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Oct 28, 2017
Is Portal 2 60 fps? Would love to get it if so, if not, I'll have to stick with the PC version. I agree with you though, Gears 2 & 3 look absolutely stunning

I'm actually playing Gears 2 again right now. Not sure I'd call it stunning - it definitely does look old in some ways - but very impressive considering just how old it really is.

Deleted member 68874

Account closed at user request
May 10, 2020
Any third party games you folks are hoping to see appear at the Sony show?

Personally hoping Capcom shows some Pragmata gameplay.
Wouldnt mind an Elden Ring appearance either.


Mar 30, 2018
Making a great-looking isometric game is much easier than making a visually stunning 3d open-world game with realistic graphics.
I was responding to:
Obsidian hasnt been interested in making Visually stunning games in the past
which contrasts with the fact the POE2 is a stunning game.

Artists at Obsidian clearly have a clue how to make beautiful graphics, but the reality is their games had to have a specific budget and scope. If Microsoft and Obsidian decided to make either Avowed or TOW2 (or both) a top tier AAA game, then I'm sure it will have great visuals, even if it's more challenging than great visuals in an isometric game.

They're still an RPG studio though, so games released by RPG studios (Bioware, Larian, CDPR, Bethesda, now Playground) should serve as a comparison, not Naughty Dog or The Coalition.

Sorry for the late response, I've had a hectic weekend.


Oct 30, 2017
Any third party games you folks are hoping to see appear at the Sony show?

Personally hoping Capcom shows some Pragmata gameplay.
Wouldnt mind an Elden Ring appearance either.

FF16, new Persona or Harry Potter.

But with only 40mins I am not expecting much for 3rd party, unless their 1st party output is lacking.


Jun 12, 2018
On r/halo almost no one is arguing about the radar change, so I just opened a thread about it here:

If you also want the 1st Tech Preview radar back, please give an upvote to this and maybe leave a comment too.



Mar 24, 2018
New Brunswick, Canada
I feel like I'm the only person that didn't care for the new radar in the first Infinite flight lol. I mean I didn't dislike it enough to ask for its removal. It mostly seemed inconsistent during the test, but that was possibly a me issue, and not a radar problem.

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I'm the only person that didn't care for the new radar in the first Infinite flight lol. I mean I didn't dislike it enough to ask for its removal. It mostly seemed inconsistent during the test, but that was possibly a me issue, and not a radar problem.

They literally didn't inform anyone that it had changed and what the requirements where to show up on radar. That alone would have gone a long ways for feedback like yours


Mar 24, 2018
New Brunswick, Canada
They literally didn't inform anyone that it had changed and what the requirements where to show up on radar. That alone would have gone a long ways for feedback like yours

That was actually the feedback I gave them in the post flight survey. I was kinda confused about what triggered the blips to show up, and I let them know. I guess a lot of other folks must have complained and asked for the radar to be changed back.

Maybe it will revert again following a future flight.


Jul 30, 2020
Yes they (Microsoft) need to be in the news more I agree but Sony is also spreading out their information as well, they just don't let you know about them too far in advance. For whatever reason they just don't want to be part of E3 anymore (likely because they got ridiculed at their last E3). So they had a State of Play before and will have one next week.

I like what Xbox is doing with respect to events, but wished they would adopt a similar Direct or SoP style event for deep dives close to major launches. For me, hold the big E3 event for major upcoming titles + some peeks into the next 2/3 years, then a smaller version later in the year if too many titles to show off (but need a balance not to repeat a lot each year), continue with ID@Xbox (pacing/formatting needs some tweaking/consistency), and 10 - 15min Direct/SoP deep dives on major releases a month or so before launch. Set that annual cadence format and we'd get plenty of events/showcases to look forward to - can pick and choose which deep dives you want to watch, just set those expectations very clearly.

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
That was actually the feedback I gave them in the post flight survey. I was kinda confused about what triggered the blips to show up, and I let them know. I guess a lot of other folks must have complained and asked for the radar to be changed back.

Maybe it will revert again following a future flight.

I'd be very surprised if they walked back their walk back. But I'm good with classic radar in social and the "ability radar" in ranked, as the blog post implied.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Trying to play Jedi FO on xCloud and keep having the game "quit unexpectedly" in the menus before I can even start the game. Twice.

