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User requested ban
May 18, 2018
Somewhere deep in space
Then say that. No need to throw the whole medium under the bus unless you want to Sturgeon's Law everything.

I mean there's been a pretty big resurgence of stuff like Jojo and similar older shounen trope-filled stuff like Megalo Box and Devilman, so I'm not sure why a casual fan wouldn't be thinking of that when they think of anime. If you're on a forum all day and see people deconstructing the seasonal charts, sure I can see the association to the more questionable elements of the medium, but that just goes back to Sturgeon's law.

I don't even like Berserk that much so I'm not gonna go out of my way to defend it, but it's a lot more than the Eclipse. I'm just talking about the general feel of the tone and Miyazaki pretty much straight up lifting panels from the manga for certain areas. The guy is a Berserk fanatic and it shows.

Ok, I'll stick with something like 'waifu anime' or 'anime titty game' to clarify better because yah, I'm totally aware that anime is a medium and not a genre. And that the genre has stuff like Utena, Totoro, as well as SAO. Idk, anime IS getting better with the resurgance of a lot of female focused stuff (Free! and Yuri on Ice, CCS reboot), as well as the older shounen stuff (AoT feels like older shounen, then there's Devilman and Jojo's like you said). Maybe some people use 'anime' as a derogative like that because it was mostly stuff like Haruhi or dating sim / light novel adaptations for a long time in the late 2000's to early 2010's. It's definitely changing for the better. I kinda agree with you that a bit of it is undeserved though, especially the hate some people have for 'anime avatars'.

I've heard from some Berserk fans that it does get better and more meaningful, I just made it to the Eclipse scene in the original anime and noped out because stuff like rape and sexualized violence are kinda triggering for me. But that's why I adore Dark Souls. Has all the parts I loved about Berserk (tone and design) with none of the parts I don't (demon rape).
Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty fucking dead on consoles, unfortunately. And Radiant Historia was a cool idea that fucks itself up about halfway through when the stupid underage dragongirl who talks in baby talk joins the party.

Can't we just get one RPG that's about adults doing adult things? Why does every JRPG have to just be infested with the exact same idiotic tropes every time?

Japanese games in general were pretty fucking dead on consoles until recently, so JRPGs aren't alone there. You can't fight shifting demographics and economic trends, which is why the Switch is such a boon for the industry.

And JRPGs were NEVER about adults doing adult things. Games like Persona 2 EP were the exception, not the rule. The average age of a JRPG cast has always been 17, whether we're talking about the 80s, 90s or modern.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Japanese games in general were pretty fucking dead on consoles until recently, so JRPGs aren't alone there. You can't fight shifting demographics and economic trends, which is why the Switch is such a boon for the industry.

And JRPGs were NEVER about adults doing adult things. Games like Persona 2 EP were the exception, not the rule. The average age of a JRPG cast has always been 17, whether we're talking about the 80s, 90s or modern.

Well, we just plain need some more mature JRPGs then. The genre is just...insipid nowadays. There's no complexity, no actual writing, just loose clusters of dull, repetitive, recycled character archetypes and plot beats.

It should not be too much to ask for something tonally similar to Final Fantasy Tactics to come out in an era where Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows in television history.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
It's pretty fucking dead on consoles, unfortunately. And Radiant Historia was a cool idea that fucks itself up about halfway through when the stupid underage dragongirl who talks in baby talk joins the party.

Can't we just get one RPG that's about adults doing adult things? Why does every JRPG have to just be infested with the exact same idiotic tropes every time?
I'm quite looking to Octopath, on the basis that a class list of 'academic', 'merchant' and 'cleric' sounds a lot more like what I want from an JRPG than the popular modern class list of boxes to be ticked like 'titninja', 'lingerie knight', 'creepy underage girl' and 'maid fetish representative'.
Oct 25, 2017
Well, we just plain need some more mature JRPGs then. The genre is just...insipid nowadays. There's no complexity, no actual writing, just loose clusters of dull, repetitive, recycled character archetypes and plot beats.

It should not be too much to ask for something tonally similar to Final Fantasy Tactics to come out in an era where Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows in television history.

You're talking about this from a very generalization-based western perspective. Game of Thrones in Japan doesn't share its popularity in the west, and even if it did, you won't see much cross-pollination between mediums for a niche genre. Hell if we're talking about western tv shows, Walking Dead is a bigger inspiration for Japanese zombie fiction than GoT is for dark fantasy.

