What difficulty

  • I'm Too Young to Die

    Votes: 90 7.5%
  • Hurt Me Plenty

    Votes: 459 38.3%
  • Ultra Violence

    Votes: 500 41.7%
  • Nightmare

    Votes: 129 10.8%
  • I've stuck with my choice

    Votes: 379 31.6%
  • I lowered the difficulty after starting

    Votes: 100 8.3%
  • I raised the difficulty after starting

    Votes: 11 0.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
The default one as I'm playing on a pad as I wasn't sure my PC would run it well (it would!). Since I started playing FPS on PC my skill level in FPS with a Dualshock has gone to shit.

Haven't died yet though & finished both Slayer gates I've found but I've only just started level 4. Might turn it up a notch soon unless future levels spice things up a bit which I imagine they will.

Deleted member 1594

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017

I hover around 3-4 extra lives, usually losing one to a slayers gate and a tough encounter here or there. I have yet to run out of lives and don't know what happens when I do. Is that when you technically "die?" Because I have't actually had a death loading screen yet.

Kinda glad I don't have it on nightmare. This difficulty feels challenging yet still fun.

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
too young to die.

i don't care if it's the easiest. if i feel it gets too easy then i might up it.


Oct 29, 2019
I started on normal but had to kick it down to easy for the marauders, then back up. I hate them bit everything else seems well-balanced.

Deleted member 13707

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017

Doom veteran, but I still want my first time to be the recommended standard before flipping the UV switch at a later time.

I'm 6 stages down, but I think... I think this game's immediate problem is the platform traversal. It feels sloppy, and there's a few times where I've genuinely got a question mark above my head on where exactly to go, especially now that Buff Totems are in play, and those bastards tend to be incredibly out of the way.

As for combat itself, it's way more intense than 2016, but it's kind of that DmC Devil May Cry feel where they put in a bit too many variables into your combat. I can tell the big monsters that start out as end stage bosses and require special treatment will be regular encounters soon. I find myself retreating and re-positioning way more often than I do standing my ground and fighting like I did in DOOM 2016, even on UV. The heavyweights are just a little too heavy sometimes and way too abundant, and having less ammo overall amplifies this quarrel. It feels like they tinkered with the balance a little too much. If their goal was to force you to throw everything except the kitchen sink at the horde, mission accomplished, but it also screws with the speed of fighting. Not a great result, IMO.


Dec 20, 2019
I'm playing on ultraviolence for my first playthrough. Once I beat it and unlock everything, I'll replay it on nightmare.

Those optional challenges on nightmare are pretty nasty. I tried one in cultist base and I almost made it first try. I tried later but it kept getting more and more difficult since ammo is not replenished. Eventually I lost all my extra lifes because of that.


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
Ultra-violence and I'm gonna stick it out. Halfway thru the game and while there are some very challenging moments, it's nothing I can't handle.


Oct 30, 2017
Started and stayed on ultra violence. Finished first two stages. At first it was kicking my ass, but I slowly adapted to the enemy patterns. On PS4 the controller felt a little bit "off", especially coming from COD MW. I ended up tweaking the horizontal sensitivity and turning off the target snapping feature and it feels a little bit better. But still feels strange. Taking my time with the game.
Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I started on Nightmare and bumped it down to Ultra Violence a couple of levels in after deciding Nightmare was just too much for me. UV is largely just right - I experience game overs and regularly use up those extra lives but never feel discouraged and don't find myself butting my head against encounters too much (I've struggled with a couple of counter-based enemy encounters however).


Dec 1, 2017
Hurt me plenty on Steam version with controller.

This has to be something like UV, right? =P


Oct 26, 2017
Started on Ultra Violence and have stuck with it, getting close to the end now. I've found it to be the perfect difficulty, it doesn't require perfect play but if you're not taking advantage of weaknesses and maintaining a constant momentum you can quickly die for it.


Apr 9, 2019
Ultra Violence. The Marauder RNG still seems to be working actively against me as I've watched people get him to just circle them and not do much while mine constantly teleports behind me and stuff, but other than that it was manageable. Just beat the game last night and while I hated the last boss fight and such it was a pretty solid experience. I have issues with some of the new gameplay changes but they're blemishes on what is otherwise a solid gameplay loop.