Unrelated, but had my Madden 20 save (just wanted something with no strings attached and no stakes lol, and sports games are that) again seem to not sync to the cloud via xCloud. I am SURE that the game had autosaved, but when I launched it later in the night, it set me back about 5 games or so? Which was about halfway through my previous session. So, clearly the syncing isn't consistent in some way. Perhaps worth noting that I was DCed due to inactivity rather than quitting the game via the buttons. Not as crushing as when it happened with Hades, but...

That was actually the feedback I gave them in the post flight survey. I was kinda confused about what triggered the blips to show up, and I let them know. I guess a lot of other folks must have complained and asked for the radar to be changed back.

Maybe it will revert again following a future flight.
Yea. I'm supportive of the new radar, and I still think there's a decent possibility it gets reimplemented. They seem to be committed to it in competitive, so it's not like they think it's fundamentally flawed per se. That's not to say it won't revert permanently, but I think it's too early to throw up our hands and complain about the community. It's a flight, they'll test it and see what people say. And ultimately, if most people prefer the old radar.. meh. What can you do?

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
I like what Xbox is doing with respect to events, but wished they would adopt a similar Direct or SoP style event for deep dives close to major launches. For me, hold the big E3 event for major upcoming titles + some peeks into the next 2/3 years, then a smaller version later in the year if too many titles to show off (but need a balance not to repeat a lot each year), continue with ID@Xbox (pacing/formatting needs some tweaking/consistency), and 10 - 15min Direct/SoP deep dives on major releases a month or so before launch. Set that annual cadence format and we'd get plenty of events/showcases to look forward to - can pick and choose which deep dives you want to watch, just set those expectations very clearly.
There is a lot Xbox could do to improve their shows. I actually really enjoyed the last one going into a deep dive for Flight Simulator. Age of Empires was just too boring in comparison and not interesting at all.

They did deep dives with Forza Horizon 5 but they should have only done that once, not multiple times. I expect a deep dive for Starfield next year but they had to show a teaser to get it out of the way it's only on Xbox/Windows.

Microsoft showed games like Avowed, Everwild and Hellblade II much too early but they had nothing ready. Controband is another they teased way too early. Sony padded itself too with God of War because they need to build excitement as well for the future.

I think Microsoft still likes the live event type shows even if they can miss the mark. Showing a video montage just doesn't feel as connected and they are really the only ones who continue to stay connected with their fans, Major Nelson is another who helps connects Xbox to fans. Phil is always available too it seems. Nintendo and Sony like to be more reserved and controlled but I find that more distant but many don't really care about that, which is fine, they just want to see the games, but gaming is so much more social now.


Jul 30, 2020
There is a lot Xbox could do to improve their shows. I actually really enjoyed the last one going into a deep dive for Flight Simulator. Age of Empires was just too boring in comparison and not interesting at all.

They did deep dives with Forza Horizon 5 but they should have only done that once, not multiple times. I expect a deep dive for Starfield next year but they had to show a teaser to get it out of the way it's only on Xbox/Windows.

Microsoft showed games like Avowed, Everwild and Hellblade II much too early but they had nothing ready. Controband is another they teased way too early. Sony padded itself too with God of War because they need to build excitement as well for the future.

I think Microsoft still likes the live event type shows even if they can miss the mark. Showing a video montage just doesn't feel as connected and they are really the only ones who continue to stay connected with their fans, Major Nelson is another who helps connects Xbox to fans. Phil is always available too it seems. Nintendo and Sony like to be more reserved and controlled but I find that more distant but many don't really care about that, which is fine, they just want to see the games, but gaming is so much more social now.

Yeah I agree, they have done some good deep dives but I meant it with respect to event consistency i.e. we will have deep dive streams for 1st party games between 10 - 20mins a month or so before launch. Purely from setting expectations and a messaging standpoint.

For early showing of games, I don't mind it too much since it was to lay out what was coming during the generation - specifically Avowed & Hellblade II. However, I agree with Everwild since it now appears they didn't even know what the game was supposed to be and has since been rebooted (?). Contraband is another one they could have held off on until they are able to release more details.

