
May 16, 2020
Both this and the Karen dog incident made the BBC News here in the UK, so at least it is getting publicity which might help in the slim chance of justice being done.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Strangleholds and chokeholds were banned from law enforcement in the 80s and 90s because so many people died from them. They literally told officers to "stay the hell away from the neck." And yet here we can clearly see a knee on the victim's neck in the video. I'm going to assume this isn't the first time that's happened so it's either a failure of training, policy or enforcement that leadership needs to be held accountable for as well.
Right? It's a known. Ufc fighters aren't allowed to touch the back of the neck ffs. This is savage murder by a damn relentless animal.


Oct 25, 2017
Rest in power my man.

Daily reminder that every single cop is in fact a bastard.

....that's not already a thing? How?
it's also never gonna be, insanely hard to implement with the way the states are set up and all the racist people that infliltrated the US police force won't allow it to happen. To speak nothing of US leadership.


Oct 28, 2017
The crazy thing is that this dialogue will be used to fire up Trumps rhetoric and base. He loves this kind of issue and will push back on those that try to call it out.

Such a lost feeling
Oct 25, 2017
Complaints against the cop

  • 03-1999, Civilian Review Authority, DEMEANING TONE, SUSTAINED, ORAL REPRIMAND
  • 03-1999, Civilian Review Authority, DEROGATORY LANGUAGE, SUSTAINED, ORAL REPRIMAND
  • 03-1999, Civilian Review Authority, LANGUAGE--OTHER, SUSTAINED, ORAL REPRIMAND
  • 12-3244, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
  • 13-09814, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
  • 13-10527, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
  • 13-32189, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
  • 14-14106, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
  • 14-23776, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
  • 15-12394, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
Dec 31, 2017
"After he got out, he physically resisted officers. Officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. Officers called for an ambulance."

See but you should have de-escalated the situation when you started to realize that maybe he needs medical attention. But instead you decided to pin him down and not only indirectly delayed medical care, but perhaps even caused further damaged.

Utter shite.

Is there a autopsy report on the direct cause of death? Because if it's asphyxiation, then there is literal video proof of murder, you can't even say it was some other underlying issue. Regardless, even if there was, why are you sitting there with half your bodyweight on a neck? Even the bystanders pointed it out multiple times. The other cop just stood around too. Despicable behavior.
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Oct 25, 2017
"After he got out, he physically resisted officers. Officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. Officers called for an ambulance."

See but you should have de-escalated the situation when you started to realize that maybe he needs medical attention. But instead you decided to pin him down and not only indirectly delayed medical care, but perhaps even caused further damaged.

Utter shite.
"called for an ambulance" while keeping a knee on his goddamn neck

you can see in the video the EMT having to reach around that piece of shit's knee to try to feel a pulse at the unmoving man's throat

fuck every last cop


Oct 27, 2017
They proudly and smugly murdered a man in front of people. These are psychopaths. They need to be jailed for murder, period.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean yeah the video looks bad but you guys seriously need to stop with the ACAB stuff. Y'all obviously missing the important thing here

The asian cop wasn't the one who actually had his knee and majority of his body weight on the guys throat which lead to his death. He was protecting his partner from the ensuing mob reaction. Those two things in tandem explicitly shows that he's one of the good ones. Cops are suppose to protect against civil unrest and that's what he did.

Not all cops are bastards.

Signed by,
Avid Trump supporters and proud neighbors of Karens everywhere.


Oct 27, 2017
Eliminate police unions. Make police subject to civilian review boards. Make police pay settlements from pension funds. Track fired officers and remove their ability to retain their peace officer status.

Break the blue wall of silence. Make the fuckers carry brutality insurance. Give the police a stipend equal to insurance payments for a department that isn't a set of complete fuckups. Make them pay for the extra insurance from lawsuits out of their own pockets rather than the city's (which they don't care about because half of them don't live there anyway).

Take money out of their pockets and they'll sure as fuck start keeping each other in line.
Dec 31, 2017
Also, look at the cops pull his dead body onto the stretcher COMPLETELY INCORRECTLY while the EMT actually tried to hold his head safe. Absolute morons, with a deficient level of knowledge/training, no ability to de-escalate the situation, and an apparent bloodlust. Thanks for protecting and serving the people.


Oct 25, 2017
England m8.
just downright sickening.

just feels like it's intended, plausible BS. Your whole body weight on someone's neck even when the person is squirming and fighting for his life.

genuinely sick of this shit. Man fuck this, thank fuck I don't live in America. The nightmare never ends.

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Anything short of a murder conviction is an injustice here. The officer didn't even move when the guy lost consciousness.


Oct 25, 2017
The go to excuse:

"He's resisting!"

Maybe cause a basic human instinct is to wriggle around when there's a 200 pound person on your neck.

Seriously, how do you do it? Being a cop? Convince yourself that you're actually saving the world?
Oct 25, 2017
Police in the US doesnt seem to know how to deescalate and also seem to have carte blanche to do anything to you if you are not following their orders which is insane.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I couldn't watch the video, started to feel sick to my stomach. What the hell are we going to do, this shit is never going to end, the only way it ends is the cops being in the position of fear but they're an army ffs


Dec 12, 2017
Police in the US doesnt seem to know how to deescalate and also seem to have carte blanche to do anything to you if you are not following their orders which is insane.
US police DONT want to descalate. Their training is very military and my safety first mentality (they love shooting dogs). Mix that with racists being attracted to the position either by coincidence or by design and you get what we have now.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
The bad cops murder while the "good ones" watch.

This is exhausting. I have seen too many videos of Black people dying for no damn reason.

PK Gaming

Oct 25, 2017
The video is legitimately traumatizing

Don't watch it if you can avoid it

Eric Garner was killed 6 years ago the same way and nothings' really changed since then. At least society's more aware of this bullshit

Doc Holliday

Oct 27, 2017
What's crazy is that I saw a thumbnail of this image on a twitter thread and I assumed it was an old video :/ that's how often this shot happens


Oct 27, 2017
100% murder. The Mayor, DA, and Police Chief better follow through and make sure these two at least are arrested and prosecuted for the highest crime possible.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Man I've watched people get murdered more times than I'd like to admit. But I've never seen someone strangled to death. It was such a long, agonizing process. Shakes me to the core. This stuff usually angers me, but this is a different kind of anger this time. I feel sick, weak, and helpless.

Those people sat at watched cardinal sin take place. Powerless to stop an execution because they too would be considered unlawful. They know they could have been the next victims of these criminals who use the badge as an excuse for evil and a shield from accountability. They'll never be the same again.

And the murderer seemed to be so pleased with his work. If you told me a serial killer had just taken his latest victim I wouldnt be surprised.

And the partner - more interesting in projecting toughness than protecting and serving.

We need to burn the police force to the ground. That these men aren't already rotting in cells is MORE proof the system doesnt work...
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