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Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I hope Yakuza 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 do really good so they bring over the HD remasters, 6 and Judgement also (they don't all have to be on gamepass also).


Oct 28, 2017
I've been racking my brain over who could be making a Killer Instinct sequel for Series X (assuming it's actually happening).

If I had my way it would be MS forming a special 'KI team' that is essentially a collaborative effort of Iron Galaxy, Rare and a couple of the key KI guys from Amazon games (formerly Double Helix). And of course Mick Gordon returns for the audio design and soundtrack. Or more realistically could be just Iron Galaxy with some input from Ken Lobb and Kevin Bayliss..pretty much what they did for the last game. Maybe with Rare assisting with art direction.

If they do something new I could see maybe Mike Z and the Skullgirls team collabing w Rare to make it. (Mike Z was a big KI guy and wanted very much to be involved with the last game)...I'm bored and thinking out loud.


Oct 27, 2017
Was rewatching the IGN podcast sit down with Rod for Gears 5. When asked about just working on Gears he gave an answer involving retaining talent. An answer similar to what PG said when they opened the second team. With what Morgoth has said, it sounds even more likely that they'll be doing PD. That's pretty awesome and would love to see their take. The Vancouver scene has a lot of talent and is a beautiful place to live.


Oct 27, 2017
Gears story should basically jump like 500 years into the future. Ala reboot, new characters, new places, new stories, etc. Design SP and MP from ground-up, Gears MP is not fun for new comers to get into.

A nice one-shot game with laser weapons and futuristic society with the main characters finding their way into the underground and getting their hands on rusted old COG weaponry and fighting weird cave mutants a la The Descent would be pretty cool.


Jun 5, 2018
Watched the halo infinite trailers on my 84" qled in 4K. Anyone who says that doesn't look next gen either hasn't seen them in the proper format or they are straight up lying.

I'm supper impressed and can't for next gen.

Detective Pidgey

Alt Account
Jun 4, 2019
I'm so in for Yakuza, still crazy that they managed to get it day-one on Game Pass as well :D
Hopefully, we see Dragon's Quest and/or Guilty Gear as well on Xbox. 2020 is starting to look really good if you're interested in JP games in the Xbox ecosystem. Crossfire and Kartriders as well next year which are two South Korean games.

I'm curious if the recently announced games made by the Black Desert devs will get some sort of console announcement next year.

This was the best way to get as many people to play the games on Xbox. I definitely think if they had only released this as digital and hard copy it wouldn't be a big succes. But now many people get to play it. Somehow, someway it has to be profitable for Sega as well.


Dec 14, 2019
You saying there are tons of bugs is also anecdotal. Just because some people make some videos doesn't mean the game is a trainwreck, especially if it's apparently possible to go through the game and never encounter them.

We know the bugs exist, we know the piss poor net code exist. That's not anecdotal. I've never been to China before, I know it still exist. The only argument you yourself can make is that you've never experienced them.

, he's led a team of 300+ that has delivered two ~85 MC AAA games in

Both games have an 84....I wasn't going to bring up Metacritic because its generally frowned upon when using it as a measure of quality but since you brought it up, Rod has never delivered an 85+ scoring game which further shows he's 0-2 as a studio head managing a studio with that size and budget.

I know ERA is in this weird bubble where Death Standing is considered a transformative gaming milestone and Gears 5 is a terribad and unpolished game, but hahahahaha

Not me, I don' even own a PS4 anymore (sold mine after Spider-man waiting for the PS5) and Death Stranding looks like horrendous. I'm not even saying Gears 5 is terribad, I consider it a great game held back from being an amazing game because of the lack of polish and the emphasis on quantity over quality

Very simple, if they had

-Focused on making fewer great game modes instead of going for quantity with crap like Escape and Arcade and instead focused on making stellar PvP and Horde modes. Maybe add Beast/OverRun down the line

-Spent an extra year polishing the game and the net code

-Toned down the open world padding

If they had done these 3 things then Gears 5 would of turned out much better and might actually have a healthy player base rather than struggling to stay in the top 30 on Xbox Live and not even having 500 concurrent players on Steam. Both Age of Empires 2 and Halo MCC are blowing Gears 5 out of the water on the Steam Charts with 10k + average concurrent users with Halo Infinite often going 40k + and breaking into the top 10 on Steam with Reach alone, where Gears 5 isn't even a blip on the radar.
Last edited:


Dec 14, 2019
Watched the halo infinite trailers on my 84" qled in 4K. Anyone who says that doesn't look next gen either hasn't seen them in the proper format or they are straight up lying.

