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Oct 25, 2017

DJ Judd on Twitter

“Buttigieg tells CNN's Erin Burnett at tonight's #CNNTownHall "Sure," he'd accept contributions from Mike Bloomberg, saying, "we have, I think different approaches and different visions," but "I'm not going to reject that help because because it came from a very wealthy person."”


Jun 19, 2018
When you get another California poll on the same day and it has Bloomberg with 10% more support...

#California @SurveyUSA Poll (2/13-16):
Sanders 25%
Bloomberg 21%
Biden 15%
Buttigieg 12%
Warren 9%
Klobuchar 6%
Steyer 3%

Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017

But also:



Oct 25, 2017
Bad debate performance.

Bad campaign choices.

Bad decisions not to visit certain states.

Disastrous all around.

Not only that I bet Biden thought he was like Hilary; she cleared the field before she even officially ran. The campaign probably never expected for Bloomberg, Amy, and Pete to be as competitive as they were. That just demonstrates his weakness. Still I think it is premature to count Biden out right now. Iowa and New Hampshire were places that Pete and Amy would do really well in, but I doubt they would as well in Super Tuesday as they did in NH and IA. I will say those two are more the flavor of the month type of candidates than anything.

Bloomberg is still a threat, but he hasn't been attacked as heavily like the rest of the candidates. Considering what I heard about him and him being fairly insecure like Trump is, I expect him to get trounced in the debates.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Circling back on the transphobic rhetoric used by Bloomberg, not sure if people saw the comments in question within the article but here is the video where he makes those remarks (while also insulting intelligence of midwesterners):



Oct 27, 2017
I don't believe this shit about Barr for a second. The guy is a shameless craven political hack who's main interest is in consolidating power for his party and his vision for the country. He is not giving that up unless he's pushed out. All this "thinking about resigning over Trump tweets" is pure media bullshit he and/or his allies are saying on background to puff up his stature now that he's starting to take on more public heat than usual, and from peers in his own profession. Remember this is the same guy that planted shit in the media in 2018 about how he wasn't interested in the AG job and simply wrote an unsolicited memo to DOJ purely out of his own interest about how the president was innocent of obstruction all as part of a ploy to actually get the gig.

The Namekian

Nov 5, 2017
New York City
I don't believe this shit about Barr for a second. The guy is a shameless craven political hack who's main interest is in consolidating power for his party and his vision for the country. He is not giving that up unless he's pushed out. All this "thinking about resigning over Trump tweets" is pure media bullshit he and/or his allies are saying on background to puff up his stature now that he's starting to take on more public heat than usual, and from peers in his own profession. Remember this is the same guy that planted shit in the media in 2018 about how he wasn't interested in the AG job and simply wrote an unsolicited memo to DOJ purely out of his own interest about how the president was innocent of obstruction all as part of a ploy to actually get the gig.

Agreed, the heat is on specifically from his peers and he is trying to come off as less of a fascist to compensate


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
LMFAO @ Barr "quitting" over tweets from Trump.

Not even a 5 year old would fall for that.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh my god, Amy used that lame joke about her hair and a blizzard again.


Americans might not hate politicians as much if the majority of them could just act like normal fucking people for five minutes. Then again, regular people who don't constantly tell terrible jokes to come across as "relatable" don't tend to run for office.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd love it if that Barr leak pissed Trump off enough for him to fire him. Sadly he'll probably just claim it's fake news.


Jun 19, 2018
That seems wacky as hell. Bernie organizers did hear from a lot of black Oakland residents that they were supporting Bloomberg but I doubt it's that high.

I really wish Obama would say somehing about that misleading Bloomberg ad.

Why focus on that one when there are other California polls (chances are the black subsample is borked cause it's a small number lol)

Mainly because it's not the only poll that has shown Bloomberg getting unusually high support from PoC. I sure hope you're right about the subsample being borked though.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018

More data from that California Survey USA poll.

Bloomberg has 41% support from black people.

...what the fuck



The narrative that Bloomberg has a problem with black support is perplexing. He won the NYC mayoral election 3 times, and by commanding leads the second and third times around. In 2005 he only lost the Bronx because his opponent was from there.

The Namekian

Nov 5, 2017
New York City
Americans might not hate politicians as much if the majority of them could just act like normal fucking people for five minutes. Then again, regular people who don't constantly tell terrible jokes to come across as "relatable" don't tend to run for office.

Honestly they tell the bad jokes because you got to hide the "highly competitive, workaholic" version of you from the voters. Nobody votes for that person, they just want that person in power whenever shit happens.....


Jun 19, 2018


The narrative that Bloomberg has a problem with black support is perplexing. He won the NYC mayoral election 3 times, and by commanding leads the second and third times around. In 2005 he only lost the Bronx because his opponent was from there.

I see. Still...ugh.

I really fucking wish Bloomberg wasn't in this damn race. His ass is giving me so much anxiety, even more so than Biden did when he was leading.


Oct 31, 2017
Race, sex, gender... every issue that an intersectional approach to identity calls out. They're tied into wealth and class, but the initial suggestion was that it was exclusively a wealth/class issue, which is what I objected to. These power structures feed into each other, but they're not the same structures. Fixing one does not fix the others, which is how I took the initial post. It seemed to address power disparities in terms of economic policy, which is a facet of it, but not the whole thing.
Yeah of course all of those things exist and are part of the problem. I'm of the mind that economic power is easily the strongest of those things though, and to even begin to look at solving those other issues we must address the absolute fact that some have more say than others due to wealth, and because of that it is far easier to ignore and not address the problems that any oppressed class has. Once everyone has equal standing economically then we can address those issues, if they even continue to perpetuate after said economic issues are dealt with.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Yea I see the Barr comments as 1) nothing more than another hint to Trump to shut the fuck up...and 2) a feint to critics and the media looking for any bit of appeal for integrity, just a wee bit to shift the conversation.

He ain't doin shit. But he knows he has to create a shrewd minimal 'appearance' of distance. Remember, actions not words.
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