
Oct 25, 2017
Beyond what is known or obvious, I think they'll announce they've acquired WB Games and show the next Batman game.

That said, anything currently past a certain point in development will probably release on the platforms they were being made for a la Minecraft and Psychonauts 2.

I think you're underestimating what a big business move it would be for MS to acquire WB games. For the record, I also believe they probably will, but a $2B+ corporate acquisition doesn't usually get announced during a flashy livestream, it gets announced via corporate earnings call. If anything, WB would announce this during an earnings call in late July/early August, and Microsoft would put out some tweets or PR saying they'll show stuff about this game at their August event.


Oct 27, 2017
Beyond what is known or obvious, I think they'll announce they've acquired WB Games and show the next Batman game.

That said, anything currently past a certain point in development will probably release on the platforms they were being made for a la Minecraft and Psychonauts 2.
The Batman game is slated to be announced at their DC FanDome event in August. It ain't finna be at the Xbox show.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm crossing my fingers for OG Xbox and 360 emulator available on PC. Would be really nice to be able to play those backwards compatible games again without having to buy an Xbox. Would also be nice for Game Pass.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm honestly only watching this for Halo. Everything else is going to be a nice cherry on top.


Feb 27, 2019
Only realistic in my mind:
Halo Infinite Campaign "live' demo
"Tell Me Why" extended trailer
New Forza teaser
Psychonnauts 2 gameplay
Brutal Legend 2 trailer
New Panzer Dragoon made with Sega teaser
Dragon's Dogma 2 announced
Final Fantasy XIV Xbox straight to Gamepass
Judgement gamepass
New Splintercell teaser
Fable Reborn story trailer
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Not expecting much as far as exclusives but World Premieres/multiplat third parties are probably going to be badass


Oct 28, 2017
Just give me either Killer Instinct 4, or Killer Instinct Season 4.
I vote for a new Killer Instinct '4'.

Adding another season of characters to the already pretty massive roster would just make learning the game for new players even more daunting than it already is.

Plus I want dem Series X graphics.

As a consolation prize I will take a HUD/Menu update for KI3 though..the UI is a fucking mess.


Oct 29, 2017
I heard some rumors about Ninja Gaiden.. That would make my day if true.

Aside from that, I hope if MS brings old IPs they treat them as complete reboots. I dont want to read up on history of each franchise before I jump in. Total turnoff
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
Beyond what is known or obvious, I think they'll announce they've acquired WB Games and show the next Batman game.

That said, anything currently past a certain point in development will probably release on the platforms they were being made for a la Minecraft and Psychonauts 2.

If MS did buy them, which I think would be a incredibly smart move, I think it would certainly be for exclusives. The only way I could see them allowing any of the in-development games on other platforms is if they were already announced as coming to them, or there were deals with the licensees stating they had to.

For example, I don't expect more than two AAA games this gen from WB Montreal, Rocksteady and Monolith, and it would sully MS' investment a fair bit to also release on PS5. It's certainly a timing thing. If the ball is rolling on an acquisition, then I assume they'd want WB to halt any platform and maybe even game announcements until the acquisition is complete, that could also make the deal more valuable for virgin.

I heard some rumors about Ninja Gaiden.. That would make my day if true.

Aside from that, I hope if MS brings old IPs they treat them as complete reboots. I dont want to read up on history of each franchise before I jump in. Total turnoff

That would be amazing to hear. I expect team Ninja to go full Sekiro-style. I think that's a good direction to take the series, even if I genuinely just want them to get back to evolving the Ninja Gaiden 2 combat and dismemberment system, and put it back into a metroidvania level structure.


May 9, 2018
Man, expectations are way too high. I don't blame people, because MS really has to deliver something huge. But still, I'm predicting a bunch of disappointed posts.


Oct 29, 2017
Same lol so much already getting debunked

I think the only stuff getting debunked is stuff a lot of us never expected to be there in the first place.

Elden Ring, it's been rumoured for a while, might not even been shown off this year at all. The mass effect trilogy doesn't really make sense taking up space at a next gen showcase and is the kind of game that can just be announced with a shadow dropped youtube trailer.


Oct 25, 2017
Am I wrong in thinking psychonauts 2 is still coming out on PlayStation hardware?

No, but Double Fine sent an e-mail to backers back in May confirming that they'd show gameplay during this July Xbox event.



Oct 27, 2017
I think the only stuff getting debunked is stuff a lot of us never expected to be there in the first place.

Elden Ring, it's been rumoured for a while, might not even been shown off this year at all. The mass effect trilogy doesn't really make sense taking up space at a next gen showcase and is the kind of game that can just be announced with a shadow dropped youtube trailer.
The Initiative was also debunked by Grubb right?


