Panic Freak

Oct 26, 2017
I listen to the Bombcast and Siftd Game Face weekly. Most of the time I skip through parts I'm not interested in (like the fighting game talk on Bombcast, for instance). I listen to the Beastcast for game impressions. And I listen to Waypoint every now and again to hear a different point of view on the games they discuss. Waypoint is great because they list every game they talk about in the show notes so I can easily decide whether to listen.

If that sounds like a lot, it is. I have an hour long commute so I listen to about 10-15 hours of podcasts each week

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
Podquisition is easily my favourite, but video games are very much just one part of it, with a variety of completely-unrelated topics popping up week to week.

Roundtable Podcast is pretty good too, but I think that's mostly me just wanting to hear more from voices I regularly listen to anyway (Northernlion, RockLeeSmile, BaerTaffy and MathasGames). The episodes where they've had developers on - Edmund McMillen, Bennett Foddy and Team Cherry - would probably be the best for newcomers, but then they're certainly "special" episodes that deviate from the show's usual structure.

I love the Waypoint 101s -- where some of the Waypoint crew have a deep dive into one specific game -- and these pre-stream chats they've been doing recently so I really should be making some more time for Waypoint Radio, especially when I've enjoyed pretty much every episode of it I have listened to previously.


Oct 26, 2017
The Giant Beastcast tops the list. Actually, the only other game podcasts I listen to are the Bombcast and the Bombcast aftershow.

I venture out to find other podcasts maybe once a year, but they're all either yelling at each other, talking over each other or using crappy Skype quality audio. And then, anyone else outside of that is boring.

My golden age was The HotSpot, 1UP Yours and the IGN podcasts back when good personalities still worked there. The original Idle Thumbs was probably around that time too.
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Oct 25, 2017
The Giant Bombcast is probably the best in terms of actually getting insight into recent news in the industry. Jeff and Brad have been around for a while, and their knowledge and experience is always a joy to listen to. I miss the earlier days of Giant Bomb, but now with Ryan long gone (RIP), Vinny and Alex over at GB East, and Drew off with Cloth Map, something has been lost. Never been a fan of the Beastcast on the other hand.

EZA I feel only gives surface level opinions and never goes as in-depth as I would like (though their personality and passion really shines through, which is refreshing). However as someone who would prefer a more critical look, their excitement frequently takes over in place of level headed anticipation. Frame Trap is pretty great to listen to as well, and both Kyle and Ben are great hosts who always keep things on track.

Other smaller podcasts I listen to are the Dad & Sons Podcast, the Please Stop Talking podcast, the RetroRGB podcast and the BonfireLit ComfyCast (though they've been on hitaus for a little while). Those are worth a look and can be pretty entertaining while informative as well.


Feb 23, 2018
The only ones I listen to weekly these days are:

The Giant Beastcast - well known best podcast in the universe - for general entertainment and occasional gaming insight
Square Roots - a jokey RPG gameclub podcast where they play through classic RPGs (one chunkarino at a time) and generally end up mocking them mercilessly

I'll listen to these ones when they have a topic that interests me:

Giant Bombcast
8-4 Play
Axe of the Blood God


Oct 25, 2017
Any recommendations for gaming podcasts that are NOT chumcasts (podcasts talk show style, with a bunch of colleagues or friends - most often guys - talking about a different topic/news every episode). I don't know which of the many mentioned recommendations still apply. It's not that they are all bad, I've just had it with the format for now.

For reference, I very much enjoy Polygon's Quality Control, even though there are episodes that become chummy. Not game related, but NPRs Fresh Air is also something I regularly listen to. Any luck?


Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
The Giant Beastcast is the only podcast I listen to regularly. I don't think I've ever missed an episode.

I also really enjoy Waypoint Radio and the Easy Allies Podcast from time to time.

Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Easy Allies Podcast every week, Kinda Funny Gamescast most weeks, Kinda Funny Games Daily and Frame Trap if I have some extra time to listen.

Punished Dan

Oct 27, 2017
I listen to two gaming podcasts. Player One and Giant Bomb. Two very different podcasts.
My job sees me driving 100-180 miles a day so I have plenty of time for podcasts but these are the only two that have stuck with me.

I've listened to Player One for years and it is my favourite of the two, episodes are a good length (90 mins or so) and the chemistry between the hosts is great. Silly voices and jokes a plenty but it remains informative and the content is great.
The thread here has the hosts posting pretty regularly too.

Giant Bomb is good, very informative and I like the longer format with idle chit chat. The emails are usually pretty funny but I can see why this podcast may not be for everyone, especially as most last a few hours.


Oct 27, 2017
i also fell off the giantbomb vagon. will give beastcast a shot once they start doing it in video, if ever.

but in general, ive listened to so many gaming podcast last couple of years that they all feel the same to me now. Only use them as background noise these days.


