
Nov 2, 2017
Something in this deal must lure Kojima to side with XBOX. I heard him wanting to do something that would use the cloud technology, and what better company than Microsoft to experiment this new concept...


Oct 28, 2017
When this happens, hopefully, it will end the console wars and unite the gaming trinity.


Deleted member 20986

Oct 28, 2017
Something in this deal must lure Kojima to side with XBOX. I heard him wanting to do something that would use the cloud technology, and what better company than Microsoft to experiment this new concept...

Wasn't he said to have been shopping around with stadia earlier?

I doubt Sony was super eager for another game from him so soon.

Anyway I guess this time around he might go with unreal 5 for his engine?


Oct 28, 2017
Something in this deal must lure Kojima to side with XBOX. I heard him wanting to do something that would use the cloud technology, and what better company than Microsoft to experiment this new concept...

My guesses:

-Creative freedom (something he had with Sony as well)
-Infrastructure (whatever he's doing MS has it structurally)
-Money (biggest possible difference after Death Stranding, bigger, yet another 'chonky' budget, whereas with Sony it would probably be an uphill battle considering DS wasn't a supersmash success they all hoped it would be, perhaps after DC)


Oct 26, 2017
It will be interesting if Kojima is doing also a PS5 exclusive. Not a lot of studios work for both companies at the same time.

From have done this several times! Ninja Blade and Chromehounds were 360 exclusives while Demon's Souls was going on. The gen before they were even more varied with Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube exclusives. Imagine how that would go down now lol


Gravity Is Hard
Mar 13, 2021
Didn't someone at kojima productions say they were soon ready to show off what they've been working on, a couple months ago? It's not this game obviously, was it just Death Stranding directors cut?

I find it hard to believe either of these games are kojimas next full length project unless DC is ,more substantial then I believe it to be


Jan 27, 2018
Hideo with the Unlimited power of the Cloud, gaming history to finally begin, forget the rooftop chopper fight, how about when we hid in that locker together, or when the solider had to get relief over ledge but you let me take a long shower in the golden sun or in the Quiet , or the time I couldn't beat you then came back later but grandpa was already dead, or the time you told me about your step sis, good times, good times bro

Kojima is a master


Dr Doom

Oct 25, 2017
Like Grubb said. Cloud gaming could take off in Japan with its mobile centric gaming

Mad Gamer 64

Nov 6, 2017
So.......I don't -

what's the difference?
I think the distinction to be made is that a cloud-based game is something like Flight Sim, where you are running a game on local hardware but augmenting it with data pulled from online that wouldn't be feasible otherwise. And it doesn't necessarily preclude the game from running offline, just perhaps with more limited capabilities depending on how the game is designed and how dependent it is on said cloud data.

Streaming games are just things running on Xcloud, Stadia, Luna, etc. The games aren't necessarily "cloud-based" in their actual design, just running off of a cloud service. If Microsoft does make a game with Kojima, it's important to realize that "cloud-based" does not mean it's arbitrarily locked to Xcloud streaming (unless Microsoft ends up doing this for some godawful reason) but likely running on local hardware with cloud data in whatever wacky way Kojima decides to implement it.


Oct 27, 2017
Something in this deal must lure Kojima to side with XBOX. I heard him wanting to do something that would use the cloud technology, and what better company than Microsoft to experiment this new concept...
Can almost guarantee if he's working with Microsoft it's because Sony opted not to continue because they assuredly had some sort of right of first refusal for a followup project in their terms. But after Death Stranding it's somewhat understandable; i don't think it met expectations. I think Kojima is still capable of doing cool stuff, but he's a very expensive wild card. Microsoft probably sees the value in the shock of the announcement though, which admittedly is becoming less and less shocking the more it's rumored/teased. The timing of this latest rumor is curious, too.


Aug 11, 2018
"We," eh?

Well, he's done numerous stealth games already and only one Death Stranding (which was fantastic), so I'll certainly take another.
Take this cargo from point A to point B. Add some dull AI and balance cargo.