Oct 25, 2017
Since Phil said they are proud to show their japanese outpout I expect something like the following:

FFXIV port
Some Capcom game (probably DmC5 SE)
Elden Ring (maybe)
Yakuza 7 (confirmed Game Pass Day 1)
Tales of Arise
Lost Odyssey 2

Halo (I hope they don't waste too much time on it, but they probably will open with campaign and end the show with MP. Hope they manage to keep it under 10 min.)
AoE4 teaser for 2021 XSX release
Gears Tactics as launch title
Smaller 3rd party/indie titles
Perfect Dark
Killer Instinct 4

Big 3rd party IP this holiday on Game Pass Day 1 (AC Valhalla?)


Oct 29, 2018
Seeing that its only 2 days away, I'm gonna put my realistic expectations here, and try to give my thoughts seeing its only an hour and there may be more shown at the pre-show and post-show with Geoff. So here is my somewhat realistic guesses (sorry for the text wall guys T-T):
1. Halo Infinite will be how the show starts. Its Microsoft's big Holiday 2020 title from what it seems, and they are now heavily pushing it in the advertisement front. Honestly think a major chunk of the showcase will be about it and is features, namely:
  • They will probably start off with a trailer about the story of the game and its setting. Now this is a hunch, but they MAY possibly use a cut-scene disguised as a trailer for this to add in more hype (a lot of devs do love to do that as it shows if the game's cut-scenes are real-time or not). They probably are going to show off new and returning features for the entry, most likely to alleviate the doubt cast upon the series when Halo 5: Guardians released.
  • Because its also a major part of the series, they will most likely also dive deep into its core Multi-Player aspects of the game. Especially seeing that technically this will also be one of Microsoft's first major Multi-Player FPS on the Xbox Series X. They might address some things here and there for mechanics, maybe even an open beta hopefully? They probably will also have another trailer for just its Multi-Player too, but its a hunch.
  • Another maybe word drop to re-confirm that the game will be part of both Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Smart Delivery option.
2. Psychonaughts 2 trailer and game play (which again is seemingly already confirmed for the showcase). Here is hoping the trailer, if they show it off, will have a release window or release date.
3. I definitely think Forza 8 will be there and shown, however I have seen that there are some wondering if it will be pushed into 2021 due to complications brought about by the pandemic crisis.
4. I think Rare will show more of their new iP, Everwind, at this even too. It was teased at X019, and I think it was meant to be shown fully at E3 had it not been canceled. So I think this would be a wise time to show more of it.
5. We all know Obsidian Games will be there, but the question is why? My firm guess is that they will do two major thing there:
  • They probably will show DLC for the now released and well loved The Outer Worlds, namely because there have been some odd teases and pushes for the game as of late, and its unrelated to the recently released Switch port. But why are they pushing the game again and revealing the DLC here you ask? Well that leads into my next point->
  • Obsidian Games may announce that The Outer Worlds will be released on Xbox Series X, and my guess is that the DLC will be included with the enhanced version, but its a very long stretch. But in hindsight, it would be nice to have it at launch day, especially seeing its on Xbox Game Pass.
6. Gears 5 enhanced for Xbox Series X will be there no doubt. They just talked about it a few days back, so I think some game play will be there as well to show its enhancements.
7. Phil Spencer said that we will see Japanese Game devs there, and Microsoft has been pushing Yakuza lately, so I feel Sega will show off some Yakuza: Like a Dragon game play there, maybe a release date too. As a left field announcement that may not be possible (and more so a personal wish), maybe we will see a tease for the next Sonic game?
8. Piggy-backing off the Japanese games, I feel Square may have something to show too. They said recently they were gonna show their games at random intervals during the summer, and I think only a few were shown. I feel they might show some stuff coming to the Xbox Series X here at this showcase, but IDK what they can show off? If anyone knows of something, please do tell.
9. This is a bit of a reach, but there is a Warner Bros. Sale going on right now, and Hitman 2 is on sale there. Foolishly using that as my evidence (seeing, WHY sell it for a discount price out of most Warner Bros. games?), I want to believe that iO Entertainment will show us some brand new game play for the VERY soon to release Hitman III, and as a Hitman fan, I would be SO happy.
10. Its been rumors from hell and back that Playground Games is making a Fable game. I wouldn't be shocked with by how much its being talked about we won't see it. I mean, the same occurred with Elden Ring if I recall. So MAYBE they will tease, not fully show, but tease the Fable game by Playground games for 2021? Its a guess, but I sure hope it happens.

Again, sorry for the text wall, but thanks for reading and cheers!


Oct 25, 2017
My predictions:

Halo Infinite
Forza (I don't think it will be called 8)
Gears 5 Single Player DLC
Psychonauts 2
Hellblade 2
Obsidian new game
Square Enix
Bandai Namco


Oct 25, 2017
Revising my predictions from Fable AND Perfect Dark to just Fable. I think both exist but Perfect Dark will be revealed another time. Slot in a 3rd party AAA reveal instead.


Oct 25, 2017
Jokes aside, i think we might see a Xbox exclusive Marvel game, think about it: Sony got Spider-Man and Nintendo got Ultimate Alliance 3, maybe MS might get something too?


Nov 7, 2017
So guys, is this THE event ? I mean if this this is the make it or brake it event for the series x at launch ?