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In Amber Clad

behind a perfect mask
Aug 26, 2018
I liked everything they showed of Scalebound, save for the co-op battle. I was *insanely* excited for it.

It really sucks that it was cancelled, but that's just how things go sometimes. If it could be salvaged, I'd be excited all over again.


Jan 15, 2020
Also there are teams in MS studios who could rework the IP. Rhani Tucker's team would be ready to prototype a new game once they stabilise bleeding edge. They've done a DMC before and I think that's a good direction for MS to go in with scalebound


Dec 12, 2018
I don't think Platinum wants to make Scalebound badly enough to do it without full control over the IP.

On the plus side, if Xbox was going to sell them the IP, there's no way they'd do it strictly for good will, if Scalebound ever comes back, at the very least, it's going to launch on Game Pass. And that's a pretty massive if to be fair.

Axel Stone

Jan 10, 2020
Assuming there is anything to that tweet, I reckon the best move here for Microsoft would be for Microsoft to let Platinum have Scalebound in exchange for day one releases on XSX for all Platinum games for the next, I dunno, 10 years? For the length of the next gen at least.

Platinum get to do what they want, Microsoft get some Japanese support and there's no pressure on either side to try and make a relationship that had obviously gone sour good again.

Who knows, perhaps something like that would open the door to greater collaboration in future.


Dec 13, 2019
Also there are teams in MS studios who could rework the IP. Rhani Tucker's team would be ready to prototype a new game once they stabilise bleeding edge. They've done a DMC before and I think that's a good direction for MS to go in with scalebound
I feel like thatd just be a slap in the face to kamiya and platinum games. Its his dream game and giving it to other studios/creators would really sour any relations between xbox and them


Oct 25, 2017
Assuming there is anything to that tweet, I reckon the best move here for Microsoft would be for Microsoft to let Platinum have Scalebound in exchange for day one releases on XSX for all Platinum games for the next, I dunno, 10 years? For the length of the next gen at least.

Platinum get to do what they want, Microsoft get some Japanese support and there's no pressure on either side to try and make a relationship that had obviously gone sour good again.

Who knows, perhaps something like that would open the door to greater collaboration in future.
The best move is Platinum give Scalebound's development budget back to MS for the IP, or shut up about it.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like thatd just be a slap in the face to kamiya and platinum games. Its his dream game and giving it to other studios/creators would really sour any relations between xbox and them

Yeah, this is a dick move. It's not going to happen.

That aside, this is supposed to be a happy thread, and it's starting to feel really jealous and angry over Platinum stuff. Not the best of looks imo.

In Amber Clad

behind a perfect mask
Aug 26, 2018
Yeah, this is a dick move. It's not going to happen.

That aside, this is supposed to be a happy thread, and it's starting to feel really jealous and angry over Platinum stuff. Not the best of looks imo.

Let's bring the happy back: in 15 days we'll be playing two of P*'s best games on XBO.*

(*yes I know they're both already BC but shhh)

Axel Stone

Jan 10, 2020
The best move is Platinum give Scalebound's development budget back to MS for the IP, or shut up about it.

Microsoft gains nothing from that. Well, they may gain some amount of money that would probably barely register when it hits their coffers, followed by a reasonable chance of never seeing another Xbox game made by Platinum.


Oct 25, 2017
There is some weird bitterness/petty shit in this thread over Scalebound, you can go to Eurogamer's site and read the full interview in english you know:
When you start talking to the fans, something I'm sure that will come up a lot is Scalebound as people do still talk about that. With PlatinumGames going the self-publishing route, is that something you've spoken to Microsoft about that could be picked up again?

Again that's a good question! But that was 100 per cent a Microsoft-owned IP. Whatever happens with this project, we really can't do anything with it - unless Microsoft gives us the go-ahead. But it's a game that we're passionate about and do love - and if the opportunity does arise it's something we'd love to return to.
Nothing about wanting to buy the IP.

This makes no sense lol, by this terms they could just do a similar new IP with Tencent money.

