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Sep 7, 2020
Going after ABK was a terrible move, they should have known how much pushback it would get from regulators that absolutely hate big tech under any scenario. The problem right now is that this acquisition has also revealed to the world that Xbox is not doing too well when it comes to market share and this creates a bad feedback loop where we have people talk about how this is terrible for xbox and then they no longer want to go out and buy an xbox console or people start spreading false rumors saying that maybe there wont be a next gen xbox console or that maybe xbox is going to leave the console industry. All of this just leads to even less market share and worse brand awareness.

This is why I hope that MS makes a big Xbox announcement after the CMA fully blocks the deal and yes they will block it, I don't understand why anyone thinks otherwise. I'm not sure what that announcement would be but it has to be one that tells fans that Xbox is here to stay and that they are fully committed to staying in the console industry. Also they need a better marketing team.

This genuinely made me laugh.

The deal is not getting blocked.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Got my Stellar Shift controller and

a) it's gorgeous
b) the dynamic theme that you get when it's connected to your Xbox is awesome! I like it when they do that.



Alt account
Apr 1, 2022
Honestly, this is the best I've felt about Xbox in years. My confidence has never been higher.


Oct 25, 2017
I was PlayStation only up until this gen, now I only have a Series X. Everything seems pretty damn good from my perspective 🤷‍♂️


Nov 4, 2017
AOE2DE controller setup just *clicked* for me. Gotta say, they're going to make controller players very competitive at lower ELOs with PC. Automating all the villagers is a massive advantage. It basically eliminates one of the big skill-based stumbling blocks that PC players struggle with. Still a few things I need to figure out, like how to zip between buildings quickly so I can replenish troops… but getting to 200 pop in a skirmish game was very intuitive.


Oct 25, 2017
I was PlayStation only up until this gen, now I only have a Series X. Everything seems pretty damn good from my perspective 🤷‍♂️

I've been with Xbox since day one, but left at the beginning of the One generation due to their online DRM shenanigans. Didn't start using Xbox again until they started doing backwards compatibility and even then it was 95% limited to BC and a few exclusives. It wasn't until they started investing in studios in 2018-19, I started believing they were gonna take first party games seriously again and Zenimax/Bethesda sealed the deal.

I was back with Xbox again, even though I play just as much on my PC and often buy my games there.

Things are fantastic on the Xbox right now. Tons of new IP released these last few years, 343i finally nailed the Halo gameplay loop and added to it, Gold to Ultimate conversion means you get online + all the games for the price of what other consoles charge for online. And the line-up is astounding with games that should both resonate with long time Xbox owners, but also many new and experimental titles to draw in a wider crowd.

I don't care about most of the ABK games, actually actively dislike the companies, MS have done too many service games and too few single player only AAA exclusives (last one was in 2016) and it would be better if several of their teams didn't do just one franchise, but they have so many studios now, there's room to not like parts of the organization and still think it's the best first party out there.

That's the camp I'm in. Super happy with where they are now, loving the already released games of the last few years and using the Xbox many times every week. I'm not in the "wait for next year mode". What they have out now is great.
Oct 25, 2017
Seeing the Double FIne doc and remembering how shit from gamers said on the internet actually affect devs work and psychogical state and remembering the so many hot takes in this forum about developers not knowing what they are doing lol people suck

Deleted member 68874

Account closed at user request
May 10, 2020

All I ask is that the city at the end of the Fable trailer is a fully explorable massive fantasy based city in the game. Please, I need to see some big current gen only RPG towns.


Jun 25, 2019
Great post. I completely agree.

As you say though, this is nothing new to a lot of the frequent posters in this thread. Xbox needs to get its pipeline in order. 2023 looks fantastic, but they can't afford another dud year in 2024.

Thank you, I don't usually do long posts because I don't have the energy to start them and half through decide either it isn't worth it or people won't care and end up deleting the whole thing. I think it's something I've wanted to voice for a while but it frequently feels like talking to a wall.

Thank god its not just me! I think I'm around 9 controllers at this point. Have the Scuf instinct Pro, the Elite version 2, an 8bitdo ultimate, a Pulse Red, a mineral camo, a....


Aug 26, 2021

All I ask is that the city at the end of the Fable trailer is a fully explorable massive fantasy based city in the game. Please, I need to see some big current gen only RPG towns.
That's my wish as well. Fable games have always had lovely building designs and environments.

I wonder if they'll go for a more realistic approach, though.
In some job listing for animation they talk about animations for large groups of people so I think the city will be filled with npcs.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
Based Chris Charla. However, what is the correct info? What is the minimum print number and how does it compare with Nintendo and Sony? It would be nice to know.