This is Death Stranding. The gameplay loop was dire and I have speculated that if this was any other developer, I honestly believe the game would be rated way lower.


Jul 22, 2019
Take this cargo from point A to point B. Add some dull AI and balance cargo.

This is Death Stranding. The gameplay loop was dire and I have speculated that if this was any other developer, I honestly believe the game would be rated way lower.
Is this the The Legend of Belda argument but with a person instead?

If Hideo Bojima made Death Stranding it would have gotten lower scores!


Oct 25, 2017
Take this cargo from point A to point B. Add some dull AI and balance cargo.

This is Death Stranding. The gameplay loop was dire and I have speculated that if this was any other developer, I honestly believe the game would be rated way lower.

That's not Death Stranding. Death Stranding is a game about environmental puzzle solving. It isn't about going from A to B, it's about traversing obstacles and optimizing a path from A to B.

Do you consider Super Mario 64 to simply be a game about going from point A to point B?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
Take this cargo from point A to point B. Add some dull AI and balance cargo.

This is Death Stranding. The gameplay loop was dire and I have speculated that if this was any other developer, I honestly believe the game would be rated way lower.
This is an over-simplification of the gameplay loop. You are traversing a hostile and unpredictable game world to make deliveries, the more you do so the more options you have to make said deliveries and progress the game. You're delivering to build roads, connect power, gain access to new vehicles, build ziplines, meet new characters, learn more about the lore. It's like saying in Pokemon you're just pressing A to scratch Pokemon when really you're growing your Pokemon, beating gym leaders and exploring the world.

I do understand why people didn't love Death Stranding, it was extremely unique. I actually waited a few months to play the game so wasn't swept in by the launch controversy when everyone realised the true extent of the game. I ended up playing it during the heigh of lockdown and the narrative themes really landed. Exploring this lonely, isolated world in the rain was pretty profound at the time. Only Kojima can land that. This was a bold, big budget game like we haven't seen for a long time and may not see for a while again.

After playing it I'm thankful it wasn't just a third person stealth shooter.

I just hope it's not a Cloud game, I'd like to purchase it physical.

You've misunderstood what a cloud game is...


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Oct 28, 2017
Man if there's one thing that this thread has taught me is that a lot of people don't know the difference between a cloud based game and streaming a game. smdh.
Its honestly just because of it being a stadia project before this. Assuming its the same game then yeah it was streaming. Thats not to say it cant run locally with cloud computing as well. What is pathetic is people instantly passing it off as being not AAA or small all because of the words "cloud" and "xbox."


Oct 26, 2017
Take this cargo from point A to point B. Add some dull AI and balance cargo.

This is Death Stranding. The gameplay loop was dire and I have speculated that if this was any other developer, I honestly believe the game would be rated way lower.

Other "trucking" games have similar ratings. lol

I can always count on you for a laugh.


Aug 23, 2018
Its honestly just because of it being a stadia project before this. Assuming its the same game then yeah it was streaming. Thats not to say it cant run locally with cloud computing as well. What is pathetic is people instantly passing it off as being not AAA or small all because of the words "cloud" and "xbox."

Nah. You can't assume it's the same just because it was destined for Stadia before.
stadia brought the cloud tech, but delivery method was only possible via streaming since stadia has no native hardware.
This will most likely be a hybrid solution. Native stuff (like Flight SIM) with elements being churned in from the cloud servers.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Really reaching for scraps if you're reporting a letter of intent after the talks were already revealed. Don't really see the benefit when this is years away from something manifesting from it.
Heh. Grubb revealed the rumors in the first place. He gets tons of questions about them. He provides an update when he has one for a major milestone. This is like saying "why did Sony and MS announce their intent to work together on cloud?" or "why did you announce your intent to purchase this company?".. Well, because it's actually newsworthy :p lol

So.......I don't -

what's the difference?
Really simple:
Cloud streaming = delivery method.
Cloud-powered/enabled/native/etc = production and/or execution tool.

