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Oct 25, 2017
oof, i got spoiled by a gif floating around. it was just a random reaction gif but someone spliced in some very obvious spoilers in the middle of the reaction. it was cruel, but hilarious. i dont mind too much, but may as well let people in this thread know if you're concerned of such things.
Oct 25, 2017
Channel down. Couple of other comments he made.

Game will make you cry multiple times. There will still be a lot of infected fights, for people worried it would be mainly humans.
Music to my ears. I hope we have a decent amount of new enemies in this game. I really enjoy the gameplay in the first one. The characters and story are definitely what elevate it to masterpiece status, but they sure weren't the main reason why I replayed it more time than I can remember. Only good gameplay does that.


Dec 28, 2017
There isn't one yet.
Someone on the previous page said there was a Turkish version on YouTube which was longer but got removed. I can't really confirm that myself since I've only seen the Brazilian Portuguese version.

i just want the leak that
makes it sound MGS2-y
to be true
As far as character switch halfway through the game is concerned, it is lol. The level list posted a few pages back confirms it. Kinda didn't expect this but it's welcomed.




Oct 27, 2017
Ohhh-kay, that's a lot to take in. Some of it I find potentially really interesting, some parts I'm more wary of.

The reveal of the mysterious woman being the surgeon's daughter from Part 1 actually made me laugh out loud, so, yeah. I'm sure it'll be implemented better than it sounds, though. Curious to how she found Joel and Ellie, but if she's linked to the Fireflies, I presume it would be somewhat commonly known that Tommy and Joel were brothers, Tommy left the Fireflies, so if you find Tommy, you might find Joel, too.

Judging by the scene with Ellie and Dinah talking, Joel's dead, along with Jesse. I was hoping Joel would stay around for longer, but at least from one of the leaked clips Joel and Ellie did at least discuss the events of the ending of the first game, which was something I was worried wouldn't happen. I know other users loathe Joel, but between the writing and Baker's performance, Joel was always such a fascinating character for me, especially with his choice at the end of the first game. I'll genuinely miss him, replaying TLoU got me through some tough times and helped me process losing loved ones, so Joel, Ellie and all they've been through and lost have always meant a lot to me.

From The Godfather Part II references, I assumed Abby would be Ellie's mother, Anna, so I was caught there, lol. Having a new character (Abby) kill a main pre-existing character (Joel), and then playing as them in turn is something that can only be uniquely done in video games as a medium, which I find really interesting. Depending on the player's opinion of Joel, one might be really happy to play as Abby, others might be considerably less so. An Abby vs. Ellie final boss fight could be interesting, too, depending on the outcome -- I'd be considerably unimpressed with Ellie dying, as discussed further below.

I'm curious how the villains fit into all of this, because I thought Abby's mission would be going after them.

Yeah, I think the jury is still out on
Ellie being killed at the end. I would be incredibly disappointed if the game just copy-pasted the scenario from the end of the first game, just with roles reversed (Abby vs Ellie, Doctor vs. Joel). I think making the story end with Abby sparing Ellie and breaking the cycle would be a much stronger ending, unless they're sequel-baiting for The Last of Us Part III where Dinah is finally the one who breaks the cycle or something like that.

Fantastic post, I really, really hope your suggestion is how the game ultimately ends, I'd be genuinely quite content with that. Bittersweet, but satisfying.

100% agree, Abby sparing Ellie at the end would make for a much stronger ending (ETA: or vice versa!) -- otherwise the commentary on the cycle of violence falls incredibly flat for me, because the cycle just continues, no one learned anything, it's all pointless. I think it would genuinely put me off ever replaying the first game, because it what was it all for? Abby or Ellie choosing to make a different choice to not kill the other at least shows growth, even if it's bittersweet. I don't know if there would be a TLoU3, but Ellie finding herself in Joel's position as a parent would be fitting considering the direction of the first game.

From one of the clips I saw, it does seem like Dinah does wants the cycle to stop and to take care of her child, but because she's not a long-term playable character, it doesn't have that same impact for me personally as Abby or Ellie choosing to break the cycle.

Frankly, I find the cycle of violence angle to be wholly unconvincing in the world of TLOU. The first game literally spent its entirety showcasing that in its world, violence was how people survived and that the world could be cruel and uncaring at times with how it forced people to confront the darkest parts of humanity to attain that goal. It positioned Ellie as the child forced to grow up in terrible circumstances and explored the real emotional toll it took on her and her life, but it also almost always put her in the position of being right and that Joel and Ellie generally did everything they did to survive the harsh world where people wanted them dead all the time for this reason or that. It also made distinct moral judgments in how a character like David and his band were absolutely awful and represented humanity too far gone more or less. Now, Joel does end up deciding to fight back against the Fireflies at the end, but they were always shown to be morally ambiguous and holier than thou types at best. That leads to the surgeon trying to defend his work, and even if Joel didn't need to kill him outright, he clearly intended to fight back against an extremely unstable Joel. Joel's act was meant to be ambiguous and selfish, even looked upon as wrong to a degree in choosing to save Ellie over losing her (though there was always a chance that her death would have meant absolutely nothing as the audio tapes implied past operations had done nothing). But the surgeon wasn't exactly just a victim in this whole incident either.