Aside from purple goo, Marauder Jank, and Slayer Gates, it felt about right difficulty wise. Gonna go back this coming up weekend and play through on Nightmare and see how I feel about it.


Mar 30, 2018
Ultra violence, and it's a little difficult at times and requires multiple retries for some of the firefights, but it's very rewarding.

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
I'm Too Young To Die, because I have a massive backlog and not enough time so I'd rather just run through the experience and be done with it.


Oct 26, 2017
Just played for another hour or so on UV and I think I'll stick to it. I'm having way more fun here.

Jesus christ. That's the kind of aim that's mostly indistinguishable from aimbotting.

I totally relate to that scream when he got bodyblocked lol. Bodyblocking is a huge cause of death in this game.
Holy shit, he makes it look like some kind of tool assisted speedrun, how does he have such situational awareness, and that aim and movement is absurd.

He has 5 extra lives by the end of the video, i never managed to hold on to more than 2, he should probably bump up the difficulty level a bit.
Quick update, he now is playing on Nightmare, and it's pure beauty lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Playing on Ultra Violence... game is kicking my ass in a beareable way.

I'm sure it feels harder than 2016 or I'm dumber, don't remember to struggle this much in that game.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I've been playing on Hurt Me Plenty but I might drop it to I'm Too Young To Die. Game is just way too stressful for me even on HMP and by the end of a session I feel drained and my shoulders hurt like a motherfucker and I def don't need that right now.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 28, 2017

I lowered to Hurt me Plenty.

I wish there was a midpoint between the two because, while I was getting really frustrated getting two shotted by enemies spawning in behind me, It feels like enemies are incapable of hurting me on Hurt me Plenty.


Oct 26, 2017
The platforming. The stage obstacles. The less streamlined stage progression. The long winded plot. The frustrating enemies. The complicated HUD, and upgrading system.

Fuck, what happened to the Doomguy who smashed the computer when Dr. Hayden talked too much?

I'm right there with you. I stopped playing altogether because I just found it a chore. It's just not doing it for me.

I'm playing on Hurt me plenty so it's not the difficulty.


Jun 28, 2019
Hurt Me Plenty | Xbox One X

Because the time was limited before the embargo, i tried to be reasonable.
It was still a good challenge for me - after the Marauder stole all of my 1UPs. : ]


Oct 27, 2017
Ultraviolence and I really like it (playing on a controller). I don't mind dying over and over, as SSD performance is great. 2 seconds and I can continue.
The biggest issue for me is that map is not working in HDR, so I usually cannot find everything during the first play-through.

I've played 3rd Slayer Gate for 60-90 minutes, until I've finished it. I've checked some videos on yt and I am not sure which difficulty those were played at, but it is completely different game. You don't have to move, you don't have to be good...I did not like it at all.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 29, 2017
Is there a difficulty related trophy?
I'm on the default atm. Is it like doom 2016 where you can replay chapters with your new guns and skills?

Deleted member 1594

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
He has 5 extra lives by the end of the video, i never managed to hold on to more than 2, he should probably bump up the difficulty level a bit.
To be fair even I hovered around 5-6 extra lives at taht part of the game on UV. It wasn't until he later levels that dropped me down to 2. I still haven't died yet, but I don't want to turn it up to nightmare because I know it will be less fun. It's still a challenge, especially when marauders are involved. I don't have the quick reflexes to stunlock them :(


Apr 1, 2019
I'm on Hurt me Plenty purely because I'm recording my gameplay and would rather not die 100 times in a single video

Deleted member 11276

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
I started on hurt me plenty and in the beginning it was fine. But the snow level kicked my ass so immensively that I went to too young to die. Now the game is fun again.


Nov 2, 2017
Well, I started on Too Young to Die, then I gave myself infinite health and one hit kills with a trainer.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm on Ultra Violence, and the game's been a blast! There's been a bunch of encounters that I died a few times on, but they weren't too difficult to overcome once I made a plan of attack.

