What difficulty

  • I'm Too Young to Die

    Votes: 90 7.5%
  • Hurt Me Plenty

    Votes: 459 38.3%
  • Ultra Violence

    Votes: 500 41.7%
  • Nightmare

    Votes: 129 10.8%
  • I've stuck with my choice

    Votes: 379 31.6%
  • I lowered the difficulty after starting

    Votes: 100 8.3%
  • I raised the difficulty after starting

    Votes: 11 0.9%

  • Total voters

Liquid Snake

Nov 10, 2017
Hurt me plenty, and it's been decently challenging. I'll definitely replay this game 10 times so I don't mind enjoying my experience the first time around (people are absurd starting the game on Nightmare — wonder why you're not having any fun? Bingo).

I look forward to an ultra-violence play through and eventually a nightmare, down the line. As long as I'm still having fun.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I've been playing Nightmare and it's a damn blast. I only just beat level 4 and it took me a whole 7ish hours to get there.

The first Slayer room in level 2 took me almost an hour to beat. I refuse to move on to the next level without finishing the current one 100%, so I stuck with it 😅

Nightmare on PS4. I play every game on the highest difficulty, but I think I'm getting too old for this.

Can't even beat the first slayer gate.

I found that Slayer gate harder than the next one. I think it's cause you have such a limited kit at that stage of the game


Oct 25, 2017
started with Hurt Me Plenty but felt it wasn't challenging enough so i moved it to Ultra Violence


Oct 25, 2017
I started and finished the game on hurt me plenty. It felt just right all the way through. I'm not a whiz at FPS games.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
The fact I am playing comfy couch PC and using the mouse on the couch arm with limited surface area is probably not helping either.


Oct 27, 2017
Started on Hurt Me Plenty (One X), but swallowed my pride on Chapter 3 and lowered it to Too Young To Die. Glad I did; I'm actually having fun now.

Hats off to those playing on Ultra Violence or Nightmare - I don't know how you're doing it.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess I'll be the first to admit I'm playing it on easy 😆 but I'm glad I am, having a whale of a time and not finding it too frustrating.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Nightmare, stuck with it so far.

I'mma master this shit, or I'll die trying. Did it with Wolf TNO, did it with DOOM 2016... I'll be damned if I don't beat this game in Nightmare, too.

Deleted member 4452

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nightmare (which is also how I played 2016). It's definitely been a very difficult challenge so far (one of the slayer gates took me about 90 min of attempts) with lots of reloading, but it's been an absolute blast. It's the kind of challenge that feels like a hurdle of immense difficulty, but the game gives you all the tools to bypass it, so for me there's a lot of 'ok ok, one more try, I can do this' rather than actual frustration. It reminds me a lot of why I love challenging character action games, also.


Oct 26, 2017
Started on Nightmare and dropped it immediatly down to Ultra Violence. Feels far better balanced because there's no insta death.

I'm having a blast so far so I'll probably do another playthrough on Nightmare difficulty once they do the RTX update.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Started at Hurt Me Plenty got frustated and changed to I'm Too Young to Die.
Eventually got OP, was in need of blood and went straight to Ultra Violence until it was done.


May 7, 2019
Is nightmare on PC and Console identical?
I started nightmare on PC, but playing with a DS4 it's just too much. I'm now on UV, which feels like a good fit. Would probably do nightmare if I played on m+kb.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I started DOOM 2016 on Hurt Me Plenty and the difficulty became an absolute joke once you got some upgrades and then on a replay I tried Nightmare and that was too hard so I switched to Ultraviolence.

So gonna start Eternal on Ultraviolence and see how it goes.


Oct 27, 2017
Been playing on Hurt Me Plenty and still found it challenging. Now that I'm on Chapter 3 and have the Super Shotgun, I'm gonna bump it up to Ultra Violence and see how it goes.


Nov 13, 2017
Hurt me plenty is plenty :)

I die 3/4 times in some of the harder bits. Just done the first boss (that was weirdly easy compared to some of the challenges) - reckon by the end I'll be cursing it for being too hard, but right now it's challenging and satisfying


Dec 5, 2018
Nightmare. It was tough, but I beat it. Feels like a significant step up in difficulty from Doom '16. Enemies are faster, more aggressive and it also feels like they attack you in greater numbers. Also no Rich Get Richer + Gauss Cannon with Siege Mode to cheese the big guys.

Anyway, fuck Marauders. I really don't like fighting those. Even less than Archviles. Not really fond of all the boss fights including adds either. I know they're there to provide something to chainsaw but it's annoying dodging boss attacks only to back into an Imp who invariably starts immediately melee'ing you.


Oct 25, 2017
UV and considering turning it up, but will see how it goes for the next couple of missions.

It's intense, but kind of relaxing.


