
Oct 25, 2017
That should tell you A LOT right there..

Whats funny is that most of these naysayers talk a bunch of shit, but they'll be right there on release day to play it REGARDLESS. The other half (if not more) will back peddle on the games graphics once they see it at home. The rest will just continue to hate and troll. Expect a few more threads after release that will conveniently remind everyone else who've turned around on the game that it isnt as great nor fun as you really think it is, because metacritic said so. Dont trust what you see or experience. Trust the meta, my guy!
Has anyone ever posted a thread after a games release telling people to stop liking a game due to the Metascore in the history of Era?


Oct 28, 2017
The games that everyone is comparing to are great, not lying or being sarcastic, but can you do this?



lol thats what that gif reminds me of.
Oct 28, 2017
Ugh that's not a good look. Thankfully for Microsoft, next gen is right around the corner. Hopefully their first party rebounds in a big way.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
That should tell you A LOT right there..

Whats funny is that most of these naysayers talk a bunch of shit, but they'll be right there on release day to play it REGARDLESS. The other half (if not more) will back peddle on the games graphics once they see it at home. The rest will just continue to hate and troll. Expect a few more threads after release that will conveniently remind everyone else who've turned around on the game that it isnt as great nor fun as you really think it is, because metacritic said so. Dont trust what you see or experience. Trust the meta, my guy!


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
All these "last gen" comments... I'd love to play crackdown 1 on whatever suped up 360s you guys had... Cause I just booted it up on back compat- and it doesn't look like this at all.

This game isnt going to win any awards for visuals, but it looks fine for what it is...


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, the most disappointing aspect of the visuals for me are the explosions. It's not that they're bad; they're just completely unremarkable for a game series known for blowing stuff up. The explosions here just look like average video game VFX - not good, not bad - just serviceable.

Despite shortcomings in many other areas, both Just Cause 3 and 4 have far more impressive and satisfying explosions. Crackdown 3 may end up playing far better than either of those games, but the visual spectacle of the chaos is really underwhelming.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Now it's a bullshot already. lol

Then this has to be a bullgif.


As much as I appreciate these games are all doing different things (granted Crackdowns destruction is completely pared back in its SP campaign), it is still somewhat strange that even a 5-year-old open-world launch window title like InFamous looks so much better, and I'd argue the same for Sunset Overdrive too. And CD3 has been in development for how many years by a team of how many people?

Whilst Crackdown as a franchise has never exactly been much of a looker, it is still somewhat perplexing this new title doesn't look far better than it does. The assumption was that the delay(s) would lend to a much better looking and far more polished title, but that doesn't seem to have been the case (unless things drastically change by release day). Like with Sea of Thieves and its lack of content, you're sort of left wondering why the game has taken as long as it has to develop. Presumably, it had a pretty troubled development, and the cloud-based R&D and testing also complicated things.




Still, the downgrade to the visuals, destruction, world size, physics etc might not necessarily mean the game itself isn't more fun. Despite the somewhat muted previews, the jury is still out on that front. I guess we'll have to wait for reviews to get a better idea of how it plays or just how good it is or isn't, but I'll be trying it either way thanks to Game Pass.


Nov 4, 2017
The art style is alright. At times it can actually look pretty decent, especially when looking out over the city at night. The poor animations, un-detailed and un-populated world, and flat geometry look to be problems most of the time, though.

I look forward to giving the game a run on Game Pass, but I don't expect too much out of it. That's part of the beauty of GP, though.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
User Warned: Inflammatory generalizations
I don't know what kinda mouth breathing neckbeard can look at that footage and not want to play it.. I honestly feel bad for these people.

Crackdown 3 is receiving so much undeserved hate around here it's disgusting.


Oct 27, 2017
Game looks pretty bad , but kinda fun , it's not like crackdown is a great franchise, crackdown 1 was ok and 2 was just bad , this will probably be mediocre , which is what one would expect from a game with such a troubled development.

yeah but wouldn't be wiser to just straight up cancel it like they did with Scalebound and invest that money somewhere else?
It's just sad that we can not expect quality games from Microsoft if it's not Gears of War, Halo or Forza.

I really really hope to get quality games from them next gen onwards.


Prophet of Regret
Sep 28, 2018
yeah but wouldn't be wiser to just straight up cancel it like they did with Scalebound and invest that money somewhere else?
It's just sad that we can not expect quality games from Microsoft if it's not Gears of War, Halo or Forza.

I really really hope to get quality games from them next gen onwards.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
These cherrypicked comparison material threads always make my eyes roll. Compare the full game if you want since it's out in less than two weeks.

It will never end because we have some low res potato cam gifs of an exploding building from a tech demo vs 4K screenshots of an actual finished game


Oct 27, 2017
Jesus - i hadn't been keeping up with this, that is crazy

It's too bad cuz Sumo is a great dev, not sure what's happened with this


Oct 26, 2017
When games are in development, often early footage shown from them is of higher quality than it is towards the end of development when the reality of said game needing to be optimized for underpowered consoles starts to set in.

Did you have any other questions, OP?


Oct 27, 2017
All these "last gen" comments... I'd love to play crackdown 1 on whatever suped up 360s you guys had... Cause I just booted it up on back compat- and it doesn't look like this at all.

It has a dated (early last gen) visual aesthetic. I was trolled in another thread for sharing this opinion, but it turns out I'm not the only one who feels this way.

From the GameSpot preview video:


Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
Leaving aside the MP destruction effects, I think Crackdown 3 is visually pretty solid and clean looking. I am puzzled by the lack of shadows in the PC footage we've been seeing. I assume it's a bug.