What we heard is that MS wanted a coop game, Platinum a SP, and it didn't worked.
The head producer on Scalebound at Platinum, posted on the old forum and this one clearing up a lot of the silly "MS/Platinum don't like each other/MS forced this and this (coop etc) and other rumours (Platinum spending Scalebound's budget etc)" as false. It's weird to still see people continue these narratives, when we have Platinum and MS clearing it up multiple times.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
There is some weird bitterness/petty shit in this thread over Scalebound, you can go to Eurogamer's site and read the full interview in english you know:

Nothing about wanting to buy the IP.

The head producer on Scalebound at Platinum, posted on the old forum and this one clearing up a lot of the silly "MS/Platinum don't like each other/MS forced this and this (coop etc) and other rumours (Platinum spending Scalebound budget etc" as false. It's weird still seeing people continue these narrative, when we have Platinum and MS clearing it up multiple times.
A clear headed, rational, and much needed post.


Oct 25, 2017
Microsoft gains nothing from that. Well, they may gain some amount of money that would probably barely register when it hits their coffers, followed by a reasonable chance of never seeing another Xbox game made by Platinum.
Microsoft already lost a lot of money and getting blamed hard "thanks" to Platinum.
Now they don't even add a Xbox port goal for W101 when it's a kickstarter project(means nothing is promised until reach the goal), why would MS choose lost more again?

Axel Stone

Jan 10, 2020
The only thing that Microsoft would lose from a deal like that would be some practically worthless IP. They'd gain some solid games, a working relationship with a talented developer, likely at least a few additional console sales owing to those titles being available, not to mention a changing of the blame narrative once Scalebound appeared on everything.

They would gain a great deal more than they'd lose.

Not that it matters too much as it appears that Platinum aren't looking to buy the IP after all.

In Amber Clad

behind a perfect mask
Aug 26, 2018
There is some weird bitterness/petty shit in this thread over Scalebound, you can go to Eurogamer's site and read the full interview in english you know:

Nothing about wanting to buy the IP.

The head producer on Scalebound at Platinum, posted on the old forum and this one clearing up a lot of the silly "MS/Platinum don't like each other/MS forced this and this (coop etc) and other rumours (Platinum spending Scalebound's budget etc)" as false. It's weird to still see people continue these narratives, when we have Platinum and MS clearing it up multiple times.

/thumbs up
I unfortunately do not understand the attention that Scalebound gets when none of it's showings were even remotely impressive.

Jan 4, 2018

It doesn't say anything about buying the IP though, so that aggregator aggregated something of his own
They say it's a MS IP and they can do nothing without MS but that they'll love to be able to work in it again because it was indeed a passion project
Why would MS even sell the IP to them if they're not even port W101 to Xbox?
To me it's strange people keep saying P* salt about MS not other way around: in the end P* still getting paid, but what MS get? an IP they never going to use, that's it, now people tell me P* lost more?
Not too long ago (1 year?) Someone from Platinum was on an interview saying that the backlash against MS because of Scalebound was hard to look at for them because they were to blame for it too
For the record, nothing on that eurogamer Portugal interview says they want to buy the ip..
There is some weird bitterness/petty shit in this thread over Scalebound, you can go to Eurogamer's site and read the full interview in english you know:

Nothing about wanting to buy the IP.

The head producer on Scalebound at Platinum, posted on the old forum and this one clearing up a lot of the silly "MS/Platinum don't like each other/MS forced this and this (coop etc) and other rumours (Platinum spending Scalebound's budget etc)" as false. It's weird to still see people continue these narratives, when we have Platinum and MS clearing it up multiple times.
Even better explained hahah
Oct 25, 2017
So i've been playing a lot of Journey To The Savage Planet (Typhoon Studios) and it's a preeeeetty good game. I'm not one to lament that a first party didn't buy a studio, but in this case, i would have preferred that they ended up in MS's first party than.......... Google. *sigh*

Hopefully they don't get closed as soon as Google gets bored of Stadia. They clearly are really good at what they do.