Flash forward to TLOU Part II, and apparently the conclusion is supposed to be based around the theme of "Violence leads to violence and the cycle is bad." Except the entire first game spent its run convincing the player and making the point that, in order to survive in the world of TLOU, violence was necessary and it was about retaining your humanity as best you could in the face of the violence. Couple that with the whole Ludonarrative dissonance of spending an entire game fighting your way through enemies and killing them, only for the game to slap you on the wrist and say that cycles of violence are bad completely guts the point the game is trying to make. Unless you can do a pacifist run or non-lethal combat with say Abby, it's not offering an alternative or giving the player gameplay that works in connection with the story. It's just a nihilistic, humanity is prone to violence and will always suffer this same cycle. Which, as an analysis of humanity in an apocalypse is... fine? But not compelling, nor does it explore anything that every single other piece of post-apocalyptic media doesn't hammer home endlessly. TLOU's strength was the core characters and their relationship, not really its world which was pretty standard, and TLOU Part II's leaked plot details seem to focus on that already much less interesting world as its overall arc, which just sounds incredibly disappointing.

If any of those spoilers are true, I really dislike them.

The idea of Abby being the surgeon's daughter then killing Joel and potentially Ellie is so contrived. Why him? Why not a person from David's camp, for example?He's seen talking to a woman about evacuating the children. Or maybe someone related to Marlene more directly? The idea of a "circle of violence" doesn't make much sense, considering the state of the world. It's killed or be killed, and it's not like Ellie and Joel went out of their way to kill innocent people. If ND wanted to justify Abby's narrative as a purely revenge story, sure. But don't try to pass it as some sort of brainy metacommentary about the state of the world, either the real one or the one in the game.

Both posts have really great points.

I'm also a bit ehhhhh in excessively delving into the cycle of violence as a theme in a post-apocalyptic world. On the one hand, I can see that it's important to retain humanity/compassion/empathy when society collapses and seeing if it's possible to rebuild a new society from the ashes, but on the other hand... post-apocalyptic world with fungal zombies. I'm not judging the characters on their moral choices the same way as I would in the world of The Godfather, for example.

Drakengard 2. :P

I'd forgotten about that game, you're right, lol.
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Oct 27, 2017
Video mirrors (major spoilers in the videos)

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V has come to

Dec 4, 2019
As far as character switch halfway through the game is concerned, it is lol. The level list posted a few pages back confirms it. Kinda didn't expect this but it's welcomed.


yeah i've been expecting that since the trailer with her. more specifically, i want the part about taking control of her after she kills joel to be true. sounds bold. at least the part of fighting ellie as her is seemingly true


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Ohhh-kay, that's a lot to take in. Some of it I find potentially really interesting, some parts I'm more wary of.

The reveal of the mysterious woman being the surgeon's daughter from Part 1 actually made me laugh out loud, so, yeah. I'm sure it'll be implemented better than it sounds, though. Curious to how she found Joel and Ellie, but if she's linked to the Fireflies, I presume it would be somewhat commonly known that Tommy and Joel were brothers, Tommy left the Fireflies, so if you find Tommy, you might find Joel, too.

Judging by the scene with Ellie and Dinah talking, Joel's dead, along with Jesse. I was hoping Joel would stay around for longer, but at least from one of the leaked clips Joel and Ellie did at least discuss the events of the ending of the first game, which was something I was worried wouldn't happen. I know other users loathe Joel, but between the writing and Baker's performance, Joel was always such a fascinating character for me, especially with his choice at the end of the first game. I'll genuinely miss him, replaying TLoU got me through some tough times and helped me process losing loved ones, so Joel, Ellie and all they've been through and lost have always meant a lot to me.

From The Godfather Part II references, I assumed Abby would be Ellie's mother, Anna, so I was caught there, lol. Having a new character (Abby) kill a main pre-existing character (Joel), and then playing as them in turn is something that is unique to video games as a medium, which I find really interesting. Depending on the player's opinion of Joel, one might be really happy to play as Abby, others might be considerably less so. An Abby vs. Ellie final boss fight could be interesting, too, depending on the outcome -- I'd be considerably unimpressed with Ellie dying, as discussed further below.

I'm curious how the villains fit into all of this, because I thought Abby's mission would be going after them.

Fantastic post, I really, really hope your suggestion is how the game ultimately ends, I'd be genuinely quite content with that. Bittersweet, but satisfying.

