
Oct 27, 2017
I almost almost have just enough to pity him. Sephiroth is the only one I'm interested in. Since he comes out in June, I'll have some time to recover lol


Oct 26, 2017
Don't make me pity Mont....i'll turn the game to ashes. Even ashier than when i had to coin pity Jeume. Mont and Sephi are the targets depending on pity sadness. Cloud seems really good, water sword guy skip, dark titan card skip.


Oct 26, 2017
Tempted to go for Ashy Boy but also really would like Dark Titan next week. I don't think I'll have enough Vis for both but also don't really have anyone else on the horizon to target since WotV doesn't like to release non-twinks/twunks

Guild Battle participation. Once this current Limited Guild Battle session ends and we return to normal GB you should earn Earth Veritas tokens every night you participate.

Thanks for the explanation. It is really weird that they announced it when you couldn't earn it yet. I love to target Earth units so I was paying a bit more attention to this one haha


Oct 27, 2017
Spent about 28K before he popped up. Now it's saving time till Sephiroth lol.

Excited for Earth Veritas. I don't have much for an Earth team. Got Macherie to 140 recently, now I'll be working on Mont. With the cards I have, I'll probably be pairing him up with light Sterne and lightning Astrius to start.

Finally got Fire Oberon to 140. Tried him in duels with Sol and Hyoh, and I'm really impressed. With Dario and Sephi, I'll have the makings of a beautiful Katana team soon.


Oct 25, 2017
No pity on edgy Mont, so yay. Also, they are *reeeeeally* pushing it on being able to do activities to get Earth Veritas with guild raids.

I actually liked that MR unit that got toasted in the story. =/


Oct 25, 2017
I had to pity Mont. I did get Kitone along the way, but eh. Sucks, but he's going to be a beast for quite awhile.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if I want Ashen Mont. I only got Melnia as the recent earth unit so I would have to make do with a core of Ashen Mont/Queen Marcherie/Melnia. Would that work? Since I decided to max my Sylvie, im still thinking of getting her card right now.

I don't know what to do really. I skipped Fang in the end because I felt she wasn't worth it.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if I want Ashen Mont. I only got Melnia as the recent earth unit so I would have to make do with a core of Ashen Mont/Queen Marcherie/Melnia. Would that work? Since I decided to max my Sylvie, im still thinking of getting her card right now.

I don't know what to do really. I skipped Fang in the end because I felt she wasn't worth it.
Depends on your tastes really. All new units going forward are going to be within this new threshold of power creep, so Ashen King is just the beginning. Apparently Sephiroth is the next truly incredible unit(with an amazing TMR to boot) so if you felt like skipping Mont you'd do well to aim for AC Sephy, about a month away for us.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There are not enough Monts in the guild.
For as much as Owzers was meme'ing about Fang, I actually last-minute pitied and built her stupid VC because the Man Eater stat on the card looked so tasty for Ashen King. Because of this my Vis was a bit short going into this week and my luck pulling for Mont was absolute garbage on Wednesday(even after throwing a decent amount of Paid Vis at him 😡), so I'm going to be a bit late getting him. Siphoning every last bit of Vis out of my account(mostly final MR Selection quests and Legendary Reliquaries), but I should make it in time as I'm at 1500 medals right now. It's brutal and my account will be in recovery mode for a couple months but what are you gonna do lol

I may end up skipping the entirety of AC at this rate, but it is what it is - def not about to pass up Ashen King on his banner weeks.


Oct 25, 2017
I've got Mont up to rank 20, and would love to invest in building him a little faster, except I really want his VC next week and then with AC crossover coming up... ugh. I'm going to have to settle for just scraping out whatever shards I can from the barracks and HLM bonus during his banner for now.


Oct 27, 2017
I almost have him to 120.. but I spent all of my XP cubes Max Reincarnating Baby MR Dario lol.. I regret nothing.


Oct 26, 2017
There are not enough Monts in the guild.

I actually got him today! Decided to use my Google Rewards on this instead of FGO for a change and did the paid banner for a guaranteed Crystalborn/Ashen character since I only had Oldoa and Volke so my odds were good on somebody new. Then boom!

