
Oct 25, 2017
This has been really messing me up.

Been dating someone for about two months now. Everything was going (I thought) swimmingly. They said they were super into me and wanted to keep getting to know me and me the same. Whenever we hung out I had a blast. They said the same and honestly sometimes it felt like they were way more into me than me them. I felt a lot of romantic and sexual chemistry. I'm not the type to fall for others but I could envision a future.

This is until the past two weeks and communication just completely stops. They've always been very busy with work (as have I) but there was always some form of communication between gaps in dates. Because we live in a world of social media I can see they are communicating with others but not with me..

They said we'd hang during the weekend, fine. Weekend rolls around and no message. At this point I'm bummed of always being the one to initiate, so I wait for them to. Once again, age of social media so I can see them out with their friends. I message Saturday night we need to talk. They actually message back and agree, say to wait for their text at a specific time Sunday.

Sunday rolls around and the time passes. Send a text asking what happened and no response. Ask to call in a few hours and do so and it goes to voicemail (voicemails full). Leave a text explaining I expect better and no response coming into the week.

Seriously what the fuck? For me if it's a matter of either (a) you just aren't into it anymore (b) you are too busy (c) you want to prioritize your friends over dating that's all fine and good but just God damn tell me so I'm not sitting here expecting plans and working around my own schedule for nothing. When you ghost someone all they are left with is their thoughts and it fucking sucks. I expect better from grown ass adults.


Mar 15, 2018
User Banned (1 Week): Sexism + Downplaying concerns women have for their safety. Account in Junior status.
People are assholes. I'm sure some here will white Knight defend this as some kind of avoidance of being raped no doubt.

I've done this to women, it makes me an asshole. Women have done it to me. It's low and a shitty move but we as humans often are.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
welcome to dating. i had something similar to me happen last year. I just charge it to the game. But yeah people should just be upfront and honest. The only way you do that is from the very begining set expectations and be honest about dating and their intentions.

Seems like they saw you more as a fling and you saw it as more, Or someone else came back in their life they were waiting on etc. But overall I feel ya.


Oct 29, 2017
A lot of adults are deeply insecure

Low self esteem can manifest in many different ways, one might not even be aware of it


Oct 27, 2017
Imo, it's because they are cowards. No one wants to have a potential confrontation with another individual.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of people just avoid confrontation in many aspects of their lives these days.

Reminds me of Office Space when they explain that they like to wait till the end of the day on Friday to fire people as there's less chance of an incident.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
Because turning people down is awkward at best and it's easier for the person who isn't feeling as involved as you to just quietly stop responding. I'd add in more about how some people do it when they don't know if the other person will respond well or drag it out/get violent, but usually that's about meeting randos for the first time and since you dated this person for a little bit I figure that might not be the case. Kinda weird they even bothered to give you a couple of times to contact them just to ignore it. Sorry dude, consider it a bullet dodged if you must.


Oct 27, 2017
They weren't as into you and are now treating you accordingly (doesn't make it right)

Just gotta accept it's not a good fit and move on. Don't waste your time on someone that clearly doesn't value or respect you and your time.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Ghosting is fine as a way to prevent a creep from getting the wrong idea about things.

But 2 months and several dates in you should be past the ghosting "window"... sorry it went down that way.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
I heard this term for the first time ever today on Regular Car Reviews, strange timing.

It's fucking despicable.

I did block a former co-worker a few months back. He kept texting me even though I hadn't seen him in a year, and I put up with it as long as I could.

I feel there's a social contract with this stuff. If someone doesn't text you asking questions, and their answers are polite, but show clear disinterest, and you're always the one trying to start the conversation, you should bow out of the friendship before the person has to either be transparently dismissive or even curt with you.

The idea of just disappearing to the person is some insane shit though.


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
It's not that big a deal. People move on, people lose interest, people are aloof, people are too lazy, people are uncomfortable rejecting people. It's fine for you to feel slighted.

Calling people sociopaths though for ghosting?... maybe get some perspective.

Sorry for your loss OP.


Oct 25, 2017
They weren't as into you and are now treating you accordingly (doesn't make it right)

Just gotta accept it's not a good fit and move on. Don't waste your time on someone that clearly doesn't value or respect you and your time.


If you were going out for a few months and they have to ghost you. Its a bullet you dodged. Don't push it, move on.

Deleted member 31199

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
Constant following on social media will eat at you so I don't recommend doing it. From looking at multiple threads on here, I followed the advice of many and deleted my FB.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I said almost this exact thing in another thread on ghosting... there's nothing wrong with it, and sometimes it's the least harmful move for all parties involved.
Oct 28, 2017
If you've been dating for a while and it's been peaceful, then yeah it's probavly just the other person wanting to avoid any awkward conversations. Ghosting is easier for the side that wants to leave, but it is still definitely incredibly rude.
Oct 28, 2017
It's not that big a deal. People move on, people lose interest, people are aloof, people are too lazy, people are uncomfortable rejecting people. It's fine for you to feel slighted.

Calling people sociopaths though for ghosting?... maybe get some perspective.

Sorry for your loss OP.
The roots of ghosting are firmly planted in sociopathy. It demonstrates a clear lack of consideration for another.

Deleted member 15948

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 27, 2017
OP can't take a hint, that's why. All the signs were there, and then you started multi-messaging without reply like a clingy creeper.

