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Oct 30, 2017
I really wish the matchmaking factored in your individual performance during a game. If your KDA was 35-18-5 and your team lost, I really don't think you should continue to have your overall ranking lowered and be matched up with more of those players of that skill.

Also, there's a situation that occurs in CS which is occurring here. Namely when you and a teammate are behind a wall or something, and you know there is an enemy player around the corner. The teammate near you will jump out to try and get the kill, and they instead get killed. They then lose their shit on their mic and berate you for "doing nothing", "not helping", "baiting", or whatever it may be. Of course, they took it upon themselves to peek and go for the kill, made no announcement they were doing so, yet completely lose it and go after you. This is happened to me multiple times in CS, and it just happened in Valorant.

I'll either be reloading, looking a different direction, or just waiting for the enemy to appraoch instead. And the teammate will jump out, get killed, and excoriate me for it as if it was my fault he died. I don't know if people are just looking for someone to blame but this is a recurring scenario that drives me crazy. Now, if you asked me if I wanted to rush it and I said yes, but then didn't, that would be different. But that's not what's happening here.

Had something similar to this in a match earlier. They wouldn't shut up on mic and it was 1v1, so I was thrown and died. They did not handle that well. It wasn't even the last round or anything.

On top of that nearly every round they ran in and got toasted leaving me alone.


Oct 27, 2017
I really wish the matchmaking factored in your individual performance during a game. If your KDA was 35-18-5 and your team lost, I really don't think you should continue to have your overall ranking lowered and be matched up with more of those players of that skill.
do you know that it doesn't?


Oct 27, 2017
do you know that it doesn't?

Yeah, I guess I kind of assumed it works like CS. Ideally I would like to see a system where your ranking decrease from a loss is mitigated if you finish first on your team, with additional mitigation (or even no drop) depending on the KD ratio (indicating you weren't having any problems at all against the competition, your team just kind of sucked).

I dunno why people get so sweaty in unranked beta. Chill bruhs.

It's kind of unreal and it's not a good sign for the game. The toxicity from the CS community is already seeping in. People yelling, freaking out, calling out individuals, etc. We're playing unranked matches for a game in closed beta, yet some people are already losing it during matches.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think Riot has said anything about how their SBMM works, but if they have I'd be really interested in seeing it


Oct 25, 2017
Do you guys think the game's mechanics are fine? I feel like tuning the accuracy and slow down could be better? I still find that I aim better in CSGO and the Bullets dont make as much sense to me hear. does the accuracy reset too late? should it be "tighter"?
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Oct 27, 2017
I love the game's shooting mechanics. I still don't totally have the muscle memory for some of them, especially since Apex is the last FPS I really put much time into, but I'm getting there. I don't think there's anything I'd change, it feels great


Nov 2, 2017
Do you guys think the game's mechanics are fine? I feel like tuning the accuracy and slow down could be better? I still find that I aim better in CSGO and the Bullets dont make as much sense to me hear. do they reset too late?

I agree with all of the points in this reddit post

These are really the only things that I somewhat dislike about the mechanics


Oct 27, 2017
actually, yeah, accuracy while running is maybe the one thing I'd look at. I pretty regularly get headshot by someone holding a Vandal in a full sprint at 10 meters—it doesn't even feel like it's consistently accurate but that it's accurate enough in some circumstances, so players are incentivized not to run and gun but are occasionally rewarded for doing exactly that. I wouldn't mind running + gunning to be totally useless beyond 5m or so.
Oct 26, 2017
Woo. 13 to 12. I love how many games I've been having lately that comes down to the final match. People on other team were having a great time in chat too. I really hope this game keeps it up, because I'm loving it.

Minor complaint? Cyper's ult needs to stick out more when he uses it. He used his ult to show the enemy locations, and like a dumbass, I freaked out and spun because I thought a teammate Sage was an enemy Sage on my map. Then the other Sage blew my head off. I had a good laugh. Wish they had outline or somethin!