Matsuno is not a house-hold name in Japan.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean there's been a pretty big resurgence of stuff like Jojo and similar older shounen trope-filled stuff like Megalo Box and Devilman, so I'm not sure why a casual fan wouldn't be thinking of that when they think of anime. If you're on a forum all day and see people deconstructing the seasonal charts, sure I can see the association to the more questionable elements of the medium, but that just goes back to Sturgeon's law.
Let's be real here - Megalo Box and Devilman are one-offs (and Devilman is sexist as shit on multiple occasions), and not the wider trend in anime. They're also not "casual" by any stretch of the imagination. Sturgeon's law doesn't account for the fact that even the "good shows" are still frequently filled with waifu bait and sexist tropes. The best shows of late seem to be the ones that simply invert them, because all the objectification is so old and overused in anime that having a female character wear reasonable attire is now an innovation.

And regardless, such movement has not increased (shows with reasonable female characters are still an extreme minority) and the clock has barely ticked forward at all with regards to how females are still treated in video games.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
You're talking about this from a very generalization-based western perspective. Game of Thrones in Japan doesn't share its popularity in the west, and even if it did, you won't see much cross-pollination between mediums for a niche genre. Hell if we're talking about western tv shows, Walking Dead is a bigger inspiration for Japanese zombie fiction than GoT is for dark fantasy.

Matsuno is not a house-hold name in Japan.

It doesn't need to be Matsuno, though. Why are there no writers in the JRPG industry who want to do something more than disposable waifu nonsense? Even Yoko Taro is a creep, he's just open and honest about it.
Oct 25, 2017
Let's be real here - Megalo Box and Devilman are one-offs (and Devilman is sexist as shit on multiple occasions), and not the wider trend in anime. They're also not "casual" by any stretch of the imagination. Sturgeon's law doesn't account for the fact that even the "good shows" are still frequently filled with waifu bait and sexist tropes. The best shows of late seem to be the ones that simply invert them, because all the objectification is so old and overused in anime that having a female character wear reasonable attire is now an innovation.

And regardless, such movement has not increased (shows with reasonable female characters are still an extreme minority) and the clock has barely ticked forward at all with regards to how females are still treated in video games.

But those "one-offs" are happening every single season. There seemingly being some trash light novel quota to fill every season doesn't take away from the more ambitious new titles that buck the trend in one way or another.


Oct 26, 2017
But those "one-offs" are happening every single season. There seemingly being some trash light novel quota to fill every season doesn't take away from the more ambitious new titles that buck the trend in one way or another.
Yes, yes it absolutely does. A deluge of garbage is not conducive to those shows that buck the trend actually having an impact and thus, well, actually changing trends. They become relegated to fans who will continuously use them as an excuse for why the media writ large hasn't become a toxic trash fire.

And what's more, how exactly will an audience ever expand if the majority of the media continues to cater to the extremes even among otaku? Anime has entered a negative spiral in its current state, and it requires a lot of energy or an industry crash to change that.
Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't need to be Matsuno, though. Why are there no writers in the JRPG industry who want to do something more than disposable waifu nonsense? Even Yoko Taro is a creep, he's just open and honest about it.

Because it doesn't sell, and now these companies can rely on an international base for their waifu nonsense as well. Neptunia sells more in the west than in Japan, you got popular virtual youtubers all over the place, people from New Jersey making 4 million+ player visual novels, a notable celebrity talking about a waifu-based mech anime, etc. That's just what the landscape is now.
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, yes it absolutely does. A deluge of garbage is not conducive to those shows that buck the trend actually having an impact and thus, well, actually changing trends. They become relegated to fans who will continuously use them as an excuse for why the media writ large hasn't become a toxic trash fire.

They change trends enough for casual people to notice. Those same people don't even know about the more toxic elements of the medium because they don't pay attention to what's going on it. When Bill Burr talked about One Punch Man, he wasn't complaining about how everything is moe these days and nothing is like Cowboy Bebop in classic Gantz meme image fashion. No, he just said it's a neat show.