100% agree, Abby sparing Ellie at the end would make for a much stronger ending -- otherwise the commentary on the cycle of violence falls incredibly flat for me, because the cycle just continues, no one learned anything, it's all pointless. I think it would genuinely put me off ever replaying the first game, because it what was it all for? Abby or Ellie choosing to make a different choice at least shows growth, even if it's bittersweet. I don't know if there would be a TLoU3, but Ellie finding herself in Joel's position as a parent would be fitting considering the direction of the first game.

From one of the clips I saw, it does seem like Dinah does wants the cycle to stop and to take care of her child, but because she's not a long-term playable character, it doesn't have that same impact for me personally as Abby or Ellie choosing to break the cycle.

Both posts have really great points.

I'm also a bit ehhhhh in excessively delving into the cycle of violence as a theme in a post-apocalyptic world. On the one hand, I can see that it's important to retain humanity/compassion/empathy when society collapses and seeing if it's possible to rebuild a new society from the ashes, but on the other hand... post-apocalyptic world with fungal zombies. I'm not judging the characters on their moral choices the same way as I would in the world of The Godfather, for example.

I'd forgotten about that game, you're right, lol.
Wouldn't it make more sense for the ending to consist of
Ellie sparing Abby's life? Abby did Ellie wrong by killing Joel (obviously Abby had valid reasons for seeking revenge.) Ellie could continue the cycle by killing Abby or choose to end it. Abby defeating Ellie is just a continuation of her initial revenge scheme. If that makes any sense.


Dec 28, 2017
Sep 21, 2019
From the dude who uploaded that new video with the infected on the car

"The game is coming out much sooner then people think. The quality of the game is close to perfection. can't even describe how good it is"

"They are much smarter! Atleast 10 times more. The first game's AI is a complete joke comparing to the second one "

I've said for weeks TLOU 2 still release a June 26th and Ghosts will come out late summer/fall.

Expect announcement from Sony/ND by May 1st.


Sep 16, 2019
Question for those who watched the story spoiler stuff.

Are the leaked story parts suggesting something that is going to trigger the alt-right crowd? There already are some people complaining about some rumored stuff. I personally don't care about that kind of stuff myself, but I am wondering if I am going to get more of the anti-SJW Last of Us videos cropping up in my Youtube feeds...I hate Youtube's algorithms. Vague answers appreciated.


Dec 28, 2017
Having a new character (Abby) kill a main pre-existing character (Joel), and then playing as them in turn is something that is unique to video games as a medium
Not really. NieR: Automata does a similar thing in Route C though I wouldn't call the character in question "pre-existing" considering it's their debut game.


Oct 27, 2017
Naughty Dog are masters in this genre and these general plot points don't do anything to make me doubt their talents. All the other small gameplay details we haven't heard about yet, you know they are going to knock it out of the park. I will say I can't wait to see them get back into more lighthearted content. playing uncharted 4 again and that game just makes me smile ear to ear sometimes.

Personally I do feel this game was delayed far too long for its own good, especially seeing these details are pretty similar to plot beats we got in the first game. Taking out the character progression of course. And then the lack of multiplayer at launch stings a little. But still, overall I'm even more excited for the game's release now.


May 31, 2018
Not really anything specific but:

that the story seems to be based so heavily around "REVENGE!!!!" makes some of my fears regarding the game's usage of violence worse somewhat. Saying that "cycles of violence kinda suck," is not a thoughtful-enough message to justify the sheer levels of violence we've already seen let alone the stuff that might be in the full game. That's especially true when, due to the setting, the revenge in question is unlikely to have any real significance to the actual cycles-of-violence we often see in the real world.
Oct 25, 2017
Question for those who watched the story spoiler stuff.

Are the leaked story parts suggesting something that is going to trigger the alt-right crowd? There already are some people complaining about some rumored stuff. I personally don't care about that kind of stuff myself, but I am wondering if I am going to get more of the anti-SJW Last of Us videos cropping up in my Youtube feeds...I hate Youtube's algorithms. Vague answers appreciated.
Not really.

EDIT: At least not any more than they already were by Left Behind.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
Any spoiler free gameplay though?
I don't feel like browsing back a dozen+ pages of SPOILER: SPOILER SPOILER! OMG SPOILER!
Sep 21, 2019
Nothing pointing to this happening.
Also don't jinx it.

Leaker said it is coming out way sooner than people expect.

Amazon had a leak date of June 26th.

Playstation Canada moved GoT release to an August 1st placeholder.

It's happening.

Game will go gold in the next 3 weeks, and Sony will have 5 to 6 weeks to get copies pressed and distributed by the 26th of June.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
Not any worth watching. It's just "walk and talk" gameplay. Which isn't bad, but it's still spoiling story points for no real benefit, as you don't get to see the mechanics in action or anything.