Live events are generally fine with talking heads/devs in-between games being shown, and Microsoft are getting better at it, although some definitely are off the mark still - need to polish up the format, especially the ID@Xbox streams. I think PS will revert to that once COVID is "over" with rumors of PSX returning in 2022, especially with PSVR2 launching then and how critical it is to have a hands-on experience with VR for media/outlets/fans. Either way, I do like the Nintendo format with a gaming montage with minimal talking in-between, followed by Treehouse for those interested in deeper dives with the studios.

Ultimately regardless what any of these platform holders do, consistency is key to setting and managing expectations. Whether that is "Hold big E3 showcase, smaller version later, ID@Xbox indie showcases, and deep dives for 1st party releases some time before launch." Or otherwise.

Edit: Agreed about Xbox being more connected to the fanbase and fostering that aspect, as opposed to PS/Nintendo's approach. It must be partially based on the current personalities for each platform holder, since Jim Ryan just doesn't come across with any charisma and would be more detrimental to be as engaged. Honestly, I'd love to see more Hermen Hulst shine through from his social media (IG in particular) persona, but I'm not sure corporate is/will allow it unfortunately (or maybe he doesn't). Reggie & Miyamoto used to be that for Nintendo as well. Maybe it's also partially that the new guard are well, new, where Phil has been there for years in the public sphere and it takes time to build up/find the right "face" of the brands.
Last edited:
Mar 6, 2021
Saint Louis
On r/halo almost no one is arguing about the radar change, so I just opened a thread about it here:

If you also want the 1st Tech Preview radar back, please give an upvote to this and maybe leave a comment too.

I dont as I actually think its hurts the game much like I thought it hurt H5, though in at least H5 it was needed to combat the abilities in the 1st place.


Oct 27, 2017
Guess Avowed and SoD3 is the "next year"
Or Hellblade isnt this year with news. And its Avowed and Hellblade


Oct 25, 2017
Guess Avowed and SoD3 is the "next year"
Or Hellblade isnt this year with news. And its Avowed and Hellblade

To me, that looked like he was talking about Perfect Dark, Hellblade II, and SoD3 (I think Perfect Dark and Hellblade II are the two Klob is referring to, not sure if SoD3 will be a 2022 game).

I think we get Avowed info this year. Or I hope anyway. =P


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure this is a dumb question, but who is Klobrille? I know he posts here sometimes and have always enjoyed the posts. I also see the awesome art he makes showing what's coming up and what the studios are up to, etc...
Is he an insider or just a super-fan? It seems like he's more in the know than most.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
I'm sure this is a dumb question, but who is Klobrille? I know he posts here sometimes and have always enjoyed the posts. I also see the awesome art he makes showing what's coming up and what the studios are up to, etc...
Is he an insider or just a super-fan? It seems like he's more in the know than most.
he is a squirrel

real talk tho I think he's just a very active member of the community/super-fan and through the years has made some connections. Klob can speak for himself of course, but I don't think he considers himself an insider / I don't think he leaks things.


User requested ban
Aug 3, 2018
Any third party games you folks are hoping to see appear at the Sony show?

Personally hoping Capcom shows some Pragmata gameplay.
Wouldnt mind an Elden Ring appearance either.

Hopefully nothing new JP(stuff already announced is fine), otherwise it's a very likely new hat.

They have enough on going jp hats as is.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
he is a squirrel

real talk tho I think he's just a very active member of the community/super-fan and through the years has made some connections. Klob can speak for himself of course, but I don't think he considers himself an insider / I don't think he leaks things.
Thanks. I've always appreciated his posts, but was never sure if they were educated opinions or insider knowledge.


Oct 27, 2017
Had a go at the new update for State of Decay 2. Blown away by the level of support the game has received, its night and day compared to its launch state, only thing they havent done is update those janky ass animations.

Makes me super excited to see what SoD 3 can achieve.


Alt Account
Jul 5, 2021
FF16, new Persona or Harry Potter.
I don't expect it appearing on Playstation showcase simply because there will be a big Persona event this month anyway.

They did deep dives with Forza Horizon 5 but they should have only done that once, not multiple times. I expect a deep dive for Starfield next year but they had to show a teaser to get it out of the way it's only on Xbox/Windows.
I expect deep dive of Starfield at E3.