Oversaturation affects enthusiasts and those who regularly interact with enthusiasts. People reliant on word of mouth, aka a massive chunk of any success story, will be largely unaware of that. The assumption that everyone is aware comes from those that live on the internet and see all the toxic memes and whatnot. If there's around 8-10 notable shows in a year, that's not much different than most other mediums, which is good enough for many people.


Oct 26, 2017
They change trends enough for casual people to notice. Those same people don't even know about the more toxic elements of the medium because they don't pay attention to what's going on it. When Bill Burr talked about One Punch Man, he wasn't complaining about how everything is moe these days and nothing is like Cowboy Bebop in classic Gantz meme image fashion. No, he just said it's a neat show.

Oversaturation affects enthusiasts and those who regularly interact with enthusiasts. People reliant on word of mouth, aka a massive chunk of any success story, will be largely unaware of that. The assumption that everyone is aware comes from those that live on the internet and see all the toxic memes and whatnot. If there's around 8-10 notable shows in a year, that's not much different than most other mediums, which is good enough for many people.
I think you have this backwards. People don't pay attention to the media because they are now at a point where they assume it's toxic, and would simply rather not be associated with it at all (thus only mentioning it when it's necessary). Video games are still grappling with this, and people have spent a lot of time, energy, and resources to push against that image. The same can't be said for anime.


"This guy are sick"
Nov 6, 2017
I was in awe of Tony Taka's art the first time I saw it, but that didn't last. His art is incredibly boring.

Yeah, he's one of those artists who 'technically' one could say are almost flawless (though sometimes he makes some mistakes that are frankly hilarious), but creativity isn't exactly their forte.


Apr 30, 2018
Welcome to my own personal hell. As a JRPG fan who doesn't really care for open world games or moral choice mechanics, the RPG genre is basically a rotting corpse with no new games worth playing anymore. That's why I end up playing stuff like Yakuza and Souls - it's the only stuff that isn't insultingly, painfully anime.

Yay, happy to see a fellow fan of ancient JRPGs in here :)

God I had no idea they were that old, I just recall them being a thing in the very late PSP days but I guess those were ports too? It is pretty sad that a lot of JRPGs have regressed into territory with a lot of waifu dating sim elements, or stuff like Hyper Dimension Neptunia series -_-; Apparently even Fire Emblem has started to embrace that nonsense. I actually have started Cosmic Star Heroine because of its resemblance to Phantasy Star (the series that got me hooked on RPGs) Undertale is also a great one.

I also want to make clear that by listing these games I'm by no means hand waving the stupid waifu bullshit in a lot of Japanese games. Rather it's just I spend as much time as I can seeking out stuff I like that don't have those elements so I thought I'd share them with others who may be looking for the same thing. Sometimes it feels like we're wandering in a cultural desert with some of this stuff, and we're all just pointing out oasis locations to each other.

It's pretty fucking dead on consoles, unfortunately. And Radiant Historia was a cool idea that fucks itself up about halfway through when the stupid underage dragongirl who talks in baby talk joins the party.

Can't we just get one RPG that's about adults doing adult things? Why does every JRPG have to just be infested with the exact same idiotic tropes every time?
At least JRPGs aren't as dead as 3d platformers.

Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I think jrpgs have made a resurgence as of late. There have been some really interesting stories and characters imo, thoughts about the sexuality aside. Even something like XC2 or Nier (again not a comment on the sexual content of that game) has some really cool worlding building and characters, Nier especially has some great narrative ideas. They seemed to be really dead for a while, but I feel we have got some cool ones that deal with very complex issues that I would say are "adult". Thats just me though.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Zelda's design in Ultimate is her design in A Link Between Worlds which is based on her design in A Link to the Past. It's literally her SNES-era design.

Zelda in ALBW is a chibi design so it's quite different even if based on it. But Zelda design except for BOTW is quite similar, even if a bit different from each other. Her design in Smash is great tho, one of the best ones.



Oct 27, 2017
Japanese games in general were pretty fucking dead on consoles until recently, so JRPGs aren't alone there. You can't fight shifting demographics and economic trends, which is why the Switch is such a boon for the industry.

And JRPGs were NEVER about adults doing adult things. Games like Persona 2 EP were the exception, not the rule. The average age of a JRPG cast has always been 17, whether we're talking about the 80s, 90s or modern.