Good to know, thanks. I'll stay away
Might even try to go on media blackout


Oct 26, 2017
Michigan, USA
Leaker said it is coming out way sooner than people expect.

Amazon had a leak date of June 26th.

Playstation Canada moved GoT release to an August 1st placeholder.

It's happening.

Game will go gold in the next 3 weeks, and Sony will have 5 to 6 weeks to get copies pressed and distributed by the 26th of June.

Same leaker also said near the end of July so which is it. lol

If the game can be ready for July then it makes no sense for Sony to fuck around with 2 titles and shuffle things around just for the purpose of a month. Ghost can still stay in June and TLOU2 in July.


Oct 27, 2017
Wouldn't it make more sense for the ending to consist of
Ellie sparing Abby's life? Abby did Ellie wrong by killing Joel (obviously Abby had valid reasons for seeking revenge.) Ellie could continue the cycle by killing Abby or choose to end it. Abby defeating Ellie is just a continuation of her initial revenge scheme. If that makes any sense.

Yes, absolutely agree. Ellie choosing to spare Abby would be the best outcome, and the most cathartic.

Not really. NieR: Automata does a similar thing in Route C though I wouldn't call the character in question "pre-existing" considering it's their debut game.

(Spoilers for a Yoko Taro game below.)

Sorry, didn't explain myself well! Other games have indeed done similar before, but I always find it to be such an interesting concept, because it's something you can't do in any other medium as effectively due to player interactivity. NieR: Automata is also a little different in that A2 was mercy killing 2B, so it didn't hurt as much for me personally, whereas Abby killing Joel out of revenge and then having to play as her would be a gut punch.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I saved someone the trouble of spoiling the game for me in twitch chat, youtube thumbnails, or social media, etc. didn't peruse any of the reddit stuff,

Just the one where youknowwhathappens

I just have one thing to say regarding, that

I fucking called it.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
It's going to eat me alive not
knowing for sure if Ellie dies or not.

For me she's the core of the series.


Dec 28, 2017
Sorry, didn't explain myself well! Other games have indeed done similar before, but I always find it to be such an interesting concept, because it's something you can't do in any other medium as effectively due to player interactivity. NieR: Automata is also a little different in that A2 was mercy killing 2B, so it didn't hurt as much for me personally, whereas Abby killing Joel out of revenge and then having to play as her would be a gut punch.


Deleted member 52442

User requested account closure
Jan 24, 2019
is there a compiled something of all the leaks

all i know so far is
joel dies and we play as someone else vs ellie


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Shit, so are we sure this YouTube leaker posting is the originator of these leaks? If so, we would trust his word that
Ellie does not die, and the game is 25+ hours to beat
Or could he have ripped the videos from elsewhere/someone else leaked it earlier in the day and he just reuploaded?


Oct 27, 2017
*puts on tin foil hat*
ND actually has multiple ends and have leaked this stuff for public feedback
*takes off tin foil hat*
Sep 14, 2018
Shit, so are we sure this YouTube leaker posting is the originator of these leaks? If so, we would trust his word that
Ellie does not die, and the game is 25+ hours to beat
Or could he have ripped the videos from elsewhere/someone else leaked it earlier in the day and he just reuploaded?
How would he be the only one that uploaded that then? Like only him got those videos from somewhere else and then they were scrubbed from the internet?
Nov 9, 2017
Why do you say that? Yes, ND is a big/important studio for Sony and TLOU is an important IP, but it's not like the game will make or break them. Sony has had hit after hit for the past few years, TLOU 2 is just one more big game in a string of big games

My rational isn't financial - it's artistic. TLOU won more game of the year awards then any other game in history (I think) - the game was heralded as the true "game are art" kinda game - serious, mature story, extremely responsive gameplay, superb acting, scene perfect soundtrack- like the stars aligned with the game.

TLOU has been harkened by Druckmann as "The Godfather Part 2" kinda of sequel (before anyone asks for source I'm pretty sure it was an earlier interview that he mentioned that Godfather 2 was the inspiration for the game in terms of scope but finding said interview is gonna take a while - better then the original). Not to mention the hype from the fans.

It's not financial - the game will sell a gazillion copies - but from a reputation standing? I see Sony and ND (more ND then Sony) taking a beating here cause, as I said, if the spoilers are true - it's gonna piss off A LOT of people.

That's what I mean by shitstorm.


Good lord. Wish i hadn't read these spoilers.
I won't buy the game. I can't even imagine how angry I'd be if I played this and then found out I was forced to play as this character who brutally killed joel. Absolutely fucking repulsive. I get the intent. Still find it to be a shameless and repugnant idea

This is exactly what I mean - and I'm not calling Bonefish out here - I'm using his post as the exact example of what I mean.
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