I'm supper impressed and can't for next gen.

Also there is more to an engine than better graphics (although Infinite looks amazing) I really want to see what the Slipspace Engine can do as far as particle effects, destruction, physics, AI etc.


Dec 13, 2019
Both games have an 84....I wasn't going to bring up Metacritic because its generally frowned upon when using it as a measure of quality but since you brought it up, Rod has never delivered an 85+ scoring game which further shows he's 0-2 as a studio head managing a studio with that size and budget.
Glad youre measuring rods ability to lead a studio by the fact that hes one point off an abritrary goal you set on metacritic. Also aw jeeze you said metacritic was terrible for a measure of quality but you go on to say that hes 0-2 because of the scores on it, hypocrite


Dec 14, 2019
Hopefully they give Gears 6 more development time like Halo Infinite
Would do wonders for Gears 6.

Glad youre measuring rods ability to lead a studio by the fact that hes one point off an abritrary goal you set on metacritic. Also aw jeeze you said metacritic was terrible for a measure of quality but you go on to say that hes 0-2 because of the scores on it, hypocrite

Read much? I only brought it up because someone else brought up Rod delivering 85 plus games and corrected him. Also I never said Meta was a terrible measure of quality, I said its a frowned on measure of quality, as in people generally dislike the idea of an 87 being objectively better than an 84.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I have a feeling some alt accounts are active.

Lol wow, turns out you were right.

edit: I'll weigh in on Gears tho.

I truly felt burnt out on Gears after Gears 3. Judgement didn't do much for me. I quit Gears 4 after 1 hour of SP and a handful in MP. Gears 5 is really enjoyable tho. The first two acts are fantastic, and I think they could've done a better job with the rest. Lots of modes in MP, fantastic co-op, tons of options, and I love the guest characters from other franchises (Halo, Terminator)

With that said, I'm really looking forward to Coalition working on something else.

They respect the franchise and fans too much to change up things too much, especially on the MP side.

Don't get me wrong, this game has made a lot of small changes, its gorgeous, it controls great, etc. but the team is so fantastic I wouldn't mind seeing something different as well as more Gears in the future.

tl;dr I want more Gears but I also want something new/different from Coalition.

Detective Pidgey

Alt Account
Jun 4, 2019
I can absolutely see where people are coming from when they say Gears 5 was disappointing. The start is awesome, act 1 basically is just great and for the most part i really enjoyed act 2 as well. Act 3 was just boring for me, just didn't enjoy it much at all. Act 4 I liked more with the city environment again but it was over too soon and that was it.

Definitely expected much more after 4. 4 was TC playing things safe but it was consistent and never really boring whereas I find they really drop the ball in 5 after a point. Personally I loved the part in 4 where you control the mech and I really hoped 5 had this as well.

After 6 I really hope TC works on something else. Give it a break.


Oct 27, 2017
Gears is not going anywhere. It's Xbox's 2nd most successful franchise and has a hardcore fanbase who are in the Xbox ecosystem because of it. It's getting a spin off that's a X-com inspired game in Tactics and may appeal to those not interested in the quick twitch, cover based gameplay.

People not interested or no longer interested in Gears can only hope The Coalition grows big enough in size to support another IP or MS gets another successful franchise that gets the full funding as Halo, Gears, and Forza does.
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
TC definitely dropped the ball with Gears 5 in my opinion. I adore the franchise but the game was so well positioned to really bring Gears back into the spotlight and it failed miserably I think. Issues with campaign aside, the problems with the multiplayer and amount/cost of content has really tied a cinder block to the game. They've corrected some of those issues but I don't see Gears as the type of franchise that can recover from such a huge stumble. Just looking at where it is on the most played charts says a lot.

Detective Pidgey

Alt Account
Jun 4, 2019
Gears is not going anywhere. It's Xbox's 2nd most successful franchise and has a hardcore fanbase who are in the Xbox ecosystem because of it. It's getting a spin off that's a X-com inspired game in Tactics and may appeal to those not interested in the quick twitch, cover based gameplay.

People not interested or no longer interested in Gears can only hope The Coalition grows big enough in size to support another IP or MS gets another successful franchise that gets the full funding as Halo, Gears, and Forza does.