When you stream music, the music isn't any different than if you had bought the CD or downloaded the FLAC. There might be some differences inherent to the delivery (lower quality or bitrate), but the fundamental product doesn't need to be any different. With games, cloud streaming means EVERYTHING happens off site and all you get is a video stream of the result.

Compare that to Flight Sim, which uses the cloud to stream in SOME data that is simply too large and too complex to handle on a local machine. But, you're still playing locally - the game itself is not delivered via cloud. Can you play flight sim offline? Yes, but everything looks terrible and you may actually start losing key parts of the sim. But you CAN play it offline (even if you couldn't, the entire game is not being streamed as a video. The game is still running locally.)

Now, when Flight Sim for Xbox One comes around, it will be a cloud-native game ALSO delivered via cloud streaming, because it CAN'T be run locally on that machine. So.. both lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Hampshire, UK.
Y'know just because you dont like grubb doesnt make him unreliable. Hes literally the most reliable journalist out there.

I don't mind the guy at all actually, I just don't think he's very reliable based on his past record where he's got lots of stuff wrong (Starfield 2021, Xbox Live Gold going away are just two examples). I'm not saying he isn't right with this, just I'll take his info with a heap of salt is all, I hope it turns out right this time around.

The most reliable journalist out there is Jason Schreier.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Y'know just because you dont like grubb doesnt make him unreliable. Hes literally the most reliable journalist out there.
He's not even close of being the most reliable journalist. Its not because he says what people want to hear that makes him reliable. Lots lots of wrong stuff that he reported.
I would proceed with caution
Oct 28, 2017
Nah. You can't assume it's the same just because it was destined for Stadia before.
stadia brought the cloud tech, but delivery method was only possible via streaming since stadia has no native hardware.
This will most likely be a hybrid solution. Native stuff (like Flight SIM) with elements being churned in from the cloud servers.
I agree. Also consider the fact that all of Microsoft's streaming games run on Xbox ran servers. So just by default the games run natively on Xbox hardware. Realistically, what do you personally think that cloud based gaming means in this example with a Kojima game? Microsoft was able to provide a complete scan of planet earth for Asobo to create Flight Sim. Google probably just had servers for an online connected game honestly.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly a bit disappointing that it's a LOI rather than a deal for a concrete project, at least that's how I understood it. But I'll look forward to anything he makes, it's always interesting regardless of whether or not it clicks with me.

No developer deserves a blank check especially Kojima. He needs to learn how to manage his game production better. He is not good at it which is why Konami and Sony (for now) parted ways.
I swear people lose their minds whenever the topic has anything to do with Kojima.
I don't know where did this bullshit narrative that he's bad with managing budgets and takes too long to make his games, but it's the furthest thing from reality and anyone with a few brain cells should easily see it.

Did it all start with the baseless articles on how much MGS4 cost to develop? Y'all know Kenichiro Imaizumi flat out called those figures bullshit, right?

Like others have pointed out. Death Stranding's production speaks to how well Kojima and Co. run their projects. They formed a team, worked on a brand new engine, and put out a new IP AAA game in 4 years.
Is it MGSV? Cuz I don't think they took too long or spent too much considering they were making an engine that was supposed to suit Konami's various needs while making a game unlike any they made before for 5 platforms in-house. WHILE preparing Silent Hills. WHILE Konami was losing interest in being a functional game company and actively abusing their employees.

Honestly people who point out the Konami split as evidence of Kojima's "bad management" or "blowing up budgets" or whatever need their heads examined. Especially considering the fact that Konami literally stopped putting out games that aren't PES or a cheap cash grab since forcing out Kojima and team.

As for him not working with Sony, there's no evidence of that, is there? They obviously financed the extra content for DS Director's Cut. They'll probably publish one of his upcoming projects. The point of Kojima going independent is that he wanted to work on whatever he wants, and that means he'll work with different publishers both first and third party.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Depending on what type of game it is, I might need to get an xbox...
I'll probably have to get one...