When I worked in games, I heard through industry folk that the minimum print number for Xbox was 25k, and for Sony and Nintendo it was 3k. Now this was like five years ago and also maybe wasn't completely accurate, but that's what I heard so eh :p


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
Seriously, who is responsible for dredging that topic up? 😆

Earlier today, as I saw that a much touted third party exclusive on another platform is now pretty much a dead game , I was wondering about the mountain-sized amount of crap and ridicule Xbox would have received had that been their game. It would not have been pretty, lol.

In other news - only 30 pages until we get to the OT in which we discuss the content of Starfield's showcase and learn of its release date! Probably not too early to start brainstorming OT title names. If we got a date for the Starfield D_D before this OT ends, that would make the next one almost certainly have to be Starfield related I would think. 🤔

It's dead on Steam but not on PlayStation, at least going by download numbers. And really, plenty of games have bombed on Xbox that hardly anyone ever mentions. I think you are being a little sensitive :p


Jan 7, 2021
Seriously, who is responsible for dredging that topic up? 😆

Earlier today, as I saw that a much touted third party exclusive on another platform is now pretty much a dead game , I was wondering about the mountain-sized amount of crap and ridicule Xbox would have received had that been their game. It would not have been pretty, lol.

In other news - only 30 pages until we get to the OT in which we discuss the content of Starfield's showcase and learn of its release date! Probably not too early to start brainstorming OT title names. If we got a date for the Starfield D_D before this OT ends, that would make the next one almost certainly have to be Starfield related I would think. 🤔
Per aspera ad astra


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Seeing the Double FIne doc and remembering how shit from gamers said on the internet actually affect devs work and psychogical state and remembering the so many hot takes in this forum about developers not knowing what they are doing lol people suck
also stuff like the project lead leaving and all the assumptions that get made and stuff. It's interesting having that told from the other side from us here haha. I can see how we often are a burden upon developers XD

Bear and bird

Oct 27, 2017

All I ask is that the city at the end of the Fable trailer is a fully explorable massive fantasy based city in the game. Please, I need to see some big current gen only RPG towns.
Can't wait to see the new Bowerstone in all its glory. :)

It would be cool if they could include Brightlodge from Fable Legends in the new game somehow. The hub world was one of the few things I really liked about FL.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
Sounds like in 2020 via the documentary there were two other teams working on projects at Double Fine but they got paused to get all hands on P2.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like in 2020 via the documentary there were two other teams working on projects at Double Fine but they got paused to get all hands on P2.
One of them is likely a game with online multiplayer running on Unreal Engine 4 or 5. Could be Lee Petty's new project.

Tim Schafer will very likely creatively lead his own project as well, which is a new IP.

I would think there might even be a third project cooking, given their wording on "multiple projects" and the way they expressed how they need to take a break from a large and long game production that was Psychonauts 2.

As all of these projects are -- going back to typical Double Fine productions -- smaller to medium-sized in nature, so could be ready any time.


Jun 11, 2018
So the whole Double Fine documentary is just AMAZING, also after witnessing so much stress for all the devs making a game and the E3 demo, i have a new found respect for the human side of these things, that i think we as gamers mostly take for granted.

Also the relief and happiness after being acquired by MS was so nice to see :)


Feb 18, 2020
Definitely interested in seeing more Double Fine. Schafer talked in ep 1 of the doc about how he prefers action platformers like Psychonauts more than the other types of games he has made such as point-and-click and RTS.
I definitely think I line up more with his personal gaming taste as opposed to most games where he is director. The writing in a game led by him is pretty much guaranteed to be good, I just hope to dig the gameplay.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
There seemed to be a lot of Tim needs to write to unblock us during the process. Which makes sense. There needs to be story beats, dialogue, the general plot within the minds and how they are related as characters and their personalities, etc. but there needed to be a more iterative or collaborative process between writing and level design and art in hindsight i guess. Really fascinating stuff. Hope to see more sooner than later


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
There seemed to be a lot of Tim needs to write to unblock us during the process. Which makes sense. There needs to be story beats, dialogue, the general plot within the minds and how they are related as characters and their personalities, etc. but there needed to be a more iterative or collaborative process between writing and level design and art in hindsight i guess. Really fascinating stuff. Hope to see more sooner than later
That's been a common theme with all their games and documentaries. Tim's writing is so key to so many of these games, but that's not really something you can schedule out per se.

Did you already finish the whole documentary? Dang. I think the discussion about broadly having a project lead or not is interesting, as well as the pros and cons of that project lead being Tim vs someone else. These aren't questions with clear answers and you can see people kinda come to different conclusions and rationales at different times and contexts, I think. What does it mean to collaborate was definitely a feature through several of those 3rd quarter videos. At a certain point, they stop focusing on that theme in the doc, but I can't imagine the core problem entirely went away with Tim at the helm either.

Anyway. Yea, really fascinating for sure.
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