I have to trace back to Sweet Home to find a horror RPG with adult characters and only because it is based on a movie (Japanese version of Poltergeist)

Deleted member 2099

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Lack of obvious waifu material, and then this:


Nice, she removed her implants. Now if she can only start spending her hard earned bounty hunter money on non-cosmetics, this includes her hair dyes too! She should auction for some, you know, civilian clothing, she's not in Smash to get a mission done, now is she? Tell you what Sammy, we can go shoe shopping and I'll pick out some nice, comfy, yet stylish combat boots, my treat I promise!


Apr 30, 2018
North Carolina
Nice, she removed her implants. Now if she can only start spending her hard earned bounty hunter money on non-cosmetics, this includes her hair dyes too! She should auction for some, you know, civilian clothing, she's not in Smash to get a mission done, now is she? Tell you what Sammy, we can go shoe shopping and I'll pick out some nice, comfy, yet stylish combat boots, my treat I promise!

Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nice, she removed her implants. Now if she can only start spending her hard earned bounty hunter money on non-cosmetics, this includes her hair dyes too! She should auction for some, you know, civilian clothing, she's not in Smash to get a mission done, now is she? Tell you what Sammy, we can go shoe shopping and I'll pick out some nice, comfy, yet stylish combat boots, my treat I promise!
Im not quite sure what to make of this lol

Deleted member 18021

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Samus became a blonde as early as Super, so I'd have to agree with it probably just being NES palette limitations. She also has green hair in Metroid, after all.


Never cared at all for the Zero Suit (a proper jumpsuit would be cool), but I have always liked how the GBA games portrayed 'off-duty' Samus. Gimmie those boots in Smash, Sakurai.


Oct 27, 2017
Heck, I'm a straight women and Dorian's scene with his father made me go all teary. That actor nailed it. Love Dorian as a character, and really hope he returns in DA4 - luckily there's a big chance as it's pretty much guaranteed we'll be going to Tevinter.
im a straight male and I loved not only that scene but Dorians whole character. He was my favorite, the actor was just perfect and I love his whole design :D


User requested ban
May 18, 2018
Somewhere deep in space
She takes her armour off and looks like a freaking supermodel? The implication being that she takes time out from exploring Zebes to do her makeup? Because, eh, I dunno, Mother Brain might look more fabulous than her or something?

Nothing wrong with giving a character nice hair and pretty face. I mean a big draw to me for FFXV were the boys and do you think their hair is gonna look that perfect on a road trip, hiking around the desert all day? It's a video game not everything has to be realistic, especially not in Nintendos cartoony art style. The game has space pirates and energy sucking parasites, I'm not gonna pick out her wearing eyeliner as immersion breaking.

What IS wrong is giving a fighter those goddamn heels. I can barely walk in those things and i couldn't imagine jumping and going back flips in them. Sounds like a good way to break your neck.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing wrong with giving a character nice hair and pretty face. I mean a big draw to me for FFXV were the boys and do you think their hair is gonna look that perfect on a road trip, hiking around the desert all day? It's a video game not everything has to be realistic, especially not in Nintendos cartoony art style. The game has space pirates and energy sucking parasites, I'm not gonna pick out her wearing eyeliner as immersion breaking.

What IS wrong is giving a fighter those goddamn heels. I can barely walk in those things and i couldn't imagine jumping and going back flips in them. Sounds like a good way to break your neck.

It really is a shame about those heels because I find the Smash 4/Ultimate design of the Zero Suit the best version of it. The two tone contrast actually makes the suit look far more visually appealing compared to Brawl.

She takes her armour off and looks like a freaking supermodel? The implication being that she takes time out from exploring Zebes to do her makeup? Because, eh, I dunno, Mother Brain might look more fabulous than her or something?

I remember back a decade ago where I heard people argue that the Chozo genetically altered her, they did it so she would always be as visually appealing as possible. Any counterpoints mentioning that bird people probably had different standards of beauty compared to humans was quickly brushed aside. It's amazing how far some are willing to go to justify sexualization. I bet those people are also furious at the idea of women in Battlefield.


User requested ban
May 18, 2018
Somewhere deep in space
It really is a shame about those heels because I find the Smash 4/Ultimate design of the Zero Suit the best version of it. The two tone contrast actually makes the suit look far more visually appealing compared to Brawl.