Oct 31, 2017
Just booted the game for the first time in 2 days and it immedietly put me in a game, and my settings were changed.......turns out someone's been leveling my account while I've been busy 🤣🤣🤣


Oct 30, 2017

I have to repost for new page cause i'm sweaty. I'm the top person obv. This is my highest combat score by like 100. Though this team was not great.


Oct 27, 2017
I swear, my matches today have been awful. Leavers and zero comms. Compared to my first few days, this is just suffering. I'm not good at the game, but it makes it frustrating.
Oct 26, 2017
"I'm gonna wall of the entrance to B below that they keep scoring on us at!"

-3 Teammates stand around walled off entrance, then we get murdered from above-

"OKay. Let's try this again..."

I feel like every gun is equally the best and worst in the game.
I know exactly what you Except my opinion changes on what gun I last killed a bunch of people with, or that sprayed an outline around someone and missed every bullet.


Oct 30, 2017
There's definitely something up with either the hit detection or hit reporting. It's been showing hits on enemy legs and I don't aim at those...


Oct 27, 2017
This game has the some of the lowest lows, and some of the highest highs.

Here's a couple clips getting hype with my pals:



The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I cannot fucking believe that I've had a beta invite since 4/8 and I haven't gotten a support response in a fucking week. Account is still assigned to serbia. I nkow its tough for them but this is insane... just let me pick my region holy shit

edit: lmao -- got in again under a new farm account. I cannot believe its easier to just farm a new account than actually talk to riot support. well at least im in.
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Deleted member 5876

Big Seller
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not one to record myself playing video games. But my highlight for today was Sage walling someone tightly into a corner just before a plant.


Oct 25, 2017
I swear, my matches today have been awful. Leavers and zero comms. Compared to my first few days, this is just suffering. I'm not good at the game, but it makes it frustrating.
I imagine it'll all balance out once ranked is release and the game opens up to everyone but yeah, I know how you feel. My experience has been mostly the same.


Oct 27, 2017
Have given up on leaving a stream idling for a beta key, shall wait for the normal release.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point I am sure my account is not able to get a drop.. Whatver the reason is, I'm trying for over a week and got nothing.

I am done


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You don't need to keep watching anyway. Once you've watched a certain amount you just randomly get a drop once you're lucky.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I have not been one who plays much competitive multiplayer. I was really worried about my first two matches last night, but had a blast even though we had someone leave my very first game, we kept it close.

Watching streams for beta drops was a really smart decision. If I hadn't watched, I wouldn't have figured out a lot about walking, rotating, all sorts of stuff.

Also, I was never good at crazy stuff like sprint sliding shotguns in Destiny or bunny hopping in OW, or strafe shooting to get people to miss. This slower pace is really good for someone like me who never liked moving in the first place!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I guess I kind of assumed it works like CS. Ideally I would like to see a system where your ranking decrease from a loss is mitigated if you finish first on your team, with additional mitigation (or even no drop) depending on the KD ratio (indicating you weren't having any problems at all against the competition, your team just kind of sucked).

It's kind of unreal and it's not a good sign for the game. The toxicity from the CS community is already seeping in. People yelling, freaking out, calling out individuals, etc. We're playing unranked matches for a game in closed beta, yet some people are already losing it during matches.

The issue with that is that you incentivize people to play for frags instead of playing for the win.

I really wished I had a recording of me running through some brim smoke and C4'ing him in the face.
if you guys have nvidia cards give shadowplay a shot. You can set it up so its always running in the background and will save the last minute of gameplay if you press a button.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
if i can run League of legend fine but had a little bit of trouble running overwatch, how well can i run this game?


Oct 28, 2017
if i can run League of legend fine but had a little bit of trouble running overwatch, how well can i run this game?
It runs better than Overwatch. Digital Foundry covered this beta but frankly the way they went about it wasn't as good as what they usually do but they still got across the point how certain things are kept really graphically simple compared to Overwatch so you at least get the gist that it will run on even less powerful machines than that game.


Oct 27, 2017
Finally got into the beta yesterday. Hadn't watched a stream in a few days as it was just bumming me out, and making me a bit antsy - so it was a pleasant surprise to see the email in my inbox.