The only thing that really gave me trouble was the
Gladiator boss
It took a shitload of retries before I figured out a reliable way to fight it. Other than that, I'm glad I picked it! It wasn't like picking the equivalent difficulty in Wolfenstein: TNC where I really came to regret it during the playthrough.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Ultra Violence given how good I got at Doom 2016.

Hasn't been mich of an issue. Fucking Marauders tho. Not a fan of the enemy type as it's counter to the entire game sitting around and waiting for a small opening. That isn't Doom ffs and it makes it worse when there are other enemies and you can't focus on him.

Trash level enemy that should have been the one boss fight and that's it. Breaks the entire gameplay cycle and flow.
Oct 27, 2017
Started on ultraviolence but had to switch to hurt me plenty because I can't possibly aim for shit with these terrible Xbox one controller analog sticks. I wish I could play this with a mouse and keyboard (which is supported in other games but not in this one apparently) because I can't be bothered to play this on my computer, which is not in my living room where the good sound system and tv are.

El Goom

Oct 27, 2017
Just finished UV and holy shit what a ride. Flaming SSG meathook makes life a LOT easier so max that ASAP. I don't think I can ever do Ultra Nightmare, so I'm gonna do Nightmare in Extra Lives Mode

Deleted member 5398

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
UV (PC) and tbh it didn't get that hard until late-game, I think I had 12 lives until the last 1/3 of the game and they dropped to 6 lol. Will probably do a Nightmare run at some point.


Oct 27, 2017
Whatever the easiest is. I'm way too old and slow now to keep up with it. Without precision aim I'm missing half my shots anyway. It's not even fun to play on a higher level for me.


Jan 7, 2018
Started with Nightmare but droped it in the second mission to UV a so far just stick with it.. I still die a lot but way less than on Nightmare and atleast I'm having fun and not frustration like I had on the higher difficulty


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I started Ultra Violence but then dropped to Hurt Me Plenty. Ultra Violence is what I played 2016 on exclusively based on recommendations before I began playing, and I figured the tuning would feel similar. To me, it does not, so I dropped it back after a couple of hours and I feel like it's perfect again. Ultra Violence in Eternal does not mess around.


Jan 8, 2020
Started on Ultra-Violence before bumping down to Hurt Me Plenty. Hurt Me Plenty feels far better balanced.


playing on a control which definitely doesn't feel like the intended method

The game is way too punishing for using all the items at the exact right time
I failed too many encounters because I had only large enemies left, no ammo, and not enough chainsaw ammo to kill them since they take 3 ammo and you only recharge one
Also the lives system is just frustrating, I would lose 5 lives in one encounter when I ran out of ammo

K' Dash

Nov 10, 2017
Ultra Violence is kicking my ass, two it rains fire from everywhere and I'm dead in less than ten seconds if I'm not completely focused.

I don't remember Nightmare in the original being so fucking hard.


Oct 25, 2017

I lowered to Hurt me Plenty.

I wish there was a midpoint between the two because, while I was getting really frustrated getting two shotted by enemies spawning in behind me, It feels like enemies are incapable of hurting me on Hurt me Plenty.
Trash enemies spawning behind you and getting random smacks/bodyblocks on you is probably one of the most frustrating parts of the new combat system. I get that the point is to have walking sources of resources handy at all times, but on the higher difficulties, those smacks fucking hurt. I'm seriously more wary of random trash smacking me than the actual demons I'm fighting most of the time because I'm already watching and reacting to the big guys. It's the little guys that randomly appear behind me that fuck up my plans.

Ultra Violence is kicking my ass, two it rains fire from everywhere and I'm dead in less than ten seconds if I'm not completely focused.

I don't remember Nightmare in the original being so fucking hard.
It's not. I cleared 2016 on Nightmare without much trouble. I dropped from Nightmare in Eternal pretty quickly because it was frustrating rather than fun.

Eternal on UV is way harder than 2016 on Nightmare.


Oct 25, 2017
Nightmare on PC and I won't change the difficulty.

I play Doom, Quake, etc since I was a kid, if I play on a easier difficulty I get bored.

Marauder was hard, though. LOL