Do you know what kind of responses women get with straight-out rejection? I've had dudes threaten harm simply because I didn't want to go out with them again. Fuck that noise, ghost everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
OP can't take a hint, that's why. All the signs were there, and then you started multi-messaging without reply like a clingy creeper.

Do you know what kind of responses women get with straight-out rejection? I've had dudes threaten harm simply because I didn't want to go out with them again. Fuck that noise, ghost everyone.
I'm gay

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I mean if y'all expecting adults to act like adults you went into adulthood with the wrong expectations.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Sorry to read OP.

Unfortunately some people can't handle certain situations and find it easier to just ghost someone then to get into a possibly uncomfortable situation.

It is pretty selfish behavior.

Deleted member 9838

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I think I said almost this exact thing in another thread on ghosting... there's nothing wrong with it, and sometimes it's the least harmful move for all parties involved.
I'm in agreement

I don't think ghosting is good but I also don't think it's bad. It's just part of the dating terrain and I think you can better prepare yourself for it and work with it if you work on yourself emotionally and also get better at reading social situations and the kind of person you are setting up plans with.

It happens sometimes. It's happened to me. It happens to basically every guy and most girls.
Nov 17, 2017
Laziness and fear of confrontation.
This. A lot of people would rather be passive-aggressive. Sometimes I wonder if this is a result of people being used to interacting with each other over text and social media and not growing up familiarized with confronting people about issues. Though it's not really much of a confrontation. Really all you'd have to do is send a text and let them know.

I think I said almost this exact thing in another thread on ghosting... there's nothing wrong with it, and sometimes it's the least harmful move for all parties involved.
During the messaging phase or a few dates? Ok. After 2 months though? I don't know.

They have to stop all the ghosts that are comin through


Oct 25, 2017
I think my point still stands. Regardless of gender or orientation, some people are fucked in the head, and you have no way of knowing what they'll do when you tell them 'no'.

Ya except I'm not fucked in the head? If he just said "hey, I'm not into you anymore" I'd go about my business.

I understand it's different for women but I see no reason to go around treating everyone like shit just because there are a few shitty people out there.


Oct 27, 2017
OP can't take a hint, that's why. All the signs were there, and then you started multi-messaging without reply like a clingy creeper.

Do you know what kind of responses women get with straight-out rejection? I've had dudes threaten harm simply because I didn't want to go out with them again. Fuck that noise, ghost everyone.
jeez, you sound like a blast.
"Clingy creeper" because OP was concerned about a person they were in a relationship with who were being shallow towards them instead of being up front?
I'm sure you're fun.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
I don't buy the 'fucked in the head' argument.

If anything, I'd imagine ghosting would be worse for someone who's a little off-balance. If someone shoots you down, you don't need to linger on it, where as if they just stop talking, they could always wonder why, and have expectations or hopes that they may start communicating again. The 'not interested, sorry' might be a little worse in the short term, but it's going to upset someone less than just ignoring them I'm sure.
Nov 17, 2017
Honestly it seems to me that OP thought things were more serious than they actually were.
I don't know about you but if I'm in a casual fling or whatever, I would not tell the person I was "super into them and wanted to get to know them more."

It sounds more to me like the other person changed their mind for some reason and didn't care to let OP know straight up and opted to ghost to avoid a confrontation.
Oct 28, 2017
OP can't take a hint, that's why. All the signs were there, and then you started multi-messaging without reply like a clingy creeper.

Do you know what kind of responses women get with straight-out rejection? I've had dudes threaten harm simply because I didn't want to go out with them again. Fuck that noise, ghost everyone.
This is after two months of dating. Come on, now.


Oct 27, 2017
Ya except I'm not fucked in the head? If he just said "hey, I'm not into you anymore" I'd go about my business.

I understand it's different for women but I see no reason to go around treating everyone like shit just because there are a few shitty people out there.
Ghosting is not "treating people like shit"

No one is owed your time and attention

If you think otherwise then you are the asshole


Oct 25, 2017
They just aren't that into you, and they ghost you because they are too nervous or scared to just outright tell you they are no longer interested.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Reading some of the comments... some people should Google "what is compassion?" in the near future.

It's not normal behavior, and as StuBurns posted:
I don't buy the 'fucked in the head' argument.

If anything, I'd imagine ghosting would be worse for someone who's a little off-balance. If someone shoots you down, you don't need to linger on it, where as if they just stop talking, they could always wonder why, and have expectations or hopes that they may start communicating again. The 'not interested, sorry' might be a little worse in the short term, but it's going to upset someone less than just ignoring them I'm sure.

It's not an asshole thing, it's just the easiest thing to do.


Deleted member 15948

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 27, 2017
Ya except I'm not fucked in the head? If he just said "hey, I'm not into you anymore" I'd go about my business.

I understand it's different for women but I see no reason to go around treating everyone like shit just because there are a few shitty people out there.

Okay but how does he know that? And honestly, the fact you think you're being mistreated here, after multiple signals in your own retelling of events that he just wasn't that into you, and even had to make this thread... you're way too invested. You don't think he might see that as a bit worrying?

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
I've ghosted a few girls after 1-2 dates.

Do people really want that "I'm just not really into you" conversation?