I remember back a decade ago where I heard people argue that the Chozo genetically altered her, they did it so she would always be as visually appealing as possible. Any counterpoints mentioning that bird people probably had different standards of beauty compared to humans was quickly brushed aside. It's amazing how far some are willing to go to justify sexualization. I bet those people are also furious at the idea of women in Battlefield.

Agreed, her smash ultimate design is my favorite but those heels ruin it -_-;

also lol at the chozo modifying her. Wtf is wrong with people, like who thinks of this stuff (or complains on twitter about her boobs being smaller in ultimate?)

Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
She takes her armour off and looks like a freaking supermodel? The implication being that she takes time out from exploring Zebes to do her makeup? Because, eh, I dunno, Mother Brain might look more fabulous than her or something?
I dont think thats really the implication though, they just made an aesthetically appealing design, really thats just how most designs in general are. I get the criticism about her have heels being impractical, but asking for developers to intentionally make something less aesthetically pleasing is counter to the goal of making a visual design. Having a strong female character and having qualities that most would find aesthetically appealing arent mutually exclusive imo. Especially when the game is fantastical (I could see a stronger case being made for something like a survival horror), I think its kind of analyzing a tad too much.

Also that chozo explaination is super dumb lol.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Some of us long for the day when JRPGs weren't trying to be shitty light novels/anime XD
This is a huge part of it.

Light Novels, Isekai, Idol worship, it's pretty much perverted how all female characters in japan are created. You have to find people THERE that are fed up with that, and considering the top 3 books right now are variants of Isekai, that's not happening any time soon.

Light Novels continue to push this illusion of the pure virgin wife that Incels are looking for.

She takes her armour off and looks like a freaking supermodel? The implication being that she takes time out from exploring Zebes to do her makeup? Because, eh, I dunno, Mother Brain might look more fabulous than her or something?

It's amazing that OtherM's core mission was to make Mother Brain hot.

Like geeze...


Oct 26, 2017
I wonder what people here thought about the general tenor of E3 this year? Not an individual game, but press conferences, etc.

I really enjoyed Devolver Digital's presentation, while I was pretty lukewarm on the offerings by Sony, even if I was happy to see Kojima finally dressing women in clothes. Nintendo still needs to work on its representation I think, as does Microsoft, at least in terms of those presenting. Anyone else think it's weird that it's always exclusively some CEO presenting all of this stuff? I feel like it's a bit self-congratulatory.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder what people here thought about the general tenor of E3 this year? Not an individual game, but press conferences, etc.

I really enjoyed Devolver Digital's presentation, while I was pretty lukewarm on the offerings by Sony, even if I was happy to see Kojima finally dressing women in clothes. Nintendo still needs to work on its representation I think, as does Microsoft, at least in terms of those presenting. Anyone else think it's weird that it's always exclusively some CEO presenting all of this stuff? I feel like it's a bit self-congratulatory.
Nintendo's treehouse team seems better compared to their main events being presented solely by middle-aged guys.

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
I think the PC and Ubi conferences were the only ones not presented by a high level executive, discounting a bit from Yves.
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder what people here thought about the general tenor of E3 this year? Not an individual game, but press conferences, etc.

I really enjoyed Devolver Digital's presentation, while I was pretty lukewarm on the offerings by Sony, even if I was happy to see Kojima finally dressing women in clothes. Nintendo still needs to work on its representation I think, as does Microsoft, at least in terms of those presenting. Anyone else think it's weird that it's always exclusively some CEO presenting all of this stuff? I feel like it's a bit self-congratulatory.

Well, I liked how they mostly just showed games instead of having people talking about how cool gamers are and stuff like that, I do love to see some successful indie devs show the world that their games matter too and it's not all about "the big guys", but I think there was a pretty clear "let's just show trailers" approach during this E3.

I didn't watch Ubisoft btw.

When it comes to games, I feel like it's getting way better representation wise. Ellie being the main character of TLOU2, I'm not familiar with the Gears franchise but I saw that a woman is the MC of the 5th game, the MC of Battlefield V seems to be a woman too, being a few of the highlights for me.

Also, as a Smash player, I'm sad to see that some people are mad at ZSS getting more realistic and muscular look, I still wish they got rid of those high heels.... like god damn that bothers me more than anything else.

And to end it, this is just me screaming about it but I love Zelda's design so much, girls that long dresses can fight too!
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Oct 25, 2017
Nintendo's treehouse team seems better compared to their main events being presented solely by middle-aged guys.