It doesn't have to go anywhere but a break from it wouldn't be a bad thing, after 6 that is because they clearly want to finish this trilogy. I just don't get certain decisions they made for the campaign. The whole thing with Kait in act 1 to 2 was interesting but they don't really do much with it after that , and now we have to wait for 6 to see it all come to a finish. Wished they had wrapped it up in 5 so that we get the story focused on something or someone else.

Tech wise it may be the best Gears yet, 60fps indeed is lovely but when it comes to campaigns it just isn't up there with the trilogy from Epic, not for me. It IS better than 4 in some ways and in other ways 4 is better. I now see that the discussion has been about Gears for a few pages now. I wasn't aware, I'm not in this thread daily.

The thought of this studio trying their hand on something new is exciting but doesn't seem likely for a few years to come. Thankfully XGS consists of many new names now, so that's promising for new stuff.
Aug 26, 2019


Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't have to go anywhere but a break from it wouldn't be a bad thing, after 6 that is because they clearly want to finish this trilogy. I just don't get certain decisions they made for the campaign. The whole thing with Kait in act 1 to 2 was interesting but they don't really do much with it after that , and now we have to wait for 6 to see it all come to a finish. Wished they had wrapped it up in 5 so that we get the story focused on something or someone else.

Tech wise it may be the best Gears yet, 60fps indeed is lovely but when it comes to campaigns it just isn't up there with the trilogy from Epic, not for me. It IS better than 4 in some ways and in other ways 4 is better. I now see that the discussion has been about Gears for a few pages now. I wasn't aware, I'm not in this thread daily.

The thought of this studio trying their hand on something new is exciting but doesn't seem likely for a few years to come. Thankfully XGS consists of many new names now, so that's promising for new stuff.
It's difficult to call a break to not only a successful franchise when you don't have others. but is also iconic to the Xbox brand. All they can do is support it, and hope other IP's can be as successful as Halo, Gears, and Forza... and possibly Fable.


Oct 28, 2017
Gears is an enjoyable franchise. I don't play any multiplayer games, so only judge the campaigns. Gears 1-3 were excellent. Gears 4 was fun but not as good. Gears 5 was another fun game but nothing special IMO. That said, not everything needs to be groundbreaking. It's an enjoyable TPS franchise with gorgeous graphics. I just wish they improved the story, and I wasn't a fan of the empty/boring open world segments.
Apr 6, 2018
Just to be clear: please stop this Gears 6 is going to end this arch

That was true back in 2014 when they wrote the first draft of the entire arch.
But after 4, developing 5 campaign they realized that while on paper it looked reasonable, it didn't worked in game and the whole game expanded, and now the longest campaign in the saga is just a section of the planned gears 5. Plus Gears 6 was way bigger than 6 on paper.
To complete the saga with 6 would means that an external force pushed them to put everything in a single game, which wouldn't be the case if they are free to do what the want. And msft definitely doesn't want to finish with 6.
If you just had a vague idea of how far the end is still...

Basically the plan was a trilogy explanding its size each chapter, super little in the first, with low stakes, 4 guys in the woods one night, then those guys turned into the army of new ephyra(medium size, it was 5) then a global warfare of endgame proportion with 6.
On paper worked, digitally it turned out way bigger than they expected, and msft supported their vision with 5 of let this entire story archs growing outside a trilogy.
AFAIK the plot didn't even covered half of the original draft for 5, which ended with the fall of the cog and new ephyra and then they started a war without a proper base for the entire sera.
Basically the next chapter is going to cover the new ephyra saga if they don't rewrite their plan, but again msft was enthusiast. The medium sized game wasn't that medium size they realized.

What's going on now? They are still working on 5 mp and 5 "deluxe/aniversary/riseof skywalker" relaunch with series x, because they plan to support that chapter as long as they could to gain more time, but they should do it in a way that the game doesn't results "old" on series X/S/E.

A lot of features were a "first time" for gears and are going to be expanded since the postive reception in 5, like choices, hubs and so on.

The closest examples I remind cames from literature, with A song of Ice and Fire, planned as trilogy and expanded in to such a huge saga growing with time. Again don't expect that to finish soon, unless msft changes her mind.
In that case two things would happen: everything will be cut and that would be sad since they are developing te lore and the background of each major nation like vasgar, or 6 would be a shooter big as the entire TES saga
Jul 17, 2018
Was rewatching the IGN podcast sit down with Rod for Gears 5. When asked about just working on Gears he gave an answer involving retaining talent. An answer similar to what PG said when they opened the second team. With what Morgoth has said, it sounds even more likely that they'll be doing PD. That's pretty awesome and would love to see their take. The Vancouver scene has a lot of talent and is a beautiful place to live.
I know yall have gotten annoyed as hell with me addressing TC and a new IP but I PRAY this is true. I would love for Perfect Dark to be made by TC. Can you link me the video?