Nov 30, 2017
Depends how deep you go. If you're really into the hobby you might find their surface-level knowledge and whining about hard games difficult to listen through.

Super Best Friendcast is dumb but legit. It is just a bunch of dudes talking which I'm not always in the mood for but I can't say they don't know their shit.

Retronauts is good to great when Bob Mackey isn't making some bad joke to cover up the fact that he's never played any game they talk about and the input on the few he has is that they were too hard. Also listen to my other podcasts. Again, if you're too deep in you might find the Nintendo-centric cast history a little annoying.

Cane and Rinse is a British podcast where 3-4 people play through a game to completion then talk about it in detail. That is interesting to me and wish more podcasts did the same. Quality varies episode by episode based on the guests. There's this one French guy that says "eeeuuuhhhh" for about a minute between every sentence and it makes me want to die. Luckily he's legit at games and deserves his spot on the show. This is what I based my own short-lived podcast on. I'd love to bring that back someday.

Nothing else comes close that I've listened to.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
ResetEra should organise it's own podcast

It could have the topics selected in the newsletter and let anyone with a good audio setup PM a mod to apply to be on the episode, then have a Mod moderate and record the podcast

It would be cool to get some of the communities involved, so you could get 4 or 5 people from the Yakuza or Tales of OT to discuss the games in the series etc, or some of the more tech savvy users have a discussion on that side of things


Oct 27, 2017
I usually listen to the Easy Allies podcast for my gaming podcast on commutes. Then i'll move on to Giant Beastcast and Frame Trap if I have the need for more.
Oct 27, 2017
Followed Easy Allies a lot this e3 and enjoyed their coverage, so because of this I checked out their latest ep on the podcast and I'm subscribed now and I haven't even finished the ep. Somehting about these guys I just like.


Nov 18, 2017
At this point it's hard to recommend something 100%. Most successful podcasts seem to have an extended group and there is typically 1 person that prevents it from being a must-listen weekly.

Best bet is to just go into the archives and listen to old 1Up Yours / Beastcast when it was the core group.


Oct 25, 2017
really liking the all female ign pod. when they are on, they are on; when they arent, it is still good.

they actually offer a different pespective. although they are like most pods, in that they are scared of pissing certain fanbases off, so it isnt quite as unfiltered as i'd wish.

oh and no begging for monies cuz they get paid by ign.


Oct 25, 2017
Depends how deep you go. If you're really into the hobby you might find their surface-level knowledge and whining about hard games difficult to listen through.

Super Best Friendcast is dumb but legit. It is just a bunch of dudes talking which I'm not always in the mood for but I can't say they don't know their shit.

Retronauts is good to great when Bob Mackey isn't making some bad joke to cover up the fact that he's never played any game they talk about and the input on the few he has is that they were too hard. Also listen to my other podcasts. Again, if you're too deep in you might find the Nintendo-centric cast history a little annoying.

Cane and Rinse is a British podcast where 3-4 people play through a game to completion then talk about it in detail. That is interesting to me and wish more podcasts did the same. Quality varies episode by episode based on the guests. There's this one French guy that says "eeeuuuhhhh" for about a minute between every sentence and it makes me want to die. Luckily he's legit at games and deserves his spot on the show. This is what I based my own short-lived podcast on. I'd love to bring that back someday.

Nothing else comes close that I've listened to.
This "just a bunch of dudes talking" is exactly what I dislike about most gaming podcasts. I'm not in there for the jokes, I'm not in their for their characters, I'm in there for the games. I don't want them to and I don't need them to be my friends. Is there a good gaming podcast that is not a chumcast?


Oct 27, 2017
Bombcast. I think they generally have the most intelligent discussions but with a really witty sense of humor that I really like. Beastcast is really good too but the discussions are not as interesting, just sillier.

Easy Allies I supportedin the beginning but I really got tired of their games, bets and sense of humor. Their game discussions are actually nice, specially when Ben, Blood or Damiani are in but I just got tired. I really like Huber over the top enthusiasm though and I watch the Huber syndrome from time to time.


Oct 28, 2017
The thing I love most about Easy Allies is their usually positive take on things and their lack of profanity means I can listen to their pods on the go with my daughter in the car.

Except when Brad is a bad boy.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't see the charm in the Mega64 shows, personally. Some of those guys just rub me the wrong way and listening to them for hours when there are so many alternative podcasts doesn't add up. Too bratty and apathetic for me, I guess.

As for recommendations, I've always been a Giant Bomb fan due to their range of mature-to-crazed conversations, insider perspective, and general combination of intelligence & media chops. They put on good shows and usually have a great sense for what makes an entertaining or thought-provoking discussion. Good media training goes a long way, not to mention their general tech standards and discipline. A lot of podcasts lack those basics.