I must admit I'm not of a fan of the proliferation of emo mullets and Mont does nothing to change my opinion, but I guess it's not that much worse than the generic good boy hero haircut so whatever. I wish I had more vis for AC coming up but I will just have to life without. I have too many characters already half leveled (I'll still try for Kadaj but not much). Jeume, Oldoa and Mont are all around 21-22, that last hump to 25 sucks.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Out of curiosity, who is everyone planning to team their Mont with? I'm going with a Warrior/Knight team of Nucio, Bartz, King.


Oct 25, 2017
My mont is still at job lv 24/25. Thanks to those boat load of tickets I am swimming in transcendent spheres.


Oct 26, 2017
Out of curiosity, who is everyone planning to team their Mont with? I'm going with a Warrior/Knight team of Nucio, Bartz, King.

I was planning on just throwing him in a team with UwU Helena and whoever third depending on cost limit until Spring Jeume and Oldoa are caught up.

I still have a fairly hard time keeping track of what VCs are needed for which comp since they do a lot of newer ones with random (to me) weapon categories that may or may not match up, and I just have to scroll down to see what I have to work with, but Helena works almost anywhere.

I really want to look into adding more capped out Trust Stones to my roster too, one of my premiere Earth Team comps randomly got bodied in a Guild battle by a freaking Charm spamming Resnik recently and it was mortifying. Earth element is my thing, I cannot let that stand.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I was planning on just throwing him in a team with UwU Helena and whoever third depending on cost limit until Spring Jeume and Oldoa are caught up.

I still have a fairly hard time keeping track of what VCs are needed for which comp since they do a lot of newer ones with random (to me) weapon categories that may or may not match up, and I just have to scroll down to see what I have to work with, but Helena works almost anywhere.
If you don't already, I highly, highly recommend checking out KT7UP's videos on any new units you're building or working into comps.

Ashen King 140 builds, showcase, Dark Titan VC & counter to Wind Veritas TMR - WOTV

Ashen King 140 review & showcase, plus detail info on Dark Titan VC/Esper. Also in the video, I will go over an effective way to counter Wind Veritas's TMR...

By far my favorite content creator for WotV.. they play the JP client so they get a head start on playing with the new units and make a video for basically every big unit release detailing possible/popular team comps including what cards are vital to them, along with other unit-specific details like what subjob, passives, and trust stones they recommend. New unit vids always drop on the mornings that the unit in question first appears in the NA "Notices" page.

I really want to look into adding more capped out Trust Stones to my roster too, one of my premiere Earth Team comps randomly got bodied in a Guild battle by a freaking Charm spamming Resnik recently and it was mortifying. Earth element is my thing, I cannot let that stand.
Lol yeah charm succckks, I make sure to pop a Charm Res stone on any of my units I simply can't afford having them turned against me... like Ashen King.


Oct 26, 2017
If you don't already, I highly, highly recommend checking out KT7UP's videos on any new units you're building or working into comps.

Ashen King 140 builds, showcase, Dark Titan VC & counter to Wind Veritas TMR - WOTV

Ashen King 140 review & showcase, plus detail info on Dark Titan VC/Esper. Also in the video, I will go over an effective way to counter Wind Veritas's TMR...

By far my favorite content creator for WotV.. they play the JP client so they get a head start on playing with the new units and make a video for basically every big unit release detailing possible/popular team comps including what cards are vital to them, along with other unit-specific details like what subjob, passives, and trust stones they recommend. New unit vids always drop on the mornings that the unit in question first appears in the NA "Notices" page.

Lol yeah charm succckks, I make sure to pop a Charm Res stone on any of my units I simply can't afford having them turned against me... like Ashen King.

That's a good tip, I do look up units but only tend to after I get them since I don't like to spend money if I fail haha. So planning ahead only happens sometimes. I have probably watched at least a few of these over the last year or two


Oct 26, 2017
I was thinking of that Fang vc too for my Mont, Mustache, H.Lucio team. But I was also thinking about my vis after coin pitying Jeume.


