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Oct 29, 2017

seems like we're just getting started. Primary season has now begun.

Well, the "electability" argument has always been bad, but pushing one poll like this could backfire spectacularly. I'm not sure what kind of strategy they should be using though.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Bernie's options are really limited because yeah he'll probably want someone who hasn't totally shit all over his ideas to where there aren't many boring safe picks who haven't

I don't think this matters. Once he makes them his Vice President they will have to go out and tell everybody they were wrong and Medicare for All is great.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Well, the "electability" argument has always been bad, but pushing one poll like this could backfire spectacularly. I'm not sure what kind of strategy they should be using though.
This type of ad is par for the course. I expect campaigns to push polls that are most flattering to them. That's perfectly normal.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
This is why I've almost instantly caved to Biden. Not my top preference, even, but I'd consider it tactical voting in the primary. If it just ENDS all this, fine, whatever, he'll be entirely acceptable. Just save me from all of this.
Delete your Facebook. Delete your Twitter. And check out of following the bullshit (here and everywhere).

There is no value it adds to your life. None. You'll be a happier, healthier person. Fight for the things you believe in, but don't get subsumed by all the noise (and it's ALL noise right now).


Oct 25, 2017
Pete desperately needs a good showing in NH because holy crap he becomes a ghost after that.

This is why I've almost instantly caved to Biden. Not my top preference, even, but I'd consider it tactical voting in the primary. If it just ENDS all this, fine, whatever, he'll be entirely acceptable. Just save me from all of this.

If you are going to vote for the inevitable nominee either way its best to tune out the politicking on both sides (positive for or against) any one opponent. The messyness has only begun. It likely won't fully end till one opponent becomes a statistical guarentee, and you sure as hell aren't going to see that when not a single vote has been cast yet. I still think Biden is going to run away with it, but im not going to call anything till after super tuesday. In the political world you can flame out and lose in weeks or even days depending on the circumstances. Just ask Edwards in 2008.


Oct 27, 2017
The mess didn't stop in 2016 even after Clinton was a statistical guarantee, because Sanders was a dickhead about it and his hardcore followers never got over it. I fully expect the same thing to happen again this time.
Delete your Facebook. Delete your Twitter. And check out of following the bullshit (here and everywhere).

There is no value it adds to your life. None. You'll be a happier, healthier person. Fight for the things you believe in, but don't get subsumed by all the noise (and it's ALL noise right now).
This is, honest-to-god, one time where I'm almost thankful for my total social anxiety disorder. I have but don't use facebook and my friend's list is non-thing. Twitter? Whatever. No notifications of social media posts on my phone, none of that.


Oct 25, 2017
The mess didn't stop in 2016 even after Clinton was a statistical guarantee, because Sanders was a dickhead about it and his hardcore followers never got over it. I fully expect the same thing to happen again this time.

The situation this year is quite different — there are a large number of candidates to split the vote, superdelegates aren't being considered for the first ballot, and Sanders has a real chance to win this year and is running with that in mind, rather than a messaging run as in 2016. If Sanders does especially poorly in early primary contests I would expect him to drop out. Right now that is not looking especially likely, and obviously if Sanders stays competitive with Biden there is no reason for him to quit.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
Pete desperately needs a good showing in NH because holy crap he becomes a ghost after that.

This is why I've almost instantly caved to Biden. Not my top preference, even, but I'd consider it tactical voting in the primary. If it just ENDS all this, fine, whatever, he'll be entirely acceptable. Just save me from all of this.
Yo this is just the beginning, especially if Bernie or Warren pick up Iowa. If your health is suffering because of the primary, it might be best for you to tune out a bit


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
The superdelegates denying Sanders the nomination in a second round of voting - if it comes to that and he leads in pledged delegates - would be utterly disastrous and would break the party. I won't say it couldn't happen, but ultimately I don't think it will, especially if 1st place Sanders and 3rd place Warren could cobble together a pledged delegate majority in such a scenario.


Oct 25, 2017
If Sanders is in the lead, denying him at the convention would destroy the party and probably the country. Of course, if he's not, it's a little easier.

I am hopeful things will get resolved before a brokered convention via all candidates dropping out but one, which is the traditional method of choosing a nominee. If we go to a brokered convention it will be, to say the least, quite difficult to find a compromise solution that leaves all parties feeling satisfied.

i'm sure they'll go through the state roll call motion and Biden in that case if he's 2nd would suspend the rules to nominate Bernie by acclamation but with the delegate count recorded. Hillary and Bernie did something similar.
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Oct 25, 2017
i'm sure they'll go through the state roll call motion and Biden in that case if he's 2nd would suspend the rules to nominate Bernie by acclamation but with the delegate count recorded. Hillary and Bernie did something similar

I'm not talking about a situation in which Bernie has clearly won. I'm talking about a situation in which no candidate has a majority but Bernie has the lead. That's where we end up with a brokered convention, and that's where the temptation to choose a different candidate as nominee will be immense. But doing so would be disastrous.