The old 1up podcasts were always great. Retronauts is usually a safe bet. Kinda Funny is fun to visit whenever they have a strong guest on, too.
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Oct 26, 2017
The only one I can recommend whole heartedly is Super Best Friendcast but they talk about general pop culture stuff on top of video games.

EZA podcast just has too much fluff. The bets at the very end was fine but they bolted on various segments at the start and it just adds no value to the whole thing. It should just be corrections followed by the rest of the actual podcast like it was in the GT days.

Bombcasts has too many amateurs that hardly talk so it's the Brad and Jeff show. It's still good but past it's prime.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Unpopular opinion but i love the bomb cast and im not a huge fan of the beast cast. Beast cast is a little louder and more off topic than i typically enjoy in these podcasts. Im old and curmugenly therefore i want to listen to others who are old and curmugenly discuss games. I love the gi show, i listened to it years ago and stopped, but ive recently come back to it and its fantastic.
Idk if im gonna keep listening to podcast unlocked, allahana was one of the main reasons i listened to it with her wealth of knowledge and actual investigative work. I used to love beyond, especially when it was the holy quadrilogy of greg, clements, goldfarb, and he who shall not be named on this forum
Oct 25, 2017
The besties was my favorite and I'm really bummed they are only doing annual episodes again. Once a month was the perfect schedule.


Nov 13, 2017
Haven't listened to loads but I love scoop - Damon, Justin and Sam particularly have great rapport and analysis, and i like the off piste features


Oct 29, 2017
The main guy on the game informer show is annoying. Hes one of those Nintendo can do wrong people. The polygon show it seems like they just talk about dateing games. If listened to broadcast a few times and they talk about drinking a lot and seem full of themselves. Games daily ia good. The only bad part is jared petty because he just seems like a weak person but everyone else is great


Oct 27, 2017
Giant Beastcast, and Idle Thumbs (though they haven't been able to post in a while). The Bombcast was the best for like a decade, but with Vinny and Dan now on the east coast, Jeff alone isn't enough to keep that podcast entertaining to me. Brad and Jason are fine for gaming thoughts but they don't add any humor, and I personally don't enjoy anything Ben does. CAGcast is also fun.
Oct 25, 2017
I hate-listen to a couple occasionally (hey, I have a long commute), but the Giant Bombcast is the only one I like. I can put up with the chummy/bad email shit and terrible jokes for Gerstmann's knowledge of gaming history and their impressions of games. They tend to be honest and clear about what they do and do not like.

I will listen to Jeff Gerstmann on almost anything, though. Dude is actually funny in a dry way and knows his shit.


Nov 12, 2017
I love Beastcast for everyone except Abby and I listen to Bombcast but cant stand Jeff most of the time. I also listen to IGNs GameScoop for 20 Questions alone.


Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina USA
Game Informer is pretty great and listen to them regularly. I listen to Easy Allies when I get the chance. I like the Giant Bomb crew, but I just don't have time to listen to their podcasts. Way too long for me.


Oct 26, 2017
The Beastcast is probably my favorite overall podcast that updates regularly. Since the addition of Abby it's been pretty damn near perfect.

Every other gaming podcast is droll imo, no offense to the creators, I just have a specific style that I seem to enjoy.


Oct 25, 2017
This "just a bunch of dudes talking" is exactly what I dislike about most gaming podcasts. I'm not in there for the jokes, I'm not in their for their characters, I'm in there for the games. I don't want them to and I don't need them to be my friends. Is there a good gaming podcast that is not a chumcast?

My favorites:
Final Games
The Short Game
Cane & Rinse
Three Moves Ahead
Clockwork Game Design
Pretentious Game Ideas


Oct 27, 2017
I was in a similar boat, I couldn't get into Kinda Funny Games Daily, and I fell off of the IGN podcasts (I still listen to Game Scoop every week, but mostly for video game 20 questions).

I found that my video game tastes were best represented by Easy Allies, so now I stick to their podcasts. I've tried Bombcast/Beastcast for about a year and I still enjoy their content, but I just can't listen to them talking about games they played (their comedy / games news was good though).


Jun 20, 2018
Walljump a dutch gaming podcast. Although I don't think there are many Dutch users here.

Other podcasts I really like are:

The Easy Allies podcast
FInal Fantasy Union
Radio Free Nintendo (Nintendo World Report)
8 4 games
RPGFAN Podcast.


Jan 3, 2018
I really like Watch Out For Fireballs. Two guys who are easy to listen to yet have intelligent things to say do a 1-2 hour deep dive into a non-current game. Currently listening to their RE3: Nemesis one.

They also think BioShock 2 is the best BioShock, so you can trust them.