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If you told me it was a late gen 360 game running at 4k, I would believe you. It's really not a looker but it looks fun so meh.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I can't tell if the game's a looker but it sure does look fun to play and that's really all I want from a Crackdown game. Well, that and Terry Crews kicking butt.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
The game doesn't look good but those neon lights should look great in HDR.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
It has a dated (early last gen) visual aesthetic. I was trolled in another thread for sharing this opinion, but it turns out I'm not the only one who feels this way.

From the GameSpot preview video:

Its great that if you feel validated by others sharing your opinion, but...

I can look at crackdown 1 and crackdown 3 played side by side and tear that opinion apart.

I mean, it's cell shaded... Which a lot of games were last gen- but that's not a gen specific artstyle.

Here's some early last gen "open world" for comparison


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Prophet of Regret
Sep 28, 2018
I'm serious, I've never seen one. Usually people love to make threads for cases where they disagree with the metascore. Era in general is quite hostile to review sites.

Quote me: Crackdown 3 will do very well on GP. Probably 3 to 4 million players in a month or so. It'll probably sell more than most here expect it to and be a successful title for Microsoft. You'll read alot of posts where "the reviews were too harsh. The game was judged unfairly". All-in-all, Crackdown 3 will be at least a million+ seller despite metacritic.

Soon after you'll find threads that toss Crackdown 3 in with other games from Microsoft that were reviewed harshly on meta (SoT, SoD, etc) but will do great numbers and be successful nonetheless. But because meta didnt say so, Crackdown 3 will be labeled as a sub par game that should be forgotten.


Jan 17, 2018
Some of y'all are brutal. :P

It doesn't look that bad, but it won't win and visual awards. Still, I'd be interested to hear how it is. I was never really a big Crackdown guy, but if it works out for Xbox this year, more power to them.

bear force one

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Wow! This guy went for two shots below the belt. Comments like these are just........wrong and embarrassing.

I read some of these comments and some are so bad and disingenuous, I'm almost embarrassed to be a gamer. I'm like, "FT and FT and FT and That and that and this..."
Except I firmly believe what I posted. That showed far more promise and this is ...looking poor.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
It will never end because we have some low res potato cam gifs of an exploding building from a tech demo vs 4K screenshots of an actual finished game

They actually released some early official screens too.




Here's how those fare versus the most recent screens (Jan 19 and E3 2018).






Oct 25, 2017
Quote me: Crackdown 3 will do very well on GP. Probably 3 to 4 million players in a month or so. It'll probably sell more than most here expect it to and be a successful title for Microsoft. You'll read alot of posts where "the reviews were too harsh. The game was judged unfairly". All-in-all, Crackdown 3 will be at least a million+ seller despite metacritic.

Soon after you'll find threads that toss Crackdown 3 in with other games from Microsoft that were reviewed harshly on meta (SoT, SoD, etc) but will do great numbers and be successful nonetheless. But because meta didnt say so, Crackdown 3 will be labeled as a sub par game that should be forgotten.
Or maybe some people will just not like it? There are plenty of games that sell great that people don't like. It happens.

I've never seen anyone create a new thread for the purpose of presenting a metacritic score as proof that a game is bad. Users here are capable of explaining for themselves why they like a game or not.
Oct 27, 2017
Ha, I love the look of the game and especially thought the latest gameplay previews looked great. Looks like a current-gen Crackdown game that is incredibly colorful at times and immensely fun to play, not sure what folks were expecting or why anyone would think the visual design choices would move away from looking like and continuing the trend of the Crackdown series.


Nov 1, 2017
So the game's coming out in about two weeks. Y'all excited? I'm excited. That being said, can we take a moment to discuss this Watch Dogs-esque downgrade we see before our very eyes? Wtf fam.

Older footage:

Examples of what happens in wrecking zone now:

Compare the above with the piles of rubble from before. One big difference is that debris doesn't pile up as often or nearly in the same volume. It disappears through the electric barrier floor. You don't get anywhere near the kind of build up from the demos.

As for a general aesthetic standpoint:

You have flat, dull texture work along with poor lighting and shadows. Inexplicably only some assets in the game cast a shadow while many do not, most notably vehicles and player characters. That first gif looks goofy as hell with a floating boombox shadow breh. The absolute state of this game.
I would hope with these visuals its at least True 4K/60fps on the X right?


Oct 27, 2017
Its great that if you feel validated by others sharing your opinion, but...


I can look at crackdown 1 and crackdown 3 played side by side and tear that opinion apart.

Go right ahead. Do share your opinion on the animations as well - it is one of the most important features in all the things visual aesthetic entails.

I mean, it's cell shaded... Which a lot of games were last gen- but that's not a gen specific artstyle.

I love the cell shaded look in games that get it right.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017

Go right ahead. Do share your opinion on the animations as well - it is one of the most important features in all the things visual aesthetic entails.

I love the cell shaded look in games that get it right.

You feeling validated by the opinions of others doesn't change the fact that you're opinion that it looks like an early 360 games doesn't stand up to the simple scrutiny of putting it side by side with early 360 games.

My opinion of the visuals and the animations are similar- not great, but servicable - certainly won't prevent me from enjoying the game

All things considered - visually, CD3 sits amongst its contemporaries in a spot similar to where CD1 sat amongst its contemporaries.
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Oct 28, 2017
The art style is really nice to me, even if it's not graphically stunning. I like the look of Crackdown 3, and I wish I had an Xbox One to play it when it comes out.


Oct 28, 2017
Can we please stop with the "we need to talk about" bullshit? We are better than clickbait