Probably the worst situation would be one in which no candidate has a majority but the vote leaders are, in order, Biden, Bernie, and Warren. The outcome in that situation would be quite difficult to predict.


Oct 25, 2017
Gideon has been raising massive amounts of money. She has $4 million more waiting for her when she wins the primary. Outside groups have already spent millions. Bloomberg plans to run ads.

Most expensive Senate race of all time incoming, and likely the second most expensive this year after the presidential race.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not talking about a situation in which Bernie has clearly won. I'm talking about a situation in which no candidate has a majority but Bernie has the lead. That's where we end up with a brokered convention, and that's where the temptation to choose a different candidate as nominee will be immense. But doing so would be disastrous.

Probably the worst situation would be one in which no candidate has a majority but the vote leaders are, in order, Biden, Bernie, and Warren. The outcome in that situation would be quite difficult to predict.


Popular Vote: Biden, Bernie, Warren
Delegate Count: Bernie, Biden Warren

yeah idk. We are screwed at that point lol. I Imagine there could be a ticket deal between candidates although I'm sure the candidate left out of that would be angry.

Slim Action

Jul 4, 2018
If the one single outcome of the entire impeachment process is that Collins gets fucked over, it will have been worth it.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
She's telling the truth and represents the future of the party. The times they are a changing.

Calling the Democratic party right-wing was not the truth.

It was however misguided and damaging to other potential allies. And the reason why minorities give leftists the side eye.


Oct 25, 2017
Calling the Democratic party right-wing was not the truth.

It was however misguided and damaging to other potential allies. And the reason why minorities give leftists the side eye.

I've seen a lot of people of color say the Democratic Party is basically center-right, because of their lukewarm support for civil rights.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen a lot of people of color say the Democratic Party is basically center-right, because of their lukewarm support for civil rights.

That is the reason the dems are in this electoral mess right now! And the dems of post Obama seem much more socially left than before.
In 15 years we went from "no gays" to "trans rights!"


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, but I'm singularly uninterested in the argument that we can't desegregate our schools because it's too politically unpopular. I would like a party that thinks racism is bad, even if that position is not a vote-winner.
Well yeah, in a better world they would.

Maybe in 20 years when us shitty whites have less power.


Oct 28, 2017
I can see Trump admiring Elon Musk genuinely. Because part of Musk's personality is similar to Trump. He has a light version of the same egotistical crazy that he has.


Oct 25, 2017
I can see Trump admiring Elon Musk genuinely. Because part of Musk's personality is similar to Trump. He has a light version of the same egotistical crazy that he has.

They are very similar in many ways, although I would rather own a Tesla than stay in a Trump hotel. I might choose the Trump steak over both, though, because the investment is a lot lower.


Oct 25, 2017

We're gonna lose 2020.

Bernie can't really hold this equivocation to the fire either because a sustained attack on Biden's part in the failed SS and Medicare concessions would also be a sustained attack on the Obama administration. Guess it's gonna come down to soundbite spam if this thing keeps up.
Oct 26, 2017
I have to say, I'm very confused by the Marxists online who hold the opinions that.

A): Telling them they can't use slurs or discriminate against people is why the left loses elections because the common man is very pro-slurs (maybe I guess)
B): 9/11 was very funny and so is US soldiers dying.

I feel like people are anti-9/11 more than they are pro-slurs...

There are a lot of Marxists that don't agree to A or B, but there are some who hold both opinions and... I'm just very confused.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie can't really hold this equivocation to the fire either because a sustained attack on Biden's part in the failed SS and Medicare concessions would also be a sustained attack on the Obama administration. Guess it's gonna come down to soundbite spam if this thing keeps up.

As I was going to say in an ill-fated thread, Bernie can win this one pretty easily, because in 1996 they actually passed a bill that cut Social Security.

Sanders was in the House, and voted nay. Biden was in the Senate, and voted aye. So the record on this question is clear.

That said, I think it's pretty obvious Sanders was referring to Social Security cuts in his comments. He just didn't actually want to do them, but rather to position them as something to think about far in the future. That's the difference between a public position and a private one.


Oct 25, 2017
I have to say, I'm very confused by the Marxists online who hold the opinions that.

A): Telling them they can't use slurs or discriminate against people is why the left loses elections because the common man is very pro-slurs (maybe I guess)
B): 9/11 was very funny and so is US soldiers dying.

I feel like people are anti-9/11 more than they are pro-slurs...
Milquetoast liberals just pretend to be offended by slurs because of ~~~identity politics~~~.
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