Phil is always available too it seems.
He doesn't have much to do aside playing Destiny 2 anyway.


Prophet of Regret
Apr 17, 2020
Just two random thought about this video. I am old and we have a come a very long way in graphics.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
I'm sure this is a dumb question, but who is Klobrille? I know he posts here sometimes and have always enjoyed the posts. I also see the awesome art he makes showing what's coming up and what the studios are up to, etc...
Is he an insider or just a super-fan? It seems like he's more in the know than most.
I'd feel comfortable classifying him as a non-leaking insider. He made his name as an Xbox leaker, though, since he was able to access some of Xbox's backend stuff for a time, I think? (Stuff like teasing Obsidian acquisition way in advance, for example). But nowadays, it seems like people still tell him a lot, but he doesn't share it or only very, very obliquely teases it. Probably for the best!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Here is a link to an old post I made about Klob. 17,351 if the link doesn't work for you.

Xbox Game Studios & Bethesda |OTXIV| Sarah Bond, From Game Pass With Love OT

It would indeed but there will always be a subsection of people that say "it's Halo, Gears and Forza again. Need new IP!" This year will be solid, next year will be crazy.
Wow. That's a lot of stuff in there.

I was also kind of shocked to see a reference to a possible Zenimax purchase way back in 2018. I didn't know that anyone even thought it was within the realm of possibility.


Jun 11, 2018
from klob on xboxera,

Just like what Psychonauts 2 is for Double Fine – the best game in its studio history – I strongly feel like Avowed has the potential to be the same for Obsidian. The studio is now "unleashed", and while game budgets will never be infinite, not even under Microsoft, this is still a very unique position for the team to be in. I think we just have to look at what the studio achieved in the past under much worse conditions, with limited budgets and restricted timelines.

Avowed will be the first AAA game in the studio's history where they can fully focus just on the game. I do feel like this already shows in Grounded, but obviously to a smaller scale, given only ≈ 15 people are working on this one.

Just like Psychonauts 2, I don't expect Avowed to be the technically most impressive game ever. I guess it'll look really great, but the studio's focus has always been on other areas. Obsidian can create games that are industry-leading in world building, story telling, quest design, writing, combat … And maybe this time, they also have the resources and time to do all that in a polished package.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
I am really looking forward to Infinite. I think bringing Joe on board even if mostly for the optics was a good move. However, I wonder if Joe will just leave shortly after the game ships and it'll be 'headless' once more.. kinda bums me out just thinking about it

Jamrock User

Jan 24, 2018
I really want everyone here to know resident evil 7 is an incredible experience.

Maybe it's because I've never played a game like this before. Horror/survival. But man I am hooked. Makes me wanna marathon the series.

Deleted member 3183

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I really want everyone here to know resident evil 7 is an incredible experience.

Maybe it's because I've never played a game like this before. Horror/survival. But man I am hooked. Makes me wanna marathon the series.

You should. I got into RE7 thanks to Gamepass. Since then I've played Village and RE2 Remake. Both excellent as well.

RE3 Remake is on the docket as well. I'll get around to that at some point.

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
I am really looking forward to Infinite. I think bringing Joe on board even if mostly for the optics was a good move. However, I wonder if Joe will just leave shortly after the game ships and it'll be 'headless' once more.. kinda bums me out just thinking about it

I hope not. And frankly, and I mean no disrespect here, Joe hasn't seem to reached his potential/stride with any other IP.
Oct 27, 2017
Any third party games you folks are hoping to see appear at the Sony show?

Personally hoping Capcom shows some Pragmata gameplay.
Wouldnt mind an Elden Ring appearance either.
they seem like they would never come to Xbox but would now be great game pass games to test the waters, so I'd love to see Persona 4 Golden HD come to consoles and game pass. But That's just hope.

I'd like to see Ueda's game, which I believe is multiplatform, and Kojima's to help shed light on the Xbox cloud game rumors. I assume he's doing Xbox game + Death Stranding 2 but who knows.
Mar 6, 2021
Saint Louis
Oct 27, 2017
Random but just finished Make the Moon in Katamari on game pass and the game crashed after I finished and didn't count 30 mins of gameplay uhhh

bummer but it's fun AF so here we go again!
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