Oct 29, 2017
Let's bring the happy back: in 15 days we'll be playing two of P*'s best games on XBO.*

(*yes I know they're both already BC but shhh)

You want happy? Well then, let bring everyone back to the table and everyone honor the Xbox EXCLUSIVE that was paid for and planned in the first place! After that we'll see how relationships stand. Japan states they stand on honor, well lets honor the exclusive game that was planned for from the beginning! No goal post moving or system sharing just straight up honor. Xbox was hurt badly by this breakdown. Time to mend the bridge and honor the original agreement!


Oct 25, 2017
You want happy? Well then, let bring everyone back to the table and everyone honor the Xbox EXCLUSIVE that was paid for and planned in the first place! After that we'll see how relationships stand. Japan states they stand on honor, well lets honor the exclusive game that was planned for from the beginning! No goal post moving or system sharing just straight up honor. Xbox was hurt badly by this breakdown. Time to mend the bridge and honor the original agreement!
is this a parody post?

In Amber Clad

behind a perfect mask
Aug 26, 2018
This is coming from someone who loves most of what Platinum has put out.

Fair. But even then, doesn't necessarily mean you will like everything a studio puts out. For me, it was how the world looked and the fact that you got to fly a dragon around it. The combat looked a bit weak for Plat's standard, but we only ever got to see bits of an in-development game. Could've shaped up to be something special, but obviously things just weren't working out.

You want happy? Well then, let bring everyone back to the table and everyone honor the Xbox EXCLUSIVE that was paid for and planned in the first place! After that we'll see how relationships stand. Japan states they stand on honor, well lets honor the exclusive game that was planned for from the beginning! No goal post moving or system sharing just straight up honor. Xbox was hurt badly by this breakdown. Time to mend the bridge and honor the original agreement!

You speak as if Platinum just refused to deliver a game. Phil was the one who canned it. By all accounts, there were failings on both sides.

I've also already said that I don't think MS should hand the IP over, but try to work with them again if they really want to kick it back up again. Things are different now.
Aug 26, 2019
Fair. But even then, doesn't necessarily mean you will like everything a studio puts out. For me, it was how the world looked and the fact that you got to fly a dragon around it. The combat looked a bit weak for Plat's standard, but we only ever got to see bits of an in-development game. Could've shaped up to be something special, but obviously things just weren't working out.
I was hype for dragon flying, but did you see the gif of what it actually looked like? It was more of just hovering. It was an interesting concept, but the execution wasn't looking promising.

In Amber Clad

behind a perfect mask
Aug 26, 2018
I was hype for dragon flying, but did you see the gif of what it actually looked like? It was more of just hovering. It was an interesting concept, but the execution wasn't looking promising.

I'll have to try and find it tomorrow (it's nearly 1am here), but I'm sure I remember watching a video that showed world traversal that I thought looked really promising. It has been a while since I've watched any SB stuff though, tbf.

I should probably mention that Panzer Dragoon is one of my favourite franchises of all time, so I may be (incredibly) biased towards even just the basic concept of this game :D
Oct 27, 2017
That's dumb because it wouldn't even be worth it from platinums end to even want to buy Scalebound. It would cost a ton and that kinda game was clearly beyond what they can do. It aint astral chain that has like 4 environments, lite rpg elements and a pretty shallow gameplay system


Dec 12, 2018
Microsoft gains nothing from that. Well, they may gain some amount of money that would probably barely register when it hits their coffers, followed by a reasonable chance of never seeing another Xbox game made by Platinum.

Why would this be a result of that? I agree that Microsoft basically giving the IP back to Platinum for nothing doesn't make sense, but it certainly wouldn't damage any relationships?

I still say Scalebound is probably dead and hurried, but if it does come back it'll be lacking some original features and it'll at least be day one on Game Pass, if not Xbox Console exclusive. Maybe even part of a Scalebound+ multi game deal for Game Pass. At any rate, it's not likely to be one of the Platinum 4.