Oct 25, 2017
XIV has been seriously shortchanged, still only having its ancient Thancred and Y'shtola units from right after the game launched.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Starting last March, I don't even have Thancred or Y'sht.

I'm hoping a rerun including a new unit lines up with DT release month but I'm not holding my breath.


Oct 27, 2017
My labor of love ^_^



Oct 25, 2017
Yshtola and Thancred are still 120, along with Persona, Lara, DQ, and FFT. I waited all that time for Cid only to have to bench him because he's stuck at 120.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Someone would really have to crunch the numbers in terms of the increased featured unit chance on paid banners versus being able to pull on a few more of the Free Vis banners to see how that conversion rate might put you ahead(or not). I used like 7k Paid trying to get Ashen King and got garbage(the UR guaranteed pulls all gave me UR cards... that I already had), so I'm starting to be disillusioned by the perceived power of Paid Vis. At least by converting Paid to that much Free Vis you're shoring up your ability to brute force a pity.

That being said I blew through those Mission Packs something like 7-8 months ago - I'm sure they helped whatever I was doing at the time.
Dec 15, 2017
Yeah, I don't like to rely on luck on those paid banners, I prefer to use paid for select banners or UR only ones. With 27k free vis you are at least somewhat close to a pity. However, I think the chance to pull the unit with 4,5k paid vis is higher than using 27k free vis. It's like a higher risk, higher reward kind of investment.


Oct 26, 2017
I tend to use paid Vis for the 300 cost ticket (easy enough to get ~$3 in Google rewards for that and every so often I get lucky) and the Choose Your Card paid that comes around a few times a year since that's way better than fishing for those higher-rarity Esper cards (the game knows it too since I've noticed they hide the "big" Esper cards like Dark Bahamut at the bottom of the list when those Choose Your Own come out lol). And banners where the variance is restricted, like the Crystal/Ashen banner going on now (every unit is good enough for current meta) and those banners that give you a fully built Seasonal or other limited unit. Those save a lot of time and instantly give you a unit that's usable, that matters a lot.

Otherwise I just don't bother. The other 90% of the time whatever you get is something you'll get anyway since the base rate ups on the base banners just aren't very good, so I'll just say my free vis for the pity and budget accordingly.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Good tips regarding Paid Vis - I'll definitely be reassessing how I utilize it in the future.. In the short term, I am done spending on this game. At least for a long while.

I had really good luck with Paid Vis during FFIX so I was under the illusion those banners were actually decent. Tbh they wouldn't be bad if they actually guaranteed that the UR slots were units. Getting cards on those pulls is a real kick in the stomach.


Oct 25, 2017
I always look at the drop rates. Some of the paid banners do have better drop rates for the banner unit(s), but not all of them. And when they're higher it's usually double, so if the value ratio is higher than 2:1 that's still not worth it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I got lucky and saved tons of visiore getting Sylvie's card on step 1. I had to buy the shards and use lots of stars to max it but still better than pitying it for 10k or whatever it is. Although, I did get a brown book with only a single MR on the Ashen Mont tickets so that sucked. I still haven't decided if I want to go for him yet. My Sylvie is more or less built now. What teams is she useful on? I'm thinking LightHelena/Sylvie/Elena for my guild battle team right now. I noticed my light team has been struggling so I can try to fix that now


Oct 26, 2017
update notes says they are ending English voiceovers for characters and story content after chapter 8 and another story 3 ch 7, and unit Mont. My favorite thing to do in this game is let the story play out while cooking/baking so this is a direct attack on me.

I will never forgive them.


Oct 25, 2017
Ooh, yikes. That's got End of Service foreshadowing all over it.

This is also a pain because I generally do story content while I am working. I put the text on auto and generally listen to the dialogue.


Oct 25, 2017
Ridiculous. With the following and community this game still has?

It's so difficult for me to maintain engagement with a game that has English VAs and then takes them away. Not only because of the sudden change to the feel of the story and characters I've known, but also because whenever they do this an EOS announcement never seems to be far behind. When they did this to Nier Reincarnation it killed my interest in continuing the story.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Ironic that this is announced not a week after that bit of news of the head of SE ordering project cuts across the board. They were probably like "eliminate 40% of the ongoing operations budget or we'll end service for you." Nier lasted something like a year and a half after English voices ended so there's still a bit of gas left. I guess whatever it takes to keep the game running, as much as this sucks... So many great character voices we'll likely never hear again, like Sadali, Camillo, Helena, etc.