Nintendo seems to like putting everything into E3 except the conference. Like, between the Treehouse streams and tournament that were hosted, Nintendo did a great job but for their presentation it was honestly meh.

I wonder what people here thought about the general tenor of E3 this year? Not an individual game, but press conferences, etc.

I really enjoyed Devolver Digital's presentation, while I was pretty lukewarm on the offerings by Sony, even if I was happy to see Kojima finally dressing women in clothes. Nintendo still needs to work on its representation I think, as does Microsoft, at least in terms of those presenting. Anyone else think it's weird that it's always exclusively some CEO presenting all of this stuff? I feel like it's a bit self-congratulatory.

Ubisoft and Sony was the best in terms was representation though surprisingly there does seem to be a focus on making women have more realistic body proportions all around this time which is a nice touch.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Samus being athletic is perfectly sensible

If she pops out of her armor in full makeup (can't recall if this ever happens) then that's pretty dumb


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
I had a look at The Lost Child (for Switch/PS4/Vita), which is a dungeon crawler out next week. This is the female lead, I don't know where to start really. Breasts drawn like spheres glued to the chest and unable to be contained by the outfit. Visable public bones giving a nice v-shaped arrow to the crotch. Naturally the mandatory short skirt and stockings because hey, even if you're a magical creature you still have to adhere to the same whims of the costume designer as anime high school girls. The pointy metal bits on the shoes, detailed stocking hems and flappy 'wings' remind me of Pyra a bit. Still, nice hat.
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Oct 26, 2017
Ubisoft and Sony was the best in terms was representation though surprisingly there does seem to be a focus on making women have more realistic body proportions all around this time which is a nice touch.
Yeah, that at least seemed better this year. Hopefully the trend of people wearing clothing and/or armor will continue. I still find the occasions where the E3 presenters mentioned females in the games was, unsurprisingly, extremely awkward.
I had a look at The Lost Child (for Switch/PS4/Vita), which is a dungeon crawler out next week. This is the female lead, I don't know where to start really. Breasts drawn like spheres glued to the chest and unable to be contained by the outfit. Visable public bones giving a nice v-shaped arrow to the crotch. Naturally the mandatory short skirt and stockings because hey, even if you're a magical creature you still have to adhere to the same whims of the costume designer as anime high school girls. The pointy metal bits on the shoes, detailed stocking hems and flappy 'wings' remind me of Pyra a bit. Still, nice hat.
The boxart is even more hilarious.


(The concept art and screenshots for this game are definitely NSFW)

"Look, we know we published another weird anime game but really it's about monsters y'all... yeah."


Oct 29, 2017
How the hell this thread is 326 pages long? lol

Lack of obvious waifu material, and then this:


This is so wrong, it's not the body that makes a character sexualized, a girl can have big breasts without being sexy, it's the costume that sexualize a character, suits don't separate boobs like in the first screen but that one did to sexualize her, the second suit is more realistic and less sexualized but i don't see the reason for so flat breasts, skintight suits flatten them, but that's too much imo.

The wrong is in costumes, not in female body.

If we ignore the stupid back, Samus looks strong(way stronger than in both those screens) and not(too) sexualized here

and she has big boobs.
Oct 25, 2017
I would like to say, amongst the myriad of other issues I have with Detroit, including it's absolutely awful handling of racial issues, Kara being done so poorly really stood out to me.

I know we had an article about how she's sort of in a passive role the entire game a while back but I have an entirely different complaint having finished the game recently:

It felt so much harder to keep her alive than the other two characters. Connor just comes back no matter how badly you fuck up. Markus requires you to basically be going out of your way to kill him (and it telegraph's those options pretty well).

Meanwhile, Kara gets thrown into life or death situations seemingly every other chapter, one of those is handled so poorly (QTE wise) that I had to restart to prevent her death cause it was complete BS, and despite all my best efforts to keep her alive, she ended up dying for me.

And I know you can keep her alive. But man, keeping Connor and Markus alive was easy. Kara, not so much.

Also, having her jump and get scared cause she saw a big black Android...

What the fuck
Oct 25, 2017
I'm never ever getting a game made by David Cage, I heard he wasn't the lead writer but I don't care, pass.
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