Nov 1, 2017
Hurt Me Plenty and the game is hard enough thankyouverymuch.
Playing with a controller, so there is that. (The aim-assist isn't any help at all)

I guess its fun. I've put quite a few hours into it and don't want to quit, but the difficulty spikes are real strange, and it makes some 'interesting' design choices.
Like, you run out of ammo real fast, and there isn't decent automatic weapon-switching. Enemies can deploy behind you, which feels cheap, and there are a ton of nonsensical systems to keep in your head if you want to be effective.
So you do glory kills to get health. OK, got it.
Also do kills with the chainsaw to get ammo. Err, ok. I'll keep that in mind.
And set guys on fire with this special weapon to make them drop armour. What? They drop armour because they are burning? Why?
Also its R3 to grab a ledge, except if you dash towards it, then you don't have to. Wait what?
And these enemies can only really be killed with this specific method, or you're just wasting ammo. Stop it please!
Don't forget to spend your upgrade points. Arrrgghhh!

Its.......fine I guess. I'll get my head around it all eventually.
I played Doom 2016 on a controller too, on the same difficulty, and that was a breeze. DE however had me dying multiple times on the first level.
Game does not mess aboiut.
Jun 1, 2018
I started with Nightmare on accident, was getting my ass HANDED to me...then re-gaining my Doom 2016 legs and practicing combos started showing a lot more promise. Im sticking with it!


Oct 27, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Hurt me plenty. Wasn't an achievement for Nightmare and I wanted to really dig deep into exploration and the lore which is a bit more tedious on Nightmare.

Dr. Doom

Oct 29, 2017
Hurt me plenty.

Playing the game with a controller. Feels significantly harder than Doom 2016 and anything higher would leave me doomed...

Dr. Doom

Oct 29, 2017
Hurt Me Plenty and the game is hard enough thankyouverymuch.
Playing with a controller, so there is that. (The aim-assist isn't any help at all)

I guess its fun. I've put quite a few hours into it and don't want to quit, but the difficulty spikes are real strange, and it makes some 'interesting' design choices.
Like, you run out of ammo real fast, and there isn't decent automatic weapon-switching. Enemies can deploy behind you, which feels cheap, and there are a ton of nonsensical systems to keep in your head if you want to be effective.
So you do glory kills to get health. OK, got it.
Also do kills with the chainsaw to get ammo. Err, ok. I'll keep that in mind.
And set guys on fire with this special weapon to make them drop armour. What? They drop armour because they are burning? Why?
Also its R3 to grab a ledge, except if you dash towards it, then you don't have to. Wait what?
And these enemies can only really be killed with this specific method, or you're just wasting ammo. Stop it please!
Don't forget to spend your upgrade points. Arrrgghhh!

Its.......fine I guess. I'll get my head around it all eventually.
I played Doom 2016 on a controller too, on the same difficulty, and that was a breeze. DE however had me dying multiple times on the first level.
Game does not mess aboiut.
The "aim assist" is the most useless option in the game. It does NOTHING.

How did you find the first slayer gate?


Jan 23, 2019
Started on "I'm too young to die" and have not changed it. I'm not very good at FPS, especially the "old school" one like Doom or Wolfenstein. I rarely play games in their easiest difficulty but this I have no choice if I want to have fun. I must admit I have more fun exploring the levels, with the platforming and finding all the collectibles than fighting.
I just finished the 3rd level and it's ok, but sometime hard, especially the optional fights who are timed. And I hate the snake demons.

Big G

Oct 27, 2017
"Hurt Me Plenty", which I played Doom '16 on, and it's much more challenging in Doom Eternal. Sticking with it, though. It feels like the right difficulty level for me. It's hard, but not too hard, and I've never felt it was too easy at any point. Or easy at all, for that matter.


Oct 27, 2017
I just dove into Nightmare headfirst, on PC with a mouse and keyboard. There have been some times I thought "this might literally be impossible" but I've always overcome. It's making the game last, at least!


Oct 27, 2017
Ultra violence, playing on PS4 Pro.
I'm dying many times, but it feels perfect. It never frustrates me. I sometimes die like 20 times in a new battle arena, until I figure out a good rhythm and get to know/feel the environment. I love it.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm on Nightmare because I'm a masochist and want the biggest challenge but I'm doing decent so far and having fun. I think there's a lot I haven't seen yet though that might cause me lots of trouble.


Oct 27, 2017
I bounced around for review. Slayer gates always felt 1 level above whatever was picked. Overall this + Nioh 2 though has reminded me that I am finding myself less and less attracted to difficult for difficulty's sake. Strangely enough it doesn't result in me stopping. It results in a lack of passion if I win and when I do. I for sure found that with these 2. Like I just disconnect.
Oct 27, 2017
Stuck to UV until a specific encounter about 2 hours into the game and had to bump it down to get through it. I bumped it back right after. Definitely a more difficult game than the first. Feels like they just did Doom > Doom 2 again which is funny to me.