
When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Damn. 22. No empathy, but I didnt realize the murdering scum was so young.
All these school shootings, the proliferation of alt-right views in gaming culture, and this surprises you?

No one just randomly falls into white supremacy; rather, you work to rid yourself of that status quo.


Dec 10, 2018
Well, maybe he should have thought about that when he did what he did. Big tough Nazi wants sympathy, but never gave it in the first place. Crocodile tears.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Knowing our legal system. He may get it sadly. Remember, Brock Turner?


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
The worst part about this is, depending on who's in the jury, this could actually work...

He's pleaded guilty on 29 of 30 hate crime charges, so neither trial nor jury is involved in this federal prosecution. The sentence will be determined by the judge. A plea bargain has apparently resulted in removal of a charge that could have brought the federal death penalty.

The earlier state trial on first degree murder already returned a guilty verdict, and the jury specifically recommended life imprisonment, which is the most serious sentence in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Edit: that last phrase is incorrect. A unanimous jury may recommend the death penalty during the sentencing phase of a capital crime in Virginia, otherwise the sentence is life imprisonment.
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Oct 25, 2017
What mercy did he have for the people he ran into? Mercy here is if the car's acceleration went in while he was only holding the brakes.


Oct 27, 2017
you can find mercy and forgiveness while behind the bars.

don't be surprised no one will give them to you.
Oct 27, 2017
United States
All these school shootings, the proliferation of alt-right views in gaming culture, and this surprises you?

No one just randomly falls into white supremacy; rather, you work to rid yourself of that status quo.
That's not true. I grew up in the bible belt. People fall into it just as randomly as they fall out. The difference usually being whether or not they have a support structure of idiocy to back them up. Mind you, I grew up with this shit preinternet so now, you can have a crazy white supremacist network at your back and call even if you're the only one in town. I'm just saying it's not a "you are a white supremacist until you rid yourself of the taint" sort of thing.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
Personally, I think everyone who is remorseful should deserve some m--

Emily of the State @EmilyGorcenski

James Fields deserves mercy, but unfortunately there's a queue and it's 419 years long. …

Goddamn the government pulls zero punches in their sentencing memo


2:00 AM - Jun 23, 2019

Emily of the State @EmilyGorcenski

What a piece of shit.

CW: extreme racism



Both a hate crime and an act of domestic terrorism


2:20 AM - Jun 23, 2019


Emily of the State @EmilyGorcenski

This is from Field's *defense*, which admits: he was not being attacked, he was not being prevented from leaving. Let the alt-right conspiracy theory die.


Your honor, please think of the negative impact all these anti-Semitic slurs had on the mental health of my client, who was chanting anti-Semitic slurs


3:09 AM - Jun 23, 2019

Byeee bitch.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
That's not true. I grew up in the bible belt. People fall into it just as randomly as they fall out. The difference usually being whether or not they have a support structure of idiocy to back them up. Mind you, I grew up with this shit preinternet so now, you can have a crazy white supremacist network at your back and call even if you're the only one in town. I'm just saying it's not a "you are a white supremacist until you rid yourself of the taint" sort of thing.
I don't believe that everyone in America is a Nazi because, well, that would be ridiculous. I'm saying that white supremacy as an ideology is pre-baked into our society that you are automatically somewhere on that spectrum by the time you're cognizant enough to even start absorbing the social differences between different racial groups. What then starts happening, is that you start walking in a direction along that range over the course of your life: whether or not you become more radicalized towards outright Nazism- where you "fall"-- or whether you actually start getting into anti-racist work and trying to proactively and aggressively deprogram the sociopolitical conditioning you've been and are still constantly being subjected to daily, or- like most people- whether or not you fall somewhere in between.

So, I don't think everyone is a Nazi or alt-righter or whatever. But! I also don't believe a single white person when they say they're not racist, which is the major thrust of the issue; it's the prevalence, the sheer banality and normalcy of racism, that helps give cover to the out-and-out Nazis to do shit like run over protesters. It's stochastic terrorism taken to the most extreme conclusion. It's the constant calls for sympathy and understanding of a rust belt that doesn't want a damn thing to do with me. It's the insistence on defining white adults as children. It's the op-eds about Trump voters. It's the defining of "real America" and the "working class" without a single drop of color. It's the fact that anyone even thought Trump was a reasonable choice in the first place, particular in context to electing a black man right beforehand.