Oct 27, 2017
He's not even close of being the most reliable journalist. Its not because he says what people want to hear that makes him reliable. Lots lots of wrong stuff that he reported.
I would proceed with caution

I don't mind the guy at all actually, I just don't think he's very reliable based on his past record where he's got lots of stuff wrong (Starfield 2021, Xbox Live Gold going away are just two examples). I'm not saying he isn't right with this, just I'll take his info with a heap of salt is all, I hope it turns out right this time around.

Luckily someone out there decided to check the receipts instead of just saying things off the top of their mind.


Oct 28, 2017
Pretty sure it's a cloud game.. I don't think MS would waste could tech on a stealth game. I'm guessing massive open world that might contain stealth elements.


Oct 28, 2017
So.......I don't -

what's the difference?
The quick of it, which has been said in this thread a couple of times is that a cloud-based game is just one that is highly dependent on cloud resources to function. This means that a game can still be played locally, but to execute (aka play) it needs to connect to and get information from the cloud (aka server farms doing data processing) to send that information back to the client (your endpoint aka console/pc...or your streamed title).

A streaming game is just one that sends an audio/video feed to the user from the cloud service based on the input received. A streaming game doesn't necessarily need to be a "cloud-based" game because the game itself is not dependent on the cloud services to function. An example of that is Minecraft Dungeons, you can stream it but it's not dependent on the cloud to function. You can have a game that is both streamable and cloud based, an example of that is Crackdown 3 multiplayer (though I'm not even sure that is available to stream but you know what I mean). It needs the cloud to function but also can be streamed.

A lot of the reason people are confused is because of the marketing that Google did with Stadia and people's understanding from them as Chip Chanceworth stated. People associate cloud-based games to mean streaming when it's not that at all. It also doesn't help that Microsoft names their service "Xbox Cloud Gaming". A game being "cloud-based" shouldn't matter to the end user at all. To the end user, the game just depends on having online connectivity. That is really it. Everything else is on the backend and the developer. :)

Hopefully that clears it up for you. Ask any questions if need be.

White Glint

Oct 25, 2017
I swear people lose their minds whenever the topic has anything to do with Kojima.
I don't know where did this bullshit narrative that he's bad with managing budgets and takes too long to make his games, but it's the furthest thing from reality and anyone with a few brain cells should easily see it.

Did it all start with the baseless articles on how much MGS4 cost to develop? Y'all know Kenichiro Imaizumi flat out called those figures bullshit, right?

Like others have pointed out. Death Stranding's production speaks to how well Kojima and Co. run their projects. They formed a team, worked on a brand new engine, and put out a new IP AAA game in 4 years.
Is it MGSV? Cuz I don't think they took too long or spent too much considering they were making an engine that was supposed to suit Konami's various needs while making a game unlike any they made before for 5 platforms in-house. WHILE preparing Silent Hills. WHILE Konami was losing interest in being a functional game company and actively abusing their employees.

Honestly people who point out the Konami split as evidence of Kojima's "bad management" or "blowing up budgets" or whatever need their heads examined. Especially considering the fact that Konami literally stopped putting out games that aren't PES or a cheap cash grab since forcing out Kojima and team.

As for him not working with Sony, there's no evidence of that, is there? They obviously financed the extra content for DS Director's Cut. They'll probably publish one of his upcoming projects. The point of Kojima going independent is that he wanted to work on whatever he wants, and that means he'll work with different publishers both first and third party.
They're just shitposting a low effort dunk. You take one glance at the pace and quality of his game releases and it should be pretty clear to anyone his projects are not mismanaged.

Maybe people's perception just plays tricks on them because no one else manages to drum up these hype cycles that keep the community engaged from reveal to launch. Kojima's game reveals give people something to talk about, compare that to the Perfect Dark, Everwild, Avowed, God of War 2, Playground's Fable or whatever other reveal for a game that's 3 years away.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Kojima using the cloud ala Flight Sim makes this even more interesting. Can't wait to see what he comes up with for that extra computational power. Like the one person you'd want to see where they go with this is actually Kojima.