Oct 29, 2017
Fair. But even then, doesn't necessarily mean you will like everything a studio puts out. For me, it was how the world looked and the fact that you got to fly a dragon around it. The combat looked a bit weak for Plat's standard, but we only ever got to see bits of an in-development game. Could've shaped up to be something special, but obviously things just weren't working out.

You speak as if Platinum just refused to deliver a game. Phil was the one who canned it. By all accounts, there were failings on both sides.

I've also already said that I don't think MS should hand the IP over, but try to work with them again if they really want to kick it back up again. Things are different now.

In some ways they did if they sat on SC and worked on other games using MS's money. Is that honorable?


Dec 12, 2018
I unfortunately do not understand the attention that Scalebound gets when none of it's showings were even remotely impressive.

What excited me about Scalebound was the Dragon AI and metamorphosis system, and the art style. I'd never played a Platinum game before I saw the first trailer, or indeed any game or game in a series created by Kamiya.

I waited to buy an Xbox One for a while after launch, until there were enough games I wanted to play that I could justify the purchase, and when I finally bought one it was on the backs of Scalebound, Crackdown, Fable Legends and Sunset Overdrive. As you can see that didn't go brilliantly for me.

I know a lot of people have romanticized Scalebound in the years since, and it never really showed any impressive game play, but I still love that original trailer and would love to see those systems fully realized with exciting combat. The co-op I don't care about, the bosses I can take or leave, the combat isn't even really a deal breaker for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Do we have any hints on when Game Pass news will drop? I saw the unannounced GP game stream scheduled for Thursday so I wasn't sure if there was anything else hinted.


Mar 14, 2019
Scalebound looked cool, because you had a mutant protagonist, a dragon companion and a world full of all kinds of giant monsters to kill.

I wasn't too impressed by later videos- especially the co-op mission against the giant enemy crab-but the core concept was still intriguing.

It's not outside the realm of possibility that Ninja Theory with their pedigree in action games (Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, DMC) might pick it up someday.... but I'm not gonna hold my breath


Nov 2, 2017
Nothing about Scalebound looked good. What people were excited about was Kamiya was leading it and Ken Lobb then leaned into it and oversold the shit out of the game.

It looked bland artistically. Can't think of a lead character I liked less in less time. Gameplay looked mediocre.

A Scalebound revival would only be exciting in that Kamiya would be leading a game where he hopefully learned something, where his team was fully invested, where he scrapped the lead character and where Microsoft was no longer pressuring them into including coop.

By any other dev, it's a bland Dragon game. I think saving Scalebound sounds better on paper and would be more of a marketing boost than any practical gain over starting fresh.


Dec 12, 2018
Scalebound looked cool, because you had a mutant protagonist, a dragon companion and a world full of all kinds of giant monsters to kill.

I wasn't too impressed by later videos- especially the co-op mission against the giant enemy crab-but the core concept was still intriguing.

It's not outside the realm of possibility that Ninja Theory with their pedigree in action games (Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, DMC) might pick it up someday.... but I'm not gonna hold my breath

I see why people say this, but I'd say this has a way more remote possibility of happening than does Microsoft reaching an agreement over the IP with Platinum.

Don't get me wrong, Ninja Theory definitely could do it, but being handed a game and told to make it is kind of what they joined Xbox to get away from. And it's not like Scalebound is a beloved established franchise that a bunch of fans of may work at Ninja Theory and want to reboot. There could be someone at the studio that really likes the high concepts with the Dragon or really liked the "punk with headphones and a demon arm" look of the main character, but at that point I'd expect more a new IP inspired by one or two elements of Scalebounds original concept.

Do we have any hints on when Game Pass news will drop? I saw the unannounced GP game stream scheduled for Thursday so I wasn't sure if there was anything else hinted.

I'm sure it'll be before or during the stream, can't think of another reason to not say what's going to be on the stream now.
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