I got lucky and saved tons of visiore getting Sylvie's card on step 1. I had to buy the shards and use lots of stars to max it but still better than pitying it for 10k or whatever it is. Although, I did get a brown book with only a single MR on the Ashen Mont tickets so that sucked. I still haven't decided if I want to go for him yet. My Sylvie is more or less built now. What teams is she useful on? I'm thinking LightHelena/Sylvie/Elena for my guild battle team right now. I noticed my light team has been struggling so I can try to fix that now
Nice get! Yeah she's basically a fantastic support for any Light team when built right. I was using her with new Lucio and Bartz for a bit. Also her card makes her a monster for PvE content. That Man Eater on Magic Attack stat is awesome, I like putting Soul of Thamasa and Flowering on her and she'll tear through human baddies with huge range in Legendary Reliquaries and that sort of stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh… well it's time for me to quit then. The English VOs I really enjoyed for the game and not being able to listen to continue the story is a no go for me. :(

I've already been playing less and less and less admittedly but this just sort of seals the deal.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh… well it's time for me to quit then. The English VOs I really enjoyed for the game and not being able to listen to continue the story is a no go for me. :(

I've already been playing less and less and less admittedly but this just sort of seals the deal.

I probably won't quit but it also makes me want to quit. The fully voiced story was one of the main things that got me into the game and even though the story quality has been kinda iffy because i don't like the Realmscourge, it's a huge setback. I'll see how i feel about the game once it goes away.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So this means any released unit after Ashen Mont will all be in Japanese? That's a huge bummer and makes you wonder if this is going for end of service or not already. I feel like FFBE's days are numbered but considering they sacrificed some of FFBE to support WOTV, this feels like such an odd decision.

It makes me a lot less interested in the game but I probably will stick around a little longer. I feel like they may have put their all into season 3 of crystal warriors for the voice work. The scenes are well done and incredibly long but it can get exhausting after a while especially if you try to marathon it.

I'm still waiting for the moment where this game will officially connect to FFBE besides small references so I will ride the story out until the end but this is incredibly disappointing news nonetheless.

Nice get! Yeah she's basically a fantastic support for any Light team when built right. I was using her with new Lucio and Bartz for a bit. Also her card makes her a monster for PvE content. That Man Eater on Magic Attack stat is awesome, I like putting Soul of Thamasa and Flowering on her and she'll tear through human baddies with huge range in Legendary Reliquaries and that sort of stuff.

Yeah she seems like a really good unit so far. She was pretty much the most broken support in FFBE so makes sense she's useful here too.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather just not get any more Another Story chapters at all than sacrifice VAs for the main story and characters.

Like, they're nice and all, but not interesting enough for the massive VA expense they incur.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
As much as losing the story VAs suuucckkkss.. I'm actually more salty about losing future battle scene unit voices. They really couldn't pay for what's likely a final 30-60 minute recording session of grunts and one-liners? There are so many story characters that we could get as new units someday that I'd love for them to have their long-held English VAs.. Like Abbott, for a random example. His VA really nailed the "pompous, cocky opportunist" feeling that the character has in his story beats and unit art, and it just sucks that his potential unit would have a stranger's voice. I get that localizing the story and side story must have amounted to tons of work and lots of funding for a localization that wasn't making bank, I really do.. especially because they weren't exactly working with no-names or amateurs for some of these characters. But at the very least they could have chosen to keep English unit voices, which would have immortalized the English VAs for the duration of the game's existence.


Oct 25, 2017
Kind of surprised we haven't been busted down from the Aries I league yet. We were really doing well there for awhile but we've been losing most nights by slim margins lately.

On the plus side my new team is doing well and I don't even have it fully built yet. My light-dark team was starting to lose steam; Helena and Vivi aren't dominating like they used to.