Oct 27, 2017
In that case two things would happen: everything will be cut and that would be sad since they are developing te lore and the background of each major nation like vasgar, or 6 would be a shooter big as the entire TES saga

If you could pass on to MS/TC that I would definitely play a game as big as the entire TES saga, I really hope that will sway them to make it.



Oct 29, 2017
Others have alluded to this but Gears is trapped by its own fan base, in a way.

Gaming evolution mandates change, or it risks becoming yesterday's game. But the hardcore don't want a massive reinvention/reboot. Treading that fine line is always hard.

I really appreciated the open world aspects but think they need to fill it out with more RDR2 quality side missions. As someone that never, ever touches MP (it's a Jerky wall bouncing mess of pros) I really liked arcade. Much more accessible.

So I think Coalition should, if they really want to innovate, be allowed to do a new IP. Give Gears 5/6 years between mainline games. Do new IP in between.
Aug 26, 2019
Others have alluded to this but Gears is trapped by its own fan base, in a way.

Gaming evolution mandates change, or it risks becoming yesterday's game. But the hardcore don't want a massive reinvention/reboot. Treading that fine line is always hard.

I really appreciated the open world aspects but think they need to fill it out with more RDR2 quality side missions. As someone that never, ever touches arcade (it's a Jerky wall bouncing mess of pros)
They made the biggest changes that could have been made in a 2.5 year development time. I don't think people understand how short that is for the development of an AAA game with the level of quality and amount of content that Gears 5 has.

Another thing is that this is only the 3rd game that the Coalition has released as a team, they are improving with every game. Given 4-5 years for the next Gears, as well as more powerful hardware, they would make something very special.
Nov 29, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Just to be clear: please stop this Gears 6 is going to end this arch

That was true back in 2014 when they wrote the first draft of the entire arch.
But after 4, developing 5 campaign they realized that while on paper it looked reasonable, it didn't worked in game and the whole game expanded, and now the longest campaign in the saga is just a section of the planned gears 5. Plus Gears 6 was way bigger than 6 on paper.
To complete the saga with 6 would means that an external force pushed them to put everything in a single game, which wouldn't be the case if they are free to do what the want. And msft definitely doesn't want to finish with 6.
If you just had a vague idea of how far the end is still...

Basically the plan was a trilogy explanding its size each chapter, super little in the first, with low stakes, 4 guys in the woods one night, then those guys turned into the army of new ephyra(medium size, it was 5) then a global warfare of endgame proportion with 6.
On paper worked, digitally it turned out way bigger than they expected, and msft supported their vision with 5 of let this entire story archs growing outside a trilogy.
AFAIK the plot didn't even covered half of the original draft for 5, which ended with the fall of the cog and new ephyra and then they started a war without a proper base for the entire sera.
Basically the next chapter is going to cover the new ephyra saga if they don't rewrite their plan, but again msft was enthusiast. The medium sized game wasn't that medium size they realized.

What's going on now? They are still working on 5 mp and 5 "deluxe/aniversary/riseof skywalker" relaunch with series x, because they plan to support that chapter as long as they could to gain more time, but they should do it in a way that the game doesn't results "old" on series X/S/E.

A lot of features were a "first time" for gears and are going to be expanded since the postive reception in 5, like choices, hubs and so on.

The closest examples I remind cames from literature, with A song of Ice and Fire, planned as trilogy and expanded in to such a huge saga growing with time. Again don't expect that to finish soon, unless msft changes her mind.
In that case two things would happen: everything will be cut and that would be sad since they are developing te lore and the background of each major nation like vasgar, or 6 would be a shooter big as the entire TES saga

Damn, that sounds juicy. Thanks for sharing this insight, mate.

Here's hoping that Gears 6 doubles down on its open world section and rpg mechanics


Jan 31, 2018
I think XsS has to be at most 250 if PS5 is 400

If PS5 is just a little underpowered (even if that 9,2 figure is true) in regards to XsX at 400, I think the difference with Series S in power is too big to justify geting the S if it's only 100 less, even considering Game Pass (because Sony has the option to change Now so it's more on par with it)

I'm more interested in pricing strategies than power differences as I think at the end of the day it's what will have the biggest impact on next gen adoption

Edit: Also I th8nk Gears 5 deserves merit objectively given the time they hadto work in it. And yes, they could've spent more time in it.
But, if they did, think about how 2019 would have looked like for Xbox.
It would have been the worst year of the gen by far in regards to 1st party content and instead of a lot of people looking forward to thz future you'll have the entire gaming community saying how bad it was and with a new low on hype levels for the platform, wich is not what you want when going into a new gen

I agree, MS seems to be waiting for Sony to announce the price and decide if they want release Lockhart.