Only got the chance to play one full round, as we went the full 25 matches. Was pretty happy with my performance, came in 4th overall in the post match rankings. All the hours of watching streamers, and I still had trouble with map knowledge, and it'd been years since I played CS, so definitely feel like there is a good runway for improvement versus just being immediately outclassed by other players.

The only problem was the 25 matches took almost an hour to get through, and that was an hour that needed to be spent pretty actively engaged and committed. While it's not unsual for me to play a game for a couple 2-3 hours, asking for that time to be entirely focused on the game is not practical. While I can definitely take breaks between rounds, I worry about running into situations where we are 10-7 and I need to step away for the dogs, or the wife needs me for something.

Might have to be a game I play later at night, but that means it'll mostly be only an hour or so. This might read like I'm down on the game, which I'm not - in fact the opposite - I had so much fun I wish I could spend hours uninterrupted playing it, but that's just not the reality.


Oct 27, 2017
There's definitely something up with either the hit detection or hit reporting. It's been showing hits on enemy legs and I don't aim at those...
I would assume that the issue is with your aim, not with the game. You should record and include a clip if you can. I think the odds that you're underaccounting for recoil or moving your cursor in the moment is more likely than that this game is mysteriously reporting the wrong hits.


Oct 30, 2017
The issue with that is that you incentivize people to play for frags instead of playing for the win.

if you guys have nvidia cards give shadowplay a shot. You can set it up so its always running in the background and will save the last minute of gameplay if you press a button.

Yeah I used to save OW potgs and there was no point. I never really looked back or posted them (not my style).


Oct 30, 2017
I would assume that the issue is with your aim, not with the game. You should record and include a clip if you can. I think the odds that you're underaccounting for recoil or moving your cursor in the moment is more likely than that this game is mysteriously reporting the wrong hits.

Eh. I even saw posts about it on reddit. I dunno why you would assume a brand new game is perfect.


Oct 27, 2017
Eh. I even saw posts about it on reddit. I dunno why you would assume a brand new game is perfect.
I don't think the game is perfect, I just think that players tend to assume that the fault is with the game instead of with their own gameplay—especially when it's a fast-paced game where players don't always get time to process their exact cursor placement and stuff

there are reddit posts complaining about everything
1 gift from Letters


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018
This giveaway has unfortunately been cancelled.


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 1 gift from Letters Letters!

This is a lightning raffle that will expire in 1 hour. The winner will be drawn at random! Any prizes leftover after the deadline will become available on a first-come first-serve basis.

Letters said:
Any europeans here still not in? Fresh Riot account, so you can set up your own in-game name, and if you want I will help you change the associated email to keep the account as your main for the beta rewards in the final release (PM me). Enter only if you don't have access yet, I will do a check later to see if it's really you using the account and if you sold it I will announce it to everyone reading this thread.

These are our awesome prizes:

  • PC PC: VALORANT Closed Beta (Europe only)


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Ah crap, can I edit and remove the lurker restriction? Left it on by mistake.

edit- made a new one below sorry for the mess
1 gift from Letters


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 1 gift from Letters Letters!

This is a lightning raffle that will expire in 1 hour. The winner will be drawn at random! Any prizes leftover after the deadline will become available on a first-come first-serve basis.

Letters said:
Any europeans here still not in? Fresh Riot account, so you can set up your own in-game name, and if you want I will help you change the associated email to keep the account as your main for the beta rewards in the final release (PM me). Enter only if you don't have access yet, I will do a check later to see if it's really you using the account and if you sold it I will announce it to everyone reading this thread.

These are our awesome prizes:

  • PC PC: VALORANT Closed Beta (Europe only) - Won by Anacaona (4 entries)


Oct 30, 2017
I mean, that's less of an assumption than your aim being perfect. Every game has people complaining about hit reg whether it's a problem or not.
I don't think the game is perfect, I just think that players tend to assume that the fault is with the game instead of with their own gameplay—especially when it's a fast-paced game where players don't always get time to process their exact cursor placement and stuff

there are reddit posts complaining about everything

Yeah I know how to aim. Posts with evidence though. Whatever.
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