.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017

This is a fundamental shift in the narrative for the public at large.

He dun fucked up.


Nov 27, 2017
Chairwoman Waters just confirmed on Rachel that it won't JUST be the Ukraine thing. That each Chair will forward the results of their investigations/impeachment recommendations to the Judiciary where the formal articles of impeachment will be written.


Oct 25, 2017
The sources in that Giuliani article are already trying to single him out while saving themselves and others. "Rudy did all of this." Mulvaney wasn't a part of it. They held concerns about Giuliani's views. "We had the same visibility as anybody else — watching Giuliani on television." Bolton knows--and so others in the administration must know--but he is the only one who loses his job. The phone call with Zelensky was widely surprising. It's bad for them if/and they're trying to limit the scope of knowledge and agreement.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Chairwoman Waters just confirmed on Rachel that it won't JUST be the Ukraine thing. That each Chair will forward the results of their investigations/impeachment recommendations to the Judiciary where the formal articles of impeachment will be written.
It was bonkers to think it would be.

If you're starting this thing, you present everything credible. They've got proof he violated the law gift wrapped from Mueller. Sure, it fell down the back of the desk for a bit, but it's still good.


Oct 25, 2017
Magas who are celebrating thinking the base is going to be super riled up keep forgetting 35% of the country can't win an election.


Oct 25, 2017
From the Giuliani article
Then-national security adviser John Bolton was outraged by the outsourcing of a relationship with a country struggling to survive Russian aggression, officials said. But by then his standing with Trump was strained, and neither he nor his senior aides could get straight answers about Giuliani's agenda or authority, officials said. Bolton declined to comment.
There's a chance I might get my .gifs!


Oct 28, 2017
Administration bus rolling right over Giuliani. They're going to try and say he was acting independently and it is going to fail miserably.

There is absolutely no chance nobody else in the admin was involved.


Oct 25, 2017
I expect the transcript to be pulled because "now its an active investigation "

If not though, it's pretty clear wapo knows the details. Trumps going to get fucked when he releases bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
Why was a lawyer doing work in Ukraine? I hope the Dems ask during the I M P E A C H M E N T I N Q U I R Y.


Oct 27, 2017
I see now, the adminstration is releasing a redacted whistleblower report "within days". So they do continue to stall in providing the full, legally mandated complaint.

They screwed up by waiting so long though. Dems might have been pacified with a half ass report before they started an impeachment inquiry, but not now.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
why, in this musical chairs of an admin, was Rudy guilianni allowed to stay on, with so much responsibility, for so long?

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

GOP's next stupid idea in hopes stemming retirements, relaxing the term limits of committee chairmanships

House Republicans are considering relaxing their term limits for committee chairmanships, a move that could help stem the tide of GOP retirements that has rattled the party in recent weeks.

During a Steering Committee meeting Tuesday night, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) floated the idea of changing the GOP's long-standing rule that allows members to lead a committee for only three terms, regardless of whether they are serving in the majority or minority. One idea that was suggested, according to multiple Republican sources who attended the meeting, is allowing a lawmaker's term as ranking member to not count as long as a chairmanship.

While the discussion is still in the early stages and no vote was taken on the issue, it's a significant consideration for House GOP leaders, who have come under pressure from President Donald Trump to scrap term limits amid a growing list of Republicans who are heading for the exits.

"We had talked about it. There's always people who argued a ranker shouldn't count in term limits," said retiring Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.), a member of the Steering Committee. "But Kevin did think maybe a ranker should equate as one full year, versus two."

"So there may be some movement on not getting full credit … they may just value it less," he added.

The Steering Committee did decide to move forward with at least one change to its term-limits policy: Lawmakers voted on Tuesday to ensure that a half-term doesn't count toward the cap.

Although it's a narrow step, the move could appease longtime Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas), who took over the House Ways and Means Committee in November 2015 when Paul Ryan relinquished the gavel to become speaker. Now, Brady can stay on as the panel's leader until the end of 2022. If someone like Brady were to retire, it would deliver another devastating gut punch to the GOP.

As the retirements started to pile up over the past few months, Trump called on the House to abolish term limits, saying the current policy "forces great people, and real leaders, to leave after serving."

At least two Republicans who were facing term limits in 2020 have called it quits: Former House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway (R-Texas) and former House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop (R-Utah) — currently the ranking members on their respective committees.

And Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas), ranking member on the House Armed Services Committee, is also facing retirement rumors since he will be term-limited next year.

"House Republicans should allow Chairs of Committees to remain for longer than 6 years," Trump tweeted earlier this month. "The Dems have unlimited terms. While that has its own problems, it is a better way to go. Fewer people, in the end, will leave!"

But while the caps have prompted some complaints within the Republican Party, others have argued that the turnover in chairmanships has brought fresh blood into the top ranks of the GOP — unlike the Democratic Party, which imposes no limits on its committee chairmanships and has created a bottleneck of power in its caucus.

Even McCarthy defended the GOP's term limits earlier this month.

"You can always look at something," McCarthy said when asked whether the policy was contributing to the wave of retirements. "But, I love the idea of fresh blood."


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I see now, the adminstration is releasing a redacted whistleblower report "within days". So they do continue to stall in providing the full, legally mandated complaint.

They screwed up by waiting so long though. Dems might have been pacified with a half ass report before they started an impeachment inquiry, but not now.

They can try it, but Nancy said in her statement that they have until Thursday. And she said it so resolutely she can't really take it back now.


Oct 27, 2017
Is that being reported?


The precise content of the whistle-blower's complaint has not been made public. It was found to be urgent and credible by the inspector general for the intelligence community, and is said to involve Mr. Trump and Ukraine. People familiar with the situation said the administration was putting the complaint through a declassification process and planned to release a redacted version within days.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Why was a lawyer doing work in Ukraine? I hope the Dems ask during the I M P E A C H M E N T I N Q U I R Y.

This is so bonkers. "I was working on behalf of The State Dept." The fuck you were. You aren't a contractor or an employee. You are Trump's personal bitch.

I have never heard of such a thing happening.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
Giuliani is a mob lawyer now. Calling it.

Coats resigned on 7/28. He was just running out the clock until his official exit date of 8/15.
For some reason he ran into Sue's meeting on 8/8 to convince her she had to resign "right then" and she dropped her job like a hot rock and left with him. "someone" then submitted an official whistleblower complaint on 8/12, 3 days before Coats' official last day at work.

I don't follow this at all, sorry.

Oh, like, he outs spies/helps fuck over Ukraine, then Putin allows him to press Ukraine for sham investigation as reward. Just spitballing with my head spinning lol.

LMAO #Trump2020LandslideVictory is trending

Bots doing work.

"That'll help him!"

"Oh! This is good for us; if he survivies to 2020, he's radioactive! He'll WISH for Mondale's EV haul!"

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