Also one of things back in 2013 when Microsoft announced the Xbox One, one of the things that people complained about was why games were designed in a OS that was sitting on top of a VM. Do you think Microsoft designed the OS like it is because to avoid BC problems in the future?

PS4 OS doesn't have any VM or software abstraction and there have been reports that Sony was having difficult implementing BC.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Playing Life is Strange 2 finally, man this game is an emotional rollercoaster! I cannot wait for Tell Me Why, I hope that's the beginning of more games from Dontnod on Gamepass.

Detective Pidgey

Alt Account
Jun 4, 2019
Just to be clear: please stop this Gears 6 is going to end this arch

That was true back in 2014 when they wrote the first draft of the entire arch.
But after 4, developing 5 campaign they realized that while on paper it looked reasonable, it didn't worked in game and the whole game expanded, and now the longest campaign in the saga is just a section of the planned gears 5. Plus Gears 6 was way bigger than 6 on paper.
To complete the saga with 6 would means that an external force pushed them to put everything in a single game, which wouldn't be the case if they are free to do what the want. And msft definitely doesn't want to finish with 6.
If you just had a vague idea of how far the end is still...

Basically the plan was a trilogy explanding its size each chapter, super little in the first, with low stakes, 4 guys in the woods one night, then those guys turned into the army of new ephyra(medium size, it was 5) then a global warfare of endgame proportion with 6.
On paper worked, digitally it turned out way bigger than they expected, and msft supported their vision with 5 of let this entire story archs growing outside a trilogy.
AFAIK the plot didn't even covered half of the original draft for 5, which ended with the fall of the cog and new ephyra and then they started a war without a proper base for the entire sera.
Basically the next chapter is going to cover the new ephyra saga if they don't rewrite their plan, but again msft was enthusiast. The medium sized game wasn't that medium size they realized.

What's going on now? They are still working on 5 mp and 5 "deluxe/aniversary/riseof skywalker" relaunch with series x, because they plan to support that chapter as long as they could to gain more time, but they should do it in a way that the game doesn't results "old" on series X/S/E.

A lot of features were a "first time" for gears and are going to be expanded since the postive reception in 5, like choices, hubs and so on.

The closest examples I remind cames from literature, with A song of Ice and Fire, planned as trilogy and expanded in to such a huge saga growing with time. Again don't expect that to finish soon, unless msft changes her mind.
In that case two things would happen: everything will be cut and that would be sad since they are developing te lore and the background of each major nation like vasgar, or 6 would be a shooter big as the entire TES saga

Wow, that's a lot of info. I think it's becoming clear that you're someone here that's in the know about Xbox stuff, haha. After all you were right about a Gears 5.

As for that relaunch, I'm fine with and it would absolutely complete it if they added act 5 to it. It's really missing and ended in a weird way. Felt rushed. A relaunch with all kinds of new stuff should hopefully also mean story content, but I'm definitely not going to get my hopes up at all on that.

Damn, that sounds juicy. Thanks for sharing this insight, mate.

Here's hoping that Gears 6 doubles down on its open world section and rpg mechanics

You genuinely hope they double down on it? There's no guarantee they are going to knock it out of the park with that. Personally I didn't think it added all that much to Gears 5. Instead of those big open areas I would have loved more narrow corridor parts full of action or maybe those kryll parts from Gears 1. But I do get it, they know people want to see new stuff in the franchise, damned if they do, damned if they don't....kinda.

If they can really make RPG elements and open areas a worthy addition....go for it!
Jul 17, 2018
Gears is not going anywhere. It's Xbox's 2nd most successful franchise and has a hardcore fanbase who are in the Xbox ecosystem because of it. It's getting a spin off that's a X-com inspired game in Tactics and may appeal to those not interested in the quick twitch, cover based gameplay.

People not interested or no longer interested in Gears can only hope The Coalition grows big enough in size to support another IP or MS gets another successful franchise that gets the full funding as Halo, Gears, and Forza does.

May not last forever.
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