It's these things that will inevitably open the path for some young white teens to go on and murder others. The fact that this particular shitstain is 22 isn't a surprise to anyone who has historically always been on the wrong end of the barrel.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump pardons this guy and he loses the election easily.

10 years ago, I would have said "Of course."

These days I don't have that certainty anymore. There are a lot of Americans that seem like they've waiting decades for a horrible leader to show up and give them permission to be openly horrible too. They may live, thanks to the electoral college, in enough of the "right places" that even if millions of Americans find a pardon reprehensible, Trump's base is in enough politically relevant geographies that an act like this could push him into a reelection.

I read some terrifying article somewhere laying out a scenario where Trump loses the popular vote in 2020 by an even larger margin, over 5 million, but he still gets reelected due to certain areas within the electoral college negating that outrage.
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Oct 27, 2017
Murdered a person and attempted to murder many others out of pure hate.

The nazi can sit in prison the rest of his days.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Nov 17, 2017
I believe in mercy... But I'm also a big fan of justice.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Fuck this guy and if Trump pardons him there will be hell to pay


Nov 10, 2017
He should be in permanent solitary confinement to prevent him from radicalizing others in prison.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
He should spend a life sentence of 40 years in solitary confinement. Don't less this guy interact with other supremacist in prison.


Oct 25, 2017
He should spend a life sentence of 40 years in solitary confinement. Don't less this guy interact with other supremacist in prison.
That's cruel and unusual.

This guy is a scum but that's a slippery slope to go down. I think life sentence is fair. With him getting a chance to prove he is worthy of parole after 30 years (and not just by saying he is sorry, by a true change in his character and how he acts and what he does). But opinions will obviously vary and usually do when it comes to sentencing for horrible crimes.


Oct 27, 2017
Nope, hell no, no mercy for this guy. Nazi's are truly filth, anything less than life is an injustice to Ms Heyer.


Oct 25, 2017
These people are always about accountability and personal responsibility until they have to take some themselves. I hope he rots in jail.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
I don't believe that everyone in America is a Nazi because, well, that would be ridiculous. I'm saying that white supremacy as an ideology is pre-baked into our society that you are automatically somewhere on that spectrum by the time you're cognizant enough to even start absorbing the social differences between different racial groups. What then starts happening, is that you start walking in a direction along that range over the course of your life: whether or not you become more radicalized towards outright Nazism- where you "fall"-- or whether you actually start getting into anti-racist work and trying to proactively and aggressively deprogram the sociopolitical conditioning you've been and are still constantly being subjected to daily, or- like most people- whether or not you fall somewhere in between.

So, I don't think everyone is a Nazi or alt-righter or whatever. But! I also don't believe a single white person when they say they're not racist, which is the major thrust of the issue; it's the prevalence, the sheer banality and normalcy of racism, that helps give cover to the out-and-out Nazis to do shit like run over protesters. It's stochastic terrorism taken to the most extreme conclusion. It's the constant calls for sympathy and understanding of a rust belt that doesn't want a damn thing to do with me. It's the insistence on defining white adults as children. It's the op-eds about Trump voters. It's the defining of "real America" and the "working class" without a single drop of color. It's the fact that anyone even thought Trump was a reasonable choice in the first place, particular in context to electing a black man right beforehand.

It's these things that will inevitably open the path for some young white teens to go on and murder others. The fact that this particular shitstain is 22 isn't a surprise to anyone who has historically always been on the wrong end of the barrel.

This is an excellent post.

While I don't argue that every white American (I'm mixed-ethnicity) is racist, I like to think about it more that every white American engages in and supports racism by default. To me, it's when you know this and accept and even celebrate and champion it that you're *seriously* racist. Like, my autistic-self-obsessing-over-a-new-special-interest deep.

But yeah, systemic unconscious racism by acts is the default mode in the United States. :(